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Colonel Flagg Mar 28th, 2008 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by KatieLovesThe80's (Post 543114)
[...] i may not even be considered a band geek though because i am in the colorguard (the ones who spin the flags) but that might be even a little worse than a band geek.

Not in the least. The color guard (including batons, flags, swing flags and rifles) was the only cool thing about marching band (at least from the band member's perspective, wink wink, nudge nudge). At least that's how I remember it. :)

KatieLovesThe80's Mar 28th, 2008 06:00 PM


I was in band, but I was in the Drumline. This could actually be worse though because we developed this sort or elitist idea about ourselves and declared independence from the band. And I'll always have stories that start with "This one time at band camp..."
that is totally what our drumline is like and then everyone just dislikes the colorguard because they get in the way or something like that. i also start many a story with "this one time at band camp" and i hate when other "non-band geeks" then continue to quote american pie, after that it's not even worth telling the story.

KatieLovesThe80's Mar 28th, 2008 06:02 PM


Not in the least. The color guard (including batons, flags, swing flags and rifles) was the only cool thing about marching band (at least from the band member's perspective, wink wink, nudge nudge). At least that's how I remember it.
well with our band (at one point in time but not any more) they hated us but now it's all good.

KatieLovesThe80's Mar 28th, 2008 06:08 PM


Um... I might have missed the memo or something, but did you get published on Wired? 'Cause there's a page of a geek hierarchy dillio, right here. I'm sure Wired is capable of coming up with this on their own, but the timing seemed odd to me. Make what you will of this info.
Ok what is up with everyone hating on Protoclown. i don't get it. i think protoclown's articles are really funny. And i think it says a lot about him that he get's paied to write about all the stuff he does. So i may be a newbie on here but lay off.

Tadao Mar 28th, 2008 07:35 PM

I hate Protoclown. He's a hack!

BurntToShreds Mar 28th, 2008 08:20 PM

I hate furries. They pollute the internet with their shitty art, they are dickless morons who can't stand ridicule, and they make searching for anything on DeviantART even worse than usual.


The Fourth Mar 29th, 2008 12:49 AM


Ok what is up with everyone hating on Protoclown. i don't get it. i think protoclown's articles are really funny. And i think it says a lot about him that he get's paied to write about all the stuff he does. So i may be a newbie on here but lay off.
What's with the hostility? I wasn't hating on Protoclown at all... I don't really think I made myself clear, but I was implying that Wired might of plagiarized Protoclown, not the other way around (mostly because Protoclown's article was posted before the issue of Wired came out). I love Protoclown, jeeze.

Tadao Mar 29th, 2008 01:54 AM

Don't back down now The 4th! I'm with you on this! DOWN WITH THE CLOWN!

Tetsu Deinonychus Mar 30th, 2008 05:06 PM

Just think. One more article, and this gets bumped off the "recent pieces" list.

I wonder if people will still post here, then?

Renenet Apr 4th, 2008 02:23 PM

A friend sent me a link to the above "editorial", telling me how she found it funny at first and then got offended at the end because of this:


The lowest form of geek, the Fanfic Writer saves the Enterprise, defeats Darth Vader, and beds Buffy the Vampire Slayer on a weekly basis. Many of them "uncover" the true homosexual relationship between two male characters, but the worst offenders are the ones who insert themselves into the story, living vicariously through their characters because they have absolutely no life whatsoever. Ubiquitous on the internet, they have no real social grouping outside of its "tubes", so there is no way to actually identify them in public. Anyone you meet could be a potential fan fiction writer. Perhaps even you could be a fanfic writer and not even know it! (If I had scary music this is where it would be playing).
Although the name of this site clearly tells the audience what you people here spend your time on, I'd just like to add the real, acutal, completely and totally LOWEST OF THEM ALL - is a person (and I use that term loosely) who puts down other people just because they have different interests.

You're a very sad person, Protoclown, and I hope someone mocks you publicly in the face every day for the rest of your life.

(a fanfic writer, and proud of it)

Grislygus Apr 4th, 2008 02:24 PM


executioneer Apr 4th, 2008 03:29 PM

heeeere fish fish fish

DuFresne Apr 4th, 2008 05:07 PM

Your friend found it funny until she came across one that she happens to participate in. HOW IRONIC.

And I'm sure all your e-friends will be very proud of you when you copypaste your post into your livejournal.

Magic Flyin' Lemur Apr 4th, 2008 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by Renenet (Post 545034)
[long-winded post]

Wait, is this a troll or a real whining person? I.. I just can't tell anymore.

Fucking internet.

On the off-chance that you are an actual person who got offended, let me just say that fan-fiction can be extremely well-written, well-honed pieces of creative work. That does not mean that you're not a complete dork for writing it. If you write your own, unofficial, posted-on-geocities fiction set in other creators' continuities, then a) you need to maybe learn to create your own universe instead of mediocre derivative work that doesn't usually fit with the style of whatever it is you're putting yourself into , and b) you're writing FAN FICTION, stop taking yourself so goddamned seriously. People like you are the reason fanfic writers get made fun of; self-serious jackasses that can't take a joke. Same with furries and trekkies and... well, frankly, any nerd that can't laugh at the fact that they like nerdy shit.

If you are a troll, however.. Well played, I guess; pretty entertaining stuff.

Protoclown Apr 4th, 2008 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Renenet (Post 545034)
A friend sent me a link to the above "editorial", telling me how she found it funny at first and then got offended at the end because of this:

Although the name of this site clearly tells the audience what you people here spend your time on, I'd just like to add the real, acutal, completely and totally LOWEST OF THEM ALL - is a person (and I use that term loosely) who puts down other people just because they have different interests.

You're a very sad person, Protoclown, and I hope someone mocks you publicly in the face every day for the rest of your life.

(a fanfic writer, and proud of it)

Oh SNAP, I just got fucking TOLD
Can you be the one to mock me publicly, Rentanet? Cuz that would be awesome. Hell, I'd even pay you. Not much, but I'd pay you to follow me around and dish out some "quips".

RaNkeri Apr 5th, 2008 02:00 AM


Colonel Flagg Apr 5th, 2008 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Renenet (Post 545034)
[...] I'd just like to add the real, acutal (actually, it's spelled "actual" - CF), completely and totally LOWEST OF THEM ALL - is a person (and I use that term loosely) who puts down other people just because they have different interests.

A fanfic writer who neglects to spellcheck posts, apparently. I won't even get into the redundant nature of "real, actual, completely and totally".

Oh snap. I just did, didn't I. :\

Dude, you need to grow a sense of humor.

Tetsu Deinonychus Apr 7th, 2008 11:03 PM

I'm a fanfic writer, too (I write it as practice/exercise for when I write my original works. I write a little fanfic to get my juices flowing, then I switch to writing in my own fictional universe). And, I loved this article.

I mean, if you can't laugh at yourself (as Protoclown has done by including his own interests on the list), then what are you doing laughing at everyone else (as you apparently did until the last entry)?

I gotta stop using parentheses so damn much...

Cruxader Apr 30th, 2008 02:19 PM

I more or less agree with this order, even though I think that "Furry" may be more of a psychological problem, as in no one in their right mind would want to dress up as a woodland creature to "go on adventures."

I'm not sure fanfic writers should be the lowest form as some just do it for fun. However, I think that if said fanfic writer was crazy enough to try to submit something to a real honest-to-God publisher or, say, mail their script to George Lucas to see if he would use it.. yes, that would be worthy of the lowest form.

LARPers... yes, they definitely deserve to be in the bottom three. I know a LARPer and, well, he's weird.

ThatWolfGuy May 24th, 2008 09:53 AM

larpers should definately be higher
i'm 4 of those - MMORPG, Table-top gamer, sci-fi geek and LARPER - and also a certified black belt in Tang Soo Do (for the guy who belittled larpers who try to do martial arts) - if you give extra credit to music and film junkies because they sometimes go out of their homes into daylight (or moonlight), and you give extra credit to table-top gamers who interact with other actual humans, how can you put LARPERS so low on the list? not even considering the fact that many LARPERS are in great shape (i know a guy who can run backwards faster than i can run forwards, and i used to run track in school - and am still in decent shape - see black belt, above) and many LARPERS are also skilled craftspeople, seamstresses, chainmaillers (myself included) etc. i think you ought to reconsider where you place LARPERS.

P.S. my LARP character does wear fur, does that make me a member of 5? i'm gonna say no, since the fur part is secondary to the part about being in a LARP. I wouldn't wear the fur if it wasn't in the setting of being in a LARP.

P.P.S. i've dressed up for midnight movie openings as both sci-fi characters and fantasy characters, does that make me a film geek?

P.P.S.S oh, almost forgot, I was a disc jockey for over 10 years - does that automatically qualify me as a music geek? if so, i'm pushing 7 categories....

ThatWolfGuy May 24th, 2008 09:55 AM

sorry for double post - edited

Esuohlim May 27th, 2008 11:44 PM


Tadao May 28th, 2008 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by ThatWolfGuy (Post 557452)
sorry for double post - edited

You should be sorry for the first one.

ThatWolfGuy Jun 2nd, 2008 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 557834)
You should be sorry for the first one.

that's pretty vague...care to explain? otherwise, it just seems like you're being mean for no good reason.

Tadao Jun 2nd, 2008 05:03 PM

It's almost like you know my soul! :love:love:love

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