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Tadao Dec 12th, 2013 06:19 PM

47 Ronin looks horrible :lol

Kitsa Dec 14th, 2013 11:15 PM

It really does.

Tadao Dec 15th, 2013 04:57 PM

Lords of Salem was the worst Kubrick movie ever made

Tadao Dec 17th, 2013 05:59 PM

Elysium was alright, I was able to watch it and not get bored, Kick Ass 2 was hard to sit through though.

dextire Dec 17th, 2013 08:27 PM

I thought it looked too much like Oblivion and After Earth so I didn't bother. I guess I'll watch it now.

I really enjoyed Gantz. The special fx were better than I expected and Gantz itself was great.

Tadao Dec 17th, 2013 08:56 PM

It's District 9, again.

WhiteRoseBrian Dec 20th, 2013 01:16 PM

My friend and I went to see the Desolation of Smaug. We both liked it. I actually thought that it looked very nice in HFR-3D.

Kitsa Dec 20th, 2013 03:37 PM

Kick Ass 2 lost me about 20 minutes in. I was just like ehhh I don't care.

I'd kind of like to see Red and Red 2, never got a chance to. Don't give too much of a shit about the other stuff out there right now.

Tadao Dec 20th, 2013 03:59 PM

:lol Red was great, Red 2 isn't as great but good enough so that I'll see Red 3 when it comes to video.

Kitsa Dec 20th, 2013 05:06 PM

I've loved Helen Mirren ever since Caligula.

I've always thought, now there's a good sport.

dextire Dec 20th, 2013 07:33 PM

She's great in both films. I liked John Malkovich much better in 2.

Kitsa Dec 20th, 2013 10:41 PM

Went to see the second Hunger Games installment in the theater. Not the nice downtown Columbus theater with the giant cushy leather recliners and cafe food, but a shit mall movie theater with a bunch of idiot teenagers who couldn't make up their mind whether they wanted to be roaming or sitting.

The movie was...I dunno. I tried to do the fair thing and read all of the books. It exactly matched the second book, except sped up a bit. Everyone is very pretty and the costumes and effects are beautiful and Jennifer Lawrence is a delight to watch, and all, but it's still the same damn story as BR. The second movie follows the progression from being victims of the system to using the next Games to start the rebellion that brings down the Man. They even give the contestants a water-landing that meshes nicely with the Normandy scene from BR2. I continue to not believe you knew nothing of this very popular plot, Suzanne Collins.

As far as effect on me...none, really. I just felt like I'd read the book again. I wasn't entertained, I wasn't not-entertained. It was more "Oh, yes, I remember this happening, and I see they went with baboons."

I heard they're breaking the last installment into two parts, Harry Potter-style. I guess it makes sense to squeeze out every drop once your star becomes an Oscar-winner and bankable up the wazoo.

Tadao Dec 22nd, 2013 07:13 PM

Wolverine Japan is the worst fucking movie I've seen in some 20 years. I dare any one to explain to me why this movie is worth finishing. I turned it off 3/4 of the way through it and I can sit through almost anything. Fuck you asshole mother fucking shithole fagnut penises.

All Hail Duke Dec 22nd, 2013 10:25 PM

i haven't seen it because it doesn't look interesting at all, but the best i've heard is that it's better than wolverine origins
but that's not saying much

10,000 Volt Ghost Dec 23rd, 2013 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 768975)
Wolverine Japan is the worst fucking movie I've seen in some 20 years. I dare any one to explain to me why this movie is worth finishing. I turned it off 3/4 of the way through it and I can sit through almost anything. Fuck you asshole mother fucking shithole fagnut penises.

I suckered my gf into seeing this at the drivein. It was worth watching it all the way through because the heat was on after.

The heat is fucking good as shit.

Tadao Dec 23rd, 2013 04:31 PM

Hopefully I can download Chûshingura


Tadao Dec 23rd, 2013 10:12 PM

Ok, I have The 47 Ronin from 1941


I hope it's decent, I heard Reeves tell Stewert or Colbert (I forget who) that it was an old story and I remembered that I got it for my dad a year ago or something. Hopefully I can find one that's watchable.

Aaarg Dec 24th, 2013 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 768995)
Hopefully I can download Chûshingura


that's a good one.

i watched fitzcarraldo and i guess i didn't get it. i liked the parts that were outside of the hour's worth of moving the boat over the mountain. also the ending sucks. also i just made jokes about klaus kinski being a pedophile the whole time.

i also watched a bunch of various asian movies that ranged from godawful to pretty good. the ends of the spectrum - pretty good: deadful melody. godawful: chunking express.

WhiteRoseBrian Dec 24th, 2013 10:18 PM

I streamed Toys (featuring Robin Williams) yesterday. I didn't care for it much.

Kitsa Dec 24th, 2013 11:44 PM

The Black Death.

Real fuckin' jolly.

Tadao Dec 25th, 2013 02:31 PM

Oh man, I almost thought I found a Beat Takeshi chia head.

Kitsa Dec 25th, 2013 04:43 PM

I want a beat takeshi chia head.

Tadao Dec 25th, 2013 07:30 PM

If you make one, make me one too and I'll pay well and cover shipping.

Kitsa Dec 25th, 2013 10:31 PM

I hate working with clay. The dust on my hands gives me cold chills.

I assume chia won't grow on sculpey because sculpey won't absorb water.

Kitsa Dec 25th, 2013 10:32 PM

...I'll think about it.

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