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Ninjavenom Mar 19th, 2004 09:12 PM

Dawn of the Dead
Holy crap, go see it!

It has Richard Cheese! :eek

It was way fun. Way way fun. Buckets of blood and guts! And lots of awesome zombie/people kills! I loved it!

Exploding heads!

I can't ruin anything for you! Just see it!

Zombie overload!

Snatchtastic Mar 19th, 2004 09:30 PM

And stay for the credits. It's fun to the very end.

Right now all I want to do is buy more shotgun ammo for my mossberg.

This movie is out of control. So Good.

DamnthatDavid Mar 19th, 2004 11:13 PM

I going to see it in 2 hours.

rainbowbrite Mar 20th, 2004 01:18 AM

My brother said it sucked. :( He works at the movie theater also.

Not that, that has anything to do with it.

rainbowbrite Mar 20th, 2004 01:19 AM

Except for the fact that i get to see movies for free!

ArrowX Mar 20th, 2004 01:59 AM

Is the Bigot Cop Still In IT!?!?!

And the Black SWAT guy from the origional was supposed to do a cameo as the 1legged preist

McWorld Mar 20th, 2004 02:55 AM

I can tell you one thing Zombies don't sit and wait for you to notice them they just come at you. Its an actiion movie not a horror movie

DamnthatDavid Mar 20th, 2004 06:09 AM

Some minor plot holes.
Still, one of the best Zombie Movies I have seen, if not the best.

28 Days, and Resident Evil are slow and boring compard to DotD.

Still, I had thought that the baby might pull off a few "Brain Dead" type scenes mixed with the movie "Carnivore" dino baby jumping out of the stomach type scenes. On hindsight, the directors proberly knew everyone was waiting for this, and left it out on purpose.

(Psst, that baby wasn't black)

O71394658 Mar 20th, 2004 09:24 AM

Was surprisingly good. Nice action, although the sequence of who was going to die was mighty predictable.

The movie's as much of a pure action movie as it is a horror movie. Had a lot of funny parts as well. Definitely much better than 28 Days Later.

Matt Harty Mar 20th, 2004 09:54 AM

They did a really good job with the guy on the other roof. The fact that they could sprint like olympic runners was awesome, and the terror scene in the beggining was great.

So what happened during the credits? I was leaving the theatre and I saw people on a boat but I got shoved everytime I tried to look back. Was it good?

Mr. Vagiclean Mar 20th, 2004 10:34 AM

it was just a little twist when they get *there*, kinda sucks for them :(

Movie was great, i was entertained the whole freakin time. How great was that part when Johnny Cash singing "The man comes around". It did a great job giving a real sense of watching the country go down with zombie infestation

the_dudefather Mar 20th, 2004 10:37 AM


they are on the boat, it has several sipplets of video camera recordings, of the guy who owned the boat with a few girls, then it moves to our plucky heros surviving the high seas, food goes rotten, fuel runs out, but they get to the island, but there are zombies there, presumably they die

anyways, now for my movie opinions, i actualy thought it was pretty good, not as good as the original but still good.

note the bruce cambell look-a-like guy who wields a chainsaw and acts a bit like ash ( and the old fat zombie woman who looks a lot like henretta from evil dead 2) :)

Mr. Vagiclean Mar 20th, 2004 11:02 AM

she and the baby zombie made me think of Dead alive

Mockery Mar 20th, 2004 11:12 AM

Someone in my Blog just asked me about this flick so I'll post my thoughts on it here too...

Dawn of the Dead is worth seeing once in the theatre I'd say. Better than most of the horror movies in recent years (ie: Cabin Fever, House of the Dead, etc.) but it still left much to be desired. There were some pretty funny moments in the flick, the zombie make-up was good, and they included a Richard Cheese song (he's one of my favorite people in the music industry today) so that was nice. Still, I didn't think the death scenes in the movie were all that great and the only similarity to the original movie is that it took place in a mall. Other than that, the story is completely different. So I guess it's good that they didn't butcher the original since they didn't even really try to copy it.

In the end, go see it with a couple friends in the theatre and you'll get a few laughs either way whether you like it or not. I just hope this film leads to a new Romero zombie flick that he directs himself. George needs to come out of the woodworks and show these kids how it's really done.

the_dudefather Mar 20th, 2004 11:29 AM

he wrote a script for resident evil and they chucked him out. i mean he did create the inspiration for resident evil, but they didnt care.

a lot of the zombie sequences ysed some very '28 days later' style shaky camera effects and the shadows of the zombies in the car park is very similar to the shot the the zombies in the underground car passage in 28 days later, i can go on for ages talking about other movies that influenced it but i couldnt be arsed.

i suppose the 'running zombie' effect is more a plot device than anything, as it makes it more plausable that the entire country can be taken over in a matter of days.

ArrowX Mar 20th, 2004 01:23 PM

the Beginning In the Womans Street Was Funny Theres an overturned carin thescene but the problem is Theres nothing around it that could have Overturned it lol

And the reason the Zombies can run is becase most infected are only bitten in the arm or shoulder. thus Still have the muscle capacity to run unless their legs are gnawed to the bone.

Matt Harty Mar 20th, 2004 01:45 PM

I don't understand how the infection could make it to islands anyways. Unless you somehow transported an infected person to each one

Ant10708 Mar 20th, 2004 01:46 PM

Its a horror movie. Its not suppose to make logical sense.

Maybe they can swim as fast as they can run.

Matt Harty Mar 20th, 2004 01:48 PM

They would've swam after the boat at the end. ;p

Well I guess it's fine since it was during credits, but I hate when movies end with stupid stuff like that.

Drev Mar 20th, 2004 03:21 PM

Zombie Fish! :eek

DamnthatDavid Mar 20th, 2004 03:48 PM


They in God Forsaken Wisconsion. A hell hole without the Zombies.

All they had to do, was camp out until Winter. The Zombies generate no heat. So when the harsh Wisconsion winter comes, they all just freeze where they stand. Total lack of movement.

Cap'n Crunch Mar 20th, 2004 04:10 PM

I thought it was pretty good. I liked it when they guy across the street was snipering the zombie movie stars. My only problem with it is they never really showed how the girl turned into a zombie to kill her parents. :(

Ninjavenom Mar 20th, 2004 04:30 PM

I expected more blood. Like buckets and buckets like when the first guy dies, that was my only complaint gore-wise.

And Anna didn't fucking die. Fuck Anna right in her fucking fuck ear. I hated her, and i knew she wasn't going to die, but i prayed the whole movie. That dumb bitch could've gotten everyone killed several times.

But other than that, great movie. :D

Cap'n Crunch Mar 20th, 2004 04:38 PM

Yeah, that cunt with the dog. >: I don't understand how they took the boat without the keys. In the one part the sarcastic asshole said he had the boat, and he took the keys with him. But later on he died because he turned into a zombie. I don't remember anyone picking up the keys at all. :/

Spooky Mar 20th, 2004 05:01 PM

I saw it twice yesterday. The original is my favorite movie of all time.

If you look at it as a remake, expect to be pissed. If you look at it as a zombie movie in it's own right, it's great.

Alot of the subtle nods to not just the original Dawn of the Dead, but the whole dead trilogy, may have been hard to notice, but still kicked ass.

It also seemed like the more decayed zombies didn't move as fast, but still ran. I mean, I'll always be more of a fan of slower zombies, makes more sense to me, but I guess it makes sense, if I was hungry enough, I'd run to catch food.

And they were in wisconsin, so i'd assume the island in question is in the great lakes somewhere, meaning it wouldn't be too hard for it to be infected by the time they eventually got out of the mall, although they don't reveal how long they're in there for.

all in all, see it. and see it again to make sure you didn't miss anything.

Mr. Vagiclean Mar 20th, 2004 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Yeah, that cunt with the dog. >: I don't understand how they took the boat without the keys. In the one part the sarcastic asshole said he had the boat, and he took the keys with him. But later on he died because he turned into a zombie. I don't remember anyone picking up the keys at all. :/

the nurse risks it and takes the key off of the sarcastic guy zombie after she shoots it in the head.

Cap'n Crunch Mar 20th, 2004 09:24 PM

Yeah, I must have been taking a piss or something. :( I asked my brother and he told me the same thing.

Protoclown Mar 21st, 2004 02:38 PM

I liked it better than the original. But then, I thought the original was pretty fucking boring.

mew barios Mar 21st, 2004 02:47 PM

light on plot, heavy on zonbis :o i heart.

ArrowX Mar 21st, 2004 05:47 PM

My moms bein gay and won't take me :(
so i'll buy it and play it everytime shes around she hates movies like that
all that was on scream yesterday was Night and day

PonchtheJedi Mar 22nd, 2004 03:34 PM

I loved the movie. Saw it twice, in fact. I didn't like how they seemed to introduce some characters simply to kill them off, though.

******************* Spoilers******************

Like the hot chick, who seemed to only be there to look good and then have a cool death. And the old guy who was trying on women's shoes. I don't remember either of their names.

Also, how come the gun store guy died so quickly? He got bit, and then was a zombie like 2 minutes later. The other people who only got bit died hours later. He specifically says that he was "a little dinged up, but ok"....any ideas? Or did i just miss something?

sspadowsky Mar 22nd, 2004 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by PonchtheJedi
I loved the movie. Saw it twice, in fact. I didn't like how they seemed to introduce some characters simply to kill them off, though.

******************* Spoilers******************

Like the hot chick, who seemed to only be there to look good and then have a cool death. And the old guy who was trying on women's shoes. I don't remember either of their names.

Also, how come the gun store guy died so quickly? He got bit, and then was a zombie like 2 minutes later. The other people who only got bit died hours later. He specifically says that he was "a little dinged up, but ok"....any ideas? Or did i just miss something?

I remember he said they "got him good" or they "bite really hard" or something like that. Maybe the bite was bad enough to kill him quickly. But yeah, I thought that was odd how quickly he died.

Overall, I thought the movie was a lot of fun. It had too many slow moments, though, and some of them could've been better used to develop the paper-thin characters. That's one thing that really irritated me. I know it's a zombie flick, but some time could be devoted to making the characters more than cardboard cutouts.

I'd probably go see it one more time. I enjoyed it, but I went in expecting what I got. I wasn't expecting an Oscar contender, but this flick could have been a lot better than it was.

ArrowX Mar 22nd, 2004 09:24 PM

The reason some people "Turn" Fater than others because of the sevearety of the bite or their heart rate because The Virus is transferred through the blood to the blood to the brain.

and there can't be zombie fish the virus only spreads through humans like AIDS. I still want to know what the initial release of the virus was caused by.

Cap'n Crunch Mar 22nd, 2004 09:32 PM

How would you know that stuff your mom won't take you to go see it. :lol

executioneer Mar 22nd, 2004 09:47 PM

its not a virus it asys in the trailer its because there's no more room in hell cant you read

Mr. Vagiclean Mar 22nd, 2004 10:02 PM

well there goes my theory about pirahnas spreading the fucking disease

Sergeant_Tibbs Mar 23rd, 2004 03:30 PM

Poor Andy :(

DementedElf Mar 23rd, 2004 03:32 PM

Well that was the tag for the original I believe, but it didn't stop them from adding the satilite part in the beginning of the first one at the last minute to apparently try and make us think it was gas from venus that was causing it.

wreckreation Mar 24th, 2004 01:05 AM

the little girl wasn't the couples daughter. she was a stupid neighbor chick. i only saw a minor minor mistake in just how the gun is out of ammo and clicks when those guns dont do that. I loved this movie and i thought it followed the rules really well.
I even think it is a good remake in that it keeps the spirit of the original in the whole world being infested and having a fortress with lots of fun stuff except for the legions of undead downstairs or outside.

Mockery Mar 24th, 2004 01:47 AM

I was hoping for a lot more kills/gore in this one actually. Gimme "Zombie" or "Day of the Dead" kinda kills damnit, that's what I wanna see more of!

wreckreation Mar 24th, 2004 02:06 AM

man i completely adore "creep factor" where it's all leading up to mass hysteria. When the zombies came running up the escalator into the main mall part i was in heaven.

the_dudefather Mar 24th, 2004 03:44 AM

it seems that you turn into a zombie the instant you die, and a bite causes you to die, so at the start when the husband got bit in the neck, he died quickly, and thus zombified quickly.

on an unrelated note, remember the kills in day of the dead, the guy getting ripped in half and so forth. that was fuuunnnn....

Dole Mar 27th, 2004 07:42 AM

I thought this was very entertaining indeed....nicely made, good cast, lots of action....the girls death in the shuttle bus with the chainsaw was amazing

executioneer Mar 27th, 2004 07:22 PM

any zombie movie i can sing along with is ok by me :lol


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