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Fathom Zero Apr 20th, 2012 04:49 PM

- some video game guy

AChimp Jun 26th, 2012 09:30 PM

Casey Hudson just took a shit on our faces with this Extended Cut, and he's DEMANDING THAT WE LIKE IT.

Because art.

OxBlood Jun 29th, 2012 04:50 AM

I played through the four endings yesterday and while they are better than the original bullshit, they´re still far from satisfying. I CAN live with the Control-Ending, the Synthesis-Ending is what I would´ve chosen if it was real (progress by any means, I don´t care if you don´t like it, if I can alter your DNA to make my and all species a better lifeform, I´ll fucking do it), the Destroy-Ending changed from best to worst and the Refusal-Ending is just fun to watch :D

Still, the stupid God-Child still blubbers nonsense the second he starts talking, he´s still going on about how synthetics destroy organics so synthetics don´t destroy organics while ignoring the fact that Shepard himself has proven him wrong three times already (Grunt, EDI, the Geth - all of these are Creations that don´t rebell against their Creators, at least not anymore).

Plus: He´s just a fucking AI that can´t get over the fact that HE rebelled against his creators.

The Slideshow...ah well, I guess there´s only so much you can do in a few month´s time and Bioware had to try and save what they could of ME3 before no one gave a shit anymore.

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