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OxBlood Oct 21st, 2011 04:35 AM


Originally Posted by darkvare (Post 747309)
i own what i think is an austrian version of monopoly called DKT

DKT? What´s that stand for?

I mean, yeah, Monopoly is available in almost all countries of the world, but it´s always called Monopoly...

I think I got my Essen- shoppinglist for tomorrow.

Dungeon Run
Super Dungeon Explore
Eminent Domain
Ares Project
Panic Station.

If I can find it, I´ll probably also buy King of Tokyo or Dominant Species.

darkvare Oct 21st, 2011 07:24 PM

i have no idea here's a picture of the box maybe someone has seen it before

Fathom Zero Oct 21st, 2011 07:26 PM


Dr. Boogie Oct 22nd, 2011 11:17 AM

That's what Google came up with. The name stands for "Das Kaufmännische Talent" (aka The Commercial Talent?).

I found an English page with some detail on the kid's version of the game:


10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 22nd, 2011 05:52 PM


OxBlood Oct 23rd, 2011 09:46 AM

Das kaufmännische Talent? That is an extremely stupid title :D The commercial talent or "the talent of merchantile" would be what I´d translate it with. Never heard of it to be honest but then again, I´m not austrian ;)

So I went to Essen yesterday. Filled to the brim with people and I think I catched some kind of Con-illness, my throat is extremely sore today but nothin a bit of tea and guzzling some vodka can´t cure.

Sadly, there were no copies of Dungeon Run available, same with Super Dungeon Explore and Sentinels of the Multivers (though I just might have missed that one). Still, I got me some new games :)

I´m especially happy about Ares Project and the german version of Dominant Species, I didn´t even know there was one :) King of Tokyo is really nice too since it´s so simple and really nice to look at.

It´s a little sad they had no german version of Bloodbowl in stock since that would´ve expanded the number of people I could play it with over here but then again...none of the girls would be playing something called Bloodbowl with us guys anyway and all of us dudes are good enough in english anyway...

I wanted to get Ankh Morpork but that one is published by Kosmos and all of their game are extremely easy to get in any normal shop over here, so yeah, no reason to get it in Essen.

Pentegarn Oct 23rd, 2011 07:53 PM

I saw someone playing Ankh Morpork at Buckeye Game Fest, i was in the middle of either a 7 Wonders or Smallworld game at the time so i couldn't take a closer look.

OxBlood Oct 24th, 2011 04:05 AM

I didn´t look too closely but Ankh Morpork was all over the convention, same as Dungeon Fighter and Power Grid - the first sparks (Funkenschlag - die ersten Funken)...still a funny thing, naming the english version Power Grid whereas Funkenschlag litreally means "Sparks" or "making Sparks" :)

The secret star of the con seemed to be Panic station by the way. 40mins after opening the con, all copies were gone. Luckily the game will come out in Germany in a few weeks according to the booth-guys.

I took part of the weekend to go through all the stuff I got and so far I´m quite content with my purchases. The only thing that felt or rather read a little lackluster is Dominant species. It seems to be needlessly long and complex for what it tries to do (which is simple modular Area-Control and Worker placement as far as I can tell).

King of Tokyo is, as I said earlier, a simple and very charming game and I imagine it will be a great filler with some of my friends who love playing as monsters and smashing things (they freaking LOVE Conquest of planet Earth).

Blood Bowl is almost as simple as KoT but with a lot more if simple enough rules. Might be hard to find someone who´s digging the theme here but as far as I can tell, I like the gameplay and speed of the game. Almost a filler. And hey, I always like it if I can play Skaven :)

Now Ares Project while suffering from sub-par components seems to have the biggest potential of the four. It´s complex but not overly complicated, the Factions are similar in their basics but all posess a unique personality, Playtime seems to be adequate for what the game does and is, the Rules are...well, you can really see that the Engelsteins are gamers themselves and as such know how NOT to write rules.
Easy to understand rules is what makes me happy about more complex games and this one has pretty good rulebooks (one corebook and four faction-rulebooks). The thing is, when I read rulebooks, detail-questions pop up in my mind and most of the time, these questions are not answered, at least not in the paragraph or page that brought up the question.
Here, the answer is right next to where the question comes to mind. Kudos for that.

Now the only thing I need to do is try the games out with other people, though I doubt, Dominant Species will see that much playtime :D

By the way, the guy at the Heidelberger booth (they publish a lot of foreign games here along with Pegasus) handed me two Promo-items when I bought King of Tokyo. An earth-Elemental for Battle Lore (never played that one) and an additional Monster for Tokyo, the Brockenbär, basically it´s their company´s Logo (a Bear called the Heidelbär) in a monstrous version, throwing giant dice at buildings and pedestrians :D

Dimnos Oct 26th, 2011 06:43 PM

Do you have a blod bowl on the pc ox?

OxBlood Oct 27th, 2011 03:31 AM

Yeah, I bought it for cheap on Steam the other day but haven´t played anything but the brief tutorial, seemed immensly complicated.

Dr. Boogie Oct 27th, 2011 08:40 PM

Same here. I got the 360 version and could barely stay focused enough to complete the tutorial.

k0k0 Oct 27th, 2011 08:42 PM

They just need to bring back Mutant League Football. I know this won't make the board gamers or strategy gamers happy, but it would make me happy.

OxBlood Oct 28th, 2011 03:55 AM

That has to count for something ;)

Other than the Videogame, the Cardgame of Bloodbowl is extremely simple to pick up and play. It´s just a...what´s it called in English...a take-that-game?
Each player plays one card on his turn and after 6 turns, the player with the stronger card attached to each match wins it. Each player takes his personal reward and the winner also get´s an additional, bigger reward, depending on the match or tournament played. Is that what you would call a take-that game? I´m not really sure.

So far I like it (in theory, might try it out with some friends tonight), the different teams all have a slightly different Focus in their 12-card starting deck (Skaven cycly through the deck very fast, Dwarfs are good at tackling and keeping the ball, Chaos cheats like crazy, etc.). In addition to the simple core-gameplay, each player can get team- and equipment-upgrades by winning specific rewards which mixes things up a bit.
I´d say a typical 2-player-game (which is shortened again by only playing 4 rounds instead of 5) should last around 30mins which seems kinda nice to me.

I´ll try to bring out either this or King of Tokyo tonight I guess :)

Pentegarn Oct 30th, 2011 10:24 AM

I tried out the 2 player rules for 7 Wonders, kind of odd how it plays. In some ways it reminds me of the allied army rule in Risk

OxBlood Oct 30th, 2011 11:29 AM

I played 7W with two players a while ago but I think it´s the most fun with around 4-5.

Pentegarn Oct 31st, 2011 07:12 AM

4-5 is a pretty good balance, I do really like 6 players too though. Haven't gotten a 7 player game in yet

OxBlood Oct 31st, 2011 11:42 AM

The thing I really love about 7W is the speed and ease of play. Anyone can play it, it´s very easy to teach and no matter how many player you have, it has almost no downtime :)

We played a bit of King of Tokyo the other day and it was a blast, just as I thought. My friends GF won by destroying her guy and outscoring me before I could kill her off. And OF COURSE she only won because we didn´t destroy her when we could.
Why do we do that? Simple, we may not have won now, but we won HER for at least another 3-4 rounds in the future :D

The fun thing is, I do the same thing with him too, but I think, he doesn´t notice :D Ah, the dirty tricks one resorts to to get his friends like certain games ;)

k0k0 Oct 31st, 2011 11:46 AM

I only do that in fighting video games, so that my friends keep going even though I am superior. In board games I'm a huge cheater and try not to let my friends win. That's why nobody lets me be the banker anymore.

OxBlood Nov 1st, 2011 05:25 AM

I can´t do that in fighting games, I don´t know why. They always notice me holding back and when they ask me to fight for real, they get angry because I beat them to a pulp for a while. After this...semi-defined ammount of time (around 20mins) I start losing my focus and they can beat me normally every now and then :D

10,000 Volt Ghost Nov 5th, 2011 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by k0k0 (Post 748438)
I only do that in fighting video games, so that my friends keep going even though I am superior. In board games I'm a huge cheater and try not to let my friends win. That's why nobody lets me be the banker anymore.

:lol:lol:lol I randomly find hundreds stuffed in couches and under tables that I hid previously. They won't let me be banker either.

k0k0 Nov 5th, 2011 04:18 PM

For me it's sleight of hand. I palm the cash when I pay someone else by grabbing a few extra bills. It all adds up over time and before long, I've got a ton more cash than everyone else.

executioneer Nov 5th, 2011 04:40 PM

i always win monopoly because i am THE BEST

Dr. Boogie Nov 5th, 2011 09:15 PM

Willie has a monopoly on victory! :D

Sam Nov 6th, 2011 02:41 PM


OxBlood Nov 6th, 2011 02:50 PM

I finally got a chance to play Memoir 44...why the fuck did no one ever release that game over here, it´s GOOD. Really good and so simple to teach an play...lost both games (played...well, Germany) but at least my opponent want´s to play again :D

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