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Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by yukinimura-chan (Post 583654)
I have been rolling with the punches as you put it... I've stayed calm and restrained myself, but I'm through resisting your insults. I should have just ignored them in the first place now that I realize it.


Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by JakeOfAllTrades (Post 582334)
ROG, Protoclown, even you Max Burbank, what are you going to do about this situation so that something like this never happens again?


Pub Lover Oct 1st, 2008 11:05 PM

In the old days baiting fools was what they all did on here. :( :gigh

Originally Posted by LordSappington (Post 583713)
This has all lost its novelty. Let it be, he'll stop posting eventually. Either that or he'll an hero after said otaku girl sprays him with mace, or aerosol wasabi, or whatever the hell they use in Japan.


Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 11:08 PM

Lord Somethingshitty thinks he is an authority on the forums. Give that man a hall pass sash.

Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 11:12 PM

LordSappington 07:58 PM Private Messaging

I'm sure he is just recommending me for a Vet position.

Pub Lover Oct 1st, 2008 11:13 PM

Shit I take forever to type when I'm this drunk, I was going to say that. :x

Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 583718)
Lord Somethingshitty thinks he is an authority on the forums. Give that man a hall pass sash.

He has been here for a very long time now, maybe he should be made a vet.

Haha, yeah rite. :rolleyes[/flash]

Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 583625)
The fool got secret and sacred confused.

I was the first one to say secret in that thread, I hope you're not calling me a fool. :(

I was surprised to find that the cowboy thread did predate my time here, I suppose I just remember reading all the backthreads and pretending I was involved. :(

Pub Lover Oct 1st, 2008 11:15 PM

No. Wait, what do pronouns mean? I think you should both be vets, that would be great,. :)

[code]like i fuckin care, gigh you bastards[/codessssdsdd

Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 11:24 PM

Attacking minute sentence structure flaws is the final attack of a cornered Sappington. If he feels that he has averted attention from himself, he will puff out his cheek pouches in the attempt to attract a mate. Sadly, all females can smell the nut cancer in his urine stained Hanes pull ups and while laughing at him have sex with his father instead.

LordSappington Oct 1st, 2008 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 583727)
Attacking minute sentence structure flaws is the final attack of a cornered Sappington. If he feels that he has averted attention from himself, he will puff out his cheek pouches in the attempt to attract a mate. Sadly, all females can smell the nut cancer in his urine stained Hanes pull ups and while laughing at him have sex with his father instead.

Better than starting a flame war to prove your vet status. LOL NEWB LET'S GET HIM
But to be fair, he IS a pretty big douche, and that's from ME.
Also, I don't give a fuck about vet status. All it proves is that so far, you STILL haven't found anything better to do.

Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 11:34 PM



once again aspie boy you got it all wrong you really dont pay attention

LordSappington Oct 1st, 2008 11:35 PM

Or maybe I've been jerking your chain all along. :)
You're not the only person in the world who likes to fuck around with people.

Pub Lover Oct 1st, 2008 11:36 PM

lol at you guys talking about vet bullshit.

[flash]seriously guys it isn't real :hypno

Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 583727)
while laughing at him have sex with his father instead.

I was pretty sure I made the suggestion that The Leader was an unclefucker earlier.

Then I remembered that song from the southpark movie (whichI haven't seen) and regreted the post

then whenI went back the post wasn't there. :eek

I was so close to breaking out the dilbert porn & postfloods. >:


Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by LordSappington (Post 583734)
Or maybe I've been jerking your chain all along. :)
You're not the only person in the world who likes to fuck around with people.

Dood, you so powned me! :highfive


fucking cornered aspie

LordSappington Oct 1st, 2008 11:42 PM


Zomboid Oct 1st, 2008 11:44 PM

Tadao hasn't even been here a year. Why would you think he's a "vet?"

Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 11:45 PM

Like I said, he doesn't understand what is going on around him.

Pub Lover Oct 1st, 2008 11:46 PM

Check his join date, Z-Man. ;)


Originally Posted by LordSappington (Post 583731)
'Three aspects of communication patterns are of clinical interest: poor prosody, tangential and circumstantial speech, and marked verbosity. Although inflection and intonation may be less rigid or monotonic than in autism, people with AS often have a limited range of intonation; speech may be unusually fast, jerky or loud. Speech may convey a sense of incoherence; the conversational style often includes monologues about topics that bore the listener, fails to provide context for comments, or fails to suppress internal thoughts. Individuals with AS may fail to monitor whether the listener is interested or engaged in the conversation. The speaker's conclusion or point may never be made, and attempts by the listener to elaborate on the speech's content or logic, or to shift to related topics, are often unsuccessful.'
According to wikipedia, all of us here are Aspie's. Go figure.


LordSappington Oct 1st, 2008 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 583742)
Like I said, he doesn't understand what is going on around him.

Then where does that leave you?

Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 11:52 PM

:highfive Lord Sappington! You powned me again!

LordSappington Oct 1st, 2008 11:55 PM

Stop dodging the question. Or is it too socially awkward for you to answer?

Asila Oct 1st, 2008 11:56 PM

Fuck, why are you never on MSN when you're that drunk?

....I really should have read everything else that was just said. My OCD is kicking in.

Tadao Oct 1st, 2008 11:58 PM

I'm am now sweet stuff. I was just playing with the Aspie until something interesting happened. And baby, you are in ter rest ing!

Asila Oct 2nd, 2008 12:00 AM

I was talking to Pub, I don't have your MSN... oh wait. And my god that was so sinceeeeeeere

Dixie Oct 2nd, 2008 01:53 AM

I'm eating the candy we bought for trick or treaters.
And it's gooood.

Dixie Oct 2nd, 2008 02:09 AM

Goddammit Jeanette get on AIM, I NEED to talk to you.

Tadao Oct 2nd, 2008 02:16 AM

Damit Janet

Dixie Oct 2nd, 2008 02:19 AM

Smarties Sugar Rush!

Tadao Oct 2nd, 2008 02:23 AM


Asila Oct 2nd, 2008 02:29 AM

christ, now I want smarties. You gotta suck 'em til they're powder SUCK 'EM I SAY

Dixie Oct 2nd, 2008 02:31 AM

I like putting the whole roll in my mouth and crunching them til my teeth hurt.

Dixie Oct 2nd, 2008 02:39 AM

Anyone else still attempt to snort pixie sticks?
Sometimes I think, that's not going to hurt THAT bad.
Then I do it, and it burns. It burns bad.

Asila Oct 2nd, 2008 02:42 AM

OWOWOWOWWWWWW now I'm going to try that

Tadao Oct 2nd, 2008 02:42 AM

Will you ladies sort it off my cock?

Dixie Oct 2nd, 2008 02:45 AM

I don't snort off of people, too much goes to waste.
And I'm normally not that drunk.

Tadao Oct 2nd, 2008 02:45 AM

Not like I would want you to.

Tadao Oct 2nd, 2008 02:45 AM


RaNkeri Oct 2nd, 2008 02:45 AM

Pixie sticks? You guys are pussies! Here in north we snort ammonium chloride :rolleyes

Dixie Oct 2nd, 2008 02:47 AM

I prefer to stick the tube up my nose then tear the bottom of the tube off and get as much as possible at once.
That'll teach me not to do it again, I say each time.

Asila Oct 2nd, 2008 02:48 AM

Why, yes I am that drunk

executioneer Oct 2nd, 2008 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by RaNkeri (Post 583787)
Pixie sticks? You guys are pussies! Here in north we snort ammonium chloride :rolleyes

you can't eat sugar or you will d!e

RaNkeri Oct 2nd, 2008 02:49 AM

Fuck, you're rig-

Tadao Oct 2nd, 2008 02:50 AM

Don't die diabetes man :tear

Asila Oct 2nd, 2008 02:50 AM

Diabetes strikes again

Dixie Oct 2nd, 2008 02:51 AM

What about that LiknDip powder?
Is that as tart as pixie sticks?

Asila Oct 2nd, 2008 02:54 AM

I always thought that stuff was... wait, you're right. The stick you licked was sweet, but the powder was tart. I wonder if it's the same powder?

Tadao Oct 2nd, 2008 02:56 AM

Please stop talking about licking and sucking.

Dixie Oct 2nd, 2008 02:57 AM

No, I don't think so, it's a little bit different. From what I remember the LiknDip stuff would stain your hands, pixie sticks didn't stain.
I'm trying to think of a powdered candy that won't burn as much.

Tadao Oct 2nd, 2008 03:00 AM

I used to just eat the dip stix straight and poor the powder down my gullet.

Asila Oct 2nd, 2008 03:01 AM

It's been such a long time for either, I guess I can't reply with any knowledge. Powdered candy ummm I suppose powdering hard candy doesn't necessarily count

Asila Oct 2nd, 2008 03:02 AM

Ooooooooh but the stick was sooooo sweet! Crap, myspace talk

Dixie Oct 2nd, 2008 03:03 AM

Yeah, the dipping sticks were the best part of those packages.
Hmmm maybe I could try powdering one of those?
Hard candies, unless they're like the dipping sticks, aren't easy to crush up. It ends up feeling like broken glass in your nose.

Asila Oct 2nd, 2008 03:05 AM

I was thinking, what if you smashed up sweet tarts? I think it would be pretty difficult, but it might be less stingy than anything else.

Dixie Oct 2nd, 2008 03:07 AM

Sweet Tarts are way too tart and would burn.
I tried confectioner's sugar, but it gunks up and you get weird white boogers for a couple days.

Dixie Oct 2nd, 2008 03:10 AM

Who the fuck is Phantom Werewolf?

Asila Oct 2nd, 2008 03:13 AM

A werewolf that is, by his nature, secretive and hard to see? I DON'T KNOW I'M GUESSING

Dixie Oct 2nd, 2008 03:14 AM

Happy Birthday Phantom Werewolf

Hope you're not this gay

Asila Oct 2nd, 2008 03:18 AM

I keep waiting for someone to make a humourous followup to this, because I can't come up with one.

Tadao Oct 2nd, 2008 03:19 AM


Originally Posted by Carnivore Is God (Post 583807)
Happy Birthday Phantom Werewolf

Hope you're not this gay


Asila Oct 2nd, 2008 03:21 AM

Oh, so he totally is that gay, so sorry CIG

Dixie Oct 2nd, 2008 03:22 AM

He IS that gay.

Dixie Oct 2nd, 2008 03:22 AM

What the fuck is this?

Asila Oct 2nd, 2008 03:23 AM

Can I say Jinx? I can't, can I? fuck.

Dixie Oct 2nd, 2008 03:25 AM

I'm too old for jinx.

That picture scares me.


Asila Oct 2nd, 2008 03:26 AM

Damnit, logical thought says I'm too old for Jinx too. FUCK

Tadao Oct 2nd, 2008 03:28 AM

yukinimura-chan Viewing Thread
Leaving the Loveline forum for a while


Dixie Oct 2nd, 2008 03:29 AM

I pick and choose my maturity levels.
Punch Buggy, now THERE'S a game!

Dixie Oct 2nd, 2008 03:29 AM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 583816)
yukinimura-chan Viewing Thread
Leaving the Loveline forum for a while


Somehow not surprised.....

yukinimura-chan Oct 2nd, 2008 03:30 AM

Unlike Jake, I won't run... so good luck trying to get rid of me

Asila Oct 2nd, 2008 03:30 AM

Just cause it involves physically harming someone!

fuck yes I love that game

Tadao Oct 2nd, 2008 03:32 AM


Originally Posted by yukinimura-chan (Post 583819)
Unlike Jake, I won't run... so good luck trying to get rid of me

Please stay! We need a good joke.

Asila Oct 2nd, 2008 03:32 AM

Someone stick a Vegeta figure up his ass until he squeals.

yukinimura-chan Oct 2nd, 2008 03:33 AM

can you not read? I said I WON'T leave...

Asila Oct 2nd, 2008 03:34 AM


yukinimura-chan Oct 2nd, 2008 03:35 AM

I could keep the war going if you really wanted, you know I'm actually having fun...

Tadao Oct 2nd, 2008 03:41 AM

war? lol

yukinimura-chan Oct 2nd, 2008 03:44 AM

yeah, I mean why get bent out of shape? I can play along... it's only the internet. You didn't really think I was mad did you?

Tadao Oct 2nd, 2008 03:49 AM

Page Brak you little fuck or get out!

Dixie Oct 2nd, 2008 03:51 AM

Late but not too too late

Tadao Oct 2nd, 2008 03:52 AM

Fuck n shit. If your gonna hang out, learn the rules.

yukinimura-chan Oct 2nd, 2008 03:55 AM

sorry man, I didn't know... I'll keep that in mind.

Tadao Oct 2nd, 2008 03:59 AM

It's ok. Your new.

Dixie Oct 2nd, 2008 04:01 AM

yukinimura-chan Oct 2nd, 2008 04:02 AM

so about tearing apart that jake guy, it seems to me you all enjoy it... please don't tell me I'm his replacement. I've looked at what he writes about, there is no way I'm going to be more open than what I've stated earlier... he pretty much invited attack.

of course, it might just be fun... I'll be sure to let you guys have some fuel for the fire.

Dixie Oct 2nd, 2008 04:03 AM


Asila Oct 2nd, 2008 04:05 AM


Asila Oct 2nd, 2008 04:07 AM


Dixie Oct 2nd, 2008 04:07 AM


Tadao Oct 2nd, 2008 04:08 AM

For one, get rid of the anime avatar. We get that you like Japanese things, but if that is all you have going for you, go elsewhere.

Dixie Oct 2nd, 2008 04:09 AM

Fuck this.
I'm moving on to goats.

yukinimura-chan Oct 2nd, 2008 04:09 AM

so? weren't you all attacking me earlier? and about this jake guy... he makes it too easy, I question now if I want to ruin what you all already have. I mean it's easy to pick on a newbie, but won't the old punching bag feel left out?

the avatar stays... sorry, it's drawing you like a moth to flame. I'll post on the gaming board if you want.

Dixie Oct 2nd, 2008 04:10 AM

Asila Oct 2nd, 2008 04:11 AM

I'll miss the babies :(

Dixie Oct 2nd, 2008 04:12 AM

Tadao Oct 2nd, 2008 04:13 AM

Dixie Oct 2nd, 2008 04:14 AM

Dixie Oct 2nd, 2008 04:18 AM

Tadao Oct 2nd, 2008 04:22 AM

Some of these goats are sexy!

Dixie Oct 2nd, 2008 04:24 AM

They're kids you sick fuck!

Tadao Oct 2nd, 2008 04:27 AM

Sexy furry kids.

Asila Oct 2nd, 2008 04:28 AM


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