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Chojin Aug 13th, 2008 08:50 PM

Soldiers are slower than other classes (save for the heavy) and have a very small amount of shots per clip, and have a shitty reload time. Back before they took away the Backburner's retarded health upgrade, they also had less health than pyros. Without a crit, their rockets don't do much damage, either.


Also, you are ridiculous if you think Sniper's an easy class to play.

I think part of the reason you see so many pyros is that they can't be caught on fire.

Guitar Woman Aug 13th, 2008 08:52 PM

Soldiers are really only a problem when I'm playing the Scout and have to be on the front lines around them.

As a spy they're always in front of me begging to be stabbed, and when I'm a Demoman they don't bother me because I'm better at blowing people up than they are. I thought they'd be way overpowered with the rocket launcher and everything, but yeah, what Chojin said.

A thought occured to me today that after every class is upgraded, it'd be really funny if Pyros end up being the shittiest, like in TFC.

Guitar Woman Aug 13th, 2008 09:04 PM

I think he was also saying that people who play Sniper are gonna love the heavy update because they're such ridiculous targets.

I try playing Sniper every now and then, but I usually end up just killing other snipers who are only trying to kill me, and then realize that without us the game would be exactly the same and go play as something useful.

Or I'll pick a vantage point, wait for people to show up, get bored, and charge the other team with the submachine gun, which results in them going "what the fuck" while I kill one of them with the Kukuri and then am blown up by about 3 simultaneous rockets.

Chojin Aug 13th, 2008 09:07 PM

Yeah, but the major theme of the heavy update is making him less reliant on the medic, so I'm thinking he'll get a neat hat or something.

Guitar Woman Aug 13th, 2008 09:11 PM

I just hope the Spy update is next and he gets the Tranq gun.

Guitar Woman Aug 15th, 2008 05:24 PM


I don't see the point of the new gun, you'd already get slowed down a lot by knockback when shot by his standard one.

The boxing gloves sound awesome, but who actually ever punches people as the heavy?

I've also played that community map before and I really don't like it :<

Fathom Zero Aug 15th, 2008 05:28 PM

"Killing Gloves of Boxing"


Chojin Aug 16th, 2008 02:17 AM

Tons of people punch as heavies, it does retarded damage.

Guitar Woman Aug 16th, 2008 04:45 AM

So I started trying to play as the Sniper today

Jesus christ :<

Are Heavies just immune to headshots?

executioneer Aug 16th, 2008 04:48 AM

do you guys know anyone who plays as INTERNET TOUGH GUY
cause i was playin w/ someone with that moniker and it sounded awful here-ish somehow

Chojin Aug 16th, 2008 06:25 PM

Sniper has probably the worst secondary weapon in the game (machine pistol is worthless), but his melee's pretty good.

As a sniper, I tend to hang out in view of friendly sentries - no spy in his right mind would attack you first, and as soon as I hear the engineer complaining about spies, I unzoom and bring out the ol' chop-chop.

My mouse also lets me dial down the sensitivity, which is great for zoomed shots.

Chojin Aug 16th, 2008 06:26 PM

Speaking of secondaries, I only recently fell in love with the scout's (and engineer's) pistol - after I figured out that you can fire it faster if you keep clicking rather than hold the button down.

It also just 'feels' better to fire, that way.

MetalMilitia Aug 16th, 2008 06:36 PM

I agree, I'm not sure if I've ever killed another player with the Sniper's machine pistol.

The sniper is a great class on certain maps but in others it's just useless. For example the last control point of the last stage of dustbowl is a prime sniping opportunity for both sides, and a good sniper on one team can win the match.

Chojin Aug 16th, 2008 08:09 PM

Goldrush 1 has an AMAZING sniping point, but you have to crouch-jump up three boxes, onto a lampshade, and then onto a pole. I killed about 12 people today before they finally got a soldier to uproot me, and then he screamed over alltalk WHAT THE FUCK.

The best part about that spot is that you can see enemy snipers' feet before they can see you at all, and a charged shot to the foot is enough to drop a sniper. Also, you're so high up that nobody bothers to look for you, and only the MOST DETERMINED SPY IN THE WORLD will scale the aggro-crag just to nab you.

Also today, I fired two full clips from the machine pistol into a burning enemy demoman about 20 feet away and still couldn't kill him.

Guitar Woman Aug 16th, 2008 08:12 PM


I keep trying to get better at Sniper, and I think location is one of my biggest problems. I'm also the kind of jerk who would go that far out of my way to backstab someone, so yeah. Plus, I have a habit of disguising as a friendly sniper on that level to fool the other team before the game starts, so it would also probably make a good place to surprise a throng of attackers from.

Chojin Aug 16th, 2008 10:10 PM

Chojin Aug 16th, 2008 10:12 PM

Right outside of the red team's spawn -> go up stairs, cross bridge -> jump to boxes -> jump to lampshade -> jump to top of lamp. All crouch-jumps.

Fathom Zero Aug 16th, 2008 10:32 PM

I saw another guy doing that. It takes 'em a while to be able to shoot you, even though they're able to see exactly where you are.

I started playing Spy recently and holy shit the Deringer is over-powered. I was taking out teleporters and pyros like sex on wheels.

By the way, I've killed quite a few people with the machine pistol. When I've come up against a Scout underneath the bases in 2Fort, the thing saved my life many a time.

Phoenix Gamma Aug 16th, 2008 10:38 PM

Jesus Christ. That's some determination right there. Kudos.

I remember awhile back, my entire team used dispensers to leap ontop of the B point in Gravel Pit. At that point, they built teleporters on the roof and the entire team proceeded to slaughter Blu from all directions. Sniping was a blast.

For the longest time, no one was able to figure out how the hell a Heavy wound up on the roof. They called shenanigans as we poured from the roof and into the building. It was my first Impossible Defense :D

Guitar Woman Aug 16th, 2008 11:12 PM

The revolver's a decent gun, but pretty much everyone else has a better weapon than you so you better hope you can aim worth a shit. I'm really hoping he'll get the Tranq gun from TFC, though, so I can actually get away from Pyros now and then when they're within flaming distance.

Also, yeah, sapping sentries then shooting them or stabbing them makes everything way easier.

I steadfastly refuse to play the Spy anymore until everyone who plays this game learns what "GUYS THE SENTRIES ARE DOWN PUSH THE CART ALREADY FUCK" means.

MetalMilitia Aug 19th, 2008 04:42 PM


He punched out all my blood!

Guitar Woman Aug 19th, 2008 05:41 PM

That is fucking awesome.

Oh, the update's also going live right now!

Chojin Aug 19th, 2008 05:56 PM

I can tell by how steam won't let me connect!

Fathom Zero Aug 19th, 2008 06:02 PM

I've BEEN connected.

Or not.

Chojin Aug 19th, 2008 06:05 PM

I thought I was too, but I was mistaken.

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