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Evil Robot Feb 6th, 2009 08:46 AM

regina woudnlndt talk to me lekie that WTF matt?

Evil Robot Feb 6th, 2009 08:47 AM

bang bang bang any seconsd now somebody (jesse) will ask me to take the dogs out. I can hear this shitcomming.

Evil Robot Feb 6th, 2009 08:48 AM

T minus ten .......... and..... here it is

Evil Robot Feb 6th, 2009 08:48 AM

Kevin could you take the dogs out??????

Evil Robot Feb 6th, 2009 08:49 AM

The dogs need to shit now :(

Evil Robot Feb 6th, 2009 08:50 AM

black on white

Evil Robot Feb 6th, 2009 08:51 AM

theres jesse's firebird starting up and waking the whole fucking neighboorhood.

Evil Robot Feb 6th, 2009 08:52 AM

Welcome to eviul robot 7:00 am

Evil Robot Feb 6th, 2009 08:52 AM

I have not slept at all last night.

Evil Robot Feb 6th, 2009 08:54 AM

alll I can hear right now is engine.

Evil Robot Feb 6th, 2009 08:54 AM

and dogs barking.

Evil Robot Feb 6th, 2009 08:55 AM

It's time to go outside in the cold and split firewood since I have a no job.

Evil Robot Feb 6th, 2009 08:57 AM

this thread was so peacfull until now.......

executioneer Feb 6th, 2009 08:58 AM



executioneer Feb 6th, 2009 09:02 AM


Zomboid Feb 6th, 2009 01:44 PM

I am so fucking hungry. I'm gonna go to the cafeteria during the break and get...I don't even know. A disgusting sandwich or piece of pizza :(

Zomboid Feb 6th, 2009 02:05 PM

Man, it's like 5 bucks for a crappy sandwich that I could have made at home if I wasn't so fucking lazy.


Kitsa Feb 6th, 2009 02:57 PM

I am eating my homemade vegetable beef soup and it's awesome.

You get a big pot, dump a large can of V-8 into it and add some of that canned roast beef , a small can of beef broth, a large-ish bag of mixed frozen vegetables and a squeeze of lemon juice. Let it cook down till it's nice and thick, then serve with shredded cheese melted over the top. Mmm.

Guitar Woman Feb 6th, 2009 02:59 PM

A cup of coffee that's half powdered creaming agent and suger

it's really good

executioneer Feb 6th, 2009 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 612231)
I am eating my homemade vegetable beef soup and it's awesome.

You get a big pot, dump a large can of V-8 into it and add some of that canned roast beef , a small can of beef broth, a large-ish bag of mixed frozen vegetables and a squeeze of lemon juice. Let it cook down till it's nice and thick, then serve with shredded cheese melted over the top. Mmm.

i think they stopped selling the hormel canned roast beef here :( what store chain did you get it from?

Kitsa Feb 6th, 2009 05:07 PM

here they have it at Walmart and Kroger.

It's good shit. I also serve it over buttermilk biscuits.

executioneer Feb 6th, 2009 07:11 PM

i'll have to check my local wal-mar, i used to use that stuff to jazz the hell out of some ramen and i miss it

Guitar Woman Feb 7th, 2009 12:49 AM

A glass of Guinness Draught.

Oh god, it's like drinking the liquid shit of someone who eats used cigarette filters :<

It is AWFUL.

pac-man Feb 7th, 2009 10:48 PM

Why were you drinking it?

BLEU Feb 7th, 2009 10:54 PM

Girl Scout Cookies. They cornered me as I was walking out of Walmart. :<

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