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Guitar Woman Nov 14th, 2008 09:19 PM

I'm not him, too, if that's what you're thinking

Emu Nov 14th, 2008 09:31 PM

I was worried :)

Microshock Nov 15th, 2008 06:26 PM

Me and 3 of my friends were at the subway part of the level and the witch is sitting right fucking there in the train you have to walk thru, and you have to go thru there since its the only way.

But we just sniped her...and that's it, another time , we were going up to the room with the machine gun and the tank was sitting right there on top of the staircase.

Really crazy stuff sometimes, it's already bought.

Dimnos Nov 17th, 2008 04:04 PM

Does this have 2 player co-op on one xbox? Or can you only do multi player over xbox live? Anyone know?

darkvare Nov 17th, 2008 05:34 PM

well i just played the demo and it said it had split screen this is xbox version i'm talking about. is a nice game, i found annoying the fact that zombies appear behind me when i just cleaned the room upstairs but oh well

Schimid Nov 18th, 2008 01:54 AM

Versus mode is fucking great.

Valve kept it real and don't require the team to get to the end--because, honestly, it's pretty difficult to do so. Infected spawn quickly and the odds seem stacked in their favor.

Boomers and Smokers are my favorites (which is funny, because i thought i'd love being a hunter), but I still haven't played as a Tank.

Three friends and I are gonna play through it on Thursday night, can't wait for it.

MattJack Nov 19th, 2008 10:26 AM

Played with three of my buddies last night. Can't beat the first level on hard(advanced? expert? whichever is hardest) right now, but fuc* if it wasn't fun trying.

In versus mode I love being the Boomer. It just feels so good when you throw up on somebody and then run away.

LordSappington Nov 19th, 2008 10:34 PM

I love being a dick in this game. I got three guys online to play with me, and when we ehar the witch crying we start to carefully aim our shots, and we finally see her in a hallway. Right as they sneak past her, I hit her in the face with a molotov, and ran right past them. So they got raped by a flaming witch, and I got off scot free.

MattJack Nov 19th, 2008 11:20 PM

What's your steam account so that I know not to play with you.

I <3 being the Boomer so much!! Just so satisfying to throw up on people multiple times ;_;

timrpgland Nov 20th, 2008 10:03 AM

I just bought this yesterday but for 360. Let's get some coop going on Live hey??

Tag: KefkaGrim

LordSappington Nov 20th, 2008 08:16 PM

My LIVE account is LordSappington (big surprise), but I overheated my 360 and I've been slacking off in getting it fixed. I'll get it fixed soon, though; I'll need it for Christmas, so it can distract my poser emo lesbian cousin.
God I hate her.

OxBlood Nov 21st, 2008 07:02 AM

A poser emo lesbian cousin? I thought those were illegal.

MetalMilitia Nov 22nd, 2008 09:43 PM

If anyone is planning on going for the Akimbo Assassin achievement remember not to use any pipe bombs or Molotovs as they count as weapons too apparently. :(

LordSappington Nov 23rd, 2008 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 596114)
A poser emo lesbian cousin? I thought those were illegal.

Not illegal enough. :rollseyes

Nick Nov 24th, 2008 03:17 PM

I bought this game. Versus mode is awesome.

LordSappington Nov 24th, 2008 11:06 PM

The only problem with versus mode is, while the human survivors are devastatingly powerful, once one of them dies, that's the end. Normally for us, this was about five minutes in. So I think that the survivors should at least have the game mode opportunity to have a few extra lives.

Nick Nov 24th, 2008 11:10 PM

The team I had was just awesome, we were able to stop the survivors easily, while still being able to keep them at bay. I was really luck to have been grouped together with such good players.

LordSappington Nov 24th, 2008 11:18 PM

At about the fifth time I was a survivor, I just hid in a closet and held still. Apparently they couldn't see me, because I saw the human silhouettes way off in the distance get raped, then when they figured out I was hiding in the beginning, I ran out of the closet onto a roof and jumped to my doom.
My friends are way too serious about that game.

Schimid Nov 25th, 2008 01:44 AM

I fucking hate this game now.

A few friends and I beat the whole thing on Advanced, so I've been playing a lot of versus lately. And it's a fucking mess.

Sometimes there's lag. Sometimes there's Expert difficulty, which you might as well not even bother trying. Sometimes there's an asshole that turns cheats on. Sometimes your entire team is comprised of fuckwits while the other team is strikingly competent, etc. etc.

I don't get it. By simple probabilities, I should get a good game SOMEWHERE and all I'm getting is pile upon pile of horse shit.

Guitar Woman Nov 25th, 2008 01:48 AM

For extra fun, get the console to spawn thousands of zombies per mob as opposed to the standard 30!

OxBlood Nov 25th, 2008 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by Schimid (Post 597140)
I don't get it. By simple probabilities, I should get a good game SOMEWHERE and all I'm getting is pile upon pile of horse shit.

I could fix that for you if you want.
Donīt play Multiplayergames. There. All done.
Seriously, Mulitplayer sucks big time, if you play it with random people. No secret, I know, but it canīt be stressed enough.

MetalMilitia Nov 25th, 2008 06:54 AM

Join a good steam group and play on their servers. I play on the PC Gamer UK steam group servers and more often than not everyone is really cool. Also when I play with good people I'll add them to my friends list.

Edit: Someone could even set up an I-Mockery group server if they have some spare cash floating about.

Guitar Woman Nov 25th, 2008 10:31 AM



darkvare Nov 25th, 2008 12:47 PM

that one is funny too

MetalMilitia Nov 25th, 2008 09:02 PM

Had a really good game tonight. Played Dead Air on expert which took about three and a half hours to complete (even then we needed to knock it down to Advanced after using ~14 restarts on the final showdown). So much fun though. We had a really elaborate plan for the showdown which worked - sort of - but we kept getting killed by the tank.

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