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Jeanette X Oct 6th, 2003 10:47 PM


Well, if they make puppies they will have a pack, so that problem will be solved!
Your idiocy never ceases to amaze. If an adult dog has never learned to hunt, how the hell is it going to teach a puppy to hunt?

And anyways, at the worst the dogs will be eaten by coyotes, thus continuing the canine circle.
What a humane alternative.

You don't know what a dog thinks or feels, it's only your ego telling you you are superior to animals. You're just a moron who thinks animals are lesser than you, the same kind of person who thinks a rock is irrelevant to their life, which is fine, because simple people are relevant to my life.
Who said that humans were "superior"?

Even disregarding all concepts of freedom and choice, captive and domesticated animals are a fluke in any case. If you have breeded something to the point that it can't wipe it's own ass or feed it's own mouth, then you have done nothing but create the suffering in the first place, creating a prison not of steel but of genomes and such. Regardless of if they all die, it will need to be done. All we do now to control the animal population is kill them all off anyway(population control is neat like that).
So by that logic, killing would be better than letting them out into the wild.

They just do it because they are dumb animals; but if they are that dumb, then how can they appreciate the "Loving Home" where they are fed and cleaned up after? Annd if this is the case, why are you making such a big fucking deal about the whole thing? They should be just as happy rotting in a cage as in your backyard.
Oh of course, animals are capable of thought an dhappiness when they are happy in your backyard, but once they leave they are dumb animals! OKAY PRESIDENT BUSH THANK YOU SIR FOR YOUR OPINION.
Comprehension of abstract concepts such as "freedom" are not the same as comprehension of simple things such as comfort.

So, when I let the dog go free I was giving it an aspect of it's life it loves, if it loves it's family it would come back, wouldnt it?
Not neccessarily. Not all dogs have a good sense of direction, although some do.

kahljorn Oct 6th, 2003 11:32 PM

Dogs have this really strange and odd body part. It protrudes from their face like a bullet, often black tipped. It's called a nose. With this nose they can sniff for food. ITS FUCKING AMAZING, IVE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE IT.

"Your idiocy never ceases to amaze. If an adult dog has never learned to hunt, how the hell is it going to teach a puppy to hunt? "

I know this will be simply amazing to you, but long long ago, there were wolves. They were the first wolves, they had evolved from whatever they evolved from, and somehow they learned to hunt. They were likely inferior in not only brain but bodily functions, and yet, they found food and survived. How was this possible, I wonder? Did they "Learn" it when being hungry made them "Go find food". Or was it instinctual to hide in bushes and sneak up on shit? My cat can kill birds, and it was never part of a fucking pack. The kitties I had that were domesticated at my parents house could catch birds.
Also they can eat out of trashcans and spaghetti in the back off italian restaurants.

"Who said that humans were "superior"?"

If it wasn't you, there's a large chance(so large I obviously made a comment about it) it was someone else. Try reading through the thread.

"What a humane alternative"
Fuck humane, what comes about from being humane? Go on. Tell me, with all your fucking, "SAVE THE PLANET" bullshit(oh, i forgot all negative emmisions have stopped occuring all across the world and my computer is powered by a man on a bicycle at the powerplant), what has come of it but some fucking superiority trip over everything relating to being such an empathic lady. People like you are retards, save this, save that, I will tell you to over my electrically connected computer :/. Being humane is just a trip to make you interesting or special, and it fails. Shut the fuck up, hypocrite.

"So by that logic, killing would be better than letting them out into the wild"

Maybe, would you prefer I had taken a shotgun to the dogs instead?
Also, that was in reply to the proclaimations that a domesticated animal has no fucking ability to survive in the wild, and would plop over and die the second it get outside the gate. Maybe you should read context, ho. This is what we call "Juxtaposing".

"Comprehension of abstract concepts such as "freedom" are not the same as comprehension of simple things such as comfort"

Well, obviously the simplicity of "Being outside of a fence" is more comfortable than the simplicity of "a place to sleep and eat".

" Not neccessarily. Not all dogs have a good sense of direction, although some do."

Again, dogs have a sense of smell, and even without it, it just goes to tell the way life really is.

The only reason people want pets is because they are selfish, "I want something to protect my gold", "I want a cuddly puppy to cuddle with so I can feel cute".

*edit* I make myself laugh so hard, but sometimes the seriously serious replies I get are even funnier :(

Anonymous Oct 6th, 2003 11:32 PM


kahljorn Oct 6th, 2003 11:34 PM


Jeanette X Oct 7th, 2003 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by kahljorn

I know this will be simply amazing to you, but long long ago, there were wolves. They were the first wolves, they had evolved from whatever they evolved from, and somehow they learned to hunt. They were likely inferior in not only brain but bodily functions, and yet, they found food and survived. How was this possible, I wonder? Did they "Learn" it when being hungry made them "Go find food".

Cats are not the same as dogs. Furthermore, even though I grant you that some hunting behavior is instinctual, dogs are very far removed from wolves.

Also they can eat out of trashcans and spaghetti in the back off italian restaurants.
Then why are so many strays emaciated?

i forgot all negative emmisions have stopped occuring all across the world
Now what are you babbling about?

Fuck humane, what comes about from being humane?
I thought you freed the dogs because you felt that it was inhumane to keep them in the pens. Wasn't your arguement up till now that the dogs would be better off in the wild?

what has come of it but some fucking superiority trip over everything relating to being such an empathic lady
I don't even remember the last time I showed empathy to anyone on this board.


kahljorn Oct 7th, 2003 01:45 AM

"Then why are so many strays emaciated?"

Why do more than a million people die every year?

"I thought you freed the dogs because you felt that it was inhumane to keep them in the pens. Wasn't your arguement up till now that the dogs would be better off in the wild? "

My argument was they wanted freedom. The grass is always greener on the other side. I dont really care if they are better off in the wild, I'm not a Humanitarian, I don't believe I can help anyone and make some kind of a difference, that's just foolishness.

Jeanette X Oct 7th, 2003 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by kahljorn
"Then why are so many strays emaciated?"

Why do more than a million people die every year?

What the fuck does that have to do with anything?

kahljorn Oct 7th, 2003 02:16 AM

it has to do with the world being a difficult place to live in :/

Jixby Phillips Oct 7th, 2003 03:24 AM


glowbelly Oct 7th, 2003 07:05 AM

i just wanted to adopt a greyhound :(

executioneer Oct 7th, 2003 07:17 AM

thanks a lot for ruining this thread you jerks >: and I MEAN IT this time >:


AChimp Oct 7th, 2003 09:33 AM

For a while there, I thought Numbers Guy had saved this thread, but then kahl gayed it up again. >:

Krythor Oct 7th, 2003 12:30 PM

"so anyway about this greyhound :)"

"yeah sorry your greyhound is gonna be neat!"

"it sure is :)"


Fucking jeanette.

Anyway. I have a four year old Weimeraner or however it's spelled called Boris, which looks almost exactly like a greyhound. Almost as fast too. My dog's fat and lazy though. :(

glowbelly Oct 7th, 2003 01:17 PM

pictures of boris are now in order.

i used to have a weimeraner too. i also had a chocolate lab. hip hip hooray.

Bennett Oct 7th, 2003 02:34 PM

I have the coolest mutt ever. She is a dalmation-jack russell mix.

kellychaos Oct 7th, 2003 04:19 PM

Bacteria is the most sucessful living organism of all but they aren't free 'cause they're stuck inside a cell. It wouldn't matter if they were free, though, 'cause they have no brains with which to think. They do seem to have a will, though. Hmmmm ... perplexing. Oh ... we're done with that debate? Sorry. Yay! Puppy shower!!

Bennett Oct 7th, 2003 04:28 PM

fuck you for trying to ruin this thread again.
I'm posting a tiny picture of my dog from an article in one of the local papers, bust out the magnifying glasses:

kellychaos Oct 7th, 2003 04:37 PM

I have a rotweiler. He's big, stupid and eats so much tree bark that you can make an adobe hut from his poop ... but he's mine and I love 'em. >:

mburbank Oct 7th, 2003 04:38 PM

This is why Roy got carried off stage by his throat.

kellychaos Oct 7th, 2003 04:41 PM

Wouldn't have anything to do with that meat necklace ... nuh-uh ... no, sir!! >:

Bennett Oct 7th, 2003 04:44 PM

my pastor told me that roy got attacked because god doesn't like the gays and he told the tiger to attack him.

mburbank Oct 7th, 2003 04:47 PM



Krythor Oct 7th, 2003 05:42 PM


The only picture that I bothered scanning. :(

I have a ton of others lying around, but I'll have to connect the scanner up.

mburbank Oct 7th, 2003 05:57 PM

Well, my God, Man, shave! No wonder that girl said you were a three.

O71394658 Oct 7th, 2003 06:25 PM

What kind of dog is that, Krythor? A mastiff?

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