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Pub Lover Mar 23rd, 2010 01:27 AM


Pub Lover Mar 23rd, 2010 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by camacazio (Post 677543)
Ok so I got curious so I asked my friend about nanowires and got this:
12:03 PM Kevin: so i dont really know too much about nanowires, but nanotubes can do anything
12:05 PM we like them because they can be semiconducting or metallic, they have great transport along their length (good for shooting electrons around), one can make transparent conductors by degenerately doping the semiconducting tubes, we're also using them in solar cells with polymers
12:06 PM me: ok just got back from lab
12:07 PM ok so make me transparent aluminum
ugh you don't get star trak references
12:08 PM Kevin: but i guess people also like them because they have tensile strength and dont react away too easily, and people like using them for things like batteries and capacitors and i just read a paper on using them as guides for thermopower waves
chewie was in star trek too, right?
me: thermopower waves! :-o
12:09 PM that's so exciting that i'm gonna get lunch
seriously though that sounds cool what is that
Kevin: yum!
12:10 PM well basically they can have high thermal conductivity, so i think people showed that you could guide a chemical reaction down the length of the nanotube
its like lighting one end and having junk all along the tube that burns off and they think they can store lots of energy this way

Ok so great! Fun!

Man, that sure does sound awesome. Very familiar though, for some reason.



Originally Posted by Pub Lover (Post 675562)

Oh well shit. At least I read my posts, Eh? :dunce

Colonel Flagg Mar 23rd, 2010 03:14 AM

I read your posts too, dude! :lol

When one is all "Hi I'm New Here!" one tends to make errors of incompletion. I still do, sometimes. (And I guess I'm still new, as I can't get vet cred for at least another 20-30 years)

I'm hoping he gets caught up. :\

Colonel Flagg Mar 23rd, 2010 03:16 AM


Originally Posted by executioneer (Post 677547)
he's not winking he got fruit juice in his eye


Pub Lover Mar 23rd, 2010 03:42 AM


Originally Posted by Colonel Flagg (Post 677570)
I ...I can't get vet cred for at least another 20-30 years...

You can always buy your vethood with one topless picture of yourself, Colonel. ;)

It has the added benefit that you'll be legally licensed to say "TITS OR GTFO!" to whoever you want! :eek

You know you want to. :orgasm

Colonel Flagg Mar 23rd, 2010 04:50 AM



10,000 Volt Ghost Mar 23rd, 2010 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover (Post 677573)
You can always buy your vethood with one topless picture of yourself, Colonel. ;)

It has the added benefit that you'll be legally licensed to say "TITS OR GTFO!" to whoever you want! :eek

You know you want to. :orgasm

I never got my vet card.

Zhukov Mar 23rd, 2010 10:16 AM

Neither did I. I think the majority of vets are gone now, too.

Tadao Mar 23rd, 2010 12:26 PM


Dimnos Mar 23rd, 2010 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 677629)

10,000 Volt Ghost Mar 23rd, 2010 01:40 PM

I scrolled down too quick so it froze and I thought it was Tadao. My bad.

Fathom Zero Mar 23rd, 2010 01:43 PM

Mark Twain has never been more fucking boring.

I'm thinking of turning in this paper without making any improvements.

Dixie Mar 23rd, 2010 03:02 PM

i kinda miss you fags.
be back in a couple of weeks.
love and curbstomps,

Tadao Mar 23rd, 2010 03:04 PM


10,000 Volt Ghost Mar 23rd, 2010 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Dixie (Post 677659)
i kinda miss you fags.
be back in a couple of weeks.
love and curbstomps,

Where're you off to this time?

Dixie Mar 23rd, 2010 03:05 PM

on tour again. currently in new mexico. mountains here are purdy.

10,000 Volt Ghost Mar 23rd, 2010 03:43 PM

There's a new mexico? Just don't stop in phoenix or you'll get robbed.

Grislygus Mar 23rd, 2010 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Kitsunexus (Post 677660)
Before we moved, we had this one neighbor who, to put it as nice as I can, was a seriously deranged overweight Hispanic man who would take shits in his backyard (no lie, the police finally put a stop to that though), play his guitar and sing Tejano songs at 4:30 AM, dig through EVERYONE'S dumpsters, drive around the block going somewhere in the vicinity of 90MPH (police put a stop to this too), and most bizarely he would whip out a garden hose and spray his roof down. I kinda felt sorry for him because he was in serious need of some psychiatry or something, but he had no one, no one at all. I still drive down my old street because it's on the way to my job, and his house is boarded up now, and his yard is overgrown.

I bet he was a real chill, fascinating character, YOU JUST NEVER TOOK THE TIME TO GET TO KNOW HIM you ungrateful fuck. You could have talked to him and discovered that he was a master guitarist with sever psychological problems and stood by him, proven to be his first real friend and helped him land a performance at Carnegie hall and secured the movie rights and made both of you filthy rich but you're just too focused on outward appearances. Good job.

Psychotic Mexican Man, you live on in my heart :(

Tadao Mar 23rd, 2010 03:48 PM


The Leader Mar 23rd, 2010 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Dixie (Post 677664)
on tour again. currently in new mexico. mountains here are purdy.

Don't get your tit infected again.

Dixie Mar 23rd, 2010 04:43 PM

i am staying far away from spiders and have become psychotic about hand sanitizers. right now i just have a sinus infection from cedar pollen overload in texas. i'm actually quite sure it's AIDS.

and no phoenix for us, we're headed to scotsdale next. then it's 3 shows in california. yay.

Tadao Mar 23rd, 2010 04:48 PM


Grislygus Mar 23rd, 2010 04:49 PM


Dixie Mar 23rd, 2010 04:50 PM

yes i'll be in LA, violet undergound i think is the name of the club. i'm on the "9 toes tour".

Tadao Mar 23rd, 2010 04:58 PM

Shit, no money honey. Next month would have been good.

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