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Guitar Woman Dec 12th, 2011 10:10 PM

A package came in the mail today! A mysterious package!

First thought: "Yeah, there was pretty much no way I wasn't getting jewelry or a dress."


What the hell is this shit?

Let's see, it opens up, there's a little flap on top, and... wait. Dude.

No way. :D

Way! It's a pipe with a built in refillable lighter! Or a refillable lighter with a built-in pipe. Either way, that's portable as hell!

We load it up with, uh, Christmas-colored green tobacco, and in due time...

It should be illegal to be this relaxed!

So, yeah, this thing is pretty awesome. Now I feel even shittier about the shitty shit I sent. I'm gonna go commit seppuku ok bye

Thanks Dimnos!

Dr. Boogie Dec 12th, 2011 11:05 PM

I'm still waiting on mine, not that we're short on time or anything like that.


Originally Posted by Grislygus (Post 751741)
Also Boogie, how long are you in Costa Mesa? Next week is my finals, we should go get drinks

I'm in Costa Mesa for the foreseeable future, as it's the only city in California where I could actually find work.

blood_panther Dec 13th, 2011 03:10 AM

I just checked my tracking number and found out my gift has been delivered. Yay!

Dimnos Dec 13th, 2011 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 752173)
A package came in the mail today!

I really wanted to find a tardis bong or something, but by some freak twist of fate, such a thing doesnt exist in a commercial capacity. How... :confused

Tacobot Dec 13th, 2011 04:41 PM

Got my SS package, had to go and pick it up.
can't wait to crack it open! Pics tomorrow hopefully.

Edit: This post sounds like a telegram. stop

Pentegarn Dec 13th, 2011 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by Mockery (Post 752151)
Amazing hauls so far everybody... nice to see the event going so smoothly again this year!

I said it to MLE in last year's thread I will repeat it again. Funny how when you take the bad cogs out of a machine it suddenly runs smoothly and correctly.

Now we need Zomboid to make a "wonderful 'that's it' feeling" comment :p

Tacobot Dec 15th, 2011 04:18 AM

So here we are, i got my SS gift from the one and only ChrisGlass!
and check out the plethora of presents set before me.

I must have been a good boy this year.

Here we have the legendary Magmasaurus locked within his volcanic time capsule, a
new Mighty Robot brother, Dan Dare card game,a map of the Earth and a handsome Flintstones timepiece.

Here's a pic of the Dan Dare cards the artwork on them is really cool.

Moving on we have the DVD film of the movie Dodgeball i honestly don't know why
i didn't already own this.
The next slice of awesomeness is a table top table tennis set and Toy Story pencils.

Next up we have a trio of comic books and while i'll read them all but i gotta say
super big turbo thanks so much for the TMNT Christmas Special i love it.

So i decided that with these gifts i have all the tools i need to start planing
world domination.
so i figured i would begin by taking over the large portion of unclaimed land above
China (the Unicorn Int'l Trading Limited company doesn't recognize Russia as a country and why should i)

and as a distraction while my mighty Robot makes claim to my
Empire of New Taconia, i would unleash MagmaSaurus on the only ones able to defeat
my Robot masters...


Step number two of my world domination is to move on down to China and with
rigorous training in table tennis

and Dodgeball

my Robot brother will be unstoppable, as he destroys all of China's
leaders in multi-staged tournaments they will have no choice but to surrender.

But for now the Robot will rest in his new home till i call on him.

Thank you so much Chris i love all my gifts, i just wish i were more imaginative because they were perfect material for some kinda story, i did my best to try and not let your efforts go to waste.

dextire Dec 15th, 2011 04:27 PM

Mighty fine haul, Tacobot! But what does the MagmaSaurus actually look like?

Mockery Dec 15th, 2011 05:56 PM

Yeah, I wanna see the MagmaSaurus too.

Also, I just wanted to type the word magma. MAGMA.

10,000 Volt Ghost Dec 15th, 2011 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by Tacobot (Post 752297)

Moving on we have the DVD film of the movie Dodgeball i honestly don't know why
i didn't already own this.

If you get a chance while watching dodgeball on dvd, anytime ben stiller snaps his fingers hit the enter button on your remote.

Ex Leper Dec 15th, 2011 06:03 PM

I want that scary looking bank

Tacobot Dec 15th, 2011 06:54 PM

Oh yea i totally forgot to put up some pics of my new born dino.
So here's the terrifying horror that is MAGMASAURUS!!!

Left pic is day one and the right is only a day later, it will be no time at all
until i can ride him and crush my enemies.

@Ex Leper: she's a beaut ain't she. got her down in Chinatown.

@10K: Thanks for the tip.

BatmanJohnson Dec 15th, 2011 10:18 PM

Guys guys guys! Guess what I got!!!!!1 More to come

ChrisGlass Dec 16th, 2011 02:20 AM

It's a box!

Pentegarn Dec 16th, 2011 07:04 AM

Oh I thought it was a new couch with a paisley print

Tacobot Dec 16th, 2011 11:37 AM

Is it contagious? should i call my doctor?

Pentegarn Dec 17th, 2011 11:42 AM

No you can get a vaccination for a mere 20 dollars

captain516 Dec 19th, 2011 05:22 AM

I know what it is! The Puberty fairy came and gave you that sweet facial hair.

ChrisGlass Dec 19th, 2011 01:06 PM

So 4 days later...

MrSmiley381 Dec 19th, 2011 01:20 PM

So my father has informed me that a package arrived at our home perhaps a week ago. So, to my Secret Santa, you will see my sexy photos of me enjoying whatever gifts you have sent me on Thursday! This is all assuming the Magmasaurus does not kill me before then.

BatmanJohnson Dec 19th, 2011 01:48 PM

sory busyweek. been stuck with overtime. should be able to get pics up ina couple of days

Guitar Woman Dec 20th, 2011 05:48 PM

Shit, is my outgoing gift still lost to the postal system?

10,000 Volt Ghost Dec 20th, 2011 06:01 PM

I think Willie needs to start running the secret santa event. So he can use his secret postal powers to track gifts.

stonewar Dec 21st, 2011 02:02 PM

bored at work

stonewar Dec 21st, 2011 02:05 PM

bored at work
according to to my calculations 9 people haven't recieved gifts. but on the other hand my calculations also say 12 people have yet to have thier gifts posted online. so counting batmanjohnsons box only photo I'm little wrong somewhere.

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