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-   -   Now that TF2 is free do we want to make a play date or something? (http://i-mockery.com/forum/showthread.php?t=69706911)

Fathom Zero Nov 1st, 2011 02:05 PM

Also, I love the fact that the Spy's costume is based around the Invisible Man.

kahljorn Mar 18th, 2012 08:12 PM

so ive been playing this a bit if anyone wants to play

my steam name is sephish

Guitar Woman Mar 24th, 2012 02:06 PM

I can't find you!

Also, now that I'm out of school TF2's become a full-time job again and y'all should come and get your asses kicked.


I don't have a microphone so I promise you won't have to talk to me.

darkvare Mar 24th, 2012 03:49 PM

i have a mic and as zomboids friends once said i have a russian esque accent i dunno why i re downloaded cause kahl wants to play but he is currently obssesed with fallen earth

Fathom Zero Mar 24th, 2012 04:17 PM

I only ever play the Dotas now. :\ Do you want an invite, Darkvare?

Oh wait, you already have one. Nevermind.

kahljorn Mar 24th, 2012 08:47 PM

i added you but you havent accepted yet

LordSappington Mar 26th, 2012 12:50 AM

I've been playing more again lately, but really I wish I had friends who played, because sometimes I want to play a game where both teams can really sync with each other and have real plans and all that sappy bullshit.
Maybe I should find some sort of LAN center with an event night, or maybe we can all get together and make an awesome team the will be unbeatable for all time

Guitar Woman Apr 8th, 2012 08:56 AM

I unboxed an unusual hat yesterday, a flaming soldier's helmet with an unexploded rocket lodged in it ("Lucky Shot"). I had no idea how much it was worth or why I should care, and I never play soldier, so I traded it for a strange grenade launcher, strange ullapool caber, and two keys, shit I'd actually use.

About 4 hours later, the guy I traded it to messaged me back and told me it was literally one-of-a-kind and worth like 900 IRL dollars. What.

Luckily he's offered to split the tradeloot with me instead of just taking it all for himself, which is nice of him. Anyone wanna buy a hat?


kahljorn Apr 8th, 2012 01:33 PM

good thing he was your friend

Fathom Zero Apr 8th, 2012 01:44 PM

People go apeshit for Unusual stuff.

darkvare Apr 8th, 2012 04:30 PM

i'll give you 5 dollars and 20 pesos

LordSappington Apr 20th, 2012 12:14 AM

I've been playing a shitload of TF2 lately; anyone wanna meet up on a Lotus server? I think I added someone on here, but I have no idea who it was.

Fathom Zero Jun 27th, 2012 08:38 PM

I will use every one of these new guns.

Phoenix Gamma Jun 27th, 2012 11:15 PM


Guitar Woman Jun 28th, 2012 03:49 PM

My new favorite class is Shotgun Pyro. That's not just "Pyro with a shotgun equippped," that's "Pyro who treats the shotgun as his primary weapon and only takes out the flamethrower in emergencies or when ambushing a huge group."

It sounds like it'd be awful, but if you're hot shit at shot placement (which I am since you have to learn good aim when using the Frontier Justice) you can rack up a pretty awesome body count; I think my best round last time I played was 40-something kills and 4 deaths, with three or four dominations.

I think the thing about it is that the Pyro is the only class with that specific combination of health, speed, and shotgun; the Engineer and Scout die if you cough on them, the Soldier and Heavy are painfully slow, and, for me, the Scout moves way too fast to ever aim properly (I'm getting a bit better but it's deffo not my best class). And the Pyro still has a flamethrower to fall back on if he needs it, which is a damn good weapon by itself. It's so much fun, and pretty much nobody sees it coming; they all expect you to take out your flamethrower any second and stay at mid-range from you, where you'll still be doing at least 40 damage per shot.

It doesn't really work on brute-force push maps like Dustbowl or Goldrush, though; as with playing Pyro normally, you need to ambush people, and those maps are basically just winding hallways that you spam explosives down until your team wins.

Phoenix Gamma Jun 28th, 2012 09:19 PM

I just use the shotgun that does extra damage in the air, and the degreaser. Just light them, puff them into the air (preferably at a wall), and shoot them with the shotgun. Feels so badass every time.

Guitar Woman Jun 29th, 2012 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by Phoenix Gamma
I just use the shotgun that does extra damage in the air, and the degreaser.

You're a faggot.

Phoenix Gamma Jun 29th, 2012 02:51 PM

Because I use the classes as they're intended? A pyro with his shotgun out is a Pyro I'm going to dominate with nothing but spite backstabs just because I can.

Guitar Woman Jun 29th, 2012 05:10 PM



Guitar Woman Jul 1st, 2012 12:52 AM

seriously dude let's play, we will shoot each other and it will be fun

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