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Thanos Dec 10th, 2011 07:58 PM

My Secret Santa was Ex Leper, and boy was he kind to this guy. Seriously, the gifts he sent me are some of the best I've ever received in a Secret Santa event. I received three packages throughout this past week.

The first packaged hid this fine publication inside! Ex Leper obviously knew I liked zombies, because this book gives great in-depth reviews on all things zombie -- books, movies, graphic novels, etc. Suh-weeeeet!

From there, I received my largest package in the middle of this week. And boy was it packed chock full of goodies! And yes, he packed it with VHS tape ribbon - genius!

I got everything from some keen classic VHS tapes to some sweet Rocky Horror Bendables. Dead Pit is a great gory zombie flick from the 80's and Gamera is one of my favorites... something about a giant turtle with rockets for feet that just rules! My two Collies were all over the severed killer hand prop... no no puppies, this toy is not for you! The Reefer Madness matchbox is awesome and fully functional -- it's even full of matches! I also got three DVD's chock full of great and odd Christmas Cartoons -- can't beat that! The Last Christmas graphic novel is something I've been meaning to buy and read for a while, so another solid score! Even more hilarious -- the word search at the bottom of the box. That's just... twisted... in a good way! Mmmmm... Zach Braff... dreamy. Perhaps the icing on the cake was the luchador mask... but we'll come back to that in a minute.

The next package was A-W-E-S-O-M-E! Not only would I get one dose of Gamera for Christmas, but I'd get TWO! That's right, Ex Leper hooked me up with the entire 90's Gamera trilogy on Blu-Ray. I literally went out and bought my first Blu-Ray player because of this gift. And for the grand finale... some very sweet Cthulhu dice. Needless to say, I'll carry the Great One in my pocket at all times for safe keeping... and some illicit gambling!

Now back to that luchador mask...

On this day... I will be known far and wide as the greatest of all luchadors. I am... Cabeza Enorme!

Thank you so much Ex Leper - you get my vote for Secret Santa of the Year!

Ex Leper Dec 10th, 2011 08:05 PM

I'm so glad you enjoyed your packages :bow

UPDATE: Here is a video of the action figure talking

MarioRPG Dec 10th, 2011 09:57 PM

Cthulu Dice is actually a quick fun game! My buddies and would play a few matches between classes earlier this year.

Nick Dec 10th, 2011 10:58 PM

So I found this mysterious package in my mail box earlier, so like with every other package I find, I ripped it open.

It was my SS gift from none other than MrSmiley381!

Here's the letter he sent with it. He sure was right on the money!

He gave me some wonder toys from my kitty cat, along with two dvds. He must be psychic, because Puppet Master is one of my all time film series! He was even nice enough to only give me the first three(you know, the good ones?) and a copy of As Good As It Gets, which I've never watched before.

My cat loved absolutely loved his gifts!

Thank you so much, MrSmiley381! Merry Christmas from me and Thomas!

dextire Dec 10th, 2011 11:09 PM

Now that's a haul, Thanos! Nice going, Ex Leper! :xmas1
I like the photo of your dogs "attacking" you, oh large cranium one. :lol

Tacobot Dec 11th, 2011 04:51 AM

The Santa Train is still going strong up in this piece.

That mask fits you so well and looks so awesome, i think the choice is
clear, leave your old life behind and become a Mexican wrestler.

replicant Dec 11th, 2011 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by dextire (Post 751928)
Nice haul, Replicant. And you have one hell of an awesome display shelf. :love

Thanks dextire! :) hehe :) You can see it the picture but I have Cthulu bobblehead. My patron saint. Hubs gave me him for my b-day last year. hehe

replicant Dec 11th, 2011 11:42 AM

Nice SS haul people! I love that Lucha mask! The book on zombies you got... got to find me that. LOVE ZOMBIES!

The_Punk_Hippie Dec 11th, 2011 02:19 PM


There was a knock on the door today, & the upstairs neighbor had a package for me (wow that sounds dirty)
I didn't even know there were deliveries on Sunday, I guess it's a good thing I didn't go out shopping today :D

Anyways, onto the pictures
seriously, I spent 5 minutes going 'ohmygodohmygodohmygod' before I'd even show my fiance what I was looking at

Seriously, if this was the ONLY thing in the package, my Christmas would have been complete :D (out of all the games I listed, DOTT has always been my top favourite)

Which is good, because it made up for this

I know I'm a girl & all, but REALLY? *LOL*
(I assume there's a reason for it, so I'll read it, but I'm skeptical. Heck, put ANYTHING in graphic novel form & I'd probably read it... I have a bit of an obsession ;D)
There were some other awesome random comics though, which I'm looking forward to reading - James Bond 007 Permission To Die, Spaceman, & Predator VS Magnus Robot Fighter

so Thank You MarioRPG for this awesome haul! :D

Nick Dec 11th, 2011 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by replicant (Post 752098)
Thanks dextire! :) hehe :) You can see it the picture but I have Cthulu bobblehead. My patron saint. Hubs gave me him for my b-day last year. hehe

Cthulhu loves all.

10,000 Volt Ghost Dec 11th, 2011 05:54 PM

I finally got to open my package I received from my secret santa


Merry christmas :)

Thank you very much Thanos

Thanos Dec 11th, 2011 06:00 PM

Glad everything was to your liking 10,000 Volt Ghost. I had to do a little digging to figure out what kind of stuff you were into. Looks like it paid off.

Now make sure you're growing just catnip in that terrarium, eh? ;-)

10,000 Volt Ghost Dec 11th, 2011 06:04 PM

Lol. I will. I don't know why everyone gives me drugs for secret santa

Pentegarn Dec 11th, 2011 09:31 PM

Ah yes, I forgot you once got pure Colombian cocaine from Babs that one year

Guitar Woman Dec 12th, 2011 12:07 AM


MarioRPG Dec 12th, 2011 08:02 AM

Glad you like the poster Punk Hippie! That Day Of The Tentacle poster is actually something I already owned, so I hope you treat it right (I have a bare spot on my wall now).

The_Punk_Hippie Dec 12th, 2011 10:46 AM

I'd say I feel bad for stealing your poster, but it's too awesome that I can't :D
(I WAS wondering how you would find something like that however, so that answers that question)

Oooh, Christmas Cheer! Does that mean I'm going to be getting the drugs that 10,000 Volt Ghost isn't this year? :D

MrSmiley381 Dec 12th, 2011 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Nick (Post 752072)
Thank you so much, MrSmiley381! Merry Christmas from me and Thomas!

Glad you liked the stuff! I honestly feel like I've been outdone by all the other Secret Santas in the thread, but I did my best to grab you stuff based on your interests from the corresponding event thread. My friend insisted on the cat laser, so I hope it works. Puppet Master was a lucky guess and I'll agree that after the third movie it all goes straight to Hell. As Good As It Gets is a movie my family really enjoys, myself included, so hopefully you'll find it as heartwarming as we do. Merry Christmas!

Ex Leper Dec 12th, 2011 12:13 PM

How many people are still waiting?

BatmanJohnson Dec 12th, 2011 12:24 PM

I am, but plenty of time

blood_panther Dec 12th, 2011 01:54 PM

me too. for both someone getting my package, and receiving one myself. the package I sent out should be arriving any day now, but as BatmanJohnson said, lots of time still.

ChrisGlass Dec 12th, 2011 02:17 PM

Sent my package today. I'm really curious about one of the things I packed in there. I NEED to see it opened.
Still waiting on mine, too. So... karma?

Mockery Dec 12th, 2011 03:51 PM

Just waiting on my Secret Santa to post photos of their gifts.

Amazing hauls so far everybody... nice to see the event going so smoothly again this year!

Nick Dec 12th, 2011 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by MrSmiley381 (Post 752140)
Glad you liked the stuff! I honestly feel like I've been outdone by all the other Secret Santas in the thread, but I did my best to grab you stuff based on your interests from the corresponding event thread. My friend insisted on the cat laser, so I hope it works. Puppet Master was a lucky guess and I'll agree that after the third movie it all goes straight to Hell. As Good As It Gets is a movie my family really enjoys, myself included, so hopefully you'll find it as heartwarming as we do. Merry Christmas!

They were great gifts. I've been annoying the shit out of my cat with the laser. :lol

Babs Dec 12th, 2011 10:09 PM

Sorry I haven't posted my pictures yet, I've been really busy with work and currently only have my phone to use as my device to get on the inter webs. I have the pictures taken already, just need to upload them and I'm set. I promise, tomorrow. I promise.

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