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Esuohlim Dec 10th, 2006 01:08 AM

Wasn't there an upload form here for hosting event pictures?

If not, then http://www.imageshack.us works too!

poppers620 Dec 10th, 2006 01:10 AM

im new, have only been on here a month and its the first forum i have ever written on. so i am a little new to it all. thanks for the help.

Jixby Phillips Dec 10th, 2006 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by poppers620
ok guys what picture hosting site do you use to post pics on here? i just tried photobucket and it woudlnt load any of my pics on here. i have my story ready to go..... just need the info.......

from what I saw, your problem was you posted HTML, you gotta post in BBcode.

Jixby Phillips Dec 10th, 2006 01:49 AM

Part 4: SMOKES
Part 5: Christmas with Rosie

darklycan Dec 10th, 2006 01:57 AM

Microshock: Your story was pretty good, I cn tell you put some thought in it, however what was with all the cock refrences? I felt like I was in a navy ship with all the refrences to penis. Anyway you did a good job and you are showing the newbies can actually do stuff.

Well I can't wait till the story from my stuff is good, the person who is recieving it seems like a person who would make good stuff.

I have not got my package yet but thats understandable, it cost quite a bit for me even when I chose the second fastest mail to america so thanks in advance to whoever sent me stuff. I will make you proud!

poppers620 Dec 10th, 2006 02:07 AM

ok guys here is my story, i am warning you tho, there are about 30 pics. i also want to reiterate the fact that i really love these gifts from radomskyfears and i have been wearing the glowing bracelet everyday! my inner raver rejoices!

ok so i got my awesome secret santa gift in the mail....

and after several hours of trying to get through all these layers of tape

i was rewarded with a box full of fine gifts

along with this letter

dude, score! everything i need for a party and seven course dinner!

but wait, there is still something missing....

thats right ladies and felllas, no party is complete without some cheap 1990 Chardonnay and my pirate style mickey mouse ears. now we can have a fucking party.

(glug glug glug)

nothing like some vino to get the par-tay started!

ok, now to get dressed up. ill just put on my magic glowing bracelet of fun. isnt it beautiful the way it shimmers off the glass? i know, mesmerizing, right?

now i cant forget my safety glasses cuz sometimes parties, esp mine, can get a little out of hand, and its always a good idea to pratice safety first.

im just gonna put my wine over her in its Corset Cozy for safe keeping while i move forward in setting up for the party of the century.

thats some sexy wine!
(glug glug glug)

now on to the decorations!

i have never blown up a balloon before by putting a pump in it and pumping rapidly, but i have to admit. once i got used to it i really quite enjoyed it. hehe

look at these skills

now to lay out the elaborate meal i have arduously prepared for my guests..... i got some soda, some french fries, philli cheese steak, pizza, hamburger and for desert some home made vanilla ice cream! (yeah not only am i skilled at pumping balloons i am a kickass cook

phew that was some hard work

now i wonder when my guests will arrive.....


wait, whats that i hear?!?

(knock knock)

me: oh hello Bird and Alien, have you arrived for my party?

Alien: yeah and we are fucking starving. we drove 43 hours without stopping, so can we cut the crap and get down to grubbing?

me: first things first, where is my present? its mandatory to bring presents to parties. its like the magic password to enter.

Bird: oh well we assumed just showing up would be enough since we drove 43 hours.

me: yeah , well here is what i think about that crazy nonsense!

fuck you both for your damn assumptions! dont you know when you ASSUME you make and ASS out of U and ME?

(slams door)

damn you Randomskyfears, damn you for just reminding me how little my so called friends actually love me.

Mystie Dec 10th, 2006 02:12 AM

Alright, again, here's the pile-o-fun I got from Microshack...

Mystie: Hey Rainbow, guess what today is? It's your BIRTHDAY! I put on your new birthday bib and your birthday tiara! Aren't you HAPPY?
Rainbow: Alright! Can we go to the San Diego Zoo? Or visit my friend Brian on Earth?
Mystie: Nope! We're having your birthday bash right here!

Rainbow: Yay! It's like a Rainbow Bukkake all over my body!
Mystie: Good thing you're wearing that bib!

Mystie: Look! I made you all your favorite foods! There's umm... brocolli spears, cranberry sauce, a marshmallow Peep...
Rainbow: What's that blue thing?
Mystie: Umm...... .....
Rainbow: It's a fucking penis, isn't it?

Mystie: Look at all the great stuff you got! There's a makeover kit, some sort of leftover Halloween decoration, and umm.... some dog bones. Yeah... uh... you can feed those to the Sprites, right?
Rainbow: Let's forget the bones. Put on the Halloween thing. It will amuse me.

Mystie: Hey, it's some sort of neck bolt Frankenstein kinda thing. Neat!
Rainbow: Where's Twink? He's gotta come see this!
Mystie: Yeah... about that... see... Twink got into some bad star sprinkles and OD'd. Apparently someone was smuggling them in Rainbowland from their anal cavaties because we found pubic hairs on the bags.

Rainbow: Really? You don't say.
Mystie: And here's the kicker. All the pubic hairs were striped. Every. Color. Of. The. Rainbow.
Rainbow: I, er.... um.... heh... so.... what's with the gloves? *gulp*

Mystie: Shhh.... I'm coming for YOU, next!

Protoclown Dec 10th, 2006 03:23 AM

Snoogans, I received your gift today! Thanks for the box of random goodies! But holy shit man, it cost you $30 to send it!? Honestly, I feel bad that it cost you so much!

randomskyfears Dec 10th, 2006 04:15 AM


damn you Randomskyfears, damn you for just reminding me how little my so called friends actually love me
i never forced you to start beating them mercilessly. that puppy puncher was meant to be used for good, not evil. and what happened to the stink bag?

good story though, and wish i would have gotten the stabbing unicorn. however, theres still some hope of that since i've not gotten mine yet, so you never know

snoogans Dec 10th, 2006 05:04 AM


Originally Posted by Protoclown
Snoogans, I received your gift today! Thanks for the box of random goodies! But holy shit man, it cost you $30 to send it!? Honestly, I feel bad that it cost you so much!

YAY! That's cool, I kinda figured it was gonna cost a bit to post it when I signed up so yeah, it's all good.

I really didn't have any idea on what to get though, so hopefully you can come up with a neat story with the things I did find.

Oh I bought the box too, so that's part of the present hehe.

zeldasbiggestfan Dec 10th, 2006 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by mockery
Zelda, you had the nerve to call those gifts crappy after what you sent out to Seth originally? What a fucking joke. Some of that stuff you got was awesome, especially the avenging unicorn (which is obviously based on the infamous PBF comic).

I liked the duck! And the jesus mirror was broken! How do I suck? And I dont even know what in the hell that unicorn thing was but I liked that too. :( But seriously the mirror has a huge crack on the back and on the mirror I just put a white light on the mirror to make it look fine.

Im srsly not going to do this next year.

Edit- 666th post :chatter

GADZOOKS Dec 10th, 2006 10:20 AM

Way to ruin christmas for everybody, zelda.

MarioRPG Dec 10th, 2006 10:25 AM

Those stories are excellent guys, I laughed a lot. I hope when I receive my gift (still waiting you cheap and or late jerk) I'll be up to par.

Microshock Dec 10th, 2006 11:20 AM

lol mystie...that was funny......hee heee..

MarioRPG Dec 10th, 2006 01:43 PM

Can we get a list on who has their gifts and hasn't posted pics plz. >:

Microshock Dec 10th, 2006 01:52 PM

hey rog i have a suggestion....when everybody gets their pics up or whoever does...

make like an article with all of our stories....it'd be cool

poppers620 Dec 10th, 2006 02:14 PM


i never forced you to start beating them mercilessly. that puppy puncher was meant to be used for good, not evil. and what happened to the stink bag?
yeah sorry about the stink bag. you just gave me so much cool stuff i forgot to include that.i realized when i was putting everything you gave me away.sorry about that. hop eyou are not angry :(

poppers620 Dec 10th, 2006 02:17 PM

seriously guys, i ended up drinking all that wine and more while taking these pics and making the story. it def wasnt easy to stay focused.

and i think we have giving Zelda enough shit now, i am sure he feels the pain for what he has done.

zeldasbiggestfan Dec 10th, 2006 02:35 PM

I think your still drunk if your serious about that.

MarioRPG Dec 10th, 2006 02:52 PM

Gift has been received from the extremely generous Mystie. Sorry you had to ship to Canada :(. Merry Christmas!

Mystie Dec 10th, 2006 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by MarioRPG
Gift has been received from the extremely generous Mystie. Sorry you had to ship to Canada :(. Merry Christmas!

It's okay, it was luckily .5 ounces light enough that I could just send it letter post. And boxes aren't that expensive.

poppers620 Dec 10th, 2006 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by zeldasbiggestfan
I think your still drunk if your serious about that.

nevermind. commence ripping Zelda a fucking new one.

Mockery Dec 10th, 2006 03:32 PM

Damn Snoogans, $30 just to SHIP it!? You sir are dedicated. Hope whoever sent you a gift for this Secret Santa event gave you something really good.

Poppers620 / Mystie - nice job with the pics 'n stories. So what's this "stink bag" that wasn't photographed? o.O

Microshock, heheh nah, that's not really the kind of thing I'd do an article on I-Mockery about.

kahljorn Dec 10th, 2006 03:56 PM

Hopefully next year my camera will be fixed so I can do this. It looks like alot of fun and I'm good at finding fun gifts at dollar/cheap stores that aren't gay.

FartinMowler Dec 10th, 2006 04:11 PM

Someone should get there gift from me in the next few day's I hope...very cool of Snoogans to spend so much money.

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