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Aaarg Mar 14th, 2013 08:03 AM

UGh those are the people in the new oz movie?

a factory owner has some health problemz and is super-stressed by his workers striking because he's an asshole. he gives his wife temporary control of the factory and she hates him and basically gives the workers everything they want and makes it an awesome place that everybody loves and then the man comes back and fucks everything up and then she divorces him and runs for an MP position.
the french are super-silly. this movie took a little while to get going (actually the opening scene is pretty funny, but after that it takes a while!).

Aaarg Mar 18th, 2013 10:12 AM

Tadao Mar 18th, 2013 11:12 AM

:lol that looks horrible

Speaking of horrible, I watched Quantum of Solace in full last night.

Aaarg Mar 18th, 2013 06:26 PM

no way

totally awesome

(not really kinda slow and hard to follow and only available dubbed and without subtitles and the people are hard to understand because it's a shitty old dub)

i don't know, any movie where the opening credits play over a black background with random balinese masks is A-OK in my book.

(PS in the middle image, a penanggalan is sucking a baby out of a pregnant woman's vagina)

Tadao Mar 18th, 2013 06:35 PM

I searched and you are correct. I can't find a non dubbed version.

Hey Brian, was that dumb bitch Mia Kuntz (or whaterver) voice as annoying as it always is in the Oz movie?

Aaarg Mar 18th, 2013 06:43 PM

would i lie to you? mystics in bali is one of the few krasue/leak/penanggalan/flying-head witch movies that still exists let alone has an english translation at all.

Aaarg Mar 19th, 2013 08:29 AM

other recent movie watchinz

THE ADVENTURES OF BARON MUNCHAUSEN (terry gilliam) - gilliam's movies are always pretty fun (even though it seems like the last few i've watched have all included a gang of 5-6 men having adventures together). watching terry gilliam movies reminds me i still need to watch BRAZIL. also his wacky adventure movies make me think of jeunet or whoever - the french guy who did amelie and the city of lost children. i think he should make a new movie.

THE TRIP - rob brydon and steve coogan go on a trip together. what i liked about this movie: long, drawn-out, boring scenes in which steve and rob go back and forth spewing gibberish. what i didn't like about this movie: scenes without rob brydon.
a big theme in the movie is that people don't like steve coogan and he's a douche, but everybody loves rob brydon and he's likeable. this was portrayed very effectively, to the point that you're wishing the steve-coogan-only scenes were shorter.
ha ha h

THE NAKED CIVIL SERVANT - i guess i mentioned this a while ago when i watched the recent "unofficial follow-up" (an englishman in new york). based on quentin crisp's autobiography, this movie is basically john hurt being flamboyant and openly gay at a time when that was illegal/etc. john hurt is cool. quentin crisp was cool.

Tadao Mar 19th, 2013 01:24 PM

I watched Sinister and Cloud Atlas last night.

Both were good, yet both were very predictable for me. I don't mind, I don't need a twist. It's just nice to enjoy stories for what they are for a change.

Sinister gave me the creeps. It never scared me, but the whole flow of the movie was very eerie.

Cloud Atlas is what it is. I'll probably watch it again next month to pick up on things that blew past me the first go round. It's probably on of those movies that you watch a few times.

Tadao Mar 19th, 2013 06:49 PM

Just finished The Hobbit Part 1. I think I'm burned out on the whole thing.

captain516 Mar 19th, 2013 08:56 PM

Hey Aaarg, know of any Serbian/Croatian/Yugoslavian movies that are worth a watch?

Aaarg Mar 20th, 2013 07:28 AM

i'm not sure if i know of any, period. i've seen a handful of czech and hungarian movies, but that's about it as far as eastern europe goes.

here's a croation animated short that i love.

captain516 Mar 20th, 2013 11:26 AM

I'm really interested right now in the culture of the old formerly communist countries. My family's from Russia, so I'm at least a little bit familiar with Soviet cinema and music.

I've seen like one or two Czech movies too, but I'll totally take a movie from Hungaria. And maybe what's his name, the other garia.

WhiteRoseBrian Mar 20th, 2013 07:26 PM

Pardon me for the delay, Tadao. I'm only familiar with her work on Family Guy, so I can only say that she barely sounds like Meg Griffin. There's already a sequel in the works, by the way, and all the actors apparently signed on.

All Hail Duke Mar 21st, 2013 10:27 PM

death race 2000

entertaining 70's cheese

Shadowdancer21b Mar 23rd, 2013 12:40 PM

I also just recently watched Death Race 2000 for the first time. Netflix doesn't always suck. I have also started watching Korean dramas with the missus. I'm getting old.

All Hail Duke Mar 23rd, 2013 07:07 PM


it was ok i guess

WhiteRoseBrian Mar 24th, 2013 10:13 PM

My friend, his friend, and I went out to see The Croods. It was a bit better than I expected.

Dimnos Mar 25th, 2013 03:11 PM

Oh man, their cave people but their just like us!

Captain Conquest Mar 27th, 2013 04:05 PM

Rope, Day of the dolphin, O-zone ( :x ) and Pumpkinhead :chatter

Tadao Mar 27th, 2013 05:38 PM

Just watched "The Collection". It was good until the end. I like that it was fast paced, otherwise it would be completely boring. Then the end happened and it was typical and predictable. :/

Aaarg Mar 28th, 2013 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by Captain Conquest (Post 766832)
O-zone ( :x )

oh my god. i was trying to remember this movie a few days ago. "you know, that really terrible movie with the black guy and the junkie zombies?" nothin'. awful movie.

Mad Melvin Mar 28th, 2013 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by Aaarg (Post 766839)
oh my god. i was trying to remember this movie a few days ago. "you know, that really terrible movie with the black guy and the junkie zombies?" nothin'. awful movie.

Is it awful in an entertaining way? Weird coincidence, we're having a VHS night with a few friends this saturday, and the point is to watch random shitty movies we picked up at flea markets. Ozone is one of them.

Mad Melvin Apr 1st, 2013 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by Mad Melvin (Post 766847)
Is it awful in an entertaining way? Weird coincidence, we're having a VHS night with a few friends this saturday, and the point is to watch random shitty movies we picked up at flea markets. Ozone is one of them.

It wasn't. What a piece of shit.

All Hail Duke Apr 3rd, 2013 01:30 AM

dirty harry

corny as hell, but very entertaining

Tadao Apr 3rd, 2013 11:31 AM

Skyfall, strangely, I like the other 2 better.

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