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Guitar Woman Jul 28th, 2011 04:33 PM

Shrooms were fantastic, actually, you just have to remember not to mix them with anything.

My puke was like a gray and blue kaleidoscope of soggy fungal matter and friendship swirling around in the toilet.

I bought eight tabs of acid a while ago, and tried one over at Tolovana Inn, but either I screwed up somehow or it was fake. I'm thinking that I must have exposed it to the sunlight at some point, because I know I didn't touch it.

Those things are a lot more fragile than you see in the movies.

executioneer Jul 28th, 2011 04:35 PM

yeah the OTHER time i shroomed it was fun

just, not THAT time

Fathom Zero Jul 28th, 2011 04:35 PM

Aaarg Jul 28th, 2011 04:58 PM

no i think shrooms would literally send me over the edge even if they're "mild" compared to other things, haha

also that's the best part of that movie from what i remember

Fathom Zero Jul 28th, 2011 06:22 PM

There's a lot like that in the movie.

The bit where he's by his dad's deathbed, for instance.

Aaarg Jul 28th, 2011 06:36 PM

i don't rmemeber i was hiiiiiiiiiigh ni99a!!!

Dr. Boogie Jul 28th, 2011 07:38 PM

A friend of mine used a dehydrator and mixed the result into some peanut butter to make little peanut butter graham cracker sandwiches. In case you were wondering, yes, pot does make peanut butter taste awful.

We ate a couple and then played LA Noire for a few hours. It was so hard, mostly because we couldn't remember who we were interviewing, or why we were interviewing them. Later it got worse because we couldn't remember what anyone had said right after they finished saying it, even though we had a log that recorded all of it.

The next day, we tried it again and got 5 star rankings on cases we had previously gotten 2 stars on, and we marveled at how much easier it was.

executioneer Jul 28th, 2011 07:44 PM

a dehydrator? how the hell does that work

Evil Robot II Jul 28th, 2011 08:23 PM

I can't smoke weed anymore so I can get my 100 ton Captains license. I do however still smoke the legal analouge of weed know as "spice" but trademarked under numerous names. I find it's better than weed, and you can smoke it in a crowd without anybody knowing what that good incense smell is.

k0k0 Jul 28th, 2011 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Robot II (Post 734277)
I can't smoke weed anymore so I can get my 100 ton Captains license. I do however still smoke the legal analouge of weed know as "spice" but trademarked under numerous names. I find it's better than weed, and you can smoke it in a crowd without anybody knowing what that good incense smell is.

Reminds me of star wars...you have to go to a spice trader to get some?

Evil Robot II Jul 28th, 2011 08:53 PM

Daze Inc in Balwin NY

Evil Robot II Jul 28th, 2011 08:53 PM


Dr. Boogie Jul 28th, 2011 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by executioneer (Post 734271)
a dehydrator? how the hell does that work

It just drains all the moisture out of the pot and turns it into dust, pretty much. I guess it's mainly used for making the stuff suitable for making brownies and the like.

executioneer Jul 29th, 2011 12:12 AM

i did it the science way, I put it in a coffee filter and poured alcohol thru it (several times), and then slowly boiled the alcohol off

on a hot plate, outside, so there wasn't a risk of making a fiery explosion or suffocating anyone in alcohol fumes :safety

edit: although if it'd been dehydrated first and then crushed to powder, i bet it'd have been a lot more efficient

Tadao Jul 29th, 2011 12:23 AM

If you use butter in your treats, you can double boil the green and the butter. Then strain, and to get what's left out of the strainer you can pour boiling hot water into the strainer over a bowl, take the butter/water mix and put it in the cold cold fridge and after it separates put that butter together with the strained butter. I'm sure there's better ways, that's just how I was taught on the farm.

executioneer Jul 29th, 2011 12:29 AM

that'll work but alcohol reduction is more effective

which is probably another reason why those goddamn cookies murdered me

k0k0 Jul 29th, 2011 01:13 AM

I remember the one time I made pot brownies in highschool. My friend and I invited a couple people over to make them since we were ditching school as usual and I didn't work until about 4 hours later. I didn't know how much to use, so I figured better have too much than too little. We used a half an ounce of good weed to do it. I separated all the weed from the stems and then tore the buds into little pieces and thought that was enough. Threw it into the mixture and then into the oven.

It tasted terrible and we just sat around for maybe 4 hours hanging out. Nothing happened. And this was really good stuff too. We were all bummed and went our separate ways. I went to work. On a delivery, in the middle of taking an order into an apartment's office area, everything just went slow motion. I slowly walked into the office building of the apartments and everyone was staring at me. The lady who placed the order talked to me and all I could see were these wavy lines, like the ones that followed the bullets in the matrix. They moved towards me slowly from her and then when they hit me, I heard her voice. Weirdest fucking thing. It happened again and again, each time she talked, I couldn't tell what she was saying until those fucking sound waves got to me.

I ended up calling my work from there after I finally got the transaction finished and told them that I was taking the day off. I had ingested too much pot to function and was tripping out. Until then I did not know that weed could make you hallucinate.

A couple of my friends ended up in a movie theater with the walls melting and one of them called the hospital.

captain516 Jul 29th, 2011 01:45 AM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 734317)
If you use butter in your treats, you can double boil the green and the butter. Then strain, and to get what's left out of the strainer you can pour boiling hot water into the strainer over a bowl, take the butter/water mix and put it in the cold cold fridge and after it separates put that butter together with the strained butter. I'm sure there's better ways, that's just how I was taught on the farm.

That's the same way my friends made it.

ThrashO Jul 29th, 2011 01:59 AM


Originally Posted by Evil Robot II (Post 734277)
I can't smoke weed anymore so I can get my 100 ton Captains license. I do however still smoke the legal analouge of weed know as "spice" but trademarked under numerous names. I find it's better than weed, and you can smoke it in a crowd without anybody knowing what that good incense smell is.

Fuck spice dude. For those who dont know, Spice (K2), is some synthetic shit made in a lab. Some kids at UNC just OD'd on the suit and died. It was legal for a while and when I was talking to my old dealer about it he was telling me all the suit they've found out about it, Not only because it was self interest for him to keep customers, but studies have been done showing that prolonged use will cause brain damage and other side effects.

Also, I agree with Tadao, weed butter is where it's at. A guy down the street would make a big plate of this green butter, we would break it apart and make stuff with it. Best way to infuse pot into anything. If you're a real fatass you can just eat a chunk of it :)

Guitar Woman Jul 29th, 2011 09:50 AM

Yeah, I was going to say, JWH is horrible for you.

Anything that leaves your brain feeling like soup after you come down is not to be fucked with. I wouldn't trust any synthetic drugs except LSD.

I feel like this is a good opportunity to talk about kratom some more, guys. It is my very favorite drug. It will turn you into a champion.


It's cheap! It's legal! It's an opioid! It tastes like shit! Try some!

Don't bother with the enhanced extracts; they're bullshit, too expensive, and taste even worse than the normal-strength powder.

Rez Jul 29th, 2011 02:26 PM

i smoked about once a month for a year or two in college
i think i did it wrong because i'd do the usual "write a play about teddy roosevelt and carmen sandiego going to mount rushmore and all the dialogue is just facial expressions" giggling business, but the next morning i'd still feel way off, wondering why my reflection seemed wrong and not being able to concentrate, and it would fucking linger with me for the rest of the week. i'd never feel 100% 'there', and then when i did someone would want to smoke again.

eventually i had enough and never did it again.

Chojin Jul 29th, 2011 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Rez (Post 734382)
i smoked about once a month for a year or two in college
i think i did it wrong because i'd do the usual "write a play about teddy roosevelt and carmen sandiego going to mount rushmore and all the dialogue is just facial expressions" giggling business, but the next morning i'd still feel way off, wondering why my reflection seemed wrong and not being able to concentrate, and it would fucking linger with me for the rest of the week. i'd never feel 100% 'there', and then when i did someone would want to smoke again.

eventually i had enough and never did it again.

this is why i don't smoke. i don't get high; i just get disoriented, and i feel stupid for about a week afterward.

executioneer Jul 29th, 2011 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 734346)
It's cheap! It's legal!

oh hey that sounds


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 734346)
It's an opioid! It tastes like shit!


Aaarg Jul 29th, 2011 03:24 PM

it always just made me see colors and shapes and weird images and that was fun
but it also made it impossible to do anything and then i'd worry if i was really washing the same dish for five minutes or if i just felt like i was
also i'd just get lost in thought but not really thought, just, like, my brain trying to think and fooling me into thinking i was thinking

and then the last few times i did it it just took my depression and made it tangible and put it all the fuck around me and i was in some bottomless pit of despair and bitterness
so kind of like me normally, but more intense.
so... horribly... intense...

Dimnos Jul 29th, 2011 03:57 PM

This thread reminds me of misdemeanor. :tear

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