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Kitsa Jan 20th, 2009 08:22 AM

I dreamed, once again, that I was in a shopping mall. I'm sure many fascinating things happened but I've forgotten the majority of them.

Anyway, I was going up on an escalator (one of two "up" escalators that fed the top floor of this big department store) and I noticed that everyone around me was dressed in formalwear. I was puzzled about that, until we surfaced at the top floor and I saw a sea of round tables covered in mauve damask tablecloths and realized that the top floor had been rented out for some sort of wedding reception. I think I changed into formalwear and tried to fit in.

Then at one point I was down in another store that was a chain of dim rooms that appeared to be storage (for bar items like stools and old arcade consoles). I waited with other people for a turn at trying something really, really cool. It was some sort of thing you sat in and it carried you around, like a chair with robotic spider legs. Only the person ahead of me went into the room and didn't come back out...they were hogging it.

I also went into a petstore in the mall and they had the most beautiful bunnies, brown spotted with white like fawns. That must have been the Tadao part of my dream.

executioneer Jan 20th, 2009 09:19 AM

i had a dream that my youngest sister had a house that was only a few hundred feet from my mom's house, and that i was sitting on the couch listening to a cd player, and that i was going to go walk over to my mom's house, and i went around shutting all the lights off, and was going to turn off the porch lights, but there were two switches, one switch was for bright blue lights and one switch was for red lights, so i only turned the red lights off (because that way i was saving electricity and it would still scare away burglars, i remembered thinking)

it was the most boring weird dream i've ever had

ZeldaQueen Jan 20th, 2009 06:17 PM

Ugh, I hate boring dreams. I've had several, all of which usually end with me thinking "I can't believe this! I'm dreaming. I shouldn't have to put up with this!" Usually, those dreams involve me being in school/doing homework.

Once, I dreamt that I was in my tenth grade health classroom at about six o'clock in the morning. I was sitting backwards in a chair, extremely tired and trying to fall back to sleep. There was also some weird reddish tint to the dream.

Once, I had a dream that I was lying on a sofa in my violin teacher's living room, still in my pjs and everything. My instructor was having a group lesson (when he gets all of his students to practice together) and everyone else was standing by their music stands, violins under their arms and staring at me. My instructor scolded me for sleeping and had me recite over and over this line from the book Freaky Friday ("An old rag to do the breakfast dishes in, a skirt to go to the store in, a dress to go to lunch in, pants to go to the park in, and velvet with rhinestones to go to dinner in. If you count in and out of your nightgown twice, that makes six changes. What a bore!")

Kitsa Jan 21st, 2009 08:17 AM

Being buggered by Gordon Ramsay.:shocked

Talk about a Kitchen Nightmare.:puke

Tadao Jan 21st, 2009 02:10 PM

How did he rate you?

Kitsa Jan 21st, 2009 06:11 PM

I don't remember. I'd prefer to forget it was ever dreamed.

ZeldaQueen Jan 21st, 2009 09:24 PM

Ah yes, the "subconscious is screwing around with us" dreams :lol

I've had one of those. I dreamt I was in a car with a guy who I thought was my brother (he wasn't really, but in the dream he was). In the dream, I was a guy. I remember thinking about the other guy "I know he's my brother, but he's pretty good looking..."

I was sooo freaked out when I woke up.

DevilWearsPrada Jan 21st, 2009 09:45 PM

You don't say these kind of things on the internet

ZeldaQueen Jan 22nd, 2009 08:18 PM

Hey, everyone else here says weird stuff so I will too! >:

DevilWearsPrada Jan 22nd, 2009 11:51 PM

Not on my watch >:

executioneer Jan 23rd, 2009 12:09 AM

yeah get off his watch you're hurting his wrist

Guitar Woman Jan 23rd, 2009 05:12 PM

A few nights ago I slept with my face shoved into a musty old blanket and dreamed I was constantly smoking a hilariously oversized cigar

it was weird

Kitsa Jan 23rd, 2009 05:14 PM

Yeah, external stuff plays a factor sometimes...I've had some goofy-ass dreams that I'm pretty sure had to do with whatever was on TV at the time.

Guitar Woman Jan 23rd, 2009 05:16 PM

I also dream Frank Zappa songs note for note sometimes. I don't know what that means but it's probably a bad sign.

LordSappington Jan 23rd, 2009 06:13 PM

I had a dream that I had a hot Asian adoptive sister. Good times. :(

ZeldaQueen Jan 23rd, 2009 08:17 PM

The last time I kept falling asleep in Philosophy class, I could still kind of hear the professor talking, but the dream would play so I'd think that I was in some completely different scenario. For some reason, I'd wake up whenever he asked a question and I knew he had just asked a question, but I thought that he was asking about something that pertained to whatever I was dreaming (for example, I was dreaming about garden gnomes at one point, so when he asks the question, I thought the question was about garden gnomes). Several times, I nearly shouted out answers to the "questions" and it's a good thing I didn't.

Kitsa Jan 25th, 2009 07:49 AM

I was having a dream about fighting with someone over taking the dog out. Then I woke up to her barking and actually had to take her out.

January predawn cold and dark sucks :(

ZeldaQueen Jan 25th, 2009 05:23 PM

I had this wacky dream that I was on my way to a school dance. For some reason, it was being held inside my town's museum.

When I got inside, I noticed that there was a boy and a girl being held in a different room in stocks. Apparently the girl (who was actually Lori, from the show Big Wolf on Campus) had tried to sneak into the dance and the boy was locked up for trying to help her.

Somehow, I was able to telekenetically open the stocks for them, but whenever I tried to mentally control the guard into not seeing them leave, it wouldn't work. Three times I tried this. The third time, I demanded that the guard let them come into the dance with me. For some reason, he said they could.

electric ninja Jan 26th, 2009 09:50 AM

I had this dream strange once, when i was 12. I was dreaming that i was watching a movie, not a weird movie, just a gerneric action movie. I watched about half of it and then i woke up for some reason. it was 1am so i went back to sleep. I said. "Okay movie, continue..." But the movie didn't want to continue. The main charicter of the movie looked at me and called me a retard and said i should kill myself. I got into an argument with him, in the end i was like "play the goddamm movie!" and he was like "no! I'm leaving this movie! You be in the movie!" So then i was in the movie (which got weird wonce i was in it) and i had to kill evil jellybeans with a sharp stick. Then i had to fly a plane, i was just about to take off when my mum woke me up. She said "Wake up, you have to go to school", and the i yelled

Then i realised i was awake. Ifelt stupid and upset.

Kitsa Jan 26th, 2009 09:59 AM


I had some sort of dream about Elton John doing a fundraiser. I can't remember the particulars of it, except that Elton John suffered from major depression and would only leave his house once every few months, and when he did there would be a big festival and fundraiser and there was dancing in the streets.

ZeldaQueen Jan 26th, 2009 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 609626)

I had some sort of dream about Elton John doing a fundraiser. I can't remember the particulars of it, except that Elton John suffered from major depression and would only leave his house once every few months, and when he did there would be a big festival and fundraiser and there was dancing in the streets.

Sounds pretty realistic to me.

LordSappington Jan 27th, 2009 12:06 AM

In Psychology class, I fell asleep during the note taking. I had that dream feeling where you think you're falling, so I woke up with a grunt, and for some reason THREW myself as hard as my unconscious body could straight into the girl next to mine's desk, knocking her and her desk a good four or five feet to the left, while I'm trying to cover my huge goose egg, trying to figure out what the hell just happened, and screaming 'OW! OW! OW! WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?!'
Ironically, this was during the sleep disorder chapter.
EDIT: Now that I think about it, this has happened to me a few times before this, in my freshman and sophomore years. I must be a sleep retard.

ZeldaQueen Jan 28th, 2009 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by LordSappington (Post 609741)
In Psychology class, I fell asleep during the note taking. I had that dream feeling where you think you're falling, so I woke up with a grunt, and for some reason THREW myself as hard as my unconscious body could straight into the girl next to mine's desk, knocking her and her desk a good four or five feet to the left, while I'm trying to cover my huge goose egg, trying to figure out what the hell just happened, and screaming 'OW! OW! OW! WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?!'
Ironically, this was during the sleep disorder chapter.

Did the teacher somehow work that into the lecture? I used to fall asleep in my high school Psychology class, but that was because he'd show a ton of videos. Some of them weren't too boring, but I still fell asleep (I really wish I'd have stayed awake for the one with the guy who had a stroke and thought he was God, for example). We also had our unit on sleep/sleep disorders the same week as the Prom. This was funny because my high school's Prom went from about ten at night to five in the morning, which meant that we had to turn nocturnal there for a bit.

In Philosophy, I went into the weird half asleep-half awake state I told about earlier (where I can still hear the teacher, but it's like I'm in a totally different scenario). I woke up because I heard my own snoring. It wasn't very loud, thank heavens, and no one seemed to have noticed.

TheBigMan045 Jan 28th, 2009 11:01 PM

Had a strange dream the other night where i was skating (i cant skate to save myself) but was in a tony hawk game situation where i had to grind a handrail the entire length, and when i went to do it the balance bar came up and it was like i had the perfect balance cheat on until i had to land it, i fell off and i lay there for what seemed like ages but i couldnt get up. I then went back to "my" car for some reason i was driving a land rover, but when i got to it it had been attacked with bats or something, there was no glass and the roof was caved in, i decided to drive it but when i started to drive it , the steering column extended vertically so i was hanging by the steering column and still driving, after a while i was at this vet/perscription place where a woman came up to the counter and said she wanted some bowel blockers while tapping her head, and then this lady was trying to sell me this cat pill which made the cat happier, and then i woke up

LordSappington Jan 29th, 2009 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by ZeldaQueen (Post 610089)
Did the teacher somehow work that into the lecture?

She got startled and said 'See how these sleep disorders can work out?' or something to that effect. I'm not entirely clear; I was still a little asleep, and definitely shocked.

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