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Immortal Goat Mar 14th, 2006 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by 1UP.com
Sony has been anything but talkative these past few months regarding their plans for PlayStation 3. No one except Sony seemed to anticipate they'd continue to meet their projected spring release date in any territory, even Japan.
Today, Sony officially conceded defeat to the recent flurry of rumors and speculation, with Japanese newspaper Nihon Keizai Shimbun reporting the machine has been pushed back until November.

There aren't many details out right now, but Sony says issues over the finalization of copy protection technology related to their Blu-ray disc drive is the cause of the delay.

When asked for a comment, a Sony Computer Entertainment America spokesperson only went on record saying that SCEI has not issued any official statement itself yet.

As the news is coming out of Japan, that creates a worrisome scenario for America and Europe. There were already rumblings Sony wouldn't be able to launch in all territories before the end of the year, but missing out on the Christmas season over here could prove a deadly blow to Sony's next-generation plans.

Somewhere in Microsoft's offices, Bill Gates just opened a bottle of champagne. With more details expected at tomorrow's PlayStation conference and the Game Developers Conference just around the corner, it appears the flood gates (for good or ill) are about to be unleashed.

So it seems that Sony will be at a disadvantage when it releases, being the last console to launch, and missing out on the XMas season completely. In a way, though, this could be a good thing. Maybe now it won't cost a fucking fortune when it releases. It probably will, though.

Zomboid Mar 14th, 2006 11:09 PM

Wasn't one of the first confirmed details about it is that it'll cost a lot? Paying a lot for a console isn't a big deal to me, but I'm not lookin forward to the ps3 anyway.

Immortal Goat Mar 14th, 2006 11:45 PM

Paying a lot isn't so bad, but it is when you're paying a fortune, and it STILL doesn't cover the cost to produce. Here's a few PS3 facts to look over:

PRICE: Will most likely range between 500-700 big ones

COST TO MANUFACTURE: Closer to 900 bucks

BLUE-RAY: New technology, causing spike in prices, and difficulties in programming

GAME PRICE: Games will most likely cost between 60-80 dollars on the PS3, as compared to the 50-60 on XBox360 and Revolution

If you put all of this together, along with the fact that they will not make the holiday sales fever, you don't really have to favorable an outcome, at least within the first few months of the system being on sale.

One other thing I'd like to point out. The first Blue-Ray player costs close to $1400. If they are manufacturing PS3s for 900, then what is the quality of the components in the machine?

Zomboid Mar 15th, 2006 12:57 AM

Well, gotta say. None of this looks good for ps3 fan boys :)

ArrowX Mar 15th, 2006 01:00 AM

Its gonna be the dreamcast all over again! :lol

Immortal Goat Mar 15th, 2006 01:14 AM

No. No it won't. The Dreamcast released first, but was overshadowed by the PS2. THIS, however, is releasing last, and is being overshadowed by it's own shortcomings and massive price tag.

EDIT: Also, in reference to Zomboid's "fanboy" reference, I would like to point out to certain people (James, I'm talking to you, fanboy), that none of what I have said makes me a fanboy. It is all accurate fact with some minor worst-case scenario prediction. If you go off topic about how I fuck the ground Miyamoto walks on, not only will you be ignored, but you will prove that you have absolutely nothing valuable to say on any topic ever. Unless you are going to comment on the FACTS, or post links disproving what I have stated, then just keep your damn mouth shut.

Marc Summers Mar 15th, 2006 02:26 AM

I'm definitely not happy about the PS3 being pushed back, but at least theres a bunch of PS2 games I can still look forward to until then :/

James Mar 15th, 2006 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by Immortal Goat
EDIT: Also, in reference to Zomboid's "fanboy" reference, I would like to point out to certain people (James, I'm talking to you, fanboy), that none of what I have said makes me a fanboy.


This is what we call "carryover." Someone who can't let go has to bleed a conversation into other threads, to infect them with the same bullshit they got called on in the original thread. Be careful mentioning Sony anywhere on the boards, guys. Immortal Goat will keep saying my name in Bloody Mary fashion, calling me forth to once again smack him down for the fanboy that he is.

Also, be careful mentioning Nintendo, Microsoft, or hula hoops.

(In other words, Immortal Goat, I think it's been painfully obvious to everyone except you that I wasn't fucking serious, and you are an endless source of entertainment for getting your panties so bunched up)

Anyway, there's a rumor that Sony might pull off a REALLY ballsy move, and to a simultaneous release for Japan, North America, and Europe for November.

In fact, there's a conference going on as we speak, and I believe this may have just been confirmed for November 6th. I have to say, I'm really excited to see what the fuck happens here, as this could be epic, or horrifying.

Marc Summers Mar 15th, 2006 02:50 AM


1M PS3s to be produced per month :o

James Mar 15th, 2006 02:50 AM

It's fucking true. Change thread title now cuz this is CRAZY GO NUTS!


Holy shit holy shit holy shit.\\NO FUCK YOU MARC SUMMERS

Marc Summers Mar 15th, 2006 02:54 AM

Oh my feelings :(

"Hey how it goi-"

James Mar 15th, 2006 02:55 AM


James Mar 15th, 2006 03:01 AM


James Mar 15th, 2006 03:06 AM


Also, PSP base system $200 end of March. PS1 emulation for PSP coming.

All games to use Blu-Ray.

Developers told to make games with the assumption that a hard drive will be present.

All PS2 and PS1 games will be displayed in hi-def resolutions for the PS3

Basic online service is free, to start up when the PS3 is released.

60GB HDD with Linux pre-installed

Online service to be handled by GameSpy FUCKING SHIT ASS FUCK COCK NO

Unconfirmed: Price will be over $425.

Zomboid Mar 15th, 2006 03:20 AM

Ahh fuck. I wanted to get a revolution next and then finally a ps3 but whatever. I might just not get either of those if the 360 keeps being so awesome.


James Mar 15th, 2006 03:32 AM

I've really been very unimpressed with the 360 thus far, as have many folks. What about it are you so enthralled with?

Dr. V Mar 15th, 2006 03:56 AM

Sony pwned your asses. Viva Revolution!

Guitar Woman Mar 15th, 2006 04:03 AM

fuck these new fangled pieces of crap, all three next gen consoles are bullshit >:

Dr. V Mar 15th, 2006 04:21 AM

Not so. Like I said above, Nintendo's is shaping up to be the best of all, nay ever!

Guitar Woman Mar 15th, 2006 04:30 AM

i'm still kind of iffy on the revolution because i fear change :(

Dr. V Mar 15th, 2006 05:08 AM

Isn't that what every Nintendo system has done? Done something different that the other guys wouldn't? And they've been great, haven't they?

Guitar Woman Mar 15th, 2006 05:40 AM

they've been great, no doubt about that, but they haven't really done anything different than the "other guy" since the NES.

the_dudefather Mar 15th, 2006 05:56 AM

im more looking forward to rev, mainly because it will be cheaper :lol

ill probobly end up getting all three eventualy though, in years to come

Guitar Woman Mar 15th, 2006 06:07 AM

you reveloution buyers better watch out because i could totally kick the asses of everyone here at super smash brothers online >:

MetalMilitia Mar 15th, 2006 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by Immortal Goat
Paying a lot isn't so bad, but it is when you're paying a fortune, and it STILL doesn't cover the cost to produce. Here's a few PS3 facts to look over:

PRICE: Will most likely range between 500-700 big ones

COST TO MANUFACTURE: Closer to 900 bucks

BLUE-RAY: New technology, causing spike in prices, and difficulties in programming

GAME PRICE: Games will most likely cost between 60-80 dollars on the PS3, as compared to the 50-60 on XBox360 and Revolution

Another reason it is delayed is that the developers need to use a special compiler called the "octopiler" to compile their game's code to run on the cell processor. Last I heard, IBM couldn't get this compiler to work properly.

Immortal Goat Mar 15th, 2006 01:16 PM

There. Title fixed.

Honestly, this is the stupidest thing for them to do. They are going to release an unfinished system globally just to make holiday sales rush. It's going to cost a ton of money, while it will be going up against 2 cheaper consoles at the same time.

Plus, it's still using blue-ray, which will fail as a media format. Here's why:

Cost: It costs more to produce and code blue-ray

Demand: The demand won't be there. People will look at the two upcoming formats and say this "Hmm... blue-ray? What the fuck is that? OH! HD-DVD! I know what HD is, and I know what a DVD is! It must be good!"

Microsoft: If MS doesn't want a media format to succeed, it won't succeed. All they need to do is make sure Windows doesn't read it. And if that happens, Apple computers won't read it, because Microsoft owns part of Apple.

So, yeah, people aren't going to dig the blue-ray, they won't dig the price, and so far, the system is far from finished. Unless they magically pull a system out of their ass, the PS3 will be bogged down with more problems than the PS2 was.

MetalMilitia Mar 15th, 2006 01:21 PM

Also Sony seems to be loosing their court battle against Immersion about the dual shock controller which may see them paying out a shit load of cash.

thebiggameover Mar 15th, 2006 02:08 PM

japs love sony, japs dont love ms, and everybody likes nintendo. sony will be fine......

Immortal Goat Mar 15th, 2006 02:42 PM

Oh, Sony's gonna be fine no matter what. It's the consumers who will suffer from havinng to spend 500 bucks on a half-finished system.

Marc Summers Mar 15th, 2006 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by Immortal Goat
There. Title fixed.

Honestly, this is the stupidest thing for them to do. They are going to release an unfinished system globally just to make holiday sales rush. It's going to cost a ton of money, while it will be going up against 2 cheaper consoles at the same time.

Plus, it's still using blue-ray, which will fail as a media format. Here's why:

Cost: It costs more to produce and code blue-ray

Demand: The demand won't be there. People will look at the two upcoming formats and say this "Hmm... blue-ray? What the fuck is that? OH! HD-DVD! I know what HD is, and I know what a DVD is! It must be good!"

Microsoft: If MS doesn't want a media format to succeed, it won't succeed. All they need to do is make sure Windows doesn't read it. And if that happens, Apple computers won't read it, because Microsoft owns part of Apple.

So, yeah, people aren't going to dig the blue-ray, they won't dig the price, and so far, the system is far from finished. Unless they magically pull a system out of their ass, the PS3 will be bogged down with more problems than the PS2 was.

Demand: Remember when the PS2 came out? "Hmmm DVD? What the fuck is that?" PS2 practically opened the door to Japan for DVDs when it came out. Plus, there's always consumer loyalty. People who bought PS2 will most likely buy a PS3. XBox will go to the 360, Gamecube will go to the Rev. Sony has a large fanbase (over 100M consoles sold, I know that means there's probably less than 100M people who bought it :rolleyes), and they're using that to push their new media format. All I can say about who will win the media format war: we'll see. I hate speculating.

Microsoft doesn't want a lot of things to succeed. While they can't dictate what goes on in the market, they sure act like they can. Didn't they have some problems releasing the system? There were more than a few consoles that didn't work correctly, and there was a huge shortage. Sounds like the PS2 launch, I know. I know one problem was that if you turned the 360 from vertical to horizonal or vice versa, it scratches your disc to hell. There's a warning about this in the manual somewhere, but come on...

Don't talk as if you know the price. Saying that it's going to be $500 is just feeding rumors, just like if I said it's going to be $300 or $400 and freaked out about it. I never buy consoles at launch anyway. I usually wait until the first or second price drop. About the system being half-finished, we'll see what happens in November. I'm not going to talk as if I know how far along the PS3 development is, because I just don't know for sure, just like the rest of the public.

Here's why I'm buying the PS3: the games. There was not one game I saw as an XBox exclusive where I just totally wanted it. Some looking kinda interesting, but not anything that made me want to go out and buy one. All the games that I would like to play on XBox were already ported to/from the PS2 (Burnout series, SSX series), so buying an XBox would be redundant. Gamecube does do that for me with some games, however. If I ran out and bought a GC right now, I'd get SSBM, the Metroids, Twilight princess when it comes out, and maybe Fire Emblem or Mario Party 7 or Double Dash. For the PS2, there were just tons of games I liked. Katamari Damacy + sequel, Final Fantasy series, Guilty Gear, Ratchet and Clank series, Shadow of the Colossus, God of War, and I'm looking forward to Okami, FFXII, and maybe World of Mana, but I don't know enough about it to really want it yet.

Immortal Goat Mar 15th, 2006 03:52 PM

Buying a system for the games is the only good reason to buy one. Still, I have to address something about your comment on the demand for blue-ray.

At the time that the PS2 came out, DVD already existed. This time around, however, Sony has created a new media format just for the sake of competing with HD-DVD. Blue-Ray isn't that much better than HD-DVD, and it's too expensive.

Consumer loyalty is the worst reason to buy a console. Just because one company made it doesn't mean it will be worth two shits. I know that I will like some of the games on the PS3, and I will eventually own one, most likely.

Zomboid Mar 15th, 2006 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by James
I've really been very unimpressed with the 360 thus far, as have many folks. What about it are you so enthralled with?

Well, I'm not the kind of person who sits and bitches about graphics and things not being "AS GOOD AS THEY SHOULD BE!!!" or whatever and I've just really enjoyed it so far. Fun games, awesome graphics, controller, features. I'm not saying it's the only system I'll ever use ever again, but I'm enjoying it a whole fuck of a lot.

Marc Summers Mar 15th, 2006 04:49 PM

Consumer loyalty is not a good reason to buy a console, I agree. When I rented the N64 and the PS1 before making a choice, I was totally thinking about buying the 64. But after playing both, I totally changed my mind. Although that consumer loyalty isn't the best criteria to buy a next-gen console, that doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

Blu-ray holds 25GB per layer, HD-DVD holds 15.
You also keep saying stuff is "too expensive" when you don't list the final, official price :/

ArrowX Mar 15th, 2006 06:42 PM

Sony thinks there gonna do good no matter what, and if they backed out of Blu-Ray now and stuck with HD they'd be fine. They won't because they need the added 5-10 GBs to store all the super great in game models shit when in essence is useless. Take Metal Gear Solid 3 for example, it has fucking amazing graphics even if Its on the low end of the hardware spectrum (in terms of graphical capability)

My point is FUCK all this newfangled super graphics sure its nice but I dont' want to see more of these bullshit games that have amazing graphics but boast mediocre gameplay. Developes need to realize that the quality of graphics will top out VERY VERY soon and they need to start focousing on gameplay.

Supafly345 Mar 15th, 2006 08:04 PM

If they don't lower their price then they are going to end up like the Sega Saturn, when they didn't lower their price to compete they died out.

StupidNinja Mar 16th, 2006 02:09 PM

I think Sony is watching how the 360 is doing.First of all,Sony of all company's doesn't need a next console ,almost every person has already a PS2.Second,They are just trying to hype theirself with CGI demomovies (supposedly ingame footage) rendered on hardware that doesn't have anything to do with the PS3machine at all.I think Sony is pulling a "dreamcast" on MS here...

AChimp Mar 16th, 2006 02:48 PM

People keep mentioning "coding Blu-ray" and I'd just like to say that there's very little issue with making "code" work for "Blu-Ray" because Blu-ray is a hardware change that doesn't affect the data on the disc.

Hardware? Yeah. Drivers? Yeah. Games? No.

Guitar Woman Mar 16th, 2006 03:21 PM

Oh AChimp you silly everyone knows nintendo is the only (CONSOLE FINE W/E :rolleyes) videogame company that still cares about games :rolleyes

Royal Tenenbaum Mar 16th, 2006 05:59 PM

Konami. >: Sqaure-Enix. >: Capcom (sometimes)... >:

Guitar Woman Mar 16th, 2006 06:03 PM

I was talking about console-producing companies. I'm sorry for forgetting how many stupid fuckers post here, from now on I'll just recap the entire conversation in my posts so you won't have to read the whole thread you fuckmallet. >:

Supafly345 Mar 16th, 2006 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Royal Tenenbaum

She didn't say "care about making dellusional artfag crap"

Immortal Goat Mar 16th, 2006 08:50 PM

I couldn't agree more, Supa. While SOME of their games have proven to be entertianing (FF Tactics, but ONLY for the gameplay, not the storyline), most of Sqeenix's games rely too much on their own cliche' "angsty protaganist meets, wants, gets, loses girl while running into some WILD AND CRAZY GUYS on the way" bullshit stories that have fueled the entire line of games since FF VII (which SUCKED btw).

EDIT: Oh, and the gameplay in every Final fantasy game ever is the equivalent of going through a DVD menu, but the movies at the end aren't nearly as satisfying.

ArrowX Mar 16th, 2006 09:05 PM

Considering the next Final Fantasy is gonna be on the 360 :rolleyes

Square-Enix was one of the first to jump onto the 360 bandwagon, Blue Dragon among other games.

James Mar 16th, 2006 10:19 PM

I like how a thread about how the PS3 might be delayed in the US quickly turns into how badly Square-Enix (only homogays say Squeenix) suck.

Natural progression time: There hasn't been a single flawless Mario game for the Gamecube. Average/above average, fine. But nothing nearly as great as what the N64 and earlier brought us.

Dr. V Mar 16th, 2006 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman
you reveloution buyers better watch out because i could totally kick the asses of everyone here at super smash brothers online >:

Oh... oh it is ON!

ArrowX Mar 17th, 2006 12:46 AM

I seriously can't wait untill the "Annual Forum Smash Bros Tourney" starts!

Immortal Goat Mar 17th, 2006 02:51 AM


Originally Posted by James
I like how a thread about how the PS3 might be delayed in the US quickly turns into how badly Square-Enix (only homogays say Squeenix) suck.

Natural progression time: There hasn't been a single flawless Mario game for the Gamecube. Average/above average, fine. But nothing nearly as great as what the N64 and earlier brought us.

I never said that anything has topped Mario 64. That is, undoubtedly, 3d mario perfection. BUT, considering that there has only been ONE true Mario game on the Gamecube, that argument is kinda moot.

Guitar Woman Mar 17th, 2006 12:06 PM

What the hell do you mean above average? Sunshine was a bigger pile of shit than starfox adventures. >:

DamnthatDavid Mar 17th, 2006 01:24 PM

I played 5 minutes of Sunshine... that was to much.

Mario is a done bit. Zelda is the new nintendo mascot.

Guitar Woman Mar 17th, 2006 01:57 PM

The game disc for Twilight Princess better be made of pure concentrated awesomeness >:

Royal Tenenbaum Mar 17th, 2006 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman
I was talking about console-producing companies. I'm sorry for forgetting how many stupid fuckers post here, from now on I'll just recap the entire conversation in my posts so you won't have to read the whole thread you fuckmallet. >:

Fuck you. You weren't even remotely specific, and while I knew you were talking about console manufacturers, I didn't give a shit.

Guitar Woman Mar 17th, 2006 03:21 PM


Seven Force Mar 17th, 2006 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman
fuck these new fangled pieces of crap, all three next gen consoles are bullshit >:

If you're serious, I like the way you think.

James Mar 17th, 2006 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by DamnthatDavid
I played 5 minutes of Sunshine... that was to much.

Mario is a done bit. Zelda is the new nintendo mascot.

I seriously beat Mario Sunshine in 5 days. I had heard there were some butt-fuckingly tough parts in the game, and it seemed like it'd be really long and shit. But without even really trying, I tore through that game. I felt ripped off. :(

And those 5 days is the only time I've ever played my Gamecube. I've got like 5 shrinkwrapped games and a GBA adapter, and I've had the system since August. But my PS2 just gets the attention because the games.

"Hmm, maybe I should play Wind Waker now. Wait, shit, I forgot I had Ratchet Deadlocked to play! Maybe next time, Gamecube!"

Immortal Goat Mar 17th, 2006 11:11 PM

Wind Waker is a good game, though. While not as revolutionary as Ocarina of Time, it is still fun, and it addds new depth to the characters, particularly Ganondorf. It almost makes you sympathize with him, in a way.

the_dudefather Mar 18th, 2006 08:06 AM

the gamecube was all about eternal darkness for me, windwaker was great too though

Royal Tenenbaum Mar 18th, 2006 03:11 PM

Windwaker is the shit. The fact there are people with GameCubes who haven't played it yet is disturbing.

ItalianStereotype Mar 18th, 2006 04:03 PM

james, you'd rather play a ratchet game than a zelda game? what the hell, man, what the hell.

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