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Pentegarn Dec 16th, 2010 05:43 PM

You know, I think Dextire went over the spending limit :lol

Also, moon sand is not a tasty treat (probably a warning on the package somewhere saying 'do not eat'

Protoclown Dec 16th, 2010 05:58 PM

Well maybe it IS tasty and that's the biggest secret about Moon Sand like ever

dextire Dec 16th, 2010 06:56 PM

I'm really glad you liked the stuff, Protoclown! :xmas1
I don't remember sending any empty candy wrappers though. :lol


Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 707908)
You know, I think Dextire went over the spending limit :lol

Actually, I came in pretty close to budget this year (not counting shipping, but that's because it doesn't count ;)).
I might have gone a little over if you include all of the filler (candy, Christmas tattoos, etc.) but it is Christmas after all. :xmas3

Mockery Dec 16th, 2010 07:03 PM

For the record, there is no spending limit, you just can't expect to have the same amount spent on you if you go overboard. But if you want to spend $100 or whatever on your Secret Santa recipient, that's perfectly fine to do. The only requirement we have is that you at least spend the minimum amount required (not including shipping fees).

Anyway, holy crap Dextire... you sent some AWESOME stuff! Sega Genesis mini, Dark Night of the Scarecrow (one of the best TV horror films ever made), Moon Sand, Toaster Transformer, the badass Dinosaur's Attack cards and more. So much Awesomeness. Well done, sir!

Proto, you made out like a bandit and I love that photo of the light from the box hitting you. Goddamn, we need to do some new photo pieces... it's been too long haha!

Zhukov Dec 16th, 2010 10:27 PM

The complete Trapdoor on DVD. Awesome.

Pentegarn Dec 17th, 2010 06:16 AM

Just so you know I wasn't complaining that it looked like he went over :)

I went over a bit myself, so did (I am sure) quite a few others

I was just yanking Dextires chain, partly to amuse myself and partly because it was a good set of items and I was jealous of his ability to find and pick out awesome stuff :lol

Pentegarn Dec 17th, 2010 06:17 AM


Originally Posted by Mockery (Post 707921)
we need to do some new photo pieces... it's been too long haha!

Too right it has, I love you guys' photo pieces

Zhukov Dec 17th, 2010 11:09 AM


Ok, so I have received my Christmas present from Emily! Thanks a bunch MLE, you really did seem to get me stuff that I would like.

I guess we're posting pictures of the box, so, this is the box that MLE sent me. As you can see it it quite large, which suggests that there is a lot inside - don't be instantly fooled into thinking this is a GOOD thing though, since wads of money and keys to expensive cars don't come in large boxes. Still, it is a good size box and I'd probably use it again if I didn't already have too many boxes. Also, MLE, nice work putting my first name in the section where my last name is supposed to go on the customs declaration. Bless.

So I'll just say right up that there aren't going to be any goofy or wacky antics going on. I've got a headache and I don't know how to edit youtube videos and I'm in my pyjamas now anyway. This isn't to say that I am not very happy indeed to have received this gift. I'll use extra exclamation marks if that helps!! The first thing you are meant to notice in a present is the card/letter, and I don't know if this was on top or not, but I'll put it first.

You may have noticed that along with the garish and often OUT OF THE LINES colouring (which did make me smile!!), there are some of what appears to be crumbs covering the letter... well, that's probably because of these things...

The lid that was holding them in came undone, so that created about two metric cups of crumbs to cover everything. No matter.

Let me just say that they are WAY tastier than they look. These things are serious food, and while you may need sprinkles or icing to tell you how good something is, MLE and I just need the bare bones flavour, thanks. MMMM. They tasted like burnt sugar. Yum. I say tasted because I ate them all pretty quickly, even though there were about fifty of them.

Next up was what I am going to say is a keytag. If it's some other form of jewelery then I'll stand corrected, but for now it's a keytag. It came in a god damn box, and I'm going to guess that it's been HAND CRAFTED by MLE, which is more than any of you other fuckers bothered with. Uh, if it's NOT actually hand crafted then it's still pretty good, haha. !!!! Whatever, I think it's cool.

God knows what Hefeweizen is. Oh it's beer. Alright next item.

MLE warned me in her letter that these will probably taste bad, and I being stupid figured that they must be like Fisherman's Friend mints, in that they are really, really strong and taste like mustard. Well, no. I flipped the tin over, brushed off the crumbs and checked the ingredients... DEXTROSE, MALTODEXTRIN, MAGNESIUM, TITANIUM DIOXIDE, all pretty harmless stuff so far, STEARATE, SODIUM FLUORIDE, ARTIFICIAL MEAT FLAVOUR, wait what? Meat flavour? Haha, this must be some kind of joke? Well, no. I opened the lid and sniffed it, and that's as far as I am going. Sorry. It made me cough. Fuck off. Maybe later if anyone asks me too.

Ok, next is a lovingly strung pile of books. This reminded me of how Donald Duck used to carry his books... I tried googling "DONALD DUCK CARRYING BOOKS TIED UP OR SOMETHING" but whatever.

I'm really glad that I got some books, Stranger in a Strange Land and Starship Troopers are two really great books that I don't actually own. Nice work.

All in all, a good haul. Your biscuit things are ace, thanks. Pretty pleased with it all, and I hope you have a great Christmas. Cheers!!!!!!!!!!.


Zhukov Dec 17th, 2010 11:11 AM

Oh, and in reply to your letter, Emily: you too babe. ;)

blood_panther Dec 17th, 2010 03:41 PM

those are some nice books there. and I've tried those mints before....they do taste kind of....strange.....but man they make for some fun bets.

so I think this means everyone but good ol mock has gotten their gift?
so shamelessly ripping off dextires list....

Participants who have yet to receive a SS package:

Participants who have yet to have a SS package received:
Nekoneko61 - Shipped on Nov 30th.
Zhukov - Exact Date Unknown.

Participants who have received a SS package and have not yet posted photos:

Babs - Received on Dec 5th - Unknown SS.
Nekoneko61 - Received on Dec 10th - Blood panther.

10,000 Volt Ghost Dec 17th, 2010 03:56 PM

I think we're still waiting for Babs to post his pictures from last year too.

Dimnos Dec 17th, 2010 04:02 PM


Fathom Zero Dec 17th, 2010 04:05 PM


Dimnos Dec 17th, 2010 04:21 PM

You guys even get Shiner down in bush?

dextire Dec 17th, 2010 05:21 PM

Quite a nice haul of stuff you got there, Zhukov! :xmas1


Originally Posted by 10,000 Volt Ghost (Post 707982)
I think we're still waiting for Babs to post his pictures from last year too.

Well, I don't think he even got his gift until like the 1st of January last year.
This year he seems to be trying to set the record for longest time to post pictures after receiving the package without technically breaking the rules. :(

MLE Dec 17th, 2010 07:10 PM


Let's see y'all beat that

Oh and you're very welcome :D

I was also going to get you The Long Walk by Bachman (stephen king), but I couldn't find it ;_;

Zhukov Dec 18th, 2010 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 707987)



Originally Posted by Dimnos (Post 707988)
You guys even get Shiner down in bush?


Pentegarn Dec 18th, 2010 06:09 AM


Originally Posted by dextire (Post 708000)
Well, I don't think he even got his gift until like the 1st of January last year. This year he seems to be trying to set the record for longest time to post pictures after receiving the package without technically breaking the rules. :(

the unmentionable has that record locked

dextire Dec 18th, 2010 10:51 PM

I don't know... the current record is 14 days and Babs is already up to 12. :x
He could go another 4 days before breaking the rules, so it's gonna be a close one.


Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 707956)
I was just yanking Dextires chain, partly to amuse myself and partly because it was a good set of items and I was jealous of his ability to find and pick out awesome stuff :lol


Pentegarn Dec 19th, 2010 06:14 AM


Originally Posted by dextire (Post 708123)
I don't know... the current record is 14 days and Babs is already up to 12. :x
He could go another 4 days before breaking the rules, so it's gonna be a close one.

I just like to say the unmentionable is the biggest a-hole refusing to post for so long, Babs actually has the current record anyway with 357 days and counting (but since that thread is locked does that record really count?) :lol

Ozzie Dec 19th, 2010 12:06 PM

I just wanna say that I opened the Steve Jackson game that Protoclown got me a few seconds ago and gave the dice inside a test roll. They came up double sixes. Protoclown got me lucky dice for Christmas! They will definitely be used as RPG damage dice in the future.

Zomboid Dec 19th, 2010 03:11 PM

Don't get upset about people not posting pictures right away. I mean really. It's for fun. Don't get all pissy and vaguely offensive.

And The Long Walk is great.

MLE Dec 19th, 2010 04:33 PM

It is for fun and all, but not posting for long periods of time detracts from it. It's why there are rules now. Because people suck the fun out of it. You should know something about that.

Zomboid Dec 19th, 2010 04:42 PM

Do you not have family or friends? I mean, aside from internet friends? Most people get busy around the holidays, and wacky facial expressions take time. I mean, just thinking about all the time you must've put into yours...tremendous dedication!

As long as he doesn't break the rules, maybe show a bit of consideration for people that speak with people other than their co-workers and parents.

MLE Dec 19th, 2010 04:44 PM

Look, most people know what their holidays are going to be like and can plan around it. That's why the rules are in place. I'm not going to go back and forth with you on this, because it's a VOLUNTARY THING. People know up-front what the rules are. Stop trying to be incendiary like Mr. Unmentionable.

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