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kahljorn Jan 26th, 2007 09:57 PM

Me? I don't know, I get worried that I can't bring it out on command for no reason :(
I'll try though actually. I'll make a post in that thread.

Terra Jan 26th, 2007 10:52 PM

kahl? you and i might have our differences but i would cast a vote for you anytime. i think you would be the best mocker. no shit dude

Terra Jan 26th, 2007 11:11 PM

just because you can out cunt us all.

yo dude it's a compliment too

kahljorn Jan 26th, 2007 11:25 PM

Man i always thought i was a nice person :O

thanks i guess.

AllHailRoG Jan 29th, 2007 04:39 PM

hi everybody!!!
i'mnew and could really use some new friends .i would love to contribute to any contests......if i knew how to work photoshop good....

Black Flag Jan 29th, 2007 06:25 PM

man rog is pretty cool, don't ya think?

Archduke Tips Jan 29th, 2007 06:30 PM

Okay guys, the party can start now. I made it to this new crazy forum.

Fathom Zero Jan 29th, 2007 06:30 PM


Black Flag, do you take your name from the King's X song of the same name?

Juttin Jan 29th, 2007 07:33 PM

Black Flag is a Punk band. With Henry Rollins.

Fathom Zero Jan 29th, 2007 07:40 PM

Was. Past tense.

Now there's the Rollins Band.

corpexec44 Jan 30th, 2007 05:21 PM

Henry Rollins was on ritalin as a kid. He'll kick anyones ass if you provoke him

Womti Feb 3rd, 2007 10:19 AM

hey guys I'm new hows it goin

Esuohlim Feb 3rd, 2007 02:09 PM

Your sig is too big loser

Goat Cheese Feb 3rd, 2007 02:52 PM

your sig is not big enough and not nearly enough refrences to pokemon.

Womti Feb 4th, 2007 01:30 PM

haha goat cheese in the bat-cave

Lenor Feb 7th, 2007 02:24 AM

Aparently I missed the signup days for morons :/ There seems to be a rather large amount of super fuckers on here now .. :rave :love :rave

kahl ... - def agree with terra an eric, your off the fuckin hizzah .. haha ..

im so cool

Esuohlim Feb 7th, 2007 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by Lenor (Post 467969)
Aparently I missed the signup days for morons :/

One might argue that you were first in line

Lenor Feb 7th, 2007 12:02 PM

esu: I get it, you hate me, dont have any idea why. But to each their own. But you know whats even worse, is following one person around, posting shit after each thing they've said. Thats just sad. I think you might need to get a life....

kahljorn Feb 7th, 2007 12:05 PM

Personally, I don't see anything wrong with insulting a person in more than one thread if t hey are acting like an idiot in more than one thread. I don't really see how you are being an idiot in this thread, though.

Esuohlim Feb 7th, 2007 12:10 PM

It was too easy is all :(

kahljorn Feb 7th, 2007 12:14 PM

:lol . I thought it was funny and sharp though :O

hilariously enough, the, "YOIU FOLLOW ME AROUND AND INSULT ME. HOW PATHETIC, PATHETIC BOY. WHY DONT YOU BU YA PUPPY" thing has also been done by her before.

Lenor Feb 7th, 2007 12:38 PM

kahl.. at least quote me right .. dammit .. and when the fuck did I say that befor? Was it with the whole boob fiasco? That was months ago... seriously you sound like a stalker knowing everything ive said and where I am.. creepy

kahljorn Feb 7th, 2007 12:42 PM

See? You just did it again.

I just have an unfortunately good memory, and haven't developed the art of forgetting. Plus when you see the same stupid insults/justifications you can't help but remember them.. especially when that person makes them like 6 times at least.

and you're right I shouldn't insult you so much but you keep saying stupid shit and I'm sort of bored (IDLENESS IS THE GREATEST VIRTUE). I honestly can't help it.

Lenor Feb 7th, 2007 12:49 PM

kahl: ok yeah its funny. I say stupid shit after a nite of not sleeping an adderol usage, which is prescribed for me. So no shit about that thanx. And I cant go to sleep now since im leaving soon, then going to be leaving again an then again.

im gonna just crawl in my bed n not answer my cell .. :/

kahljorn Feb 7th, 2007 12:51 PM

no wonder you're so annoying you have ADHD ;/

what happens if you don't take your medicine?

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