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Dimnos Apr 27th, 2010 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by TheDipshit (Post 682287)

^ This quote is all fine and dandy BUT they don't mention that Obama has spent over 2 MILLION dollars fighting legal battles concealing his birth certificate.

That's 2 MILLION dollars of legal costs to hide something and who are those "experts" they are talking about and wouldn't those bloggers who added text be in jail for falsifing a legal document? Who are these experts? Why haven't they talked about the 2 million in legal fees paid to lawyers to fight cases that want to see his documentation?

Yeah. He really fucking hid that one. :rolleyes Who said the guy spend $2 Mil? The guy released it himself. Why would he spend that kind of money only to release it himself. And the whole birth certificate thing is a crap shoot anyway. The guy is a legally born citizen. Get over it. Why would the lefties go through all the trouble of putting him in when they could have gotten any number of other members of their party in to "fulfill their leftist agenda"? :rolleyes

TheCoolinator Apr 27th, 2010 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Dimnos (Post 682292)

Yeah. He really fucking hid that one. Who said the guy spend $2 Mil? The guy released it himself. Why would he spend that kind of money only to release it himself. And the whole birth certificate thing is a crap shoot anyway. The guy is a legally born citizen. Get over it. Why would the lefties go through all the trouble of putting him in when they could have gotten any number of other members of their party in to "fulfill their leftist agenda"?

Obamacrimes.com <---Website of the DEMOCRAT LEFTIST Attorney Philip J. Berg.

Obama has spend over 2 million dollars to hide his birth certificate. Some say he's Kenyan born, others say he's a naturalized citizen of Indonesia, either way he is spending massive amounts of money to conceal his documentation. No one knows who he is, he won't be questions, he won't allow it to be shown in a court of law.

Why would the "lefties" go through all this trouble? Well, it has nothing to do with "LEFT OR RIGHT", it has everything to do with Corporate, wallstreet control over the economy.

Obama is a puppet of the corporate oligarchy. He is their employee. get it?

Dimnos Apr 27th, 2010 03:16 PM

Surprise. Surprise. Surprise. More diarrhetic bull shit.

Dimnos Apr 27th, 2010 03:18 PM


What ever happened to Innocent until proven guilty? They guy says he is form Hawaii. Until someone can PROVE otherwise. Get off his dick. >:

TheCoolinator Apr 27th, 2010 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by Dimnos (Post 682295)

What ever happened to Innocent until proven guilty? They guy says he is form Hawaii. Until someone can PROVE otherwise. Get off his dick. >:

That's the point of the entire matter......Democratic Attorney Philip Berg is trying to PROVE whether or not Barack Obama / Barry Sotaro is a natural born citizen.

Why doesn't Obama show his actual birth certificate? Why can't we send independent observers to look at it, feel it, put it under a microscope?

2 million dollars in fees, almost as much money as what GoldMan Sachs gave his campaign before he got into office. The same GoldmanSachs that got the lion's share of the banker bailout.

Dimnos Apr 27th, 2010 03:28 PM

Surprise. Surprise. Surprise. More diarrhetic bull shit.

TheCoolinator Apr 27th, 2010 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Dimnos (Post 682299)

Surprise. Surprise. Surprise. More diarrhetic bull shit.

Not feeling that "Hope & Change" anymore? are ya? Ya, it was all bullshit. More astute people saw it coming from a mile away.

Obama = corporate puppet, warmonger, elitist, reactionary, race baiter, etc, etc, etc.

Dimnos Apr 27th, 2010 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by TheDipshit (Post 682298)
That's the point of the entire matter......Democratic Attorney Philip Berg is trying to PROVE whether or not Barack Obama / Barry Sotaro is a natural born citizen.

So your just going to assume he isnt a citizen because some retard is trying to prove some shit? :rolleyes


Originally Posted by TheDipshit (Post 682298)
Why doesn't Obama show his actual birth certificate?

Umm... He did retard. :rolleyes


Originally Posted by TheDipshit (Post 682298)
Why can't we send independent observers to look at it, feel it, put it under a microscope?


Fucking request one then. :rolleyes

Dimnos Apr 27th, 2010 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by TheCoolinator (Post 682302)
Not feeling that "Hope & Change" anymore? are ya? Ya, it was all bullshit. More astute people saw it coming from a mile away.

Obama = corporate puppet, warmonger, elitist, reactionary, race baiter, etc, etc, etc.

What are you assuming I voted for the guy or that I bought his Hope & Change crap? :lol

No. I voted for this sexy beast.

Im only defending Obama on this issue because your trying to fault him on bull shit. You were better off attacking his health reform and not the legality of his citizenship.

TheCoolinator Apr 27th, 2010 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Dimnos (Post 682303)
So your just going to assume he isnt a citizen because some retard is trying to prove some shit?

No one can prove he is or not because he keeps blocking the investigations. 2 million dollars worth of road blocks that attorneys all over the country have had to climb over.

Obamacrimes.com - DEMOCRATIC Attorney Philip Berg. Read it. :rock


Umm... He did retard.
A certificate of live birth is different then an actual Birth Certificate. No one in the entire country has been able to see it, touch it, put the thing under a microscope.

No one. Read your own articles. They talk about "rumormongers" but never speak of how people aren't allowed to get near the vault copy.

Colonel Flagg Apr 27th, 2010 03:55 PM

Coolie is in love with his own rhetoric. No one can dissuade him from what he KNOWS to be true.

I wouldn't be surprised if he's a card carrying member of this society.

"Deprogramming the masses since 1547." Just like Coolie.

And what better way to do it than on a satirical humor website forum. :rolleyes

Dimnos Apr 27th, 2010 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by TheDipshit (Post 682310)
Obamacrimes.com - DEMOCRATIC Attorney Philip Berg. Read it. :rock

What? Because the dude is a Democrat attacking another Democrat that makes him more believable? Hell if anything the fact he is an attorney should lead you to disbelieve anything he says. :lol But AGAIN, still hasnt proven shit.


Originally Posted by TheDipshit (Post 682310)
A certificate of live birth is different then an actual Birth Certificate.



Birth certificates (Certificates of Live Birth and Certifications of Live Birth) and Certificates of Hawaiian Birth are the primary documents used to determine native Hawaiian qualification.
Got any more fucking crap you want to talk out your ass? :rolleyes

TheCoolinator Apr 27th, 2010 04:19 PM

SURPRISE! DEATH PANELS! GENOCIDE! Hope & Change! here we come!


As usual, the most dangerous parts of ObamaCare aren't receiving the scrutiny they deserve—and one of the least examined is a new commission to tell Congress how to control health spending. Democrats are quietly attempting to impose a "global budget" on Medicare, with radical implications for U.S. medicine.

Like most of Europe, the various health bills stipulate that Congress will arbitrarily decide how much to spend on health care for seniors every year—and then invest an unelected board with extraordinary powers to dictate what is covered and how it will be paid for. White House budget director Peter Orszag calls this Medicare commission "critical to our fiscal future" and "one of the most potent reforms."

Worse, it makes little room for medical innovations. The commission is mandated to go after "sources of excess cost growth," meaning treatments that are too expensive or whose coverage will boost spending. If researchers find a pricey treatment for Alzheimer's in 2020, that might be banned because it would add new costs and bust the global budget. Or it might decide that "Maybe you're better off not having the surgery, but taking the painkiller," as President Obama put it in June.


Originally Posted by Colonel Flagg (Post 682312)
Coolie is in love with his own rhetoric. No one can dissuade him from what he KNOWS to be true.

I wouldn't be surprised if he's a card carrying member of this society.

"Deprogramming the masses since 1547." Just like Coolie.

And what better way to do it than on a satirical humor website forum.

This ^

Is a perfect example of what TheLeader did with the Bill O'Reilly comment. These people can't attack what I say so they must attack me personally. They try to equate me with a joke society or personality instead of debating me on the issues I bring up.

Why do they do this? Because the people on the Television do it, monkey see, monkey do, it's mental and behavioral training for the little people.

So now everyone handles an argument like the alpha males on TV (Keith Olbermann, Sean Hannity)do by making these little immature name calling arguments where you don't actually bring any ideas to the table you just compare the other person to something or someone who is an odd ball, crazy, or universally disliked.

Like clockwork they think. It's amazing how well they are trained.

Dimnos Apr 27th, 2010 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by TheCoolinator (Post 676256)
All I see is an avalanche of doublethink going on here......


Originally Posted by TheCoolinator (Post 676527)
I think your just covering up how long it took you to grasp something so rudimentary. Which I repeated about 40 times.


Originally Posted by TheCoolinator (Post 681501)
I'm not the one who made a thread based around condescending to people you just happened to walk by that day and from the amount of times you brought up your beloved "Degree" I think you have some sort of self esteem issue.


Originally Posted by TheCoolinator (Post 679703)
You really don't know anything do you Leader?

Oh, and does anyone else get the mental picture of a garden hose shooting out raw sewage every time TheLeader posts something? I guess it's just me.....:|


Originally Posted by TheCoolinator (Post 681999)
When things don't fit into your cookie cutter idea of reality you tend to start getting a little confused and revert right back to "left / right".


Originally Posted by TheCoolinator (Post 681999)

Do you see? Little Puppet. Do you see how they pull your strings?


Originally Posted by TheCoolinator (Post 682268)
Naivety strikes again!


Originally Posted by TheCoolinator (Post 682279)
This is all common sense. Please stop writing your little papers and begin to learn how the world really works.


Originally Posted by TheCoolinator (Post 682237)
Prove me wrong, o' scholar. Show us what that big "degree" can do then. Come on.

Say something else other than these infantile little snipes and grumbles from the backround. I dare you. :love

Because you would NEVER do that. :rolleyes

The Leader Apr 27th, 2010 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by TheCoolinator (Post 682302)
Not feeling that "Hope & Change" anymore? are ya? Ya, it was all bullshit. More astute people saw it coming from a mile away.

Obama = corporate puppet, warmonger, elitist, reactionary, race baiter, etc, etc, etc.

:lol You're so pathetic. You don't even know who you're talking to.

What's that, a politician is a corporate tool? Holy shit, thanks for filling us in, Coolie! No one but you has a head on their shoulders to figure this out on there own so we really appreciate you being here.


Originally Posted by TheCoolinator (Post 682317)
Is a perfect example of what TheLeader did with the Bill O'Reilly comment. These people can't attack what I say so they must attack me personally. They try to equate me with a joke society or personality instead of debating me on the issues I bring up.

Why do they do this? Because the people on the Television do it, monkey see, monkey do, it's mental and behavioral training for the little people.

So now everyone handles an argument like the alpha males on TV (Keith Olbermann, Sean Hannity)do by making these little immature name calling arguments where you don't actually bring any ideas to the table you just compare the other person to something or someone who is an odd ball, crazy, or universally disliked.

Like clockwork they think. It's amazing how well they are trained.

How is pointing out that you're hypocrit by using a site run by Bill O'Reilly's pals while dismissing a site I used for similar, however inaccurate, reasons? You have not even tried to debate the topics. You just posted links. And I don't watch big news channels. You're doing the exact same thing that you're accusing us of, and all in one post.

Dimnos Apr 27th, 2010 06:27 PM

TheCoolinator Apr 27th, 2010 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by The Leader (Post 682333)
Show me proof of Death Panels.


As usual, the most dangerous parts of ObamaCare aren't receiving the scrutiny they deserve—and one of the least examined is a new commission to tell Congress how to control health spending. Democrats are quietly attempting to impose a "global budget" on Medicare, with radical implications for U.S. medicine.

Like most of Europe, the various health bills stipulate that Congress will arbitrarily decide how much to spend on health care for seniors every year—and then invest an unelected board with extraordinary powers to dictate what is covered and how it will be paid for. White House budget director Peter Orszag calls this Medicare commission "critical to our fiscal future" and "one of the most potent reforms."

Worse, it makes little room for medical innovations. The commission is mandated to go after "sources of excess cost growth," meaning treatments that are too expensive or whose coverage will boost spending. If researchers find a pricey treatment for Alzheimer's in 2020, that might be banned because it would add new costs and bust the global budget. Or it might decide that "Maybe you're better off not having the surgery, but taking the painkiller," as President Obama put it in June.


Colonel Flagg Apr 27th, 2010 08:45 PM

Yes, post a link. That's what The Leader asked you for - proof.

We all know teh interwebs never lies.

Tadao Apr 27th, 2010 08:59 PM


Obama was born in America.

That's proof enough for me!

Tadao Apr 27th, 2010 08:59 PM


There is no death panel.


The Leader Apr 27th, 2010 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by TheCoolinator (Post 682350)

How do you read that and get "Death Panels?"

Dimnos Apr 28th, 2010 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by TheCoolinator (Post 682205)
So rationing of care is not Death Panels? Your lack of logic amazes me.


Originally Posted by TheCoolinator (Post 681683)
We didn't even need this whole "single payer option", we already have a state run medical program. Medicaid / Medicare.


Originally Posted by Dimnos (Post 682223)
By this logic we already have "death panels" whether or not they work for an insurance company the government or even a hospital. Someone is always rationing health care. :rolleyes

Zhukov Apr 28th, 2010 12:29 AM


Obama is a Mexican pharmaceutical corporation

kahljorn Apr 28th, 2010 05:51 AM


Like most of Europe, the various health bills stipulate that Congress will arbitrarily decide how much to spend on health care for seniors every year—and then invest an unelected board with extraordinary powers to dictate what is covered and how it will be paid for. White House budget director Peter Orszag calls this Medicare commission "critical to our fiscal future" and "one of the most potent reforms."

Worse, it makes little room for medical innovations. The commission is mandated to go after "sources of excess cost growth," meaning treatments that are too expensive or whose coverage will boost spending. If researchers find a pricey treatment for Alzheimer's in 2020, that might be banned because it would add new costs and bust the global budget. Or it might decide that "Maybe you're better off not having the surgery, but taking the painkiller,"
that's already how insurance is, dumbass. hey lets take a theoretical situation. Okay so like there's this guy that was turned retarded when he was 12 by an angry car. 45 years in the future he is a happy old retarded dude who pretty much looks the same. Anyway, he applies to have this new fangled brain time travel operation where they send your brain back in time and it tells the old, younger brain to go forward into the future and be a young vibrant nonretarded brain.
however this surgery costs 340817508125789123475927592594276597246524 dollars and even with inflation that is still more money than anybody in the world has (ALSO THERES THE RISK THAT THE ENTIRE WORLD COULD BE DEstROYED).

but what the fuck whats with these death panels telling poor jimmy that he can't have his brain time travels? death panel jerk offs.

So basically this is your suggestion for how obama should run healthcare and probably also the guberment:
"okay I'm president obama and here's my plan for running the country with my health care plan fully endorsed by thecoolinator of i-mockery.com/forum (check the philosophy forum guys) first of all we'll approve any treatment especially new experimental things which cost a lot, might not even work and could even have a high risk of death. That's a good deal for everybody. Oh, also there's infinite money, yes infinite money. Can i get that for myself too? Thanks. Hmm also no standards or board of directors or anything which develops ideas and strategies for the benefit of this organization; that sounds too "Death panelish" to me. Wait we're sort of devloping ideas right now aren't we? Alright guys we gotta close this death panel down."

OMG i just realized that the SENATE is already a DEATH PANEL... iu think its too late to stop them! there's death panels everywhere man what do we DOOOOOOOOOO
ugh seriously this argument makes me want to vomit.

Zhukov Apr 28th, 2010 07:19 AM


So I was thinking of getting laser surgery to replace my glasses. I hear it's pretty good nowadays, especially since it lasts a lot longer than it once did, as in you would have to have follow up surgery after a few years. It's probably something I will eventually get around to doing, I do want it done, it's just that it costs too much for me HOLY SHIT I'M A FUCKING DEATH PANEL.

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