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Emu Feb 8th, 2008 02:49 AM

I think I posted a few pages earlier about how I've been congested and unable to breathe since Thanksgiving. Turns out I had bronchitis. The only way I found this out was because about a week ago I started throwing up and I came down with a hefty fever that absolutely floored me. I'm not sure if the fever is related to the bronchitis, but I've never been that sick in my life (except maybe one other time, but it didn't last this long) and now I have this weird feeling of lost time. I haven't been outside in a week (except once to go to the doctor's) and I've been rotating between sleeping 14+ hours a out of the day at completely odd times, and I'm only now starting to get back on track since I'm off the antibiotics, which were almost making me sicker than the fever. :(

Edit: Oh and this was my third visit to a doctor. I went to three different doctors and was first prescribed amoxicilin for a nasal infection (which is a weak antibiotic generally given to children - the pills were bright Barbie pink and the size of a fist) which did nothing. The next doctor I visited was rather irate with me not having insurance, so much so that when he looked at my chart and found I had none he banged on the table. This is in spite of the fact that I pre-paid up front. :rolleyes He prescribed me bioxisomething (another weak antibiotic) and shoved some samples of Allegra into a bag and shoved me out the door. The only way I got any actual treatment was to go to the more expensive office that specializes for patients without insurance. I paid 169 dollars after x-rays and an injection, but I got better treatment by far, and I didn't even pay up front.

Pub Lover Feb 8th, 2008 03:00 AM

KultureKamf was right, your medical system is better than mine. :(

JediScum Feb 8th, 2008 03:08 AM

Are you able to breathe easier now, Emu? I am a heavy tobacco smoker and once, during a post flu coughing attack some one asked, ever heard of bronchitis?

I said "yeah, heard of of it" and lit up a fag.

Then i pulled out a cigarette, nonfiltered, and ate it with Liver of Fag and a nice bottle of Chianti.

Seriously, though, as a heavy smoker i am occasionally scared by that. I under the delusion that if i can ride a bike 10 - 15 miles a week, it may offset that.

JediScum Feb 8th, 2008 03:29 AM


Originally Posted by Emu (Post 530646)
I... was first prescribed amoxicilin for a nasal infection (which is a weak antibiotic generally given to children - the pills were bright Barbie pink and the size of a fist) which did nothing.

I had a BAD toothache in a molar and called a dentist. After 2 days, i got my emergency apppointment. He told me my teeth were "BAD".

I was not concerned about "teeth" but "TOOTH that i had to eat 50 Bayer aspirin in 2 days plus smoke weed just so i could vaugely distance myself from the pain, you asshole prick who spent mommy and daddy's money on you tooth doctor paper degree. I KNOW MY TEETH ARE BAD!!!! GAS ME AND PULL THE FUCKING THING ALREADY!!!!

But no... he gives me a script for 8 1000 mg?!? (they were big) pills of amoxycilin. which i never took because, strangely the pain ceased the next day. I been told the nerve died.

MetalMilitia Feb 8th, 2008 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Emu (Post 530646)
I think I posted a few pages earlier about how I've been congested and unable to breathe since Thanksgiving. Turns out I had bronchitis. The only way I found this out was because about a week ago I started throwing up and I came down with a hefty fever that absolutely floored me. I'm not sure if the fever is related to the bronchitis, but I've never been that sick in my life (except maybe one other time, but it didn't last this long) and now I have this weird feeling of lost time. I haven't been outside in a week (except once to go to the doctor's) and I've been rotating between sleeping 14+ hours a out of the day at completely odd times, and I'm only now starting to get back on track since I'm off the antibiotics, which were almost making me sicker than the fever. :(

Edit: Oh and this was my third visit to a doctor. I went to three different doctors and was first prescribed amoxicilin for a nasal infection (which is a weak antibiotic generally given to children - the pills were bright Barbie pink and the size of a fist) which did nothing. The next doctor I visited was rather irate with me not having insurance, so much so that when he looked at my chart and found I had none he banged on the table. This is in spite of the fact that I pre-paid up front. :rolleyes He prescribed me bioxisomething (another weak antibiotic) and shoved some samples of Allegra into a bag and shoved me out the door. The only way I got any actual treatment was to go to the more expensive office that specializes for patients without insurance. I paid 169 dollars after x-rays and an injection, but I got better treatment by far, and I didn't even pay up front.

If you're on a lot of antibiotics I've heard it's worthwhile to consume pro-biotic products (those disgusting yogurt drinks etc.), as the antibiotics will kill the bacteria in your stomach which helps digest your food.

Emu Feb 8th, 2008 01:54 PM

I hadn't even thought of that, but it sounds like a good idea. The searing pain the meds gave my stomach made me think I lost a few organs. :(

Zomboid Feb 8th, 2008 06:02 PM

:lol @ American health care.

MarioRPG Feb 8th, 2008 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by Zomboid (Post 530776)
:lol @ American health care.


Pub Lover Feb 8th, 2008 06:17 PM

Pub Lover Feb 8th, 2008 06:17 PM

It's pretty good, but I'm sure it's missing something.

Pub Lover Feb 8th, 2008 06:18 PM

Something like...

Zomboid Feb 8th, 2008 06:19 PM


Pub Lover Feb 8th, 2008 06:19 PM


Pub Lover Feb 8th, 2008 06:20 PM


Dixie Feb 8th, 2008 07:14 PM

*golf clap*
Very nice.

Guitar Woman Feb 8th, 2008 08:01 PM

Girl Drink Drunk Feb 8th, 2008 08:08 PM

Getting my drink on tonight.

Zomboid Feb 8th, 2008 08:12 PM

Not me. I'm a bit sick, it's freezing fucking cold outside, and I don't really feel like getting sloshed this weekend. Going to be a nice, boring, relaxing weekend.

MattJack Feb 8th, 2008 08:16 PM

I just got a brand new job! So I had my first 4 shots in 39 days!

Emu Feb 8th, 2008 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 530819)

That is the most depressing fucking thing I have ever read.

Guitar Woman Feb 8th, 2008 08:38 PM

It's funnier if you hate Calvin and Hobbes, yeah

Guitar Woman Feb 8th, 2008 09:11 PM


MarioRPG Feb 9th, 2008 03:59 PM


liquidstatik Feb 9th, 2008 04:02 PM


Guitar Woman Feb 9th, 2008 05:19 PM

I didn't!

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