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-   -   FORUM EVENT: "I-MOCKERY'S 2008 SECRET SANTA EVENT!" (http://i-mockery.com/forum/showthread.php?t=69701028)

Secret Santa Event Admin Nov 12th, 2008 01:07 AM



It’s Christmas time again and that means one thing: homeless people freezing to death in back alleys! Along with that, it’s also time for I-Mockery’s annual Christmas Secret Santa event. Every year, registered users from the forum come together to share in the holiday commercialism by buying and sending each other gifts that range from hilarious to just plain awesome. It’s tradition, so if you think you wanna join in the fun, read on!

How it works:

You sign up in this thread by stating that you want to join. The last day to sign up is November 24th.
Send Zomboid a private message with your full mailing address, real name and your forum name/alias. On November 25th, you will receive a PM with the name and address of the person you will be sending your gift to. At this point, you send out your gift before December 5th and get ready to receive a gift of your own! Upon receiving your gift, you must post pictures in this thread to show everyone what you got! It’s not mandatory, but many participants in the past have made a little story out of enjoying their gift(s), so do that if you wanna have extra fun! But at the very least, you need to post photos of what you received. Everyone needs to get pictures of the gifts they received posted by December 22nd.

Everyone has plenty of time to do all of that, so do it!

Special note for those of you who live outside of North America:

You’re more than welcome to participate, but pay special attention to the “how people will be split up” section below.

Rules and Guidelines:
This whole thing is for fun, but there has to be some assurance that everyone will keep up their end of the bargain, so failure to follow the rules and instructions will result in a permanent ban from the forums. Plus, we know Santa pretty well, and he’s assured us that messing up in any way will result in a nice big chunk of coal being rammed up your rectum! :D

Here are some general rules and guidelines everybody should follow:
  • Spend somewhere between 15-25 bucks on your gift. This amount does NOT include shipping costs. No one likes a cheapskate, so if this is too much money for you, get a job and join next year instead! Don’t go overboard and get something expensive, but don’t cheap out either. If you want to spend more than 25 bucks, you can, but please understand that you most likely won't receive something of equal monetary value. Then again, that's not what this is all about, so that shouldn't matter to you anyway, Scrooge!
  • Obey all deadlines. Screwing someone over, especially at Christmas, is a guaranteed ticket to hell! Let’s see if an eternity of torture will help you be punctual!
  • Before signing up, make sure you have a working camera. If you can’t upload pictures to your computer directly, there are other options such as getting your film developed and put on a CD. Uploading pictures of your gifts is just as important to our Secret Santa event as sending some gifts out is.
  • MAKE SURE YOUR ADDRESS IS UP TO DATE AND YOU WILL NOT HAVE ANY TROUBLE RECEIVING PACKAGES! It’s not hard to find your current address, so don’t fuck it up!
  • Don’t be cheap and make something. If you have to do that, keep the minimum spending amount in mind and consider sending other purchased stuff along with your creation as well.
  • Your mailing address CANNOT be a P.O. Box. No gifts will be sent to P.O. boxes nor will anyone with a P.O box as a mailing address be allowed to participate in the Secret Santa event.

  • Again If you fail to uphold your end of the deal, you will be permanently banned from the forums. So please, don't be a dick. We want this event to be fun for everybody.
(Registered AND active less than a year)

In an effort to cut down on people who might sign-up just to get free shit, new users need to take the following steps to be eligible to join in the fun:

Provide a picture of themselves holding up a hand-written sign that says both "I-MOCKERY SECRET SANTA 2008" along with their message forum name/name in plain view.

2. Post this picture in this thread for all to see.

PM Zomboid, informing him that you are a new member who wants to participate in the secret Santa event. He will then send you a letter with a mailing address.

4.Send a test letter to the mailing address that you were provided with by Zomboid. The letter needs to include your full name, return mailing address and your name here on the I-Mockery forums.

5.To ensure that you’re eligible to participate, do all of that as quickly as possible!

These steps are necessary to verify that you have a working camera and the motivation to get your ass to a post office.


-The last day to SIGN UP is November 24th (watch this thread because if we have an uneven number, we might accept more)

-The last day for SENDING your gifts out is December 5th

-The last day for POSTING PICTURES of the gifts you receive is December 22nd


-You MUST send out your gifts by priority or express shipping methods to ensure that everyone receives their gifts in a timely fashion. Someone will be doing this for you, so please do it for someone else.

-You MUST purchase a tracking number for your package so that you can keep track of it if there are any delays.

-Do NOT send a PM or email to the person who you are sending a gift to in an attempt to let them know that you're their Secret Santa. It's called "Secret" Santa for a reason, people. Half of the fun is people being surprised when they learn who their Secret Santa is!


-Post pictures of all the gifts you receive no later than December 22nd. If you want to be funny with it and make a video or something, that’s great, but just make sure you submit it all by the 22nd.

-Take pictures of ALL of your gifts. Half of the fun of this event is seeing recipients enjoying their gifts.

-If you don’t have your package and it’s getting close to the deadline for postings pictures, send a PM to Zomboid so he can see what the delay is.


Everyone who participates will be paired randomly with someone to send their gift to, but if certain conditions are met, some switches might have to be made:

Because this event attracts people from all over the world, special attention will be paid to making sure people won’t have to spend too much on shipping. This doesn’t mean that you’re guaranteed to get someone from the same country as you, but if there are only a couple participants from your part of the world, it’s a possibility. Either way, we will not tolerate complaints from people who refuse to mail packages outside of their country. If you have a problem with this, you shouldn't sign up because there's always a chance you will have to pay a little extra to ship your package out. This season is about giving, so you shouldn't be picky about little things like shipping fees.


-10,000 Volt Ghost
-Tetsu Deinonychus
-Max Burbank
-Dr. Boogie


Sacks Nov 12th, 2008 02:05 AM

So this year you don't have to make a little story about it?

Grislygus Nov 12th, 2008 09:48 AM

never really "had to" to begin with

MattJack Nov 12th, 2008 10:22 AM


Mockery Nov 12th, 2008 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by Sacks (Post 593512)
So this year you don't have to make a little story about it?

You never had to in the past, it's just highly encouraged since everybody's supposed to have fun with it. But, at the very least, you have to post photos of everything you got along with what you think of the gifts.

Sacks Nov 12th, 2008 01:13 PM

I guess for some reason I thought it was mandatory and that is why a lot of people crapped out.

bigtimecow Nov 12th, 2008 01:55 PM

this is the best part of christmas ;D

Grislygus Nov 12th, 2008 02:49 PM

I officially post in the official thread that I will partake in this

Zomboid Nov 12th, 2008 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Sacks (Post 593610)
I guess for some reason I thought it was mandatory and that is why a lot of people crapped out.

I never really posted a big story, but I genuinely enjoyed a few that were posted. Anyone is welcome to join but like mock said, at the very least, posting pics is mandatory.

The list will be updated every day or two, folks :O. I'm excited!

Sam Nov 12th, 2008 03:26 PM

ME >:

Asila Nov 12th, 2008 03:32 PM


just verify so I know to do the newbie stuff

MarioRPG Nov 12th, 2008 05:53 PM

I'm reconfirming myself and sending my info. Thanks again for organizing this Zomboid.

Protoclown Nov 12th, 2008 06:14 PM

Oh, what the hell.

Zomboid Nov 12th, 2008 08:34 PM

Alrighty, got a bunch of ya who are ready to go.

Proto & Asila - need ya to PM me your addresses

Mariorpg - No problem. I'm happy to do it.

Edit: For anyone who posts here but doesn't PM me their address, I just add ya to my list and wait for the PM. After that, you're good to go.

Microshock Nov 12th, 2008 08:55 PM

I'm in IM IN!

3rd year in a row!
I got my pictures just up in time last year....soooo...let's get this on!


Asila Nov 12th, 2008 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by Zomboid (Post 593686)
Alrighty, got a bunch of ya who are ready to go.

Proto & Asila - need ya to PM me your addresses

Mariorpg - No problem. I'm happy to do it.

Edit: For anyone who posts here but doesn't PM me their address, I just add ya to my list and wait for the PM. After that, you're good to go.

I did earlier?

Zomboid Nov 12th, 2008 10:21 PM

It's definitely not in my inbox.

Micro, send me your address via PM and you're in.

McClain Nov 13th, 2008 11:00 AM

Can I pull a Jixby Phillips w/out getting forum banned?

Mockery Nov 13th, 2008 12:24 PM

No :picklehat

ozzyrulz777 Nov 13th, 2008 08:40 PM

I wish I could but I have a P.O. Box so I am fucked.

sjmck Nov 13th, 2008 09:00 PM

New user.

Mockery Nov 13th, 2008 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by ozzyrulz777 (Post 593939)
I wish I could but I have a P.O. Box so I am fucked.

Hmm, where do you live exactly that you don't have a home mailing address?


Originally Posted by sjmck (Post 593943)
New user.

Welcome aboard... don't forget to send the required info to Zomboid.

Asila Nov 13th, 2008 09:43 PM

and I pmed you again Zomboid, let me know if you didn't get it

Zomboid Nov 13th, 2008 10:53 PM

Yep, he sent me the info and he's got the address for the test letter. Glad we're getting new folks involved.

Asila - It's odd, but no, nothing yet. Did you get the PM that I sent you? Try one last time and if that doesn't work, just email me the shite. I'll send ya the address for the test letter now anyway.

Tetsu Deinonychus Nov 13th, 2008 11:54 PM

Count me in, this year! :)

Misdemonar Nov 14th, 2008 12:15 AM


Embee90 Nov 14th, 2008 01:05 AM

Yar. I want in.

Zomboid Nov 14th, 2008 03:21 AM

The new people are better at following the sign-up process than the vets :O

Missssssy - I need you to PM me your address.

GUS Nov 14th, 2008 10:16 AM

Here's my pic

Kevashim Nov 14th, 2008 10:34 AM

I am hoping that heroic poses more than make up for camera graininess!

MattJack Nov 14th, 2008 12:40 PM

I know last year there was some type of system to where vets were paired together and new users were paired. Can we do that again?

Nothing against new users or anything, but it would just mean more to me if I defecated in a bag and sent it to Tadao, ya know?

Ozzie Nov 14th, 2008 01:08 PM

Not sure how long my account's been active for, so just in case.

stonewar Nov 14th, 2008 01:52 PM

HELLO everyone. long time anonymous i-mockery reader here.

I haven't regularly posted to a forum of any kind since my BBS days *ahem mid 90s ahem*, but I signed up in January specifically so I could participate in the secret santa this year.

Apparently I haven't bee a member long enough. Oh well I guess I have to go make myself presentable for a picture.

BatmanJohnson Nov 14th, 2008 02:14 PM

Batmanjohnson reporting in
Hope this shitty picture works for some reason my webcam takes backwards pictures

Zomboid Nov 14th, 2008 03:18 PM

Cool, I've got all of ya added to an "awaiting confirmation" list and when I get your letters, you're in.

Tadao Nov 14th, 2008 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by MattJack (Post 594041)
I know last year there was some type of system to where vets were paired together and new users were paired. Can we do that again?

Nothing against new users or anything, but it would just mean more to me if I defecated in a bag and sent it to Tadao, ya know?

Yet another reason why I can't play your reindeer games :tear

Tadao Nov 14th, 2008 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by BatmanJohnson (Post 594048)
Hope this shitty picture works for some reason my webcam takes backwards pictures

You have it set on mirror image.

Asila Nov 14th, 2008 03:46 PM


Zomboid Nov 14th, 2008 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by MattJack (Post 594041)
I know last year there was some type of system to where vets were paired together and new users were paired. Can we do that again?

Nothing against new users or anything, but it would just mean more to me if I defecated in a bag and sent it to Tadao, ya know?

Some of the new guys last year sent some pretty cool stuff, but I know what ya mean. We'll wait and see how many people sign up and if there's enough vets to do that, it's a possibility, but if there's a shitload of new people and only a handful of us by comparison, it might be best just to mix it all up.

Asila Nov 14th, 2008 04:07 PM



Sam Nov 14th, 2008 04:09 PM


stonewar Nov 14th, 2008 06:39 PM

GOD DAMMIT WHAT AM I doing wrong.

Mockery Nov 14th, 2008 08:50 PM

There ya go, I think I fixed it for ya, stonewar.

You guys are making some awesome pics I must say. And yeah, the new users last year were pretty awesome so I'm expecting more of the same for this year's event.

sjmck Nov 14th, 2008 09:33 PM

Now I am sad that my picture was not more creative.

But my picture was first! You can't take that away from me.

Mockery Nov 14th, 2008 09:49 PM

You're more than welcome to post an additional pic if you like sjmck... I won't hold it against you.

drevil6999 Nov 15th, 2008 12:37 AM

Sorry for all the unnecessary posts

Microshock Nov 15th, 2008 03:14 AM

Would i be considered a vet?

seesawbooy Nov 15th, 2008 01:38 PM

I will definitely Join next year. I'm having a hard time finding a job. Also i hope to get my own P.O. Box by then. See you all next year

Microshock Nov 15th, 2008 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by seesawbooy (Post 594370)
I will definitely Join next year. I'm having a hard time finding a job. Also i hope to get my own P.O. Box by then. See you all next year

P.O. Box's aren't allowed to be used as addresses anyway.

Can't you get 15 bucks?

Jigby Huggletinks Nov 15th, 2008 04:56 PM


Zomboid, expect my PM soon.

Sacks Nov 15th, 2008 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Microshock (Post 594226)
Would i be considered a vet?

Definitely. You've got heart kid.

Zomboid Nov 15th, 2008 05:28 PM

Alright, I've got the following people on my list that are good to go as soon as I get their test letters:

I'm almost positive that every new person who sent me a PM got the test mailing address but if you didn't, let me know ASAP.

Just to clarify for anyone who's signing up...

First step is posting in here, stating you'd like to join. If you're new, this is where you include your picture.

Second step is sending me a PM with your mailing address
. Unless you're new, this is where the sign-up process ends.

If you're new, you should have the test mailing address shortly after, so you send a letter to the address provided and once it's received, you're good to go.

So many people are sending PMs without their mailing addresses :(

Micro - You'd be in the vets grouping. I mean, you've participated in like two of these so far.


Jigby Huggletinks Nov 15th, 2008 06:43 PM

I posted here with my picture, at the bottom of the last page, and I've PMed you and got the mailing address from you, I ought to be up to the test letter portion.

10,000 Volt Ghost Nov 16th, 2008 01:28 PM

executioneer Nov 17th, 2008 04:51 AM

darkvare Nov 17th, 2008 11:24 AM

i don't want to get banned but i wanna test shipping so i wanna send something to someone if it's ok i probably send some of my old classic toys lol

lumpisan Nov 17th, 2008 12:45 PM

this is actually my first year doing the secret santa even though ive been a memeber for almost 4 years now

Microshock Nov 17th, 2008 03:08 PM

Can i suggest some regulation in how we host our images? Because looking back on the old secret santa threads, a lot of images are not there anymore because they host them on photobucket and apparently they remove images.

So, this year, everyone use imageshack or flickr or some hosting site that doesnt do that

MarioRPG Nov 17th, 2008 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Microshock (Post 594613)
So, this year, everyone use imageshack or flickr or some hosting site that doesnt do that

I'm pretty sure imageshack removes theirs. :rolleyes
And mine are all hosted on photobucket, and they are still up.

sjmck Nov 17th, 2008 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by Mockery (Post 594163)
You're more than welcome to post an additional pic if you like sjmck... I won't hold it against you.

Cool. Here's a picture of a pirate sand castle I drew in MS Paint.

Zomboid Nov 17th, 2008 05:34 PM

That's a wonderful picture.

And yeah, I hosted my stuff on photobucket and it's still there.

Dr. Boogie Nov 17th, 2008 08:19 PM

Fine, sign me up too, you fag.

Tadao Nov 17th, 2008 08:37 PM


mburbank Nov 17th, 2008 10:24 PM

I'm in

Zomboid Nov 17th, 2008 10:29 PM



Vila Nov 19th, 2008 10:59 PM

I would but seeing how I've posted maybe once in the last year I don't think I'm worthy.

Zomboid Nov 19th, 2008 11:57 PM

That's ok; when I saw that you'd replied, I was getting ready to type "DENIED!"

Vila Nov 20th, 2008 12:20 AM

I love you too Zomboid. *hugs*

Harry Lime Nov 20th, 2008 12:09 PM

Here is my Secret Santa 2008 initiation photo

Zomboid Nov 20th, 2008 03:26 PM

Alrighty, I just got confirmation letters from sjmck and Embee90.

You're both in :O

I still need mailing addresses for boogie and drevil.

Dr. Boogie Nov 20th, 2008 04:41 PM

Just sent mine.

executioneer Nov 20th, 2008 08:53 PM

vila how do you sew social upheaval anyways, are we talking like embroidering it on a pillow or something

lumpisan Nov 21st, 2008 01:05 PM

so out of curiousity, because this is my first time doing this, and it is a dumb question, but are we supposed to let them know who they gotthere gift from or shall it forever remain a mystery?

Mockery Nov 21st, 2008 02:23 PM

When you post your photos, you say who sent the gifts to you.

When you send your gift(s), you don't send the recipient an email or anything because that would ruin the surprise of wondering who they are getting stuff from. You should, however, include a note with your gift(s) so they know who you are.

Harry Lime Nov 21st, 2008 02:31 PM

Sent out my test letter today. I can hardly contain myself!

Mockery Nov 21st, 2008 04:19 PM

Rock on Harry, you won't have to send out confirmation letters in the future, it's only for first timers to protect everybody by getting screwed over, so thanks for taking the extra step.

Zomboid Nov 21st, 2008 04:23 PM

The second, less acknowledged reason, is that I HATE all new people just for being new and wanted a way to screw them all over! :lol

J. Tithonus Pednaud Nov 21st, 2008 08:53 PM

I would have enjoyed participating, however the time line this year does not match up with personal obligations.

Merry Xmas to all and I hope nobody gets scrooged this year.

Mockery Nov 21st, 2008 11:15 PM

Your fantastically bizarro gifts will surely be missed this year, Pednaud.

Microshock Nov 22nd, 2008 03:31 PM

This is pretty disappointing, doesn't seem like we're getting many people at all...

LittleDollClaudia Nov 22nd, 2008 11:16 PM

Arrgh, I wish I would have read this sooner.

I am a newbie so I will have to sit this one out.

But next year...


Hmmmm on second thought...where is that camera?

Never let it be said I wouldn't be willing to make a jackass out of myself for other people's amusements.

So..step one sent a goofball pic of me, check
step two PMed Zomboid, check

Now I just sit back and see if I am crowned Miss America or sworn in as the new Pope. That's what this is for, right?

Misdemonar Nov 23rd, 2008 01:46 AM


LittleDollClaudia Nov 23rd, 2008 03:50 AM

Aw, you noticed.

Yes, I do have a pussy. Thanks for pointing that out, sunshine.

But I have a query. If I post a picture of my real face, isn't that a mask as well?

I mean, technically, every one of us is wearing a mask of some sort. Mine just happened to be made of paper.

But if you insist...I warn you, it's not pretty.

Sacks Nov 23rd, 2008 07:44 AM

So are you going to post a picture of yourself or what?

Zomboid Nov 23rd, 2008 03:36 PM

Kinda wondering the same thing... If that's actually you in the first picture, I don't see any I-MOCKERY SECRET SANTA thing. Enlarge the pic if you have to :O

Pub Lover Nov 23rd, 2008 03:39 PM

Mockery Nov 23rd, 2008 04:29 PM

Yeah she clearly wrote I-Mockery's Secret Santa on her mask, you just had to click the thumbnail to see the enlarged version.

Zomboid Nov 23rd, 2008 05:15 PM


She's got the test address now, but we're coming in on the sign-up deadline really quick. Depending on how many letters aren't received in time though, there might be enough late new entrants to pair em together.

ozzyrulz777 Nov 23rd, 2008 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by Mockery (Post 593947)
Hmm, where do you live exactly that you don't have a home mailing address?

Welcome aboard... don't forget to send the required info to Zomboid.

I live in a tiny town in an apartment. They refuse to deliver the mail to your house so they have a post office where you have to pick up your mail.

GreenPeaness Nov 23rd, 2008 10:32 PM

Full of Country Goodness and Green Peaness. Wait, that's terrible. I quit.

MattJack Nov 23rd, 2008 11:34 PM

Arn Anderson?! :O

lumpisan Nov 24th, 2008 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by Mockery (Post 596215)
When you post your photos, you say who sent the gifts to you.

When you send your gift(s), you don't send the recipient an email or anything because that would ruin the surprise of wondering who they are getting stuff from. You should, however, include a note with your gift(s) so they know who you are.

thanks^^ can't wait to see who i'm sending my swag to tommorow^^

lumpisan Nov 24th, 2008 12:16 PM

btw zomboid sory i didnt post here first but yes indeed i would like to join^^; i sent you my adress about a week ago i believe

stonewar Nov 24th, 2008 01:45 PM

How long does it take for letters to get to Canada anyway. Are they delievered by moose or something cuz I had to use 2 stamps.

Zomboid Nov 24th, 2008 01:52 PM

Well, I got yours last week. So not THAT long, I guess.

Sam Nov 24th, 2008 03:53 PM


Tadao Nov 24th, 2008 03:54 PM

Ok, I think we can close this thread and open the "username=real address" thread and start bidding. I would like to open bid on Max for 50 dollars please. He is so dreamy :love

Microshock Nov 24th, 2008 04:55 PM

I don't want Rog, no offense but if i get you, im sending you jello and gummy bears.

Zomboid Nov 24th, 2008 04:58 PM


IN RELATED NEWS: Sign-ups are closed for new people.

Zoso2127 Nov 24th, 2008 06:05 PM

Yeah random stuff!

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