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Aaarg Jul 18th, 2011 11:27 PM


i could never do animal control. i care too much about animals and too little about people.

b_squared Jul 19th, 2011 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Aaarg (Post 732541)

i could never do animal control. i care too much about animals and too little about people.

Same here.

Kitsa Jul 19th, 2011 11:26 AM

I went into our animal shelter to buy a license for my dog, and I was behind an old lady who was shoving a terrified cat across the counter at the employees and telling them she wanted it to be euthanized. When they told her that it was a young, healthy cat and they wanted the chance to adopt it out instead, she screeched and insisted and told them that it slept on her legs and kept her up at night and she wanted it dead.

They finally took it from her, and after she left I said something to them about people being insane and horrible and they agreed with me. I figured they were going to keep the cat for a couple of days at least and try to adopt it out. I don't know why I assumed that, but I did.

As soon as I got home, I started making calls all over the place for someone from a no-kill shelter to take in this cat. Finally, a couple of hours later I called back and said I had secured a spot for it and that I would come to pick it up. They told me they euthanized the cat 10 minutes after I left. Apparently when someone demands the animal be killed, they have to kill it.

That poor cat did nothing more than try to curl up on a cranky old woman's legs, and now it's dead. If I'd known they were going to euthanize it like that, I would have grabbed it out of her arms and run with it. I felt so horrible. I cried and threw up for about three days, and then I cried for a full week after that. Now I won't step foot in the shelter again.

Aaarg Jul 19th, 2011 11:47 AM

Wow. What an asshole.

I hate having three cats and I resent the fact that at least two of them will outlive my dog, but I couldn't imagine getting rid of them. I wake up to my face being tickled by whiskers almost every morning, but fuck. They're my cats.

b_squared Jul 19th, 2011 11:55 AM

All shelters are different. We would have kept it if it were adoptable. Of course that depends on how full we are. If we are full of stray animals we have to hold them by law. So we have no room for the owner surrendered animals unfortunately they will have to go. We network like crazy to find homes for all of them and foster out as much as we can.
Those puppies I had were surrendered by the owner who bred the parents. He brought them in too young, still needing to nurse. We begged him to keep them with the momma till they we 8 weeks old then we could take them and adopt them, otherwise they would be put down. He said it was too much trouble and left them with us. I took them, fostered them, bottle fed them three to four times a night, then weaned them to solid food, potty and crate trained them, then found them homes just so they would not be put down. A month before I did the same with a litter of kittens.

Dealing with people like you described is why I feel like I do towards people. And she is just the tip of the crazy iceberg I see on a daily basis.

Sorry for the rant. tomorrow starts my vacation, and boy do I need it.

Tanuki Jul 19th, 2011 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 732587)
I went into our animal shelter to buy a license for my dog, and I was behind an old lady who was shoving a terrified cat across the counter at the employees and telling them she wanted it to be euthanized. When they told her that it was a young, healthy cat and they wanted the chance to adopt it out instead, she screeched and insisted and told them that it slept on her legs and kept her up at night and she wanted it dead.

They finally took it from her, and after she left I said something to them about people being insane and horrible and they agreed with me. I figured they were going to keep the cat for a couple of days at least and try to adopt it out. I don't know why I assumed that, but I did.

As soon as I got home, I started making calls all over the place for someone from a no-kill shelter to take in this cat. Finally, a couple of hours later I called back and said I had secured a spot for it and that I would come to pick it up. They told me they euthanized the cat 10 minutes after I left. Apparently when someone demands the animal be killed, they have to kill it.

That poor cat did nothing more than try to curl up on a cranky old woman's legs, and now it's dead. If I'd known they were going to euthanize it like that, I would have grabbed it out of her arms and run with it. I felt so horrible. I cried and threw up for about three days, and then I cried for a full week after that. Now I won't step foot in the shelter again.

Oh my god....

The most that happened when I worked at a humane society was the rabid chihuahua incident.

I'm so sorry you had to go through that, Kitsa. Internet hug.

Aaarg Jul 19th, 2011 12:06 PM

I bet. Too stressful for me.

There's a local dog that hangs out around my house a lot. She has owners and the owner actually came here looking for her once, which is a damn shame because we were going to sneak her away to get her fixed one time but I guess that would be illegal or something - or some rednecks would burn our house down.

Anyway, she gets pregnant every few months, and it's terrible. The last time she did, she gave birth to fifteen puppies. Thirteen of them were dead when the owners found them - and the man just made a comment about how he's been waiting so long for a "blue male puppy" to no avail. You fucking prick.

The dog is normally out and about in the neighborhood, but sometimes for a week or two she'll disappear. I'm assuming they keep her inside (not their house, maybe a shed or something) for some reason, because when she does show back up she'll be skinny as hell. We keep a big bag of cheap dog food here to feed her all the time, and she often gets left-overs and the like.

She's missing an eye and clearly has not received any medical attention for that fact.

Such a sweet, happy dog.

Such a bunch of fucking stupid hicks.

I'm always afraid I'll see her dead in the road.

Zomboid Jul 19th, 2011 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by Zhukov (Post 732540)
Today's bot birthdays look like they belong to a string of Scottish highland villages.


creeposaurus Jul 19th, 2011 02:50 PM

My grandma's friend keeps two of her dogs and a cockatiel in their garage. Here. Where's it hot. All the time. They also give their grandkids pets like they're fucking toys or something and the kids almost always end up mortally wounding them. Idiots.

She once offered to babysit my daughter. Lol.

Colonel Flagg Jul 19th, 2011 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 732587)
Apparently when someone demands the animal be killed, they have to kill it.

I'm going to check this statement out, because that is f***ing insane.

Tanuki Jul 19th, 2011 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by Aaarg (Post 732593)
I bet. Too stressful for me.

There's a local dog that hangs out around my house a lot. She has owners and the owner actually came here looking for her once, which is a damn shame because we were going to sneak her away to get her fixed one time but I guess that would be illegal or something - or some rednecks would burn our house down.

Anyway, she gets pregnant every few months, and it's terrible. The last time she did, she gave birth to fifteen puppies. Thirteen of them were dead when the owners found them - and the man just made a comment about how he's been waiting so long for a "blue male puppy" to no avail. You fucking prick.

The dog is normally out and about in the neighborhood, but sometimes for a week or two she'll disappear. I'm assuming they keep her inside (not their house, maybe a shed or something) for some reason, because when she does show back up she'll be skinny as hell. We keep a big bag of cheap dog food here to feed her all the time, and she often gets left-overs and the like.

She's missing an eye and clearly has not received any medical attention for that fact.

Such a sweet, happy dog.

Such a bunch of fucking stupid hicks.

I'm always afraid I'll see her dead in the road.

My aunt and uncle rescued a dog from that condition. They sued the owners for animal cruelty charges and the dog lived ten more happy years with my aunt and uncle.

Just steal the dog away.

Aaarg Jul 19th, 2011 03:58 PM

We have a dog and three cats and all are rescued strays from this same location. And a crested gecko, but he's not a stray. We really can't afford to take in more animals right now. Not while renting.

And we'll be looking for new places to live soon, and it's going to be haaaaard.

Also I don't think she's ever been inside a house. If you eat outside she will jump in your face, haha.

I tried convincing somebody I worked with to come and take her, and she almost did.

Guitar Woman Jul 19th, 2011 04:04 PM

This thread makes me want to hug my cat. D:

Tanuki Jul 19th, 2011 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by Aaarg (Post 732613)
We have a dog and three cats and all are rescued strays from this same location. And a crested gecko, but he's not a stray. We really can't afford to take in more animals right now. Not while renting.

And we'll be looking for new places to live soon, and it's going to be haaaaard.

Also I don't think she's ever been inside a house. If you eat outside she will jump in your face, haha.

I tried convincing somebody I worked with to come and take her, and she almost did.

Have you called animal control yet?

Womti Jul 19th, 2011 05:18 PM

thread backups

Womti Jul 19th, 2011 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by Zhukov (Post 718666)
Bam Bam. Two people banned. Just like that.


Fathom Zero Jul 19th, 2011 05:29 PM


Womti Jul 19th, 2011 05:38 PM

or maybe... if we could just somehow manage to slice open that nasty little artery over to the right of our heart...... :lol

k0k0 Jul 19th, 2011 06:09 PM

My ex girlfriend collected animals and it was horrible. I couldn't stop her either and it's the reason why I left her. I myself had a dog and 2 quaker parrots that I taught how to talk. Over the 2 years I was with her, my house slowly became filled with 3 dogs, 4 cats, my 2 parrots, 3 more birds, an iguana, 3 snakes, 2 lizards, 3 different aquariums full of fish, and at the end, a pot bellied pig. The house smelled like shit.

It was the last straw when I came home one day and was greeted by a german shepherd holding one of my quakers in its mouth dead. I had no idea why this random dog was in our house, but it killed and ate both of my birds that I had weaned and bottle fed. Hers were fine. She said that someone at work gave her a free german shepherd and so she got it and let it loose in the house then went back to work. I made her leave and take all the animals with her except the dog and pig (which I had grown attached to). I ended up giving the pig to a farm in the country that bred potbellied pigs after my house got foreclosed on but I still have my little chihuahua.

creeposaurus Jul 19th, 2011 06:44 PM

I love Quaker Parrots. They're like cute, chubby little feathered people. D':

Animal hoarding is so bad, when it gets out of hand.

Shrubfest Jul 19th, 2011 07:40 PM

Pub's just telling me about how hard he is.

Y'all should send him more dick pics.

Grislygus Jul 19th, 2011 08:43 PM

If the leg pics didn't scare him off, I don't know what will

Colonel Flagg Jul 19th, 2011 10:42 PM

We adopted a beagle with a broken leg. Her former owner had run over her leg with his truck and dropped her at the SPCA with the statement "If this dog is too dumb to get out of the way of my truck, I don't want her."


Prognosis was not good, but she made a complete recovery anyway, without surgery. :)

k0k0 Jul 19th, 2011 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by creeposaurus (Post 732648)
I love Quaker Parrots. They're like cute, chubby little feathered people. D':

Animal hoarding is so bad, when it gets out of hand.

Yeah, quakers are my favorite bird. They're smart as shit, but tiny enough to not take up much space. They each have different personalities too. I haven't gotten another since those two died, but someday I will. I want to be able to bottle feed them first though. All the ones I've seen around here are already weaned and so they won't think I'm their mama.

LordSappington Jul 20th, 2011 02:19 AM

I fucking love animals. It's going to be hard to decide what animals I'll have at a time.
I want a ferret and/or two rats, but I hated cleaning cages, and you have to really make the house safe for them in every crevice.

There are some horses on someone's land I pass by when I head home from work, and I usually buy them a $1 bag of organic carrots to feed to them. I probably look pretty out of place; some teen with a mohawk feeding horses. I love those big guys. :tear

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