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Chojin Aug 15th, 2009 05:30 PM

idjits PMing me, i need email addresses to send you the invite.

esuohlim - check again and check your spam folder

Evil Robot Aug 15th, 2009 06:27 PM

would people eventually need to buy something or "complete a special value offer" or shit like that?

Evil Robot Aug 15th, 2009 06:28 PM

Fuck if I want a free ipod ill just punch out a child and take one.

Chojin Aug 15th, 2009 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Robot (Post 642024)
would people eventually need to buy something or "complete a special value offer" or shit like that?

no, i'm not an idiot

Esuohlim Aug 15th, 2009 10:54 PM

Just got it, thanks Choj

Tadao Aug 15th, 2009 10:55 PM

I still haven't, but maybe it's because I'm not going to do anything with it and supplies are limited.

Esuohlim Aug 15th, 2009 11:18 PM

Dude I signed up and got some ptz then I played a game and got some ptz and now all of a sudden ptz were all taken away what the fck

Tadao Aug 15th, 2009 11:34 PM

It's pointless

MetalMilitia Aug 16th, 2009 06:37 PM

So what you're telling me is that people on the internet are going to send me iPods for free??

And all I need to do is get a load of referrers and shit?

Nope, can't see any way that's going to be a scam.

If any of you actually receive something valuable or otherwise I will send you a free iPod myself.

Dr. Boogie Aug 16th, 2009 06:52 PM

Laugh all you want, but someday, you'll get tired of these boards, only to return later in order to drum up support for a pyramid scheme of your own, and then who will be laughing?

MetalMilitia Aug 16th, 2009 07:16 PM

Let's just say you're realistically going to need to get the full 20 for this to be worthwhile (for the 2x point multiplier).

So chojin needs 20 referrers.

Those 20 need 20 of their own... 400
Those 400 need 20 of their own... 8000
Those 8000 need 20 of their own... 160,000
Those 160,000 need 20 of their own... 3,200,000
Those 32,00,000 need 20 of their own... 64,000,000
Those 64,000,000 need 20 of their own... 1,280,000,000
Those 1,280,000,000 need 20 of their own... 25,600,000,000

Aaaaannnnd we've run out of people in the world within 7 levels. Well that's fine. Most people aren't going to get the 2x multiplier. But you can still get the big screen TV. All you need to do is log in every day and answer the daily question for 2.05 years. Clearly that's not something you're going to get bored of within a month and it's not like the following sentence is in their terms and conditions:


Pointz are only valid until the end of the current calendar year and do not roll over into the following year unless specifically agreed upon by Lockerz.
...waaaaaait a minute.

But you can still get games and shit! Why wouldn't they give you items with a high monetary value for doing nothing? What motive would people on the internet have for offering you things for free which are obviously worth more money than they could possibly be making from you accessing their site every day?

But they've got a good track-record. It's not like a new unproven site or anything. It's not like they could get a shit load of people sending out invites then change the rules or run the site with high-traffic for a few months, make all their money then shut it down before sending out a single reward.

No, no. This is is a foolproof way of getting a new TV if ever I saw one.

Wiffles Aug 16th, 2009 07:28 PM

Reminds me of the Microsoft Livesearch promo some time ago. I actually got a Zune out of that ^.^

Chojin Aug 16th, 2009 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by MetalMilitia (Post 642324)
But you can still get games and shit! Why wouldn't they give you items with a high monetary value for doing nothing? What motive would people on the internet have for offering you things for free which are obviously worth more money than they could possibly be making from you accessing their site every day?

But they've got a good track-record. It's not like a new unproven site or anything.

No, no. This is is a foolproof way of getting a new TV if ever I saw one.

Well like I said faggot, it's mostly just good for a free game after a week or so. You can also just make tons of gmail accounts and then invite them to get points, which is what I did. Bonus points if you own 6+ domains like I do and can create lots of emails for each of them.


It's not like they could get a shit load of people sending out invites then change the rules or run the site with high-traffic for a few months, make all their money then shut it down before sending out a single reward.
Make their money how? There are no ads and nothing you even can buy if you were so inclined. Let's say one day it becomes a site with TONS OF ADS. What's that worth these days, 0.05 cents a pageview? Which they'll collect on once per account, if they're reaaaaally lucky?

It's a viral promotion for the official launch of their site in the fall. They're willing to drop some capital in exchange for some early hype and buzz. It's marketing 101 and I'm inclined to believe them on it simply because they CAN'T make money off of this as it stands.

The biggest heel move they could pull is selling the e-mails to a spam network, split the profits among the founders, and close the business; but the corporate shield doesn't protect against blatant fraud and there are enough people on this network that someone would sue. Even if they got a nickel for every account and they had 3 million accounts, that'd be $150,000 - split among a few people, and which on its own wouldn't cover their server fees for the life of the project.

The entire point is that this WILL be over soon, so you might as well get your free vidja game while you can.

MetalMilitia Aug 16th, 2009 07:45 PM

I really thought you were better than this Chojin. What possible reason do they have to send you a free game?

There's certainly nothing in the T&C to suggest they have any obligation to honour any promises made for free items or even to keep your personal details private.
Do you know of anyone else that has received anything? Anyone that didn't have a stake in the company or reason to lie (for example to attract referrers)?

Do you have any reason to believe this is a legitimate way of obtaining free games beyond the fact that this unknown start-up said that they would give them to you?

Chojin Aug 16th, 2009 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by MetalMilitia (Post 642328)
What possible reason do they have to send you a free game?

To promote their site in the fall for when it changes into something different.


Do you have any reason to believe this is a legitimate way of obtaining free games beyond the fact that this unknown start-up said that they would give them to you?
Do I have anything to lose?

MetalMilitia Aug 16th, 2009 07:59 PM

Your time?

Life's too short to spend any time shilling shitty internet scams.

Either way post back here when you get your free game and I'll re-think my position on the matter. So far as "too good to be true" websites go it's guilty untill proven innocent as far as I'm concerned.

Chojin Aug 16th, 2009 07:59 PM

Also I guess we'll find out soon enough - i have 83 points so far.

As far as PRECIOUS TIME, log out immediately from this time-wasting internet forum and save some babies from burning buildings, you slacker.

Esuohlim Aug 16th, 2009 08:24 PM

Metalmilitia why are you trying to make me feel guilty about moving my mouse over things and clicking, you jerk

MetalMilitia Aug 16th, 2009 08:32 PM

Because you're all acting like suckers. :rolleyes

Wiffles Aug 16th, 2009 09:38 PM

The power of the PRIZE compels you O.O

Zhukov Aug 17th, 2009 08:20 AM

:lol MM and Chojin both you guys crack me up. No sarcasm.

I hope you get your game though Chojin. My reaction, however, is that the site will change into a non-existant one in the fall.

Chojin Aug 17th, 2009 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by Zhukov (Post 642392)
:lol MM and Chojin both you guys crack me up. No sarcasm.

I hope you get your game though Chojin. My reaction, however, is that the site will change into a non-existant one in the fall.

fine by me, i'm not really interested in being a part of their COMMUNITY

Evil Robot Aug 17th, 2009 10:44 PM

All this means is that a retail outlet is going to be your best friend on myspace and anytime you type something it will send you an email about another consumer product they recommend you buy since you have no free will anymore. They might have a new approach to marketing but the end result will be the same. After they go live it will just be another store trying to shove shit in your face and cluttering up their personal pages with ads and filling the inbox.

There's also no reason to make it invite only other than to fool people into thinking it's for a limited amount of people and to get in quickly. They have clearly demonstrated that this is not the case.

DevilWearsPrada Aug 24th, 2009 09:15 PM

Loophole exploited, i-pod soon gained :bestthread

Zomboid Aug 24th, 2009 10:02 PM

PM me about this loophole :O

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