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Tadao Sep 30th, 2008 09:35 PM

He's on USA time.

Pub Lover Sep 30th, 2008 09:40 PM


Tadao Sep 30th, 2008 09:41 PM


Tadao Sep 30th, 2008 09:50 PM

Milhouse was born on Chinese Independence Day!


Pub Lover Sep 30th, 2008 10:03 PM


10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 1st, 2008 12:28 AM

Happy Birthday Milhouse!

WhiteRat Oct 1st, 2008 01:44 AM

The fat cat is down to 32lbs. Things are slow going for the fat bastard but he's taking one day at a time...or should I say one pound at a time! har har ho!

Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 01:46 AM


kahljorn Oct 1st, 2008 02:25 AM


Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 02:26 AM

Sup Kahl?

kahljorn Oct 1st, 2008 02:43 AM

stoned and downloading HONKY CAT BY ELTON JOGN :(


Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 02:50 AM

playing on the internet :(

kahljorn Oct 1st, 2008 03:11 AM

wish i could afford to play on the internet and waste my time like some kind of kid

gro w up

kahljorn Oct 1st, 2008 03:13 AM

who are your role models :(

i think mine is that girl from touch of evil :(

wagging index finger

Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 03:19 AM

I am grown up, so grown up I don't need a job anymore.

kahljorn Oct 1st, 2008 03:19 AM

that's the movie where charleton heston does mexican face.

kahljorn Oct 1st, 2008 03:20 AM

i only need a job that gives five hours. and another one where i sit at school and do nothing and probably get fired because i forgot to do something i was supposed to do :(

i better try to do that tomorrow

Kitsa Oct 1st, 2008 06:17 AM


MattJack Oct 1st, 2008 11:08 AM

Wut kind?

Kitsa Oct 1st, 2008 11:19 AM

Standard poodle. The big ones.

MetalMilitia Oct 1st, 2008 11:20 AM

Woah so that's what a poodle looks like without the stupid hair?

kahljorn Oct 1st, 2008 11:44 AM

big poodles are kind of ugly but they are awesome dogs ;o

MattJack Oct 1st, 2008 11:45 AM

at least you didn't get a small dog :\

RaNkeri Oct 1st, 2008 12:02 PM

terriers for the win

Kitsa Oct 1st, 2008 12:43 PM

I'm not a small-dog kinda girl. I've been wanting my own standard poodle since we bought my grandmother one 15 years ago, I love them.

And yes, I refuse to do stupid poodle-hair. I'm aiming for a shorter version of the puppy cut she has now.

I just wish she'd figure out it's not cool to shit on the carpet.

Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 12:45 PM

Newspaper to the nose.

Very cute puppy btw

Kitsa Oct 1st, 2008 12:47 PM


Asila Oct 1st, 2008 12:53 PM

Someone I know just got a standard poodle recently, and I didn't realize how much I loved them until I met hers. Also, they're as big as a HORSE

Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 01:02 PM

Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 01:07 PM

Asila Oct 1st, 2008 01:09 PM


Pub Lover Oct 1st, 2008 01:13 PM

WhiteRat Oct 1st, 2008 01:38 PM

Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 01:42 PM


RaNkeri Oct 1st, 2008 01:48 PM


WhiteRat Oct 1st, 2008 02:19 PM

Rankeri's classic rolling eyes emote is back!

Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 02:22 PM

WhiteRat Oct 1st, 2008 02:25 PM

Men. They have to be.

Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 02:26 PM

Pub, I have sent you a pm and you are not on IM. I HATE YOU!

Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 02:27 PM

The IM message is different from the PM :( Stupid I-Bape doesn't show PMs I know I lnow, but IM off is no excuse.

RaNkeri Oct 1st, 2008 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by WhiteRat (Post 583467)
Rankeri's classic rolling eyes emote is back!

No need to wet your pants, there's plenty of :rolleyes for everyone

Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 02:35 PM

Pub: I'm sure you are already busy doing what I already did though. :wink

Asila Oct 1st, 2008 02:39 PM

...The one on the far left looks like Brendan Fraser in a wig

Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 02:41 PM

RaNkeri Oct 1st, 2008 02:48 PM

I used to have that pic of Willie as my wallpaper. I lost it when the computer broke down :tear

Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 02:52 PM


yukinimura-chan Oct 1st, 2008 02:55 PM

I don't have superman undies... and yeah I did buy a tube of used panties, but they weren't for me. It was for a friend with a fetish

Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 02:56 PM

I wish code wasn't broken :(

RaNkeri Oct 1st, 2008 03:03 PM

Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 03:03 PM

Oh shit, Power Ranger sheets. I can smell the Sailor Moon wet dreams from here.

yukinimura-chan Oct 1st, 2008 03:07 PM

that's my brother's bed, I hate sharing a room with a little one... especially since the bunk bed is so goddamn small.

Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 03:15 PM

Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 03:17 PM

Thank god your fat ass is'nt in the top bunk :x

yukinimura-chan Oct 1st, 2008 03:20 PM

I sleep on the bottom actually, or I'm supposed to... I usually just sleep on the floor. I'm more in between actually, not too skinny and not too fat...

Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by yukinimura-chan (Post 583501)
I sleep on the bottom actually, or I'm supposed to... I usually just sleep on the floor. I'm more in between actually, not too skinny and not too fat...

I said is'nt fatty, what are you, retarded on top of everything else?

Dixie Oct 1st, 2008 03:29 PM

I think I love you but what am I so afraid of, a sore there is no cure for.

Sam Oct 1st, 2008 03:29 PM

Yukimural-chang I think you should make friends with JakeOfAllTrades you guys will get along great.

yukinimura-chan Oct 1st, 2008 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 583503)
I said is'nt fatty, what are you, retarded on top of everything else?

I must have posted while you were fixing your post... I apologize

and sam, yeah I'll look him up.

Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 03:35 PM

I bet it is one of his friends here to defend him. I had a feeling JOAT would send out the Manga-fetish alert signal.

Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by yukinimura-chan (Post 583509)
I must have posted while you were fixing your post... I apologize

and sam, yeah I'll look him up.

For being a fatty? How about just not eating like a pig at a troff?

yukinimura-chan Oct 1st, 2008 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 583511)
For being a fatty? How about just not eating like a pig at a troff?

I meant for jumping the gun and posting... just because you suffer from delusions doesn't mean you should attack those who are new, you'll find that most people you hate you'll actually have a lot in common with.

Sam Oct 1st, 2008 03:39 PM


Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 03:43 PM

Who said I hate you? I'm just worried about your health. You probably have the diabetes already. Just because your mom can't touch your ugly ass and decides to give you a snickers bar instead of a hug doesn't mean you can't jog every once in a while.

yukinimura-chan Oct 1st, 2008 03:43 PM

it's a joke, wow... there are a lot of angry people here aren't there? Is this just some kind of initiation thing because I'm new?

Asila Oct 1st, 2008 03:43 PM


yukinimura-chan Oct 1st, 2008 03:46 PM

I only weigh 132 and I run track... looks can be deceiving.

It's not healthy to be so close to your parents, a lesson I thought most adults would learn in adolescence.

Asila Oct 1st, 2008 03:47 PM

...I was going to reply to that but I'd hate to have Pub follow behind me and call me a hypocrite. He always pops up at times like that.

Dixie Oct 1st, 2008 03:50 PM

A pox on you, yuiki-chan-thing, a pox I say!

Dixie Oct 1st, 2008 03:52 PM

Ohhh someone hit a nerve, huh fatty? Fatty fatty fatty?

Schimid Oct 1st, 2008 03:52 PM

Wait, you weigh 132? And how tall are you?

yukinimura-chan Oct 1st, 2008 03:54 PM

I am about 5'9"...

Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 03:55 PM

around the waist.

Dixie Oct 1st, 2008 03:55 PM

We all know asians don't get taller than 5'4"

Asila Oct 1st, 2008 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by yukinimura-chan (Post 583521)
I only weigh 132 and I run track... looks can be deceiving.

You still have a moon pie face

Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 03:56 PM

He's a beaner. Don't sully our good race.

yukinimura-chan Oct 1st, 2008 03:57 PM

I'm a halfbreed... my dad's flilipino (asian beaner) and my mom's mexican

Dixie Oct 1st, 2008 03:57 PM

They don't get taller than 5'4" either.

Dixie Oct 1st, 2008 03:58 PM

If you start quoting Carlos Mencia I swear to god I'll bribe one of the mods to ban you.

yukinimura-chan Oct 1st, 2008 03:59 PM

actually, there are some pretty tall people in my family... the whole only 5'4" thing is a myth

Asila Oct 1st, 2008 03:59 PM

Our maid in Hong Kong was filipino. Everytime she talked I wanted to jam knitting needles in my ears

Asila Oct 1st, 2008 04:00 PM

Oh wait, ALL the maids in hong kong were filipino

Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 04:01 PM

Look at his fat prom date, did you rent a flatbed to drive you guys to the prom?

Schimid Oct 1st, 2008 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by yukinimura-chan (Post 583527)
I am about 5'9"...

Oh God, have you checked your BMI lately? I think Tadao's onto something, that weight simply can't be healthy for a boy your age.

Go call a doctor and schedule an appointment. Now. Tell them it's urgent. I'm serious, stop what you're doing and get help. If you can't hit the buttons, use a pencil or something. Given the assuredly hamhock-ian girth of your fingers, a novelty size rotary phone might be best for you.

yukinimura-chan Oct 1st, 2008 04:02 PM

she's a friend of mine, I didn't even go to prom... btw the girl next to her in the fourth pic is my girlfriend.

Asila Oct 1st, 2008 04:02 PM

Oh god the fish lips

Dixie Oct 1st, 2008 04:03 PM

Hahah we were just kidding!
We don't think you have a girlfriend.

yukinimura-chan Oct 1st, 2008 04:03 PM

my bmi is within average you dolt, I know how to calculate that... I kinda have to

Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 04:03 PM

No fatty, this is the only girlfriend you'll ever have.


RaNkeri Oct 1st, 2008 04:04 PM

His BMI is 19,5. You're normal weight if your BMI is 18,5-24,9

Dixie Oct 1st, 2008 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 583544)
No fatty, this is the only girlfriend you'll ever have.


Complete with absurd sex midgets. Or are those illegitimate children from a previous relationship?

Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 04:04 PM

You are 1 sick fucker dood.


yukinimura-chan Oct 1st, 2008 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 583544)
No fatty, this is the only girlfriend you'll ever have.


wow, that's the most original you could come up with? Raiding my photobucket doesn't get you much cred man...

Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 04:05 PM

Just look at all this sad shit.

Asila Oct 1st, 2008 04:07 PM

I could see him buying those creepy child-sized japanese dolls, whatever the fuck they're called. His little rika-chan will always understand him

yukinimura-chan Oct 1st, 2008 04:08 PM

like you don't have a hobby... I draw those for girls I know

Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 04:08 PM

Well yeah, look at what he singed up for.


Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 04:09 PM

Don't worry, we Japanese will always be there to supply you with imaginary girlfriends.

Asila Oct 1st, 2008 04:09 PM

Dear Yuki-whatsis, Sephiroth will never manifest in your bedroom late one night and take you away to forever be a one-winged misunderstood hero with a large-breasted girlfriend. I'm sorry.

Asila Oct 1st, 2008 04:10 PM

Oh Tadao, are you like the Japanese wish fairy of I-mock now?

Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 04:11 PM

Titled :
another reason to stay home



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