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Pub Lover Mar 15th, 2011 06:54 PM


Fathom Zero Mar 15th, 2011 08:52 PM

I'm overcome with the need to write Ada Lovelace fiction.

Pub Lover Mar 15th, 2011 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by LordSappington (Post 715233)
Wrong; I was wearing them.

Pics, Please. :orgasm

Grislygus Mar 16th, 2011 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 715177)
Lol, capitalizing the plural vrs repeating the post above you? No Babs, you really suck. As you can see in the post just above you idiot rant, I left out the S showing I know that it is a plural. I'm positive you have no idea what a NSAID is until just now when you googled it. Not only that.

So yeah, you know jack shit.

I was just about to do an entire series of "Professor Tadao and the Sucker" illustrations to contribute to the thread, and then I remembered that (obviously) Macs are not equipped with MS Paint.


Grislygus Mar 16th, 2011 12:19 AM


Grislygus Mar 16th, 2011 12:20 AM


Probably would've been another failed joke anyway, but damned if I wasn't inspired

Happy to see the Naked Retard Shitdude Technocross thread got bumped again, if only by a spambot.

elx Mar 16th, 2011 12:39 AM

hello chat thread! how is everyone this lovely evening? :)

Tadao Mar 16th, 2011 01:12 AM


Grislygus Mar 16th, 2011 01:54 AM

Well that was eventful. FATHOM ZERO, what's up with you? I see you lurking around there

Grislygus Mar 16th, 2011 02:25 AM



Fathom Zero Mar 16th, 2011 03:13 AM

I got a typewriter.

It's helping me write more.

Fathom Zero Mar 16th, 2011 03:14 AM

HOW ARE JOO, Grumblegrumps?

Fathom Zero Mar 16th, 2011 03:19 AM

Message boards suck for depression. :(

Fathom Zero Mar 16th, 2011 03:22 AM

I found Under A Killing Moon if anyone wants it, btw. I'll send it to them.

elx Mar 16th, 2011 03:24 AM

holy shit. I seriously just wrote like 10,000 brilliant words of a story in the time between that previous post and now, right here in this here little area and then I went back a page. I had even considered this accident might occur, so I constantly saved in preperation for such an event. (by ctrl c'in my walls of text), but apparently my last save was only of a single character. Game over! >:

boring personal story instead: I started adderall today to ease my mother's mind as I transition from her nest into my (AWESOME) new apartment. I only went to the doctor because I wanted to take advantage of my parents' insurance in the short time that I still have it :( Other than that I didn't really have a purpose for being there so my physician and I chatted for a long time and he was all like, you should try this stuff! so I was like OK, and since I'm leaving he set it up in an untraditional manner so that I wouldn't have to come back. He prescribed 20mg of the tablet, I was supposed to start by cutting every pill in half and then for the first few days cutting it in half again, taking only 5mg for a week, 10 the next, then 20 which is like the normal dose of adderall for adults.

Honestly, it was like this perfect beautiful plan that he and I worked on and it was especially great because at the end I'd have a ton of leftover halves to last me until I get set up with a pharmacy at my new place. So he sent me to the lab to have my bloodwork drawn while he wrote it up for me. I wasn't out by the time he got back so he took it to my mom. (god I love her :( while I was in there she left to buy me a smoothie!) She examined it and then spoke to a nurse about it. Because she's flippin jewish as bananas she wanted to know if she could buy it in generic form for me instead, right? So the nurse told her that they usually give that option but it wasn't available with our insurance, and that we could only have it in tablet or capsule form. My mom wanted to know the difference, and decided that I should have capsules instead. So the nurse trades the prescription in and gets another doctor to write me a new one, this one for 25mg in capsule form. I come out, my mom has my prescription, at this time I have no idea any of this occured!

I go to the pharmacy, fill out forms, sign stuff (PROBABLY DEATH WAIVERS :( ) and I even bought a pill cutty thingy! After my purchase I realized that the medicine wasn't right. I mentioned to the pharmacist that my doctor had said that it would be pillform, and she said that they do that all of the time and there was no difference. I said that the dosage/MG were wrong too, and she said that the capsules weren't as strong as the pills, so that was normal. I also saw that it said that the medicine would start yesterday, so I asked her if I was supposed to take it then or wait until morning (as originally directed) and she said it didn't matter. :(

so I'm like ok, and I take one of the new 25mg ones with my wonderful smoothie right there. I know it doesn't make sense but I figured my doctor knew what he was doing when he made the adjustments. at first i'm thinking everythings aight because nothing happens. then my mom proceeds to complain about how rude the nurse was about the prescription, and thus, I learned of what she had done. I'm not going to lie, I was REALLY angry at her at first. But then the medicine kicked in and it's been kicking me since and I can't be mad at anybody. I went furniture shopping after and I wanted to hug everyone I saw. It's not that I'm even happy really everyone else just seems so tragic right now for reasons that are entirely unknown to me :(

I've been twiddling my thumbs for hours too, it's not just an expression, it's a real thing. I got home and I spent a few more hours editing wikipedia articles, but only the dead links. That's the most neglected part of wikipedia and it's like an epidemic right now because wikipedia has gotten to the age/point where the older articles are kind of perfectionized and therefore never updated and nobody ever fixes deadlinks! you see, with citations when they aren't fixed after a while then the line is removed, thus, the problem solved. With deadlinks, no one ever removes them because there's not really any evidence that the claim wasn't true, people are simply too lazy to find support elsewhere. Another major problem with wikipedia is that there is absolutely no work being done on the simple english version, which is the most important IMO. anyway I don't like adderall. I'll probably just flush it. Or give it to the kids at my new college so they'll like me. Just kidding. So the lesson here is that adderall is a terrible idea for lightweight midgets that weigh 104lbs and have class early in the morning, also that pharmacists are idiots and that moving out is a wonderful idea.

I thought I was going to die but I'm really not because I googled it and this is something a lot of kids my age that are left less educationally gifted participate in regularly. They just smoke pot with it to curb the side effects of going from zero to 25. I don't have pot. :( I'm going to write an essay now, I don't have any assignments due but I started writing in here about the importance of the simple english wikipedia and realized I had too much to say, so off I go!

elx Mar 16th, 2011 03:25 AM

hahhaa fathom zero got a typewriter and it's helping him write more :rolleyes

Tadao Mar 16th, 2011 03:26 AM

Can I see your tits instead of reading all that?

elx Mar 16th, 2011 03:28 AM

what a weird coincidence. do you think this means something? I think it does, but I'm not really in a position to make any proper judgements at the moment.

elx Mar 16th, 2011 03:28 AM

no but you can have a hug. or I can fill out your taxes for you.

Tadao Mar 16th, 2011 03:30 AM

can I have a boner while we hug?

Fathom Zero Mar 16th, 2011 03:32 AM

I think you've exemplified the numerous reasons why I don't and will never take psychoactive drugs.

Srsly, that sounds utterly horrific to me.

Grislygus Mar 16th, 2011 03:33 AM

Whatchoo talkin' bout, willis


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 715267)
HOW ARE JOO, Grumblegrumps?

SPRING BREAK. And I only have enough money to actually go out and have fun tomorrow night. Fortunately, it's going to be a hell of a thing. Also being stalked by a fat girl, a short girl, and an intense asian girl. But they don't know where I live, so it's cool.

Good to hear you're writing. Now get a website together and promote yourself.

Fathom Zero Mar 16th, 2011 03:33 AM


Fathom Zero Mar 16th, 2011 03:35 AM


Originally Posted by Grislygus (Post 715278)
Good to hear you're writing. Now get a website together and promote yourself.

Does Wordpress count?

Actually, I'll be gainfully employed in a few weeks, so I'll set up something with my cursory HTML knowledge and a cheap bandwidth provider.

Grislygus Mar 16th, 2011 03:36 AM

NO IT DOES NOT COUNT but you're on the right track

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