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Schimid Jul 25th, 2003 10:17 AM


AChimp Jul 25th, 2003 11:54 AM

I got drunk yesterday. :(

Baalzamon Jul 25th, 2003 01:21 PM

lol, where and with who?

Cosmo Electrolux Jul 25th, 2003 01:36 PM

I see you've taken my advice, Chimp...:(

AChimp Jul 25th, 2003 02:00 PM

At Mr X's. :O

So, you see, there was no time to use the phone. I wouldn't have been able to find the buttons. ;)

Except, Mr X kept throwing up, and he kicked me out before I could make a move on his sister! :O

Cosmo Electrolux Jul 25th, 2003 02:22 PM

you should have at least face fucked your friend.....:|

AChimp Jul 25th, 2003 02:26 PM

His sister and I can hold our liquor and made fun of the people who were throwing up. ;)

Baalzamon Jul 25th, 2003 03:45 PM


At Mr X's. :O

So, you see, there was no time to use the phone. I wouldn't have been able to find the buttons.

Except, Mr X kept throwing up, and he kicked me out before I could make a move on his sister! :O
of course he threw up, he always does :)

Dammit, he came by my house and I wasnt home! I could have been there too. Damn him for showing up unanounced instead of calling to let me know ahead of time.

So what was this, a bunch of his sisters friends over having a party and you guys decided to join in?

AChimp Jul 25th, 2003 03:47 PM

No. It was just me, him and Stef and the TV. :O

Baalzamon Jul 25th, 2003 10:54 PM

I know you are home and reading this, so go on ICQ for once dammit

Royal Tenenbaum Jul 26th, 2003 12:00 PM


wreckreation Jul 26th, 2003 05:28 PM


AChimp Jul 26th, 2003 05:49 PM


Royal Tenenbaum Jul 28th, 2003 07:16 PM


AChimp Jul 28th, 2003 09:09 PM

First phoning attempt!

Answering machine. :(

AChimp Jul 29th, 2003 11:55 AM

Heh... second calling attempt yesterday was thwarted by a city-wide power failure. :(

KILLADEUCE Jul 29th, 2003 12:38 PM

Why not take the phone cord and rap it around her scrawny neck?

I feel ya man... Woman play these godamned mind games it seems- Especially when you tell them how you feel... It's real bogus. You're best bet is tp keep you're mind occupied with other things like Studying and Drinking fine lagers. (Or more Prefferably a fine stout from ireland by the name of Guinness...)

I can tell you from experience that you are in a unhealthy situation and will only prolong the inevitible. Believe me i know how shitty it is to hear this, i've been down that road before (christ- i bet everyone here has at one time or another)

You're best bet is to just walk away... Sure you might play those "What-if" scenarios's in the mind and such, but they go away with time, and if anything -you dont do or say anything to compound the issue-

I'm still personally a little pissed off about that -"Are you still waiting for me?" "Well, you can go. I've got a few places to go before I go to work." -
Comment she made... Thats fucking raw -G

Is it me? Or is it incapable for woman to realize that they can serisouly hurt our feelings sometimes (It's prolly that they just don't fucking care)

You deserve better than that man...

Baalzamon Jul 29th, 2003 10:39 PM

mmmmmmmm.... Guiness :yum

Oh, the rest of the post was really good too ;)

Baalzamon Jul 29th, 2003 11:43 PM


posted by O71394658 in jixbys thread. here it is in case you missed it.

Read it. every page, then continue

Chimp, listen to me very carefully... you have unwittingly become an "intellectual whore" (see site). Accept it and move on.

It's nothing to be ashamed of, it happens to the best of us :(

Now that you understand it you can handle it better, but you need to accept it.

Pub Lover Jul 30th, 2003 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by AChimp
First phoning attempt!

Answering machine. :(


Originally Posted by AChimp
second calling attempt yesterday was thwarted by a city-wide power failure

The Gods are against your union. :boohoo

KILLADEUCE Jul 30th, 2003 09:31 AM

OMG- This about sums up my last "Relationship"

Cuddle Bitches
cuddle bitch(n) - a guy who never gets to sleep with a girl but gets to have intimate moments with her like cuddling, spooning, or otherwise being affectionate. Usually this will occur in private. She probably considers him a really sweet guy, which is the kiss of death.

First off, cuddle bitches are bad, bad things to be. Maybe the worst thing to be. I mean, being an Intellectual Whore is bad, but being an Intellectual Whore who has to endure blue-balls is bordering on criminal.

As to how it fits into the framework of the ladder.

Basically this is just a guy who has a very high position on the friends ladder. So far up the friends ladder that he gets the dubious honor of getting to provide all the intimacy that a girl is missing when she's off fucking guys who basically don't care about her like outlaw bikers and band members. So he gets to be the proxy father/confessor/friend/teddy bear for her, depending on what she is missing at the time. Perhaps the only consolation of this is a ladder jump to the real ladder seems statistically a little more likely to succeed. Of course, when one is that high up the fall is dreadful indeed.... (Oh yes it is)

How do we know this? Well, if a woman had a nice loving boyfriend then he would be doing all the cuddling and whatnot and likely wouldn't stand for a woman maintaining a stable of cuddle bitches. Unless he's completelty pussified, in which case she's likely fucking some other people anyway.

For guys unacquainted with Ladder Theory, it is even worse. The cuddle bitch often thinks he is on the good ladder as opposed to the real ladder. So he gets all excited about his position instead of realizing he is being completely used. So this poor tool is really setting himself up for a fall at that point. (This is getting a little too specific at this point... I mean this is EXACTLY how it went down PITY ME)

Shit... I am still Falling now, it's been about 5 weeks-


Thanks for bringing this back to my attention, i scanned through it when i first saw it posted, finally broke down and really read it... Wow... Almost Prophetic wisdom- Chimp a defnite read man, it won't help the pain, but it may help the perspective- It definitely helped mine.[/b]

Baalzamon Jul 30th, 2003 09:46 AM

Wow, that really sucks man. Have a guiness :/

I've never had the misfortune of being a cuddle bitch, but I am always on the bad ladder instead of the real one, and looking back I see now that I have an unfortunate predisposition for the intellectual whore position :(

After I read that whole site I started to realize just how oddly true it seems to be. It seems that a lot of the things I have seen in the past can easily be explained by it, with uncanny accuracy.

Chimp, think about how the last one ended and you will see exactly why. The ladder theory fits that situation perfectly.

KILLADEUCE Jul 30th, 2003 10:20 AM

HAHAH actually I been sucking down Crown Royal like i was a spokesmodel for Seagrams after this last one.. I honestly thought i was on the "Good" ladder the whole time.

Seeing as this is Chimps thread i won't go on about my prob's but i do wanna say this,

IF anything reading that ladder theory helps because it made me realize I'm not the only one that has gone through a situation like i had (and as such i think it may be helpful to chimp) For some inane reason, it feels good to know other people have been in similar dilema's, (only slightly tho')

Only time can really heal things like this... and finding other woman to pursue.

As hard as it can be sometimes to acknowledge, in some cases it is THE FEELINGS that you had when with a person that felt so good, not the person itself (Which is also why it hurts so much when you don't have those feelings anymore)
Having said that, there is always recourse in the knowledge that it IS Statisically probable that someone else out there can invoke the same feelings in you. As such remember: There are always others out there, and ones that even treat you like you should be treated- AND LAY YOU TOO!

It's all a matter of patience and time...

(God i wish i could take my own fucking advice)

AChimp Jul 31st, 2003 10:27 PM

I read the ladder theory long ago. >:

It was funny. :(

jin Jul 31st, 2003 10:30 PM

I have aspirations to become both an Outlaw Biker and a Band Member.

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