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Pentegarn Mar 9th, 2011 06:28 AM

2011 NCAA Football Thread

Apparently, Tressel knew about the tatoo thing since April.

His defense as I read it elsewhere was he was informed of this at the time by a lawyer via letter and thought is was supposed to be part of a later deposition so he kept quiet.

All that being said, he did get a sizable fine and a 2 game suspension. The writer of the previous article is whining though saying he should be fired and that other coaches would have been.

How often do coaches get fired though over things like this? Not very, and there are violations all the time. They didn't fire Dick Rod from MU for his practice violations. (he had to suck for multiple seasons to get fired) I can't help but notice Gene Chizik is still employed after the Cam Newton thing. To say other coaches would be fired is an absurd anti OSU agenda driven statement. And where was this 'journalist' when Pete Caroll ran like a coward to the NFL mere days before the NCAA dropped the hammer on USC? I don't recall seeing any take from Dick Weiss, or anyone else in the sports media for that matter, on what was clearly a coach fleeing from what he caused. At least Tressel stayed and faced the NCAA, he didn't suddenly take a job at San Fransisco.

Babs Mar 10th, 2011 01:42 AM

This saddens me

WhiteRat Mar 10th, 2011 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 714740)

Apparently, Tressel knew about the tatoo thing since April.

His defense as I read it elsewhere was he was informed of this at the time by a lawyer via letter and thought is was supposed to be part of a later deposition so he kept quiet.

All that being said, he did get a sizable fine and a 2 game suspension. The writer of the previous article is whining though saying he should be fired and that other coaches would have been.

How often do coaches get fired though over things like this? Not very, and there are violations all the time. They didn't fire Dick Rod from MU for his practice violations. (he had to suck for multiple seasons to get fired) I can't help but notice Gene Chizik is still employed after the Cam Newton thing. To say other coaches would be fired is an absurd anti OSU agenda driven statement. And where was this 'journalist' when Pete Caroll ran like a coward to the NFL mere days before the NCAA dropped the hammer on USC? I don't recall seeing any take from Dick Weiss, or anyone else in the sports media for that matter, on what was clearly a coach fleeing from what he caused. At least Tressel stayed and faced the NCAA, he didn't suddenly take a job at San Fransisco.

It was explicitly noted, hell it was even underlined, in Tressell's contract that he must notify his superiors if any wrongdoing has been committed, blah blah, etc. He broke the terms of his contract with his employer and that is cause for termination.

As for as Chizik is concerned, he did nothing wrong. The issue with Newton and his pimp father regarded his recruitment by Mississippi State, not Auburn. Auburn's house of cards will come tumbling down in due time (for other nefarious reasons) but as far as we know Chizik's hands were clean of the Newton mess.

Carroll's situation can't be used as precedent here either as his issues were all speculation. In all likelihood he probably knew about the Bush fiasco but the only evidence they had that implicated anyone on the USC staff was some dirt onthe RB coach I believe (who was fired after). I could be wrong on specifics but i'm pretty sure it went down this way.

Tressell's case is much different because we have actual emails that prove his wrongdoing. Add that to the contract terms I mentioned prior and you have actual evidence that implicates him, not mere speculation.

For what it's worth, i've generally rooted for OSU football as I HATE Michigan and they are the only B10 team that consistently competes in the Top 10 but the sweater vest was busted red handed this time. The NCAA does not take kindly to being lied to and I hope they come down even harder on Tressell for it.

Tressell is no different than many other dirty coaches and his actions have proved that, not an anti-osu bias.

Pentegarn Mar 10th, 2011 09:35 PM

Put it another way, had this been an SEC coach it would have been a no story, plain and simple

WhiteRat Mar 10th, 2011 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 714862)
Put it another way, had this been an SEC coach it would have been a no story, plain and simple

That's true to an extent. Most if not all college programs have some sort of dirt built up but corruption and cheating in the SEC is not only known, it's kind of expected at this point. I'm not saying that the NCAA looks the other way (just ask Bama about that) it's just that the average fan and the sports media knows the type of games that the SEC plays. Tressell on the other hand, has built himself up as some sort of some great do gooder (his book is a joke now) that wins the right way and runs a clean ship. Obviously when smoke pours from OSU everyone wants to come watch. That's a product of Tressell's doing in the end, not the medias or any sort of anti-OSU bias.

Pentegarn Mar 11th, 2011 11:40 AM

Sounds like your endorsing media inconsistency

Personally I prefer to call media inconsistency out. They will continue to report in this cherry pick style that shelters the semi pro league known as the SEC as long as everyone lets them get away with it.

But it isn't just the media, the NCAA gets their panties in a wad because student athletes sell some stuff to a tatoo parlor, yet when Cam Newton gets paid to play (and don't kid yourself there, he was paid to play no matter how the SEC and his father choose to spin it) the NCAA says it is no problem at all, we have no plans to pursue this. Which pretty much put the NCAA stamp of approval on the SEC paying athletes through precedent. Had Prior and co played for LSU, Florida, et all, the NCAA would have 'no plans to pursue this' too. But the Big 10 is not as glamorous so they don't get to have as many perks. If the NCAA wants to enforce the purity of collegiate athletics, perhaps they should lead by example. Failing that, they should go the rest of the way, declare themselves a true business and start following the laws other businesses have to. Like being a monopoly, paying taxes, and all the other stuff they seem to get away with in the current fucked up system they have somehow managed to grow.

WhiteRat Mar 11th, 2011 03:01 PM

The media is biased, that's nothing new. But, that doesn't change the fact that Jim Tressell is a dirty coach. The emails and his lies have proved that much. That is the important issue at hand here.

Show me the hard evidence that Gene Chizik and his staff paid Cam Newton or his father for Newton play at Auburn. You can't, you're pulling crap out of the air to try prove a point.

If you want to go that way I can also say that OSU got off easy. 2 game suspension and 8% salary reduction for lying to your bosses, blatantly violating the terms of your contract, and attempting to sweep up major violations under the rug? I can sit here as a fan of a football program that has been mediocre to awful for the last 40 years and say that had this happen to Minnesota, there would much more hell to pay. It's funny to hear OSU fans and their "us against the world" outlook when it seems that everyone outside of Columbus feels the opposite. Explain to me how suspending 5 players for the NEXT season but allowing them to play in a BCS bowl game isn't complete bullshit? Oh I now, it's because Tressell was so desperate for that illusive SEC win that he was willing to throw integrity and his own self-built image out the window by letting those guys play. I guess I really can't blame him though as OSU gets demolished had the players been suspended. It's a load cf crap and the NCAA is once again turning a blind eye to one of the big dogs.

You can bitch and moan all you want about Cam Newton and the SEC and how everyone is trying to gang up on OSU but it doesn't change the fact that JIM TRESSELL IS A HYPOCRITE AND A DIRTY COACH. He's had a trail of suspicion going back to his YSU days. If you want anyone to complain about in this whole situation it's your dirty coach who tried to cover-up major ncaa violations.

WhiteRat Mar 11th, 2011 04:57 PM

Speaking of Auburn, 4 players were booted off the team today for being naughty naughty boys:


Starting safety Mike McNeil and reserve wide recievers Shaun Kitchens and Antonio Goodwin and tight end Dakota Mosley have been detained.

According to police, a gun was recovered when the foursome was stopped.

Pentegarn Mar 11th, 2011 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by WhiteRat (Post 714911)
Explain to me how suspending 5 players for the NEXT season but allowing them to play in a BCS bowl game isn't complete bullshit? Oh I now, it's because Tressell was so desperate for that illusive SEC win that he was willing to throw integrity and his own self-built image out the window by letting those guys play. I guess I really can't blame him though as OSU gets demolished had the players been suspended. It's a load cf crap and the NCAA is once again turning a blind eye to one of the big dogs.

Convenient that you forget those in charge of the BCS had more to do with that decision than anyone else and they insisted that those 5 OSU players be allowed to play because it would hurt network ratings if they were removed from the bowl game.

Follow the money, you'll see what really goes on and how the NCAA is really ran. You see a dirty coach, I see a pragmatic man who decided that if the SEC can get away with it in the open, then why should he not try to get some stuff over on the sly to level the field. The reason the SEC's actions are constantly swept under the rug is they make the NCAA a load of cash.

Follow the money and you see why Gee didn't bother with a larger punishment against Tressel. This is why if the NCAA drops the hammer on OSU they are being hypocrites and favoring the SEC. They created this mess when they got in bed with the BCS and now they have to balance the spinning plates they created.

And as for the pulling stuff out of thin air, Auburn knew about Cam Newton's past, and if they did not they are very bad at research. Yet they pushed their chips to the table and kept him playing anyway. The reason? Because there was a ton of money to be made and a national championship to be won. Follow the money.

You say Tressel is dirty but he's not unique, for example Pete Carrol fled to the NFL when he saw the writing on the wall. Speaking of fleeing what is Urban Meyer fleeing from? Because I don't for a second buy his reason for his abrupt departure. If I can see that sitting here, you bet the NCAA can too. But you can also bet there's more than a good chance they will not be pursuing it further (just like with Auburn). Not if you follow the money.

MailCall Mar 13th, 2011 08:13 PM

2011 NCAA Bracket Nonsense
The link doesn't work for me. It is an error message saying I am not a member. I've been away a long time, but I am now back but on parole.

Pentegarn Mar 13th, 2011 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by MailCall (Post 715035)
The link doesn't work for me. It is an error message saying I am not a member. I've been away a long time, but I am now back but on parole.

Wrong thread bro bro

MailCall Mar 13th, 2011 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 715036)
Wrong thread bro bro

Huh? Is this the Senior Open Challenge thread?

WhiteRat Mar 14th, 2011 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 714939)
Convenient that you forget those in charge of the BCS had more to do with that decision than anyone else and they insisted that those 5 OSU players be allowed to play because it would hurt network ratings if they were removed from the bowl game.

Follow the money, you'll see what really goes on and how the NCAA is really ran. You see a dirty coach, I see a pragmatic man who decided that if the SEC can get away with it in the open, then why should he not try to get some stuff over on the sly to level the field. The reason the SEC's actions are constantly swept under the rug is they make the NCAA a load of cash.

Follow the money and you see why Gee didn't bother with a larger punishment against Tressel. This is why if the NCAA drops the hammer on OSU they are being hypocrites and favoring the SEC. They created this mess when they got in bed with the BCS and now they have to balance the spinning plates they created.

And as for the pulling stuff out of thin air, Auburn knew about Cam Newton's past, and if they did not they are very bad at research. Yet they pushed their chips to the table and kept him playing anyway. The reason? Because there was a ton of money to be made and a national championship to be won. Follow the money.

You say Tressel is dirty but he's not unique, for example Pete Carrol fled to the NFL when he saw the writing on the wall. Speaking of fleeing what is Urban Meyer fleeing from? Because I don't for a second buy his reason for his abrupt departure. If I can see that sitting here, you bet the NCAA can too. But you can also bet there's more than a good chance they will not be pursuing it further (just like with Auburn). Not if you follow the money.

You can stop ranting about the NCAA. I'm not dumb, i'm a rabid college football fan that is well aware of how the NCAA and college football works.

You can put as much lipstick on the pig as you want, but Tressell is a hypocrite and a dirty coach. He's now joined the ranks with the rest of the crooked SEC coaches that Buckeye fans so gloriously championed him to be above. Just take off the blinders and read this article, which I feel is the best opinion on the issue:


MailCall Mar 14th, 2011 07:25 PM

I agree that Tressell holds the same regard as other coaches with similar transgressions. But see this: Ohio State is and continues to be under the fingernail scrutiny of every media outlet--especially ESPN--in the country. And to think that SEC prejudice in football doesn't exist is blindness. I believe that OSU endeavors to protect JT with the same vigor that it endears Griffin's two Heismans. The OSU sports program as a whole has suffered its share of deserved or otherwise hammering in the past, and as the AD and boosters see in the media, whatever measures that can lead to a lessening of impact would be welcomed. This would be true at any school. So, yes, Tressell has his skeletons hidden behind his scarlet vest and occasional thin glasses. But don't be so quick in including him in what is already a crowded pool.

Pentegarn Mar 14th, 2011 08:12 PM

He's a Gopher fan, this is his revenge wet dream for the constant and repeated pounding OSU gives them over the decades. :lol

When you school's best accomplishment is loaning your stadium to the Vikings for a week Schadenfreude is really all you have :lol

WhiteRat Mar 14th, 2011 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 715111)
He's a Gopher fan, this is his revenge wet dream for the constant and repeated pounding OSU gives them over the decades. :lol

When you school's best accomplishment is loaning your stadium to the Vikings for a week Schadenfreude is really all you have :lol

So now you're resorting to making this personal for some reason? Dude, chill out and relax. Just because someone has a dissenting opinion that doesn't mean you have to make it personal to try to somehow discredit it. And for the record, like I mentioned in my first post, i've generally rooted for Ohio State as they are the only team in the Big 10 as of late that is consistently a national title contender. There is no ill will there, but keep pretending that everyone is out to get Ohio State. I don't want to see OSU fall as that would make it easier for Wisconsin to take the top spit in their division. But I want to see Tressell get punished for lying to his bosses and the NCAA.

For what it's worth, there are only 2 other school in the Big Ten that have more national championships than Minnesota.

Pentegarn Mar 14th, 2011 08:33 PM

Personal? They were jokes. You saw the :lol s didn't you? This is still i-mockery isn't it?

Pentegarn Mar 14th, 2011 08:34 PM

Also if you don't think a 250k fine isn't a big punishment, is it ok if I borrow 250k from you? :lol

WhiteRat Mar 14th, 2011 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 715114)
Personal? They were jokes. You saw the :lol s didn't you? This is still i-mockery isn't it?

oops I forgot about that!

WhiteRat Mar 14th, 2011 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 715115)
Also if you don't think a 250k fine isn't a big punishment, is it ok if I borrow 250k from you? :lol

Of course you can't. I don't have 250k. But 250k is 8% of Jim Tessell's salary, so you might want to ask him.

Pentegarn Mar 14th, 2011 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by WhiteRat (Post 715116)
oops I forgot about that!

It's easy to forget that in here, we don't usually get the chance to talk smack at each other cause it is usually a Big 10 love in going on :lol

Pentegarn Mar 14th, 2011 08:39 PM

Also, when do we have to start calling the Big 10 the Big 12?

WhiteRat Mar 14th, 2011 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 715118)
It's easy to forget that in here, we don't usually get the chance to talk smack at each other cause it is usually a Big 10 love in going on :lol

See that's the problem as the only schools that really get talked about here are OSU, Mich St and Minn, two schools which I don't hate. We need a Badger fan or even an Indiana fan so that Minn won't be the worst team around here.

Pentegarn Mar 14th, 2011 08:45 PM

Badgers do OK though, they seem to have OSU's number...

come to think of it, we don't need a Sconnie fan in here pissing further in my cornflakes :lol

WhiteRat Mar 14th, 2011 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 715121)
Badgers do OK though, they seem to have OSU's number...

come to think of it, we don't need a Sconnie fan in here pissing further in my cornflakes :lol

I want a rival here to talk shit to.

MailCall Mar 15th, 2011 07:03 AM

Under Pressure
The bottom line is this: we are all human. The college sports world in particular is a demanding and unforgiving sort--i.e. Oklahoma just fired Capel in a season fraught with coaching changes. AD's, coaches and even university presidents are under pressure to keep the NCAA ATMs running. It may be wrong to bend the rules, but it is understandable given the climate.

MailCall Mar 15th, 2011 11:54 AM

Herbstreit Forced Out
Ha! Look at this. Former Buckeye and now talking head Kirk Herbstreit has moved from Columbus to Nashville.

Babs Mar 15th, 2011 02:48 PM

Never really did like that Herbstreit guy.

Pentegarn Mar 15th, 2011 04:36 PM

Nobody in Columbus likes Herbstreit though

Used to be one guy that did but he moved to Nashville :lol

Babs Mar 16th, 2011 05:29 AM

Wasn't he a pretty disappointing quarterback?

Pentegarn Mar 16th, 2011 06:04 AM

He was a notch below Germain's skill level if memory serves

MailCall Mar 16th, 2011 05:48 PM

Herbstreit's Stats

Not too impressive.

Pentegarn Mar 16th, 2011 06:01 PM

That's even less impressive than I remember

Babs Mar 18th, 2011 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 715516)
That's even less impressive than I remember

Can I even concur beyond concurring in this point?

Pentegarn Mar 19th, 2011 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by Babs (Post 715647)
Can I even concur beyond concurring in this point?

Pentegarn Mar 20th, 2011 06:57 PM

Wrong thread edit

WhiteRat Mar 25th, 2011 01:57 PM

Jim Tressell in more hot water:

WhiteRat Mar 26th, 2011 02:47 PM

Remember the 13 year old that Lane Kiffin offered last year? Well now the kid has attended his first practice. Go Lane!


Colonel Flagg Mar 27th, 2011 12:14 AM

Does the kid have an agent yet?

Pentegarn Mar 27th, 2011 09:15 AM

If he is doing radio interviews he has a handler at least

WhiteRat Mar 28th, 2011 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 716260)
If he is doing radio interviews he has a handler at least

If I remember correctly his dad and the recruiting video service he hired to pimp out his kid are already doing all the handling at this point.

Colonel Flagg Mar 28th, 2011 01:09 PM

So, then. Everyone is bending the rules. Or found a loophole they could drive a Big Wheel through anyway.

Babs Mar 28th, 2011 05:35 PM

the NCAA is turning into Disney.

WhiteRat Mar 28th, 2011 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by Colonel Flagg (Post 716310)
So, then. Everyone is bending the rules. Or found a loophole they could drive a Big Wheel through anyway.

I should make it clear that no rules are being broken here. Kiffen never actually offered him a scholarship, basically the kid made a verbal commitment which Kiffen accepted. As far as going to practice is concerned, Kiffen is in the clear on this as well as the kid is still in 8th grade...once he completes 8th grade he will no longer be able to attend practice, you know, since sane coaches don't cozy up to 8th graders anyway.

I hate Kiffen and I think he's morally wrong here but no rules were broken.

Pentegarn Mar 28th, 2011 09:33 PM

I wonder if a new rule will be implemented because of this?

The real laugh here is how do we really know this 8th grader's talent won't plateau early? If it does won't Lane look the fool

Colonel Flagg Mar 28th, 2011 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by WhiteRat (Post 716326)
I hate Kiffen and I think he's morally wrong here but no rules were broken.

You are probably spot on, but I can't really comment, since I am not an expert on NCAA rules violations. However, I submit that no rules were broken because even the NCAA in its wildest imaginings never considered something like this occurring.


Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 716331)
I wonder if a new rule will be implemented because of this?


WhiteRat Mar 29th, 2011 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 716331)
I wonder if a new rule will be implemented because of this?

The real laugh here is how do we really know this 8th grader's talent won't plateau early? If it does won't Lane look the fool

Yeah the article mentions that. It's interesting because it could put Lane (or another coach if he's canned in the future) in a tough situation. Kid hits his peak after his sophomore year and is more of a Sun Belt or a 1AA player, Lane pulls the scholly and the kids dream is shattered. He's proven himself to be scummy enough to do such a thing. On the flip side though he could try to save face and give the kid a scholly anyway but he's just taking up a scholly that could be used on a better player.

It'll be interesting to see how this whole thing plays out in 4 years.

Pentegarn Mar 29th, 2011 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by WhiteRat (Post 716383)
Lane (or another coach if he's canned in the future)

Which is about a 50/50 chance if you ask me

WhiteRat Mar 30th, 2011 04:17 PM

Could this be the tip of the iceberg? I still predict that Auburn will eventually lose their crystal ball.


Pentegarn Mar 31st, 2011 12:22 AM

They may lose the ball, but not that bowl money they got for it. I think they both knew/didn't care about it

WhiteRat Apr 4th, 2011 05:05 PM

In the spirit of the end of March Madness, here is One Shining Moment college football edition:

WhiteRat Apr 5th, 2011 12:50 AM

Here's a great article on what could potentially fix some of the problems in college football that are really coming to the forefront lately:


BTW, if you have the CBS College Sports network, the author, Tony Barnhart, has a great hour long show during the season that's definitely worth checking out. He actually focuses on the game of football and even delves into a little bit of politics (as they pertain to the game).

Pentegarn Apr 5th, 2011 06:33 AM

Jason Whitlock had a few interesting things to say about college athletics. His argument for paying college football and basketball mens athletes was interesting. He even has a pretty simple but effective counterargument for the 'well if you pay college football and basketball mens athletes you need to pay all the other sports'. That counterargument was 'capitalism works like this: if you draw a crowd and make money, you deserve to be paid, if you don't, then you do not deserve to be paid'

WhiteRat Apr 5th, 2011 06:10 PM

I'm a big fan of rewarding revenue sports but then we'd have every woman and member of academia screaming to high heaven about Title IX and that's a mess that i'm sure most universities wouldn't want a part of.

WhiteRat May 12th, 2011 06:58 PM

ESPN doin it's thang:


Colonel Flagg May 14th, 2011 03:46 PM

My initial thought was "they can't ba serious" - but apparently they were.

Classless does not adequately describe that post.

Pentegarn May 14th, 2011 05:39 PM

Seems more like an onion article doesn't it?

Pentegarn May 30th, 2011 12:06 PM

Bombshell, Columbus Ohio. Jim Tressel has resigned


I defended him in the past but now I am convinced he has decided to flee much like Pete Carroll did. Now I am forced to sit and dread what else he did because I am now sure there will be more to come and Tressel has fled from it

WhiteRat May 30th, 2011 01:20 PM

SI has an interesting take on his resignation:

Also rumors are heating up on the interwebs that SI is going to publish a "damning" story tonight on OSU's football program.

Doubtful they get punished any worse than USC, IMO.

WhiteRat May 30th, 2011 01:58 PM

Here's a pretty good timeline of Tressel's career:

Pentegarn May 30th, 2011 02:05 PM

They'd better not anyway, or all the things I have thought about the NCAA will be proven right

Babs May 30th, 2011 03:26 PM

Usher in Urban Meyer. A local boy who got his first start in coaching at Ohio State. Would definitely be interesting.

Pentegarn May 30th, 2011 03:28 PM

God I hope not

WhiteRat May 30th, 2011 04:06 PM

The only way I see Meyer coaching at OSU is as the replacement for whoever they hire after Tressell. No way do I see Meyer coaching his first few years at a school under probation, scholarship reductions, etc.

Also Ohioans, you gotta love this:

WhiteRat May 30th, 2011 06:04 PM

Shit is bout to get a whole lot worse:

Pentegarn May 30th, 2011 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by WhiteRat (Post 723677)
Here's a pretty good timeline of Tressel's career:

My issue with that one is it is entirely slanted from the view of a MU fan so of course it will look like that. But MU has no rights to say anything, they hired Rich Rod once after all

WhiteRat May 30th, 2011 09:03 PM

And boom goes the dynamite:

Oh Tressell you hound!

One of Tressel's duties then was to organize and run the Buckeyes' summer camp. Most of the young players who attended it would never play college football, but a few were top prospects whom Ohio State was recruiting. At the end of camp, attendees bought tickets to a raffle with prizes such as cleats and a jersey. According to his fellow assistant, Tressel rigged the raffle so that the elite prospects won -- a potential violation of NCAA rules. Says the former colleague, who asked not to be identified because he still has ties to the Ohio State community, "In the morning he would read the Bible with another coach. Then, in the afternoon, he would go out and cheat kids who had probably saved up money from mowing lawns to buy those raffle tickets. That's Jim Tressel."

Pentegarn May 30th, 2011 10:17 PM

Tressel is in prestigious company. Like Urban Meyers and Pete Carroll before he bravely ran away away

Pentegarn May 31st, 2011 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by WhiteRat (Post 723700)
Shit is bout to get a whole lot worse:

And here's a better reply to Michigan fan


Originally Posted by Jim Rome
Hey Michigan fan how was your Memorial Day? I’m guessing the burgers were a little juicier and the brews a little colder in the mitten yesterday. Because you know, you’ll never get hammered by Jim Tressel ever again. And were probably bumping hail to the victor’s on repeat on your iPod dock at the barbeque in celebration. Well, you shouldn’t have been. You didn’t get over and now you’ll never have a chance to get even. You’ll never get another shot at the gym teacher who abused you so badly over the past decade. Sure, he leaves in shame, but he leaves 9-1 against y’all, so you be nearly as ashamed as he is. And you’ll never have the chance to make that right. Never get the opportunity to rip your dignity back from him. So stop acting like you ran him out of Columbus. If anything, you’re the reason he didn’t get run off sooner.

WhiteRat May 31st, 2011 06:53 PM

So have the Buckeye faithful turned on Pryor yet? I saw pics of his nice shiny 350Z that he drove to a player's only meeting last night and supposedly some network is going to run another damning story on him and his chronies. Something about pictures of some sticky and some guns.

Pentegarn May 31st, 2011 06:57 PM

Actually I don't think it makes a difference if the fans turned on him or not now he is pretty much done playing for OSU

WhiteRat May 31st, 2011 07:03 PM

The guy was trouble when during his recruitment he held a press conference to announce that he was delaying his commitment press conference. Also Charlie Batch was his mentor during the process so there ya go.

Babs Jun 3rd, 2011 03:44 AM

You're just pissed because Minnesota has a poor collegiate football program.

All that aside, Ohio State is a legendary program and will rebuild itself to be at the top again. Bob Stoops, Jon Gruden, Urban Meyer, etc... names of such can only promote a optimistic view on the bleak future provided for what is to be Ohio State's new football program, but one thing is for certain. OSU will indefinitely put its self in the position to be a worthy contender year in and year out, no matter what the circumstances may be.

Pentegarn Jun 3rd, 2011 06:08 AM

While Minnesota does have a struggling program, Whiterat has been accurate, Prior is trouble, Tressel cheats, and as it turns out, Tressel lied about his integrity as well which is the biggest slap in the face of all. If Whiterat is pissed about anything it is that this put a black mark in the Big 10's rep, and let's face it he is right about that.

WhiteRat Jun 3rd, 2011 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Babs (Post 723989)
You're just pissed because Minnesota has a poor collegiate football program.

All that aside, Ohio State is a legendary program and will rebuild itself to be at the top again. Bob Stoops, Jon Gruden, Urban Meyer, etc... names of such can only promote a optimistic view on the bleak future provided for what is to be Ohio State's new football program, but one thing is for certain. OSU will indefinitely put its self in the position to be a worthy contender year in and year out, no matter what the circumstances may be.

I assure you, my favorite team's poor performance has nothing to do with me posting links about the biggest CFB scandal of the year. I suggest you wipe away your tears with your wadded up panties.

Oh, and I will wager a banning from I-Mockery that NONE of these three will be coaching at OSU in 2011 or 2012. I don't see how any accomplished coach would want to take over a program that is likely going to be saddled with what is appearing to be the dreaded "lack of institutional control" tag from the NCAA. Yes OSU will rebound, they are an elite program, but unfortunately there might be a few pothole filled years on the road back to the top. Care to take me up on that?


Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 724008)
While Minnesota does have a struggling program, Whiterat has been accurate, Prior is trouble, Tressel cheats, and as it turns out, Tressel lied about his integrity as well which is the biggest slap in the face of all. If Whiterat is pissed about anything it is that this put a black mark in the Big 10's rep, and let's face it he is right about that.

All good points but the bolded sentence is what bothers me the most about this whole thing. I value integrity and in a sport in which it severely lacks, it made it really easy for me to root for Tressell and by extension (like i've said several times here before) the Buckeyes as well. What sucks for me as a Gopher fan is that Michigan and Wisconsin likely benefit the most from this in the short term.

And for what it's worth, I feel your pain as 2 years removed from a Big 10 Championship and a Final Four appearance, the very same guy that wrote the recent SI article exposed a massive academic scandal within the men's basketball program that crippled it for years.

Pentegarn Jun 3rd, 2011 05:03 PM

PSU will get some of that benefit too I assure you, even Illinois will reap some reward from this fallout

Pentegarn Jun 3rd, 2011 11:20 PM

Minor twist in the SI story, according to this they may not have all their facts straight


Originally Posted by article
“I’ve raised my son right,” the father told the Advocate late Thursday. “My son has no tattoos. He does not have any drug problems. I have every bit of his memorabilia that he’s ever got from Ohio State.”

The article questions if this claim is true but goes on to say that if it is the SI article's validity is brought into question. 2 different fathers saying these allegations are false though is something worth looking in to.

Further down

Originally Posted by article
In an interview with 790 The Zone in Atlanta, Isaac was very vehement in stating that Tressel was unaware of what was going on until Monus was indicted on federal charges, with the issues involving Isaac and other YSU players only seeing the light of day when they came out during the trial.

“Jim Tressel never ever knew anything about our dealings. I kept it secret. To say Coach Tressel knew about this car, or knew about this money, listen, the only way that anyone knew about the money I received from Youngstown State University was Mickey Monus got indicted on $1.1 million worth of embezzlement and fraud. In documents and public record, they found checks that were written to me. … That’s the only way that this situation came to light. … Other than that, no one in the history of the world would have known the Mickey Monus paid me a dime.”

While I tend to not want to believe this guy because he has a rep of a dishonest person, there's always the possibility he is telling the truth in this case, but that opens a whole separate can of worms because then it goes even further than the athletic department


Originally Posted by article
Isaac wasn’t the only person to refer to at least a portion of the piece as a lie. Now-retired Youngstown State University president Leslie Cochran told the Youngstown Vindicator that a quote attributed to him in the SI article was, in his words, “fabricated“.

“I never said that,” Cochrane told the Vindicator; “He absolutely said it. Not sure what more we can say,” Epstein wrote on Twitter when apprised of Cochran’s denial.

This is a case of he said/he said (paraphrase), and it will be impossible to sort this one out I think.

Bottom line is if this is true and SI fabricated some of the facts for this article, it will result in a shitstorm where those like me who have maintained the media has favorites in sports and those darling schools get a blind eye turned on their wrongdoing while Big 10 schools get put under a constant microscopic surveillance, will be out in force because this would put a piece of valid proof that our theory is correct out there.

WhiteRat Jun 4th, 2011 03:38 AM

For what it's worth, the SI author, George Dohrmann won a Pulitzer Prize in 2000 for exposing the academic scandal within the Minnesota men's basketball program, so I'm hard pressed to believe that he simply fabricated information.

Even if you throw those allegations out the window, there still is this whole matter:

There's simply too much smoke at OSU right now for there to be no fire.

Pentegarn Jun 4th, 2011 06:15 AM

Probably right, I was simply saying that if there was even a little fabrication (and if these 2 dads are accurate in their statement there is) it will call the whole article into question, and will make people question why SI published it and further supported it in the first place. Especially when every football program south of the Mason-Dixon line has smoke of their own, most of which have gone not investigated by any media outlet for years.

The more this sort of stuff goes on, the more I think the whole system needs to change, if we are going to treat men's college football and basketball like a business, we have to start paying all its employees. Right now the NCAA gets away with not only being a monopoly but it also gets away with labor working below minimum wage (in fact the athletes work for the minimumest of wages :chappelleshow.) These 'football interns' work for a slight chance to go pro, but most of them never will go pro. The NCAA pretty much promotes slavery when they promote these draconian policies.

Babs Jun 5th, 2011 03:00 AM


Originally Posted by WhiteRat (Post 724093)
I assure you, my favorite team's poor performance has nothing to do with me posting links about the biggest CFB scandal of the year. I suggest you wipe away your tears with your wadded up panties.

Why are you taking it so serious? It's all in good fun. Just mocking.

WhiteRat Jun 5th, 2011 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by Babs (Post 724407)
Why are you taking it so serious? It's all in good fun. Just mocking.

Your post came off as being rather crybaby-ish.

Babs Jun 5th, 2011 04:57 PM

it ight

MailCall Jun 5th, 2011 06:05 PM

Many "experts" seem to think that MSU now has the upper hand in the BigWhatever. They return seven offensive and six D players, but lost Mark Dell and some key O-liners. Plus they start a couple of new secondary replacements and LB newbies. But Cousins will probably be one of the premier QBs in the conference if Dantonio can input the right people at the line...plus the Spartan RB corp returns in full.
On D, Worthy returns despite the LB issues, and the team is tough up the middle. But not at the outside. They also start some talented youth at secondary. Their schedule is not too bad, with the tougher teams and a discredited and weakened Buckeye team early.
My choice? How about Nebraska?

Pentegarn Jun 5th, 2011 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by MailCall (Post 724498)
How about Nebraska?

They certainly have fortune on their side in the timing of this exodus to the Big 10(12) don't they

Babs Jun 6th, 2011 01:43 AM

I honestly believe defensive coordinator Luke Fickell is going to do an amazing job on both sides of the ball. I think you're going to see Barry and Hall run an explosive spread type offense with Braxton Miller engineering as the quarterback which seems to be a more practical and balanced duel threat QB (for atleast the first 5 games, quite possibly the whole season). I think Fickell is really going to utilize these guys, along with others, more than you would see in a Tressel style offense. Regardless, it is all about adapting for both the players and coach in a year full of turmoil.

WhiteRat Jun 8th, 2011 05:51 PM

CFL or UFL? So many tough choices!

Pentegarn Jun 8th, 2011 06:30 PM

Did that really happen?

WhiteRat Jun 8th, 2011 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 725278)
Did that really happen?


COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- The Saskatchewan Roughriders have acquired the negotiating rights to Terrelle Pryor and have spoken to Pryor's lawyer about bringing the former Ohio State quarterback to the Canadian Football League.
Pryor's attorney, Larry James, said Wednesday that the CFL is a genuine possibility for the ex-Buckeye.
"Yeah, it's like I told (the Roughriders). My house is not for sale, but at the right price, it's on the market," James said.
James was in a meeting and had yet to speak with Pryor about the Roughriders, however. James said he did not believe Pryor had ever mentioned the CFL as a strong possibility in their conversations.
Pryor, a three-year starter for the Buckeyes, announced on Tuesday that he is giving up his senior season while the NCAA investigates Ohio State players getting improper benefits, including tattoos, cash and possible sweetheart deals on cars. Pryor has admitted he broke NCAA rules by accepting improper benefits from a Columbus tattoo-parlor owner.
Roughriders general manager Brendan Taman told The Associated Press on Wednesday that the team owned Pryor's CFL negotiation rights and was intrigued by the 6-foot-6, 233-pound quarterback.
"He's a heck of an athlete," Taman said. "We get a lot of U.S. college football up here. We're well aware of him. With the (bigger) field up here in Canada, with the athlete that he is, he would be an interesting component to come up here and run around and do some things as a quarterback."
Taman said he was more concerned about Pryor's passing ability than his past.
"It (the CFL) is a pass-oriented league, so that's one thing he'd have to master," he said. "But as a runner he would flourish up here, I know."
Asked if the ongoing NCAA investigation into Pryor and the fact that he was unable to complete his college career would be a concern for the Roughriders, Taman said no.
"Any time we sign a player we check into their character and whatnot," he said. "If we get these talks advanced, we'd obviously have a thorough discussion with him and get input back on exactly what went down. What little I know about him, I don't think there's anything that's a major red flag that he's just totally a kid you would ignore."
Taman said Pryor is being looked at by the Roughriders strictly as a quarterback. There had been speculation that Pryor might have to switch to wide receiver or tight end in the pros because of his footwork and arm strength.
Pryor has other options. He could make himself available for an NFL supplemental draft, although there are questions about whether one will be held due to the labor unrest in the league.
He also could take a year off to heal from ankle surgery last January and prepare for next year's NFL draft. Many experts think that might be the way to go.
"When we look at him athletically I think he's a good athlete, but I don't think he's an athlete like (former Auburn QB and Heisman Trophy winner) Cam Newton," said NFL draft analyst and former general manager of the Dallas Cowboys Gil Brandt.
Or Pryor could even join another player who fell into disfavor and did not finish his Ohio State career, running back Maurice Clarett, and sign with a team in the United Football League. Clarett plays for the Omaha Nighthawks.
Nighthawks coach Joe Moglia didn't sound excited about the idea of that pairing.
"The job of any coach is to do what's in the best interest of his players, his coaches and his fans," he said. "If that were to come up, we would take a look at that. I'm not the type of guy normally who hypothesizes on something that probably, under normal circumstances, may not happen."
James said he will discuss the opportunities with Pryor, possibly next week.
"We would try to get through next week in order to do our due diligence, in order to figure out where we are," James said. "No. 1, try to figure out whether the NFL's going to have a supplemental draft. If they are, what's the timetable and what's the protocol. Then we'd also explore what are the processes and procedures for the Canadian league and what would be the dates and deadlines and decisions to be made."
He added, "And any other options that might be available for Terrelle. So we're going to go through A, B, C options."

WhiteRat Jun 10th, 2011 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by MailCall (Post 724498)
Many "experts" seem to think that MSU now has the upper hand in the BigWhatever. They return seven offensive and six D players, but lost Mark Dell and some key O-liners. Plus they start a couple of new secondary replacements and LB newbies. But Cousins will probably be one of the premier QBs in the conference if Dantonio can input the right people at the line...plus the Spartan RB corp returns in full.
On D, Worthy returns despite the LB issues, and the team is tough up the middle. But not at the outside. They also start some talented youth at secondary. Their schedule is not too bad, with the tougher teams and a discredited and weakened Buckeye team early.
My choice? How about Nebraska?

I've got Nebraska winning the B1G West and Wisconsin (especially if they get Russell Wilson) winning the East with Nebraska winning the whole shabang.

OSU isn't the only program with issues right now as WVU has forced out Bill Stewart allowing coach-in-waiting Dana Holgerson to take over a year earlier than planned. Gotta love how Stewart dug his own grave:

MailCall Jun 10th, 2011 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by WhiteRat (Post 725744)

OSU isn't the only program with issues right now as WVU has forced out Bill Stewart allowing coach-in-waiting Dana Holgerson to take over a year earlier than planned. Gotta love how Stewart dug his own grave:

The ESPN joke parade continues on. Rich Rod returning to the Mountaineers with his tail between his legs? How about Tress in the Big House?? :shocked

Pentegarn Jun 11th, 2011 07:58 AM

Oh yeah, ESPN is loving this. It's what they have been wishing for for at least 9 years now

Pentegarn Jun 15th, 2011 04:41 PM

So Pryor (in the ultimate match made in heaven) has signed Drew Rosenhaus as his manager.

First let me say :puke

Then let me say :x

I would like to add :suicide

That is all

WhiteRat Jun 15th, 2011 04:54 PM

I'm curious to see which 1st round pick a team is willing to give up to draft Pryor because Rosenhaus is convinced that's where he's going.

Pentegarn Jun 21st, 2011 09:37 PM

Pryor is going to be on an ESPN special



The one-hour show will air June 28 at 9 p.m. on ESPN and will re-air at 10 p.m. that day on ESPN 2
I wonder if he will use his hour on ESPN to announce he will not be playing for the Browns :lol

WhiteRat Jul 1st, 2011 08:44 PM

Looks like Oregon is the next program that could be in a heap of trouble. Chip Kelly may be going the way of the Vest:


WhiteRat Jul 5th, 2011 06:11 PM

WhiteRat Jul 13th, 2011 01:16 AM

Alright Buckeye fans this might be taking things just a little too far:

Pentegarn Jul 13th, 2011 06:07 AM

I seriously hope that shit was in the dudes will, otherwise ew

WhiteRat Aug 31st, 2011 12:56 AM

Fall is creeping ever so closer and with falling leaves and sweatshirt weather comes the great sport of college football. This off-season was one of the craziest in recent memory. Huge scandals in Columbus and Coral Gables, accusations of wrongdoing in Eugene and Baton Rouge, coaches unexpectedly fired (Bill Stewart at WVU and Butch Davis at UNC), and more conference musical chairs made for pure entertainment the past 8 months. Here's a quick refresher or for those who don't know the difference between FBS and FCS, a good primer.

Let's take a quick look back at last season. Auburn, led by Cam ($Cam, as Bama fans like to say) Newton, won the BCS National Championship over the mighty Ducks of Oregon. Newton went on to be the number pick in the NFL Draft. TCU also finished out the season unbeaten with a win over Wisconsin the Rose Bowl. Another possible BCS spoiler, Boise State, had it's season crushed underfoot like a 6 inch heel and a testicle, with a stunning loss on the road to Nevada in the regular season. Nebraska, Utah, and Colorado bid farewell to the Big 12 and Mtn. West respectively as they enter new conferences this year. Nebraska joins the B1G while the Utes and Buffs join the newly minted Pac-12. The Big 12 now becomes the Big 12-2=10.

Here's how the final AP poll shook out:

The Scandals

Now on to the scandals. Nobody died when Tressell lied, but his coverup of several players receiving several impermissible benefits cost him his job. Several players were suspended for part of the season including star QB Terrelle Pryor. Pryor subsequently left school and was drafted by the Oakland Raiders in the 3rd round of the supplemental draft.

Miami once again reached into it's bag of dirty tricks and violations. If the accusations turn out to be correct (some players already have been suspended), this is the biggest scandal in college football since SMU putting recruits and players on their payroll in the 80's. The mountain of evidence compiled here suggests that Miami will suffer the wraith of the NCAA, sans the death penalty. If you want some great entertainment I suggest reading this damning and hilarious article:

Oregon, Cal, and LSU might have committed a no-no when they paid notorious street agent Willie Lyles cash money for “Recruiting Reports” that were full of outdated info, making them essentially worthless. A check signed by Oregon coach Chip Kelly to Lyles himself made the rounds within the football world recently. Peep this shit if you like sleeze balls pimping out high school players for cash:

Notable New Coaches

Out – Urban Meyer
In – Will Muschamp (Former DC Texas)

Out- Randy Shannon
In – Al golden (Former HC Temple)

Out – Dave Wandstedt
In – Todd Graham (Former HC Tulsa)
Pitt had actually hired Miami (OH) HC Mike Haywood but then a week or so later he beat up his wife and got fired, thus opening the door for Graham.

Out – Rich Rodriguez
In – Brady Hoke (Former HC San Diego State)

Ohio State
Out – Jim Tressell
In – Luke Fickell (Former OC Ohio State)

Out – Jim Harbaugh
In – David Shaw (Former OC Stanford)

Out – Tim Brewster
In – Jerry Kill (Former HC Northern Illinois)

Out – Ralph Friedgen
In – Randy Edsall (Former HC Uconn)

Heisman Contenders

Last year Cam Newton blew the fuck up in his first year at Auburn, not only winning the NC but also the Heisman Trophy. With Newton leaving for the draft, here are 10 players that could very well win the award this year (in no particular order):

LaMichael James, RB Oregon

Andrew Luck, QB Stanford

Trent Richardson, RB Bama

Kellen Moore, QB Boise State

Landry Jones, QB Oklahoma

Marcus Lattimore, RB South Carolina

Brandon Weeden, QB Oklahoma State

Justin Blackmon, WR Oklahoma State

Knile Davis, RB Arkansas

Ryan Broyles, WR Oklahoma

Conference Shakeup

The B1G finally expanded to 12 teams with the addition of Nebraska. This also allows the league to FINALLY hold a legit conference championship game. This year's game will be held at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis. The 12 teams are broken up into two divisions, which are so horribly named it isn't even funny:

Legends Division
-Michigan State

Leaders Division
-Ohio State
-Penn State

The newly upgraded Pac-12 welcomes the arrivals of Utah and Colorado. No craziness abounds when it comes to division names; the Pac-12 managed to keep it simple:

Pac-12 North
-Oregon State
-Washington State

Pac-12 South
-Arizona State

The site of the championship game will be held at the home stadium of the division champion with the best conference record.

Also, next year Hawaii, Boise State, Nevada, and Fresno State leave the WAC for the Mountain West. Replacing them will be FCS (1AA) UT-San Antonio and Texas State. TCU will be leaving the Mtn. West for the Big East and it's automatic BCS berth. Also there are strong rumors that Texas A&M, incensed at Texas and it's monolithic Longhorn Network, will be bailing out of the Big12-2=10 for greener pastures in the SEC. Mormon powerhouse BYU left the Mountain West and is now an independent joining fellow rogues Notre Dame, Army, and Navy.

New Threads

Ok State got new jerseys. Supposedly they have 48 different uniform combos:

Arizona State got a new logo and jerseys, including this sweet black alt:

And of course Oregon has these new Pro Combat unis:

Under Armour likes to rip off Nike's Pro Combat unis so they puked all over Maryland and gave them these hideous pieces of shit:

These helmets are shit too:

Addidas gave Michigan these throwbacks:

A few other schools got new uniforms or Pro Combat editions but these are the ones that really stood out to me.

Here is the pre-season AP Top 25 Poll:

On the cusp:
Texas 114, Penn State 75, Arizona State 67, Miami (FL) 32, Utah 25

Before each weekend hopefully by thursdays, i'll be doing a small preview of which games to watch and why and also various news and tidbits relevant to that weekend.

Here's to college football!

Pentegarn Aug 31st, 2011 04:10 PM

-I wonder why OSU is ranked so high preseason? I was expecting them to not be ranked at all with the uncertainty coupled with the loss of Prior and the suspension of the other players.

-I did a repair on Luke Fickell's windshield just before Tressel was fired resigned

-you are not wrong about the names of the Big something's new divisions :puke

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