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Jeanette X Jul 5th, 2008 05:21 PM

Agh I'm so fucking miserable right now.
Christ what a shit day I'm having. I felt fine, I took a compazine (my anti-nausea medication for the mysterious stomach ailment that has been making me fucking crazy), I ate some McDonalds, went to work....and got the fucking dry heaves. Again. I was so upset and anxious. I started to cry, because I if I keep having to leave the drugstore due to illness maybe they'll fire me. I told my manager about this and I told him I was quitting and he said he had nobody to replace me (despite the fact that would-be applicants seem to dropping off applications EVERY other DAY), and I cried and said I was sorry and he was like "oh well".

I called my mother and she said not to give the 2 week notice unless they asked for it so I went and said I wasn't quitting after all and that I was so so sorry and that I'd try my damndest to work when I was scheduled and that I was sorry for letting him down and having to leave all the time because of nausea. He was kind of like "Oh well", not in a way that was blaming me but his frustration was evident and he told me he was under a lot of stress due to inventory coming up and I felt so rotten for letting him down.
I went home and I took a Xanax to try to cope with the anxiety and I lay down but I couldn't rest. My nausea was bad and I got the dry heaves again and I was so sick and tired of it that I just pushed my fingers down my throat and vomited just to get it over with. My mom says that maybe it was the fact that I ate fried food at McDonalds that set it off but I'd eaten there before and she says that I should eat blander, simpler meals at home from now on instead of going out to eat.

Forgive my run-on sentences and piss-poor grammar, I'm just very upset right now. I'm also suffering from these awful feelings of derealization along with anxiety about my job. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derealization if you don't know what it is. Oh christ I feel so awful. I wish my friend Paul was home so I could call him, he's always so reassuring and he makes me feel so much better.

Tadao Jul 5th, 2008 05:51 PM

Guitar Woman Jul 5th, 2008 05:52 PM


Tadao Jul 5th, 2008 05:55 PM

Being a human sucks.

Fathom Zero Jul 5th, 2008 06:09 PM

Hey, we're here for ya. I mean that.

Tadao Jul 5th, 2008 08:03 PM

Jeanette X Jul 5th, 2008 08:42 PM

Aww, you guys. :) Thank you. I really appreciate it. I'm feeling a lot better now, except for some tenderness in my side. I think its something to do with my gall bladder, as the tenderness is located where the gall bladder is. Of course, gallstones would manifest themselves as sudden, sharp pains, so maybe its some other gall bladder problem.

LordSappington Jul 5th, 2008 09:02 PM

I know how you feel; I had a kidney stone AND bladder infection, right in the middle of summer school. So I'd constantly have to get up in class, only to be put in screaming pain. Then my teacher was all 'I can't let you go anymore; you're taking too many breaks' so we reported him to the ISD and he got fired for denying medical necessities.
So yeah, random medical oddities suck, especially when combined with dicks. Figurative dicks.

Jeanette X Jul 5th, 2008 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by LordSappington (Post 566031)
I know how you feel; I had a kidney stone AND bladder infection, right in the middle of summer school. So I'd constantly have to get up in class, only to be put in screaming pain. Then my teacher was all 'I can't let you go anymore; you're taking too many breaks' so we reported him to the ISD and he got fired for denying medical necessities.
So yeah, random medical oddities suck, especially when combined with dicks. Figurative dicks.

Yes, but I can certainly understand his frustration. In the six years I've worked at the drugstore I've had nearly a dozen managers. They dump a metric assload of work onto the managers and then wonder why they leave after about six months. He's not really a dick, he's just overworked, stressed out, and I just got sick at the wrong time. I really don't understand why he isn't hiring more cashiers though, seeing as people are practically breaking the doors down to drop off applications.

Retail fucking blows big fat donkey dicks. I cannot understand why anyone would willingly choose to do it as a lifelong career.

Tadao Jul 5th, 2008 09:49 PM

You seem to need more cheering up.

Jeanette X Jul 5th, 2008 10:04 PM

At first I was like "Aw, cute." Then I realized what was happening. That's a pretty powerful public service advertisement.

dj bastard Jul 5th, 2008 10:08 PM

Awww, grow the fuck up you junkie, not surprised your fucked up if you reach for the drug cupboard everytime you feel shit. Personally as someone who runs a small business, i would fire your ass and work twice as hard myself till i found someone else.
I can tell you now girl what your boss is thinking. As soon as any kind of suitable replacement comes along your out.
Its not drugs and sympathy you need its a fucking good shake and a dose of reality. I fucking hate whingeing twats like you, always looking for someone to tell you its allright, well its not, you have one life dude live it before its gone. I had a girlfriend once, a pharmacist, i dumped the bitch because she was always looking for an emotional / chemical crutch just like you are, the drug cabinet was her only friend and thats the way you'll end up. Read this and take an overdose then you can have all the er staff pretend they feel sorry for you too. I hope you get out of this rut but i doubt it. the more people tell you they feel for you the worse it will get and the downward spiral will continue. Yes i sound heartless but ive seen this so many times and the only one who can help you is you, get to it and shut the fuck up.
Love, the bastard

Tadao Jul 5th, 2008 10:16 PM

I don't think she is going to fall for you poorly laid trap.

dj bastard Jul 5th, 2008 10:20 PM


Tadao Jul 5th, 2008 10:21 PM


dj bastard Jul 5th, 2008 10:27 PM


Tadao Jul 5th, 2008 10:28 PM

Your dumb.

dj bastard Jul 5th, 2008 10:32 PM

who the fuck cares what you think dick. I dont give a shit what anyone here thinks, i already worked hard for mine dude.

Tadao Jul 5th, 2008 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by dj bastard (Post 566047)
who the fuck cares what you think dick. I dont give a shit what anyone here thinks, i already worked hard for mine dude.

Jeanette X Jul 5th, 2008 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by dj bastard (Post 566039)
Awww, grow the fuck up you junkie, not surprised your fucked up if you reach for the drug cupboard everytime you feel shit. Personally as someone who runs a small business, i would fire your ass and work twice as hard myself till i found someone else.
I can tell you now girl what your boss is thinking. As soon as any kind of suitable replacement comes along your out.
Its not drugs and sympathy you need its a fucking good shake and a dose of reality. I fucking hate whingeing twats like you, always looking for someone to tell you its allright, well its not, you have one life dude live it before its gone. I had a girlfriend once, a pharmacist, i dumped the bitch because she was always looking for an emotional / chemical crutch just like you are, the drug cabinet was her only friend and thats the way you'll end up. Read this and take an overdose then you can have all the er staff pretend they feel sorry for you too. I hope you get out of this rut but i doubt it. the more people tell you they feel for you the worse it will get and the downward spiral will continue. Yes i sound heartless but ive seen this so many times and the only one who can help you is you, get to it and shut the fuck up.
Love, the bastard

Look, asshole, I agree that psychiatric drugs are over-prescribed to a lot of whiny drama queens who go running to the doctor every time they've got a little problem, but I've got a family history of depression, OCD, and anxiety disorders. I've had relatives who have killed themselves. I've got a real, fully diagnosed, psychiatric condition with a chemical basis in the brain. Do you know why my parents took my to the psychiatrist in the first place? Because I was hearing things that weren't there, that's why, not because I'm some idiot who can't deal with life and tries to make it all better by taking pills. I've worked at that drugstore without any major problems for SIX YEARS. I worked my ass off to get my Bachelor's degree, and I'll work my ass off to fix whatever the fuck is wrong with me now. I just posted this to vent my frustrations, and if you don't like it, then fuck off. It never ceases to amaze me the way people think that you can somehow will yourself out of an anxiety attack or depression when it is proven to have a physical basis. Do you also tell people who have diabetes that they can will themselves out of it when their insulin levels drop? Fuck you, you judgemental arrogant douche.

dj bastard Jul 5th, 2008 10:36 PM


Jeanette X Jul 5th, 2008 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by dj bastard (Post 566051)

Go shit on your lawn, I don't have to prove anything to you.

dj bastard Jul 5th, 2008 10:40 PM

and ill work my ass off to fix whatever the fuck is wrong with me now
Well get to it then 'asshole', we all got problems but dont look for the solution on a public forum. duh.!!!!!!!

Jeanette X Jul 5th, 2008 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by dj bastard (Post 566055)
and ill work my ass off to fix whatever the fuck is wrong with me now
Well get to it then 'asshole', we all got problems but dont look for the solution on a public forum. duh.!!!!!!!

I have been, you stupid sack of shit. I've got an appointment with the GI doctor to check my gall bladder and to schedule a colonoscopy. I'm open to more suggestions if you have any, Dr. Bastard.
You've never vented your problems to anyone ever? You've never needed a catharsis? Or do you just bottle everything up inside?

dj bastard Jul 5th, 2008 10:54 PM

Sack of shit, that really got me deep down.
Insult me all you want J>UN>K>I>E Like im gonna break down and take a pill.
Did i hit a nerve. ?
Does the truth hurt. ?
Like i said ive seen it all before.
Your not the first pityful selfish cunt i met, what makes you special, oh yea its a hereditry thing haha, bollox.
You mean nothing to me, do you mean anything to 'you'.

ps, i have no idea what 'catharsis' means cos i have better things to do than bury my head in a medical dictionary looking for my next whingeing excuse.

Tadao Jul 5th, 2008 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by dj bastard (Post 566058)
i have no idea what 'catharsis' means cos i have better things to do than bury my head in a medical dictionary looking for my next whingeing excuse.

Cause they don't have google where he lives.

Jeanette X Jul 5th, 2008 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by dj bastard (Post 566058)
Sack of shit, that really got me deep down.
Insult me all you want J>UN>K>I>E Like im gonna break down and take a pill.
Did i hit a nerve. ?
Does the truth hurt. ?
Like i said ive seen it all before.
Your not the first pityful selfish cunt i met, what makes you special, oh yea its a hereditry thing haha, bollox.

What brilliant retort. Yes indeed, you've clearly dissected everything that I've said and come up with brilliant counterpoint to my every arguement. What fine debater you are.


Originally Posted by dj bastard (Post 566058)
ps, i have no idea what 'catharsis' means cos i have better things to do than bury my head in a medical dictionary looking for my next whingeing excuse.

I'm not the least bit suprised that you're too dense to know what the word "catharsis" means. Allow me to enlighten you:

ca·thar·sis [kuh-thahr-sis]1.the purging of the emotions or relieving of emotional tensions, esp. through certain kinds of art, as tragedy or music. 2.Medicine/Medical. purgation. 3.Psychiatry. a.psychotherapy that encourages or permits the discharge of pent-up, socially unacceptable affects. b.discharge of pent-up emotions so as to result in the alleviation of symptoms or the permanent relief of the condition.
[Origin: 1795–1805; < NL < Gk kátharsis a cleansing, equiv. to kathar- (var. s. of kathaírein to cleanse, deriv. of katharós pure) + -sis -sis]

See? You've learned something useful! The occasional "catharsis" relieves emotional tension. Perhaps if you relieved your emotional tension once in a while you would be less likely to crap up threads with your supercilious (oh no, another big word!) bullshit.

dj bastard Jul 5th, 2008 11:16 PM

that truly hurts, trying to educate me on something i dont give a shit about, and thanks for trying to revive the mock wars. I took you 12 minutes to come up with that and im the dumb one.
Ps my neighbour sells crack, just letting you know for when you 'get there'.

Ps, its 'what a fine debater you are'

Jeanette X Jul 5th, 2008 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by dj bastard (Post 566061)
I took you 12 minutes to come up with that and im the dumb one.

You were sitting at the computer keeping track the whole time? Wow, I'm impressed. Unlike you, I sometimes leave the computer running while I go do other things instead of sitting slack-jawed at the monitor as you apparently do.


Originally Posted by dj bastard (Post 566061)
thanks for trying to revive the mock wars. I took

My pleasure, but frankly, you're much to easy. You really aren't even trying to argue with me. Its like boxing a small child. Satisfying, but not really a challange.


Originally Posted by dj bastard (Post 566061)
Ps, its 'what a fine debater you are'

You attempting to correct my grammar is like Charles Manson trying to rehabilitate a criminal.

dj bastard Jul 5th, 2008 11:32 PM

Im beyond yoiur feeble attempts to bring me down to your junkie level. and for what it worth i was reading some old threads and laughing my nuts off while you came up with your lame reply, i have a clock for telling the time in the corner of my monitor you asshole.
anyway i gotta go now cos i have to get up to take 20 kids to "soccer' training in the morning. i hope it works out for you . ( taking a piss) the medication that is, i look forward to reading the boring replies to this tomorrow should get me off to sleep without a pill.
You really mean nothing to me dude but good luck anyway, just quit the whingeing. bye.
ps, Please dont correct my grammar, i dont care if i come across as thick, i got mine.

Jeanette X Jul 5th, 2008 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by dj bastard (Post 566066)
Please dont correct my grammar, i dont care if i come across as thick.

That has become abundantly clear.

Originally Posted by dj bastard (Post 566066)
You really mean nothing to me dude but good luck anyway, just quit the whingeing. bye.

Why thank you. I hope that I can one day repay you for your invaluable moral support. :blah

Grislygus Jul 6th, 2008 07:48 AM


wobzire Jul 6th, 2008 09:26 AM

The only thing worse than complaining on the Internet about your problems is putting people down that complain on the Internet about their problems. Yes I realize that going around and pointing that out is even worse then both combined.

executioneer Jul 6th, 2008 09:31 AM

doing anything on the internet is awful


Sacks Jul 6th, 2008 10:18 AM

Jessie and Jenny were junkies in love, with the drugs in the bloodstream yeaaeah~. Livin' like a leper is rough, much rougher when it's self inflected. Oh Jenny look what you doooone~.. Ruined your health for no good reason~

LordSappington Jul 6th, 2008 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanette X (Post 566034)
Yes, but I can certainly understand his frustration. In the six years I've worked at the drugstore I've had nearly a dozen managers. They dump a metric assload of work onto the managers and then wonder why they leave after about six months. He's not really a dick, he's just overworked, stressed out, and I just got sick at the wrong time. I really don't understand why he isn't hiring more cashiers though, seeing as people are practically breaking the doors down to drop off applications.

Retail fucking blows big fat donkey dicks. I cannot understand why anyone would willingly choose to do it as a lifelong career.

Oh, that does make sense. My teacher was just a dick; we told him about the infection and everything. Jeez.
And I dunno why anyone would choose a lifelong career in retail, either; sounds kinda lame.

MattJack Jul 7th, 2008 02:10 PM

:lol oh my god

who the fu*k pissed in DJ Bastard's cereal?

"Guys I'm having a bad day"


pffttt hahahaha

Tadao Jul 7th, 2008 02:50 PM

It's because his mom is a pill addict and left him and his dad for a pharmacist.

Lobo Tommy Jul 7th, 2008 05:24 PM

God this thread sucks.


Shyandquietguy Jul 7th, 2008 05:39 PM

Lobo tommy, you are a crackah.

PS. I hate you.

dj bastard Jul 7th, 2008 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 566333)
It's because his mom is a pill addict and left him and his dad for a pharmacist.


dj bastard Jul 7th, 2008 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by Lobo Tommy (Post 566378)
God this thread sucks.



AChimp Jul 7th, 2008 08:30 PM

Who was this dj bastard character originally? I don't know why we ever allowed people to change their usernames. :/

Either way, the schtick is pretty lame. Angry Internet guy only works if he's funny, and I haven't read anything remotely entertaining in this thread aside from some weak attempts at garnering attention for making fun of someone due to a medical condition.

That ranks down there on the humour meter with sitting on my balls and hemorrhoids.

Pub Lover Jul 7th, 2008 08:43 PM

dj bastard also uses the account raver141 but those are the same names he has always used

dj bastard Jul 7th, 2008 09:06 PM

PL. wrong. chimp, fuck off back to the game forum you imbecile.

AChimp Jul 7th, 2008 09:16 PM

See? Absolutely no effort.

dj bastard Jul 7th, 2008 09:21 PM

When will you get it. I dont care if you think im A: funny B: interesting C: raver141 D: remotely interested in your opinion of me. duh. Show me something humorous you did fucktard.

AChimp Jul 7th, 2008 09:27 PM

Banned for being boring.

Maybe Chojin or Boogie will care enough to undo it, but I thought it was pretty funny. :lol

Pub Lover Jul 7th, 2008 09:30 PM

I agree, it's the funniest thing dj bastard had anything to do with. :lol

Also, if he wasn't Raver141 then they were separated at birth unfunny fuck twins. :eek

AChimp Jul 7th, 2008 09:37 PM

It's only for two weeks. I followed a guideline. :eek

Jeanette X Jul 7th, 2008 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by AChimp (Post 566412)
Angry Internet guy only works if he's funny, and I haven't read anything remotely entertaining in this thread aside from some weak attempts at garnering attention for making fun of someone due to a medical condition.

I appreciate your sympathy.

Pub Lover Jul 7th, 2008 09:55 PM

Careful Jeanette, AChimp might get obsessed with you and write a letter about his emotions for you and how he thinks you screwed him over. :chatter

It'll be written in Perl. :x

AChimp Jul 7th, 2008 10:11 PM


Tadao Jul 7th, 2008 11:23 PM

You guys don't get it! djdastard doesn't care if he's banned! ban him for life, he doesn't care!

Dimnos Jul 8th, 2008 04:22 PM

Sounds like he cares a lot about letting people know he doesnt care. does that even make since?

Oh and this "I ate some McDonalds" is where all your problems started. lol

j/k McDonalds is great if your into cardboard

Tadao Jul 8th, 2008 07:35 PM

SHUT UP! We've moved to thread 3 already.

MLE Jul 18th, 2008 04:14 AM

And here I was reading up on old threads getting ready to give him an infraction for each and every post of his in this thread that sucked -which was all of them. It would have equalled the same amount of banning, but would have been much funnier.

AChimp Jul 18th, 2008 09:40 AM

I don't use infractions; I use instinct. :posh

I'm tempted to make the ban permanent because it's so much nicer here now.

dj bastard Jul 22nd, 2008 10:29 AM

Thanks for not banning me forever. This site enhances my life experience so much i don't know how i would live without it.
'farts and leaves'

Sacks Jul 25th, 2008 06:24 PM

I've heard that joke before but I think it was about a panda in a restaurant.

MetalMilitia Jul 25th, 2008 08:27 PM

What do you call a panda in a restaurant that can't decide what to order?


Tadao Jul 25th, 2008 08:32 PM

What do you call a Panda in a Chinese resturant?


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