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Anonymous Feb 21st, 2003 05:14 PM

I knew it! :)

Anonymous Feb 21st, 2003 05:14 PM

That is fantastic. Could you tell us more about your personal life and surroundings? :)

noob3 Feb 21st, 2003 05:15 PM

What the fuck? Does he live in the middle of nowhere trucker shithole, or something?

Anonymous Feb 21st, 2003 05:16 PM

Shhh! We're about to find out! :)

I love learning about new people! That's what the internet's for! :)

Skulhedface Feb 21st, 2003 05:25 PM

Well, I'll play along then. Might as well humor the children ;D

This town is FAR from being a trucker shithole. In fact, with Mardi Gras being next week, I'd rather be in the sticks. Traffic in this town is going to be New York level next week. But then, it could be worse. I could be in New Orleans proper, which of course only means the Girls Gone Wild crew is undoubtedly going to be there next week.

Anything else before I push the Cynical Asshole button again?

Anonymous Feb 21st, 2003 05:39 PM

You know what? It's just easier to call you stupid.

Skulhedface Feb 21st, 2003 05:43 PM

Easier, yes, but nowhere near accurate.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be leaving you in the verbal dust, so to speak.

Don't you get tired from trying so hard? I'd think if I had a brain as thick as a coconut, just holding it up sitting at the computer would give me a helluva migraine.

Kudos for trying, though.

Until next time :lurker

Skulhedface Feb 21st, 2003 05:46 PM

and of course, it is easier, but you shouldn't make downplay your best efforts like that. I know such witticisms as "You're stupid" require you to actually think and use those god damn pesky motor functions of yours, but again, kudos.


Anonymous Feb 21st, 2003 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by Skulhedface
Otherwise, I wouldn't be leaving you in the verbal dust, so to speak.


Les Waste Feb 21st, 2003 06:25 PM

Skulhedface, here's some advice for you:

1. Stop making multiple posts in a row. At least edit the old ones, or something.

2. Stop asserting how obviously you are winning an argument, especially when it's not even an argument. People are just calling you stupid and you're writing long rebuttals to "You're stupid" or "You're gay."

3. Stop assuming that every time someone says "Shut up" or "You're stupid," it is a deep and personal attack against you.

4. STFU, N00B >: >:

Skulhedface Feb 21st, 2003 09:24 PM

Point well taken. Constructive criticism is a little easier to digest.

And as far as the multiple posts, often I think faster than I can react, so something I mean to put onto the last one gets thrown in elsewhere. I'll try to work on that.

Meanwhile (now I feel like a comic book narrator) The reason I am so longwinded in these replies is because A. It's fun, B. It's ENTERTAINMENT, and C. It's all in the spirit of "mockery".

I guess the last thing I should add, though, is that I notice (and this is where the 'verbal arguments' come up, is that when I post, I usually post in response to the ORIGINAL QUESTION, then I have some 'exclusive' dicknail yell about how what I'm saying is (irrelevant, stupid, gay, etc.) So... Again, I'm SORRY this came out just as long as the others, but I felt the need to clarify something.

In other words... I was never offended. I might've been caught slightly off-guard, but when I walk away from the computer, I'm not sitting there thinking "I need to find this person, rip their eyeballs out and do unmentionable things with the sockets", I'm walking away thinking "That was kind of fun, but some people just don't get it, they take themselves WAY too seriously."

I imagine someone might counterpost this, saying "stfu" or "Who are you to talk about taking things seriously?" Just remember these two things:
1. It's just a game. I mean, you must be REALLY pent up to get pissed over online comments
and 2. MOCKERY. I'm MOCKING you, I'm MOCKING myself, I'm MOCKING everything. Look past your "exclusivity" and see that for what it's worth.

Again, I'm sorry that's so long, but well, some people just NEED things explained to them. ::coughschojincoughs::

The next one won't be as long, but I still feel obligated to shoot back when someone fires that "ur stupid" or "ur gay" line.

Anonymous Feb 21st, 2003 09:39 PM

I would read that, but you are a flaming homosexual.

Skulhedface Feb 21st, 2003 09:42 PM

::starts to sink to Chojin's level:: This coming from someone calling themselves the Gay Alien Bondage Dog, hmm?


Anonymous Feb 21st, 2003 09:46 PM


MrAdventure Feb 21st, 2003 09:47 PM


I just LOVED that "I Love the Cock" Avatar you were sporting. ;) ;) ;)

Skulhedface Feb 21st, 2003 10:29 PM

Turns out, GWAR,net doesn't like you linking to it's avatars. God, if only I knew how to make it do that, so I could rip on people that way. Pretty clever, I admit.

And I LOVE how Chojin followed me to another thread to tell me that he/she/shim/whatever hates me. Where's the love? :die

Anonymous Feb 21st, 2003 11:07 PM

please take this stupid fight out of the post yer pic thread

Skulhedface Feb 21st, 2003 11:15 PM

I've tried that Doopa, one can hardly blame me. If anyone's to blame, it's Chojin, who couldn't help him/herself from making dumbass comments.

My apologies.

And I still like malted milkshakes. Mmm.

Les Waste Feb 21st, 2003 11:20 PM

Why don't you just stop replying to Chojin?

I know it's so very radical, but it just might work

FeuerAffe Feb 22nd, 2003 12:26 AM

I have only old pictures. :( And geocities doesn't let me post any on here. >: But you can go to my horrid webpage if you want to bother. http://www.geocities.com/bluehairedmongrel2

Skulhedface Feb 22nd, 2003 12:36 AM

I already apologized, I'll do so again here. Call it ego, perhaps, to squeeze in the last word.

Nevertheless, it WAS fun (see, I understand the concept of mockery, heh, and that's all I'll say about it.

You gotta partially side with me on this one though... all those replies I got with "u r gay" (I know that's not verbatim, but something to that effect) were getting stale.

This one's over. It's all on him if he restarts it. Just pure, innocent fun.

FS Feb 22nd, 2003 06:23 AM


Spacecat never got a chance. :(

P.S. and if you reply to this with anything other than a picture of yourself SO HELP ME GOD I'll bury my cock so far up your rectum you'll be looking at it under your nose, cross-eyed.

P.P.S. FeuerAffe is pretty :love

Protoclown Feb 22nd, 2003 10:32 AM

Yes she is...BUT NOT AS PRETTY AS SPACECAT!!! :love :love :love

noob3 Feb 22nd, 2003 11:09 AM

Les Waste Feb 22nd, 2003 11:20 AM


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