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Jeff The Ninja Feb 19th, 2006 11:04 PM

Anime, The Truth.
Ok, so this Board has been up for a while now, and I know that there are a Lot of anime haters here, as well as a Number of anime fans. So, I thought that I would bring out some truth on this subject.

The Average person, from Anti-Anime to Jonathan Clement To Perverted Otaku whose not ashamed to admit it.
This is on a scale from 1 to 6. 1 being highest and 6 being lowest.

6. The Otaku (Hardcore, intolerable faggot)

Ok, these people are Fucktards. Their emergence to the scene came shortly after the "Anime Boom" of the late 90's to around 2004. These people are so Obsessed with anime that they think of nothing else. They only listen to "popular" Japanese music (completely neglecting the fact that In Japan, Avril Lavigne is more popular than the soundtrack from whatever shitty Anime they watch). They also have no friends, or if they do, they only hang out at the local comic book store and have inane arguments about the plausibility of DragonBall GT. They also try to learn japanese through watching Anime with the Japanese Dubbing and english subtitles. This will lead to a skewered vocabulary consisting of bad english and three or four Japanese words that they try to use in every sentence. They also cosplay everyday, dressing up as their favourite character regardless of that characters gender. They Eat the most basic meals with chopsticks because "thats what japanese people use" without realizing that they live in North America where we use FORKS AND KNIVES, NOT CHOPSTICKS! They regard Anime as being the Greatest thing ever and will cry and bitch and moan whenever Somebody says something that they dont just agree with. They want japanese friends but in reality, the Japanese people they meet want nothing to do with them. So they cry until their new issue of Newtype comes in the mail.

5. The Anime fan: type 1 (semi hardcore)

This anime fan is leaning towards Otaku while maintaining his sanity. He will still eat with a fork and Knife, and isnt as crazy as Otaku's. These will still carry a Massive amount of Anime Info, but Will regard A lot of anime as complete garbage. Also, these people are usally big fans of the Matrix movies. They will also Cosplay, but only during certain events (Halloween, Movie Premiers, Conventions). They also have lives outside of Anime, in which they work and play videogames. Instead of Reading Newtype, they Read Shonen Jump every month and only buy Anime/manga that they enjoy reading/watching.

4. The Anime Fan:Type 2 (Casual Viewer)

Ok, so these are the people who pretty much watch DragonBall Z and thats about it. They are too Far away from Type 1 to go to a Comic Book Store. Plus, they are mostly normal people who like Explosions and Flashing objects.

3. The Average person (Never Watches)

This is anyone who doesnt really give a rats ass about this subject. Though they may not like it, they tolerate it and they view Otaku's as Science Fiction Fans, both misguided and Sad to see.

2. Anime hater (Just hates anime)

Funny thing about this guy, he will still hang out with Type one and type 2 anime fans. As long as they dont talk about anime (which isnt very difficult) they are the best of friends. They dont Care or like Anime but they tolerate it because everyone likes something that is out of the ordanary.

1. The Anti-Anime (Beats up Otaku)

Ok, so this guy is the person who beats up Otakus. He hates anime and uses the words "fag" "gay" "Homo". This guy hates anime and all other japanese things. This persons hatred is so strong as to never play any videogames because of the fact that Most are japanese. Except Halo, because all Intolerant Bastards Play Halo Online.

xbxDaniel Feb 19th, 2006 11:08 PM

So, we rate ourselves now, right?

I'm like 3.2, I think.

Womti Feb 19th, 2006 11:11 PM

I'd rate myself on a current 3. but when I was 12, I watched pokemon on a regular basis. I didnt know any better. :(

red8ge Feb 20th, 2006 12:19 AM

im like a 4.5. i just watch paranoia agent and thats about it.

maggiekarp Feb 20th, 2006 12:37 AM

5-6, minus a few things.

I'd be willing to cosplay, but don't plan to any time in the near future. I don't really like the Matrix movies, and I don't read Shonen Jump. I obsess occasionally, but I do that for stuff outside of anime too (I'm a Hideaki Anno fangirl, but I'm a bigger Stanley Kubrick fangirl). I only use chopsticks for noodles and sushi, but even then it's rare.

I respect good cosplayers and loathe the KAWAII chingy-chang fangirlese.

I also know the negative meanings of the word "otaku", so that boots me out of the 6 group pretty fast.

executioneer Feb 20th, 2006 08:23 AM

this is a stupid topic

jeff the ninja, you're stupid

Jeff The Ninja Feb 20th, 2006 08:28 AM

Executioneer is about a 1 or 2.

Esuohlim Feb 20th, 2006 10:35 AM

I'm like a -8

Emu Feb 20th, 2006 12:52 PM

i'm negative infinity my entire life is consumed by beating up anime kids and burying their yu gi oh! cards in catboxes and making cats drink a lot of water and pee on them because i'm hard core

:bape :imock :gigh

red8ge Feb 20th, 2006 03:30 PM

all i watch is paranoia agent and thats it, i hate all other anime aside from that. so i might not be a 4.5

Marc Summers Feb 20th, 2006 04:13 PM

why did you post the same thing twice but reworded :/
im probably like a 4.2-ish cuz there's some I like and some i hate with a passion :/

executioneer Feb 20th, 2006 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by Jeff The Ninja
Executioneer is about a 1 or 2.

no i'm not you're just stupid >:

ArrowX Feb 20th, 2006 09:37 PM

2 and 1/18

Jeff The Ninja Feb 20th, 2006 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by executioneer

Originally Posted by Jeff The Ninja
Executioneer is about a 1 or 2.

no i'm not you're just stupid >:

No, youre stupid. You are probably a 6 and you dont want anybody to know because you are ashamed of jacking off to Hentai.

GADZOOKS Feb 21st, 2006 03:49 AM

Jeff you rate a 10 on the fag scale right now.

Whoops i used homosexual slurs that means i must play Halo even though I never touched an XBox in my life. The only thing that's shittier then that chart is your human spirit, jeff.

executioneer Feb 23rd, 2006 01:38 AM

jeff the ninja you have an unrealistic view of the world around you

mutantenemy Mar 14th, 2006 04:45 PM

executionneer is right and btw according to your little steriotype list thingie
I'm totally a -5

Cybernetico Mar 14th, 2006 11:32 PM

Stupid stereotyping, stupid clechés, stupid make-a-big-deal-out-of-something-that-has-nothing-to-do-with-you.

This thread fails.

Guitar Woman Mar 16th, 2006 06:34 PM

Fails like your mom did when she tried to have you aborted?

xbxDaniel Mar 16th, 2006 09:09 PM

Fails like guitar woman when she's trying to be funny?

Esuohlim Mar 17th, 2006 11:37 AM

So I saw this video where a naked anime girl is slicing open her stomach with a knife and then another anime girl chops her head off with a sword so uh what's the appeal to that dumbass anime fans geez

maggiekarp Mar 17th, 2006 08:12 PM

You're going by what you've seen online. That's like saying that every Family Guy fan wants to see Brian and Lois fuck :(

Sam Mar 17th, 2006 10:39 PM

I do.

Esuohlim Mar 17th, 2006 11:47 PM

I saw Lois suck Death off once his pecker looked like the end of a dog bone. :(

Sam Mar 18th, 2006 12:02 AM

I'm so serious. :/

xbxDaniel Mar 18th, 2006 12:04 AM

Sam, your reply made me laugh.

Esuohlim Mar 18th, 2006 12:17 AM

Oh wait here is what I was talking about. It's like a 5-second loop:


Guitar Woman Mar 20th, 2006 04:48 PM

holy shit lol

clever t-shirt phrase May 27th, 2006 11:59 AM

I'd likely fall somewhere between 3-4.5.

I can respect and enjoy some of it, but the overwhleming majority of it is drivel. Drivel, or stylized Japanese weirdness. I don't really follow it being honest, I had a brief period of piqued interest that has since waned that was basically an extension of interest in all things animated. That said, some of it is good. Ghost in the Shell. Akira. Princess Mononoke. etc.

One notable exception which manages to bridge the good and bad in anime is FLCL. FLCL is funny for the reason that it's paradoxically celebrating Okatu-type fanatacism (I didn't get half of the references, but enough to know there were tons) and poking fun at its conventions at the same time. Unfortunately, the short series is incomprehensible if you don't see the entire thing. There isn't anything more than hints as to what the hell is going on till episode 5-6.

Eh. To each his own.

Emu May 27th, 2006 12:38 PM

FLCL is the worst shit to hit this continent since polio.

RaNkeri May 27th, 2006 12:42 PM

I think I'm number 5, although I do not cosplay, and I think there's plenty pf good anime out there.

Although, I'm an old-timer I guess D:

Fathom Zero May 27th, 2006 12:58 PM

I'm a 4, and that's all I have to say.

the_dudefather Jun 13th, 2006 02:56 AM

im about a 3 on that scale at the moment, used to be higher years ago, but 99% percent of that was devilman

executioneer Jun 13th, 2006 03:10 AM


Fathom Zero Jun 13th, 2006 03:41 AM

My status hasn't changed, and I'd like to clarify that I am not an average anime viewer. The parts of anime I like aren't pop-anime movies like Appleseed and the typical sort of ilk that surrounds us, like those in the back of Play Magazine. I hate Play Magazine. I'm considering canceling my free subscription.

CheapAlert Jun 15th, 2006 05:55 PM


because i could care less

people in the 5-6 are just as bad as furries.

executioneer Jun 15th, 2006 08:25 PM

guys, quit posting in this thread or i will kill your faces

Fathom Zero Jun 15th, 2006 08:37 PM

Like Gangrene? Buh-zing.

ArrowX Jun 22nd, 2006 01:06 PM

my status has escalated to a 4 because I started watching the new guyver series :(

Girl Drink Drunk Jun 22nd, 2006 01:42 PM

Would you guys stop bumping this stupid thread???

werd123 Jul 7th, 2006 06:30 AM


I guess I was 4, but stopped watching Samurai Champloo because there wasn't enough blood and gore plus the story and plot got a bit too bizzare (And why the hell does anyone want to know about the state of Homosexuality in 19th century Japan?)

I'm about 2 now, I wouldn't go and kill a anime fan right now cause I don't have a gun licence. (Cause you need one in Australia lol)

executioneer Jul 7th, 2006 02:12 PM

*strangles u*

John-Wayne Oct 23rd, 2006 10:17 PM

Put me down for 0.01 ... I've on several occasions suggested having anime fags rounded up in camps and systematically fixed.

Coca_Dolittle Nov 27th, 2006 01:01 AM

Hmmm... I'll tolerate it, but that doesn't mean that I'll like it. I try to avoid all of the anime I possibly can; despite the fact that everyone says that I draw it.

Angryhydralisk Dec 4th, 2006 01:20 PM

First post and I waste it on this...
I'd say I'm able to tolerate and like some of it but yeah, Otakus are some of the most irritating people I have ever met. I have (thankfully) yet to meet any cosplayers.

Autrach Sejanoz Feb 2nd, 2007 12:19 AM

I'm between average person and Type 2.

DistantJ Mar 5th, 2007 08:11 AM

I like manga films.

Like The Guyver and Akira and Evangelion, stuff like that.

But a lot of this anime stuff which people aged 15-25 seem to watch seems more like kids stuff to me.

And the fans come across as sexually frustrated.

I mean how many forums do you go to with somebody whose sig is a picture of some guy from "Azu Manga Daoh" with his hand on some girl's tit, or seeing up some girl's skirt, and the girl doing a crazy expression. ZOMG SEXUAL. Go feel some real tit.

blackwar12 Mar 29th, 2007 06:37 PM

well, I guess I could be classified as a casual viewer, seeing how I like the really violent Animes like hellsing, afro samurai e.t.c.

executioneer Mar 29th, 2007 08:39 PM

for the love of god would someone lock this thread already

arg_zombies Apr 2nd, 2007 05:41 AM

I'm the same as DistantJ - some of the anime films kick ass, like Akira, Princess Mononoke (awesome fight scenes) etc.
I'm in between regular and type 2, as I have watched anime before (my dad is married to a younger japanese woman in london and she's crazy :eek)

Oh, and sorry ex. but we're just gonna keep posting :lol

executioneer Apr 2nd, 2007 10:01 PM

you losuy n*gger >: >: >:

arg_zombies Apr 3rd, 2007 08:56 AM


Fathom Zero Apr 4th, 2007 10:23 PM

lol willie's hiding all the orange drink.

Durin Jul 13th, 2007 03:34 AM

Im probably about a pi. Because im irrational.

Sticks Jul 15th, 2007 01:56 AM

pokemon lol

ZAKO the GREAT Aug 20th, 2007 06:55 AM

guess we just need to minimize it to a "Clement Type" and "Normal Type". :]

GramerNatzee Sep 15th, 2007 04:37 PM

I watch both animes and US cartoons on a regular basis and I have no fucking idea why people make such a fuss about anime, kawaii otaku ^___^ retards and haters alike. It's just a fucking cartoon.

Also I judge each cartoon based on its own merits and I couldn't care less if it's Japanese, American, Russian or whatever as long as it's well written/drawn (90% of anime isn't, 80% of US animation isn't). Which # does that make me?

ArrowX Sep 17th, 2007 04:15 PM

thats the kind of attitude that leads to occupational collaboration

zeldasbiggestfan Sep 17th, 2007 10:59 PM

GrammerNatzee were you on the radio awhile back in the St. Louis area? I swear there's a chick around here who uses that same alias.

Naught Nov 27th, 2007 02:21 AM

I think I'd fall under something like a 4.5, except replace Dragonball Z with something a little bit more intelligent, like Ghost in the Shell. I don't watch "intelligent" anime because I'm trying to be some kind of elitist weeaboo who condescends anything that's not philosophically driven to the point where it requires seven watches to understand the gist of it. I watch it because it's something well-crafted, smart, and entertaining to view. Simple as that, just like film in general, for the most part. Anime (and the basic idea can be said for pretty much any other form of media) is an ocean of shit that a subculture of incessant Japanophiles call their cesspool home, and yet if one looks, there are a few shining atolls of entertainment that emerge above the tide with greater integrity than the rest of the stuff out there.

Wild Wallace Dec 15th, 2007 11:29 PM

No one would care, but I rate a 3. I see most anime as overrated, but I do like 3 of them. Samurai Champloo and Paranoia Agent and Golden Boy are great

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