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Aaarg Jul 14th, 2013 11:55 PM

kikujiro - silly movie about a young kid traveling into the japanese countryside with takeshi kitano. i liked it.

love in the time of cholera - crap garbage. my girlfriend said the book was all about enemas and she's pissed that they didn't have enemas in the movie. instead, they inflated the "one chapter" about dude sleeping around into the bulk of the movie. fuck you, hollywood. also, oh my god just make a spanish movie instead of having all the actors speak with spanish accents.

Kitsa Jul 17th, 2013 12:55 AM

Wow, I need to reread that book because I remember nothing about enemas. I remember some long, graphic description of how the doctor loved to smell his own asparagus piss.

Anything with Beat Takeshi is great.

Went and saw Despicable Me 2 in the theater tonight. It was cute. I missed huge chunks of it because I had my young kid there and I was paranoid as fuck about her making noise. I picked an aisle seat and the second she started about bathroom or drink or something I had her out of there. At one point she wanted to stand up and I shushed her and tried to reposition her in the seat and she stood up and said BUT I HAVE A WEDGIE.

Aaarg Jul 17th, 2013 04:48 PM

if you haven't seen kikujiro, you should watch it! when you're in the mood for something... pastoral.

kitsa i think about you a lot because any time i've posted a picture of a mushroom you've IDed it. i see mushrooms a lot and wish i had somebody to ID them (and tell me which ones i can eat).

ohyaku: the female demon aka legends of the poisonous seductress: female demon ohyaku. this one disappointed me because i thought the plot was that she dies and comes back as a demon. instead she gets raped and then everybody else tries to rape her and she kills some of them.

are there any japanese action movies that doesn't involve women being raped?

Kitsa Jul 19th, 2013 04:14 AM

Mostly google. I'd never eat a mushroom that I just came upon in the woods; don't trust myself enough. I did find some weird mushroom in the Michigan Dunes that I couldn't even begin to identify. Wasn't even sure if it was plant or fungus.

I've been wanting to rewatch Happiness of the Katakuris.

Aaarg Jul 19th, 2013 10:30 AM

there's a log in my yard that has grown a ton of mushrooms in the past couple of days. they look like oysters. the neighbors said some edible mushrooms grow on that log. i guess they're oysters. they're also apparently popular breeding sites for flies, as they're full of larvae.

i started watching attenborough's life in cold blood. sweeeeeeet.

Kitsa Jul 20th, 2013 07:50 PM

Still wouldn't eat 'em.

Watched Hitchcock today, with Anthony Hopkins and Helen Mirren. Pretty good, although Anthony Hopkins waddling around in a fat suit was a little disconcerting. I kept thinking that he was going to break into some ridiculous Eddie Murphy/Tyler Perry shit.

Kitsa Jul 23rd, 2013 07:35 PM

Hunter. Hunter?

Aaarg Jul 29th, 2013 08:13 AM

the idiot - kurosawa's adaptation of the book. too long for what it was, but apparently the original cut (now lost forever) had 100 more minutes. jesus.

i think mostly i'm annoyed because of the ending.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jul 29th, 2013 08:29 AM

Wolverine was not good.

The heat with Sandra bullock and Molly from that mike and Molly show was great. Mostly because of Molly.

captain516 Jul 31st, 2013 09:55 PM

Aarg have you seen this?

It's like the Django against Sartanna of Samurai movies; I liked it.

I'm dling Coffee Town, Glenn Howerton's new movie right now. Can't wait to see him come down on the snooty starbucks drinkers LIKE THE HAMMER OF THOR!

Aaarg Aug 1st, 2013 11:02 PM

Nope! Sweet cover + sweet Mifune. It's in my Netflix queue, so someday! I think I've only seen one Zatoichi movie.

I've been reeeewatchin' things

Fargo - still a great movie
Shaun of the Dead - still a great movie
It's Alive III: Island of the Alive + Larry Cohen commentary - Cohen's commentaries are great. Also his movies.
Howling III: The Marsupials + Philippe Mora commentary - I've had this movie for over a decade and have seen it like 7 times and I didn't realize there was a commentary track. NEAT.

Aaarg Aug 5th, 2013 03:18 PM

scandal - old kurosawa just isn't the same. pretty good, but not much to it.
four flies on grey velvet - old argento is weird. this one was silly, and it lacked the music (goblin) that makes argento movies good.

Mad Melvin Aug 9th, 2013 12:42 PM

God Bless America

Very flawed movie, but therapeutic at the same time. I really like some of the monologues and I like the idea of some republicans and fundamentalist christians tearing their assholes to shreds for being so mad at this movie. Watchable, but nothing special.

Cloud Atlas

Watched this for the second time. Still good. I don't know why this was getting so negative reviews. Best sci-fi in a long time. This and "Moon" gives me hope that good sci-fi isn't dead.

captain516 Aug 11th, 2013 02:22 PM

El Topo.

Fucking. Amazing.

WhiteRoseBrian Aug 11th, 2013 05:18 PM

I thought Wolverine was solid enough when I went to see it. The same goes for Elysium.

SuperYuriGagarin Aug 11th, 2013 11:40 PM

Hell comes to Frogtown. I don't know what to say about it.

WhiteRoseBrian Aug 24th, 2013 02:20 PM

The first Hellboy is solid. The old Mummy from 1932 is, to be honest, boring in spite of the atmospheric imagery.

All Hail Duke Aug 24th, 2013 06:10 PM

the french connection-really, really good

need to see the sequel now

SuperYuriGagarin Aug 25th, 2013 05:53 PM

The Ideon movies.

10,000 Volt Ghost Sep 2nd, 2013 01:46 AM

Magician 1958 with Max Von Sydow was really good.

Then Kowala Executive. This was out there but about the range of King Kung Fu.

Mad Melvin Sep 3rd, 2013 02:08 PM

Just stumbled upon the imdb page of Godfrey Ho: http://akas.imdb.com/name/nm0387301/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1

Holy shit. Watched Undefeatable with a couple of friends. Amazingly bad. Zombie vs. Ninja is up next.

Aaarg Sep 4th, 2013 10:25 AM

been watching a lot of early kurosawa. boring.

sanshiro sugata
sanshiro sugata pt. 2
no regrets for our youth
men who tread on the tiger's tail

i liked the last one.

All Hail Duke Sep 7th, 2013 06:35 PM

night of the creeps

first time i've seen it in over 20 years, and it's still good

Tadao Sep 12th, 2013 08:41 PM

Watched Star Trek Into the Darkness last night.

It was 9-11 and the movie had suicide bombings and a giant ship aimed directly at what looked like Manhattan. lol :(

Also watched Chasing Ice and Frankensteins Army.

Ricky Butler Sep 13th, 2013 05:13 PM

Friday The 13th Part 3, in honor of the day. It's not the best of the series, but it has a certain charm.

Star Trek Into Darkness: Tadao, you hit the nail on the head. It was cool, but I was shifting in my seat with the suicide attack.

Monsters, Inc.: I still enjoy this; my son loves it too.

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