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Pentegarn Jul 7th, 2010 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by Colonel Flagg (Post 691327)
Yes, what they're really doing is preventing a number of local people from making money providing a service to the community.

BP is really feeling the pinch from that one.

It always bugs me when people get it in their head that a company needs to pay for something because of what a few did. Sure, if you heavily penalize BP the CEO will likely get fired, but what of the thousands upon thousands of people they employ who will also suffer due to the backlash said punishment causes with either bankruptcy or massive layoffs?

Guess those people don't matter as long as we get revenge on one CEO or a few idiots right?

Why not do something revolutionary like prosecute the individuals responsible?

Dimnos Jul 7th, 2010 02:11 PM

So some guy fell from the 2nd deck at the Ballpark in Arlington at the Rangers game last night. Anyone hear about that? Anyone know where to get a video?

Tadao Jul 7th, 2010 02:57 PM

Hopefully the get it into Tosh.0 tonight

Kitsa Jul 7th, 2010 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 691363)
It always bugs me when people get it in their head that a company needs to pay for something because of what a few did. Sure, if you heavily penalize BP the CEO will likely get fired, but what of the thousands upon thousands of people they employ who will also suffer due to the backlash said punishment causes with either bankruptcy or massive layoffs?

Guess those people don't matter as long as we get revenge on one CEO or a few idiots right?

Why not do something revolutionary like prosecute the individuals responsible?

I have a relative who worked for a firm that worked for a BP refinery. I don't know how it went down everywhere, but this is what happened to him: when the spill happened, there was a sort of calm-before-the-storm. Then, when it came out that BP was responsible for the platform that was leaking, there was some sort of major corporate-level freakout and they began shedding all nonessential operations/personnel. This included my relative, who was working on a project that was completely unrelated to platforms or the spill in any way.

So my guess is that they're trying to figure out what they're going to do, and that it's somewhat frantic at BP corporate.

My opinion was that the firm's being let go was sort of a blessing in disguise...it's not exactly great PR to advertise an affiliation with BP anymore.

Dimnos Jul 15th, 2010 01:36 PM

Apparently these guys will be at comic-con.

The infamous Westboro Baptist Church who actually think god hates things. Namely gays, the military, the USA and just about anything and everything that isnt a member of their church. Just a few weeks ago they came to my city and protested other Baptist and Catholic churches because they knew the church leaders, who they have never met, were evil and more concerned with greed than spreading the word of god. Anyway... Those of you going to comic-con do you plan on ignoring them? Or do you plan to protest their protest in your own way?

Fathom Zero Jul 15th, 2010 01:44 PM

Protesting protesters is retarded. As far as I'm concerned, their power to affect policy is limited by their batshit craziness and their army of lawyers (which they all are) is well prepared to sue the shit out of anyone that would dare to spit on them.

They're ignored, as a result. I feel sorry for the guys at Comic-Con that'll slug them and get sued into oblivion.

Also, my views on free speech make their protests and speeches and ideals perfectly acceptable to me, so let 'em do what they want. If anyone tries to stop them, then they should be sued.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jul 15th, 2010 02:22 PM

I am going to Metal Slug them.

Tadao Jul 15th, 2010 02:26 PM

Get like 20 people or whatever it takes to hold hands in a circle around them and them more to weave in between holding hands forming a pentagram with them in the middle.

Pentegarn Jul 15th, 2010 03:38 PM

Is that the church that goes to funerals of dead soldiers and tells their grieving families that God hats soldiers and they will burn in hell?

If they are hopefully that motorcycle gang who follows that church around to drown out their protests by revving their motorcycle engines goes to comic con too

EDIT: They won't though. A bit of research and I found the motorcycle gang's name. They are called The Patriot Guard Riders. The mainly attend funerals of military, police, firemen, and first responders.

Colonel Flagg Jul 15th, 2010 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 692147)
Is that the church that goes to funerals of dead soldiers and tells their grieving families that God hats soldiers and they will burn in hell?

Yep, them's the folks.

Freedom of speech is a funny thing. To defend it means you have to defend all the nutcases who assemble peaceably to protest what they view to be an injustice, or demonstrate that they are the voice of reason.

Dimnos Jul 15th, 2010 04:26 PM

I had never heard of those biker guys before. After looking them up I want to send them a donation.

Tadao Jul 15th, 2010 04:47 PM

I don't know, Harley's are more annoying than hate speech.

Dimnos Jul 15th, 2010 04:51 PM

I would normally be inclined to agree with you on that one T. But to protest a funeral? Thats just despicable to the point that I would even side with Harley riders. :\

Pentegarn Jul 15th, 2010 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by Colonel Flagg (Post 692150)
Yep, them's the folks.

Freedom of speech is a funny thing. To defend it means you have to defend all the nutcases who assemble peaceably to protest what they view to be an injustice, or demonstrate that they are the voice of reason.

And they are free to say what they want. That's fine and dandy.

They should not however, be free to be shielded from the reactions such vitriol will doubtlessly create.

Freedom of speech does not include freedom from responsibility for your own actions.

But I do find it ironic they claim such hateful thoughts about America that they do, and yet they are fine with hiding behind the freedom of speech thing while doing so.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jul 15th, 2010 05:08 PM

I'm definitely on the harley riders on that one. I think that's even the same church that said God killed Heath Ledger during the dark knight because he also starred in brokeback mountain.

Fathom Zero Jul 15th, 2010 05:16 PM

They were at Ozzfest and I haven't heard anything yet, but I know that some of those fuckers got slammed. Had to have.

Tadao Jul 15th, 2010 06:24 PM

The funny thing is that they are getting exactly what they want. I'm indifferent towards them. As long as they don't kill Dr's, I can ignore them.

kahljorn Jul 15th, 2010 07:35 PM

westboro is like a realy annoying person on the internet who no matter what you say or how much reason you accost them with will just keep saying the same stupid shit :(

sort of like coolinator but more hateful

Zhukov Jul 16th, 2010 04:51 PM

In all fairness though, they are preaching the truth.

executioneer Jul 16th, 2010 05:01 PM

for certain values of "truth", anyways

Colonel Flagg Jul 16th, 2010 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 692162)
And they are free to say what they want. That's fine and dandy.

They should not however, be free to be shielded from the reactions such vitriol will doubtlessly create.

Freedom of speech does not include freedom from responsibility for your own actions.

But I do find it ironic they claim such hateful thoughts about America that they do, and yet they are fine with hiding behind the freedom of speech thing while doing so.

Lest you be concerned about where I stand on the issue:

Yes, I would expect they would be bodyslammed by appropriately pissed off individuals, who would then be arrested and charged with assault. Then, in a perfect world, the defendants would be allowed to plea bargain down to a misdemeanor and fined $1.

Fuck the Westboro Baptist Douchebags. >:

Dimnos Jul 19th, 2010 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by Zhukov (Post 692256)
In all fairness though, they are preaching the truth.

Dont tell me you believe in a hateful god. :\

kahljorn Jul 19th, 2010 05:22 PM

The westboro baptist chucrch should just change their name to what they really are. JEWS. JEWS THAT WORSHIP THE HATEFUL GOD OF THE OLD TESTAMENT AND NHAVE NEVER READ THE NEW TESTAMENT

probably calling them jews would offend them. I think when i see them I'm going to ask them if they are a jewish organization

Pentegarn Jul 19th, 2010 05:33 PM

I would ask them if their religion is based in inbreeding since the bible pretty much endorses inbreeding in the book of Genesis :lol

Shrubfest Jul 19th, 2010 05:49 PM

They are pretty much all one family.

I am fairly certain they're not allowed into Britain. YAY!

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