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stevetothepast Dec 20th, 2012 06:09 PM


Nick Dec 20th, 2012 07:56 PM

Aw man those are some awesome gifts, and some even awesomer cats!

dextire Dec 20th, 2012 09:41 PM

Most impressive haul, and that's an awesome Dia de los Muertos patch!
And that's quite a collection of SNES games you have there, Stevetothepast. :xmas1

Thanos Dec 21st, 2012 08:19 PM

Something funny did happen with the pillow...

As I was wrapping gifts yesterday, my three dogs (two Collies and a Lab) were rifling through wrapping paper I had on my couch. The pillow was sitting upside down near the paper and one of them knocked it over into the floor.

THEY... WENT... N-U-T-S!

It was like an intruder had entered our home. The face. THE FACE.

I can only imagine it was because the pillow looks so weird and creepy. My two males practically tried to launch their entire bodies at it, with full teeth snarling and vicious howling. I've never seen them act like this before. My poor female... she literally shit herself. Literally. Crap went everywhere; she was so distraught I had to coddle her for twenty minutes afterwards until she calmed down. It was both hilarious and frightening all at the same time.

The_Punk_Hippie Dec 21st, 2012 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by Thanos (Post 764709)
Something funny did happen with the pillow...

As I was wrapping gifts yesterday, my three dogs (two Collies and a Lab) were rifling through wrapping paper I had on my couch. The pillow was sitting upside down near the paper and one of them knocked it over into the floor.

THEY... WENT... N-U-T-S!

It was like an intruder had entered our home. The face. THE FACE.

I can only imagine it was because the pillow looks so weird and creepy. My two males practically tried to launch their entire bodies at it, with full teeth snarling and vicious howling. I've never seen them act like this before. My poor female... she literally shit herself. Literally. Crap went everywhere; she was so distraught I had to coddle her for twenty minutes afterwards until she calmed down. It was both hilarious and frightening all at the same time.

The gift that keeps on giving? XD

stevetothepast Dec 21st, 2012 09:04 PM

shit happens.

replicant Dec 22nd, 2012 11:49 AM

I just want to say I just thought the pillow a bit of an awkward gift. It doesn't fit my sense of humor. I am happy others find it funny. I am ultimately in agreement with Roger. I am not coming down on you Snoogans - you met the rules. I just personally think it's fun to have a variety for having fun with shooting purposes etc. Maybe Thanos needs to take the pillow on an adventure (like the travel gnome)? :) lol I dunno.

replicant Dec 22nd, 2012 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by Thanos (Post 764709)
Something funny did happen with the pillow...

As I was wrapping gifts yesterday, my three dogs (two Collies and a Lab) were rifling through wrapping paper I had on my couch. The pillow was sitting upside down near the paper and one of them knocked it over into the floor.

THEY... WENT... N-U-T-S!

It was like an intruder had entered our home. The face. THE FACE.

I can only imagine it was because the pillow looks so weird and creepy. My two males practically tried to launch their entire bodies at it, with full teeth snarling and vicious howling. I've never seen them act like this before. My poor female... she literally shit herself. Literally. Crap went everywhere; she was so distraught I had to coddle her for twenty minutes afterwards until she calmed down. It was both hilarious and frightening all at the same time.

There's an alien in the house, George and the dog shit itself. Call the police Martha! LOL! Dogs are so weird. lol

replicant Dec 22nd, 2012 11:53 AM

Steve, you have gorgeous kittehs!!! I have 3 of my own. I inherited one when I was just happy with two. lol But they are gorgeous!

The_Punk_Hippie Dec 22nd, 2012 12:54 PM

So, uhh, euphorixlost, are you going to be able to post pictures soon? I've been looking forward to seeing what you got in those eggs :)

Ex Leper Dec 22nd, 2012 03:42 PM

According to the site it costed him 30 bucks to make. :eek

euphorixlost Dec 22nd, 2012 05:48 PM

Sorry for the delay! Protoclown is to blame for my pictures being horribly late here. I didn't open the kinder eggs until I brought them home later to devour (actually, half of this candy is gone now!) and I will have to grab pics of the toys inside when I am home again in the next couple days. One had this cool top with reversible arms and the other had a cute woodland creature with a fuzzy tummy!

Anyway, onward to the pictures!

I really liked the paper it came in! Very cool (:

And the box was full of MANY TINY BOXES! I was impressed that every little thing in here was wrapped ^.^

Also, I am sorry that the Kool-Aid Man interrupted your letter - though it was hilarious to try and piece together what the letter was meant to say!

A final photo with the spread of awesome! A fantastic selection of candy here, plus a super-cool Jack Skellington figure and a pin, too! I loved the bat finger puppet - he's really cute. And the tiny rainbow clay and paint set were very cool, too!

Thank you so much, The Punk Hippie! (:

The_Punk_Hippie Dec 22nd, 2012 06:17 PM

Aww, you fixed the Jack Skellington - he was packaged upside-down from the factory, which I thought added to the awesomeness

hahaha, I actually had a whole letter planned out around what I wrote, except for the first part. (it was mostly nonsense, but that's neither here nor there XD)

I've heard that you can't get Kinder Eggs in your country, so I figured I should spread the addiction ;D
Not sure about the kool-aid flavour I sent (it's rare apparently), so ditto for that :)

Oh, & I blame my mother for my obsession with wrapping everything - my favourite part of christmas was always the stocking, & my mom wrapped EVERYTHING in it XD

Dr. Boogie Dec 22nd, 2012 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by Thanos (Post 764709)
Something funny did happen with the pillow...

As I was wrapping gifts yesterday, my three dogs (two Collies and a Lab) were rifling through wrapping paper I had on my couch. The pillow was sitting upside down near the paper and one of them knocked it over into the floor.

THEY... WENT... N-U-T-S!

It was like an intruder had entered our home. The face. THE FACE.

I can only imagine it was because the pillow looks so weird and creepy. My two males practically tried to launch their entire bodies at it, with full teeth snarling and vicious howling. I've never seen them act like this before. My poor female... she literally shit herself. Literally. Crap went everywhere; she was so distraught I had to coddle her for twenty minutes afterwards until she calmed down. It was both hilarious and frightening all at the same time.

This is the perfect opportunity to get more pics out of your gift!

dextire Dec 22nd, 2012 09:44 PM

Very nice haul! You can't get Kinder Eggs here because they're illegal (no really, they carry a $2,500 fine per egg).

And so we have another very successful Secret Santa event! :xmas2
I probably won't be able to be on until after the 26th, so Merry Christmas everyone! :xmas3

darkvare Dec 22nd, 2012 10:06 PM

what the why are the eggs ilegal?

Nick Dec 22nd, 2012 10:15 PM

I wouldn't got the pillow, but to each his own. He coulda got some pretty great junk for that dosh. All and all, this year has been pretty great.

dextire Dec 22nd, 2012 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by darkvare (Post 764736)
what the why are the eggs ilegal?

Wiki: In 2012 the FDA re-issued their import alert stating “The imbedded non-nutritive objects in these confectionery products may pose a public health risk as the consumer may unknowingly choke on the object.”
And a recent news story. :lol

BatmanJohnson Dec 22nd, 2012 10:28 PM

Way to go Punk! Breaking the law in the name of christmas!

The_Punk_Hippie Dec 22nd, 2012 10:57 PM

hahaha, I didn't know they were actually illegal! That's hilarious/sad/worrysome XD

darkvare Dec 22nd, 2012 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by dextire (Post 764738)
Wiki: In 2012 the FDA re-issued their import alert stating “The imbedded non-nutritive objects in these confectionery products may pose a public health risk as the consumer may unknowingly choke on the object.”
And a recent news story. :lol

wow that's fucked up, over here kinder eggs are now two kinds for boys and for girls there's also avengers eggs and disney cycles their eggs to give you a different toy with every major movie they release

stevetothepast Dec 23rd, 2012 11:30 AM


I received another gift in the mail the other day from 10kvg, here is a pic:

Some sweet SNES stickers.

I actually do not even own Mega Man X or Breath of Fire, but now I have an excuse to buy them!

I used to own earthbound but sold it, and now the price is so inflated I'll probably not get it again >:

Thanks again bill!

Nick Dec 23rd, 2012 04:33 PM

Awesome SNES stickers, that's awesome.

Also euphorixlost: Great haul! However, from those gloves of yours I'm beginning to suspect you're a homeless woman (or a sticky bandit) that Protoclown hired off the street to pretend to be his girlfriend.

The_Punk_Hippie Dec 23rd, 2012 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Nick (Post 764763)
Awesome SNES sticks, that's awesome.

Also euphorixlost: Great haul! However, from those gloves of yours I'm beginning to suspect you're a homeless woman (or a sticky bandit) that Protoclown hired off the street to pretend to be his girlfriend.

This is a brilliant idea & I must do it next year in order to get more presents!!!

Mockery Dec 24th, 2012 03:56 AM

I can think of no better way to end the 2012 Secret Santa event than learning that our final recipient got illegal Kinder eggs as part of their gift package. Okay, well maybe if we had footage of Thanos' dogs freaking out over the pillow, but other than that, I can think of no better way.

Thanks again to all our participants this year for meeting your deadlines and making our latest Secret Santa event go off without a hitch.

Also, a HUGE thanks to 10,000 Volt Ghost for running the event once again and keeping track of everything. Without you, this event simply wouldn't work out so well year after year.

Happy holidays all! :xmas3

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