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FS Apr 15th, 2003 04:46 PM

WHAT are you reading right now?
In following of the "What are you listening to right now" topic in the Music forum, I present to you the question... What are you reading right now?

Me, Moby Dick. I felt it was time to check out some classics.

Ninjavenom Apr 15th, 2003 05:08 PM

Secrets of the Samurai, by Oscar Ratti and Adele Westbrook.

This is a pretty big book, and it's full of nifty little illustrations and shit. Samurai kick ass. :)

sspadowsky Apr 15th, 2003 11:29 PM

Stephen King- The Stand (again)

The SARS outbreak prompted me. I can dream, can't I?
Wendie 99

Cap'n Crunch Apr 16th, 2003 03:26 AM

I am reading people's post on the I-Mockery boards.

twiztid~juggalo Apr 16th, 2003 06:52 AM

i am reading.. online comic on www.geeksalad.net

glowbelly Apr 16th, 2003 09:25 AM

angry candy by harlan ellison

kellychaos Apr 16th, 2003 09:53 AM

I am reading Keys To Inifinity by Clifford A. Pickover ... again. :)

Esuohlim Apr 16th, 2003 11:04 AM

Lord of the Flies.

It's incredibly boring so far. :(

Protoclown Apr 16th, 2003 12:36 PM

I liked "Lord of the Flies".

Right now I'm reading Frank Miller's "Daredevil Visionaries: Volume 2".

Next up as far as novels go I have "God Emperor of Dune" lined up in the queue.

FS Apr 16th, 2003 03:48 PM

Ah, Lord of the Flies. An untimely classic.

Three flies for the shady guys in bowties.
Seven for the midgets, all each other's clone.
Nine for clowns over whom the baby cries.
One for the fat guy who came in alone.

...well, something like that anyway.

Incidentally, I started in Moby Dick and drifted over to Stephen King's The Waste Lands. I've been re-reading the Dark Tower series after I found out the next volume's set for June :rock

ShanghaiOrange Apr 16th, 2003 08:37 PM

Catch 22 :(

glowbelly Apr 17th, 2003 09:35 AM


sadie Apr 17th, 2003 11:13 AM

i'm currently reading anna karenina, palahnuik's survivor, the third force: the psychology of abraham maslow, and the sequel to bridget jones' diary. :hyper

Zbu Manowar Apr 17th, 2003 12:45 PM

I've been picking at Thompson's Great Shark Hunt because I've been too lazy to go and pick up something else at the moment.

Protoclown Apr 17th, 2003 12:48 PM

I like the funny books


kellychaos Apr 17th, 2003 12:50 PM

The Far Side books are STILL funny to me ... yup ... I'm an idiot. :/

The_Rorschach Apr 17th, 2003 02:52 PM

I've decided to go with a thesis rather than internment period, so most of what I'm reading is pretty dry. Current two on my desk are:

Nuclear Weapons and International Law in the Post Cold
by Charles J. Moxley

The Unbroken Record: Soviet Treaty Compliance
by Daniel Rosenberg

Chris P. Bacon Apr 19th, 2003 12:55 PM

Regulators by Stephen King (Richard Bachman).

kellychaos Apr 19th, 2003 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Chris P. Bacon
Regulators by Stephen King (Richard Bachman).

On a side note: The Stephen King reference brought something to mind. Has anyone notice a comeback of the short story format lately? I've noticed that many established writers including Peter Straub and Elmore Leonard have went back to the format. Does anyone think that King had an impact in making this genre open up again? Personally, I like short stories.

FS Apr 19th, 2003 04:27 PM

Could be. In the introductions to his short story compilations he tends to complain that the art of writing short stories is dying out.

And yeah, I love short stories - they help me sleep. When I'm reading a good book in bed, I have a hard time putting it down without the closure of the end of a chapter, and sometimes not even that. When I can finish a story in one evening, I have no trouble putting the book away before, ya know, sunrise.

Generator86 Apr 20th, 2003 01:10 AM

Kelly, as much as I love King's regular sized novels, I think his short stories are a fuck of a lot better. I'm far more apt to read something out of Night Shift or Nightmares and Dreamscapes on the can than I am to read a chapter of something out of a novel that I'm currently reading.

By the way, right now I'm pretty addicted to the Hap and Leonard series by Joe R. Lansdale. Man, that fucker is funny.

Atma Apr 21st, 2003 10:44 AM

Count Zero by william gibson

waterwitch Apr 21st, 2003 07:04 PM

"Myst - The Book of Atrus" by Rand and Robyn Miller
"The Dolphins of Pern" by Anne McCaffery
"Murder in Lamut - Legneds of the Raftwar Saga" by Raymond E. Feist
"The Shinning Ones" by David Eddings

...multiple books makes it more fun...

glowbelly Apr 22nd, 2003 09:48 AM

makes what more fun, princess?

waterwitch Apr 22nd, 2003 10:19 AM

please PLEASE don't call me princess....thats just plain insulting...

...and why would you care about my reading habits? if i think reading more books at once makes the general experience fun, isn't that enough explanation in itself?

glowbelly Apr 22nd, 2003 10:53 AM

you didn't say the "general experience." you said "it." i asked what.

get it, PRINCESS?

waterwitch Apr 22nd, 2003 10:55 AM

hmm...i'm a princess...how nice...i've given up trying to get you to stop it..it's a complement so why bother?

Protoclown Apr 22nd, 2003 12:13 PM


Immortal Goat May 1st, 2003 03:30 PM

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy; anything by Tolkien, and Dreamcatcher.[/u]

Protoclown May 1st, 2003 05:30 PM

You're reading "anything by Tolkien" right now? Did you perhaps glance at the cover to see WHAT you're reading?

Grazzt May 1st, 2003 06:10 PM

I'm rereading Watchmen.

Immortal Goat May 5th, 2003 11:03 PM

Yes, i DID look at the cover of what it is, its just that i am INTO anything by Tolkien. I read the series at least once every 2 years. The Hobbit, then on to LOTR, and i have yet to finish the Silmarillion. Thats a hard book to read because it is written in almost a biblical form. And also, it's not completely J.R.R.'s Work, some of it is his son.

theapportioner May 5th, 2003 11:10 PM

"Freedom Evolves" by Daniel Dennett. On hiatus, Wittgenstein's "Philosophical Investigations".

Cap'n Crunch May 13th, 2003 12:46 PM

The Pickleman Online Comic Book!

ziggytrix May 16th, 2003 03:34 AM

This thread is dangerous to the very existence of threads like this one. >:

Jixby Phillips May 16th, 2003 04:22 AM


Grazzt May 16th, 2003 04:34 PM


Generator86 May 18th, 2003 01:13 AM

I keep jumping between Tom Robbins' Even Cowgirls Get The Blues, King's The Eyes Of The Dragon, Crichton's Terminal Man, and, uh, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Fuck you, it's the best book in the series.

CastroMotorOil May 18th, 2003 03:56 AM

Im rereading Star Wars, Heir to the Empire, great triology.
Waterwitch, is thsi your first itme reading the ddings books? I am a fuckig naddict to those, have rad them all way to many times.

Yep. May 18th, 2003 04:16 AM

I'm reading a math history book cause i'm a nerd. Howard Zinn's "declarations of independence" is pretty swell too.

theapportioner May 23rd, 2003 05:21 PM

The Illusion of Conscious Will - Daniel Wegner
Orientalism - Edward Said
Gravity's Rainbow - Thomas Pynchon
a molecular biology protocols book

The_voice_of_reason May 26th, 2003 04:36 PM

I just finished "The Great Gatsby" it is good but not super i read all the Ender novels by Orson Scott Card inside of a month i could not put them down. "Xenocide" is my favorite.

ItalianStereotype May 28th, 2003 02:01 AM

Russia: A History
Illusions of Liberalism
Eastern Kings: The History of the Ottoman Turks
Crossroads of Twilight

JaKe Jun 2nd, 2003 03:39 PM

Mine's a cycle of the following recently:

Respect for Acting -- Uta Hagen
Mind over Matters -- Mike Nelson

mburbank Jun 4th, 2003 03:57 PM

"Werewolves in their Youth", Michael Chabon

Grazzt Jun 4th, 2003 08:55 PM


FS Jun 6th, 2003 05:38 PM

I've just received American Gods and the Divine Comedy translated into English, but I'm a little worried in that the translator (like many others) manipulated the text to achieve a certain degree of rhyme :( I would've preferred a raw, as literal as possible translation, I think.

Drew Katsikas Jun 18th, 2003 02:29 PM

I am obligated to read Frankenstein by Shelly, summer reading for Brit Lit next year. Ugh. Oh well, it's not too bad, but a little too romantic for my tastes.

For myself I am reading The Sun Also Rises. I'm going to start Winner Take Nothing, and I am also in the middle of As I Lay Dying by the Faulk-man.

JaKe Jun 19th, 2003 12:59 AM

Yeah, as i lay dying is pretty hardcore. Crazy Darl.

Jixby Phillips Jun 19th, 2003 01:24 AM


O71394658 Jun 19th, 2003 05:20 PM

The Art of War by Sun-Tzu.

Mockery Jun 20th, 2003 11:39 AM

Gummy Bear Jun 27th, 2003 01:21 AM

I'm reading Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. It's incredibly boring so far, and I'm only reading it for school. Yes, they gave me homework over the summer. >:

Daphne Jun 27th, 2003 09:48 AM

The Red Tent by Anita Diamant (thanks Glowy!)

Rongi Jun 27th, 2003 10:08 AM

Fight Club :(

Cap'n Crunch Jun 27th, 2003 01:19 PM

A pamphlet I took at the doctor's office about SARS.

kahljorn Jul 10th, 2003 12:24 AM

Hegel's Phenomenology.

Protoclown Jul 10th, 2003 12:27 PM

The "what are you reading now" thread. DUH! :rolleyes

AChimp Jul 10th, 2003 01:33 PM

When I finally do it, I want to be prepared. :(

sloth Jul 11th, 2003 08:13 PM

Gulliver's Travels. Then Huxley - Brave New World.

Zhukov Jul 15th, 2003 11:10 AM

The Iron Heel By Jack London[/url]

kellychaos Jul 15th, 2003 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by Zhukov
The Iron Heel By Jack London[/url]

Try "Sea Wolf" next. :love

Elecman.exe Jul 19th, 2003 08:18 PM

Reading "Johnathan Livingston Seagull" by Richard Bach

WorthlessLiar Jul 20th, 2003 12:37 AM

Shogun James Clavell

The_voice_of_reason Jul 21st, 2003 04:58 PM

Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. LeGuin. Also Zig Zag Zen: Buddism and Psychadelics.

sadie Jul 24th, 2003 06:17 PM

hermann hesse. i read this series of short stories about knulp, this wanderer whom everyone across the country knows, and i just finished gertrude, an awesome novel about a composer and his relationship with music.

Zhukov Jul 24th, 2003 08:10 PM

I'll try "Sea Wolf" if you read or have read "The Iron Heel" :love

Sethomas Jul 25th, 2003 03:39 PM

Timequake by Kurt Vonnegut, my second time.
The Crusades by Hans something, a translation
The River Between by Ngugi
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

KILLADEUCE Jul 28th, 2003 09:46 PM

Casca: The Eternal Mercanery by Barry Sadler

Almost done with

Karl Von Clausewitz: War, Politics, and Power

mburbank Aug 26th, 2003 10:21 AM

"Dreamland" by Kevin Baker

Perndog Aug 26th, 2003 03:08 PM

Anthony Burgiss - A Clockwork Orange

kellychaos Sep 3rd, 2003 11:54 AM

I'm reading The Road Less Travelled by M. Scott Peck. This is a book that I had to read parts of for a college sociology class and now I'm reading it for myself.

Ooner Sep 7th, 2003 11:10 PM

I had never read Catcher in the Rye before so I bought it a couple days ago.

Next is 1984. I'd like to read all those books that people are supposed to read but I never did.

Perndog Sep 8th, 2003 12:40 AM

Reading a really, dry, boring music history textbook now - right now, as far as recreational reading goes, I'm in the middle of Dune: Messiah.

AChimp Sep 8th, 2003 12:55 AM

Conan - Volume 2 by Robert E. Howard.

I get a boner from it.

Sethomas Sep 9th, 2003 10:30 AM

I'm currently writing up a thesis of my theory, so most of my reading is reference.

Catechism of the Catholic Church
The Elegant Universe- Brian Greene, pouring through it a second time.
The Confessions of St. Augustine
The City of God Against the Pagans - St. Augustine
Selected Philosophical Writings - St. Thomas Aquinas

I ordered off of Amazon a while ago:
The Illusion of Conscious Will
The Problem of the Soul
The Complete Works of Shakespeare
... Gotta get some leisure in there somewhere.

kellychaos Sep 9th, 2003 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by AChimp
Conan - Volume 2 by Robert E. Howard.

I get a boner from it.

I get a boner from some of the dust jackets.

Sergeant_Tibbs Nov 3rd, 2003 11:22 AM

"Shogun" by James Clavell (someone else said this)
and "Flatland" by Edwin A. Abbott. I recommend this if you’re into nerdy dimensional stuff.

Rongi Nov 3rd, 2003 02:57 PM

Preacher Vol5 Dixie Fried

this is the worst one so far :(

Ooner Nov 4th, 2003 12:23 PM

Naked by David Sedaris

irapas1 Nov 4th, 2003 04:28 PM

Entertaining, capturing, inspiring soul teaser
Piddler on the Hoof by SI Fishgal - history through the potent fiction, entertaining, capturing, inspiring.
The derisive living truth and death emotionally awake a Jewish preschooler in the Red Army's Rearguard during the WW2.
"Damn good soul teaser," wrote Barnes & Noble's reviewer. "No fruitless illusions, impractical fantasies and daydreamers. It's life, death, humor and true emotions. Coolest book on hottest topics, rich, vivid, fascinating, stimulating and gripping novel."

kellychaos Nov 5th, 2003 04:29 PM

Would you,
Could You,
Spam I am?

PonchtheJedi Nov 7th, 2003 05:36 PM

Well, you guys read alot deeper material than I do.

I'm reading The Dark Tower V : Wolves of the Calla by Stephen King.

LacrimansTaurne Nov 8th, 2003 02:34 AM

Mary Roach's Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers

It's a non-fiction work about all the stuff that can happen to a cadaver. It manages to be respectful and humorous, which is surprising considering the subject matter. One of the best things I've read in a while.

kellychaos Nov 8th, 2003 02:00 PM

I saw a discovery channel documentary about the history of using cadavers for medical study. In England, it seems there was a shortage of cadavers and two gentlemen (I don't recall their names) actually went out and "made" cadavers for a local medical professor. First, they started out with local homeless guys and then progresses to whomever was available and eventually got caught.

Dole Nov 10th, 2003 05:47 AM

They were called Burke & Hare. British entrepreneurial spirit at its best.

Freaky Sheek Nov 12th, 2003 12:29 AM

I finished Battle Royale a while back

I am currently reading Catch -22 (someone else said this)

Perndog Nov 12th, 2003 04:50 AM

Now I'm in the middle of both Satan Speaks and the Devil's Notebook by Anton LaVey. They're both pretty short, but I don't have time to sit down and read these days. :(

kellychaos Nov 12th, 2003 03:25 PM

Ahh, nothing like a warm fire with a nice hot, herbal tea whilst curling up with Lucifer. :love

Rongi Nov 12th, 2003 08:35 PM

I just read War In The Sun, which can wipes it's ass with Dixie Fried ten times over.

Blue Nov 13th, 2003 04:57 AM

All the drenai novels by david gemmel. Im through a fair few of them. The waylander series is the best i think.

ItalianStereotype Nov 20th, 2003 03:38 AM

I read those a while back. Besides Druss, there isn't enough keeping those books alive.

kellychaos Nov 22nd, 2003 04:28 PM

The reconciliation between science and religion, especially during the Rennaisance Period, has always intrigued me. This is a pretty fast-paced, in-depth and compelling read for those that are interested in the chronology of the earth and how it was arrived at from both the scientific and theological perspectives (see review below):

Measuring Eternity: The Search for the Beginning of Time

by Martin Gorst (Broadway Books, 2001) 338 pages


Reviewed by Paul Halpern

In 1675, London bookseller Thomas Guy sought a way to market Bibles to the largest possible audience. Under contract from the University of Oxford, he designed a new edition that—in addition to eye-catching illustrations—included a timeline of biblical events developed decades earlier by Irish archbishop James Ussher. Through meticulous research of the nuances of who begat whom and when, Ussher had determined that the world began at six o’clock in the evening on Saturday, October 22, 4004 B.C.E. Guy’s Bibles flew off the stands, and Ussher’s chronology, including his date for Creation, became so widely accepted that authorized Church of England publications reported it for centuries.

The tale of Ussher sets the scene for British science writer Martin Gorst’s fast-paced and witty account of the pursuit of the age of the world. Gorst, who has a knack for capturing the strengths and stumbling blocks of the key players of every era, chronicles centuries of debates among geologists, biologists, astronomers, and theologians concerning the way the Earth has developed. He shows respect for each competing theory, ultimately showing how science has progressed through clashes of once seemingly reasonable approaches.

The last part of Measuring Eternity concerns the search for the age of the universe, far too important a topic to describe in just a few chapters. Pity that Gorst didn’t develop it as a volume in its own right. As it stands, the book provides a far-too-brief history of modern cosmology appended to a marvelous account of how we learned about the venerable age of our planetary home.

bigtimecow Feb 7th, 2004 11:24 AM

God Bles You, Mr Rosewater (or pearls before swine) by Kurt Vonnegut

liquidstatik Feb 7th, 2004 11:34 AM

The Xenocide Mission

- My parents got it. It's pretty good so far.

theapportioner Feb 15th, 2004 01:05 AM

Pattern Recognition, William Gibson

Ooner Feb 15th, 2004 07:02 PM

Just finished: Me Talk Pretty One Day - David Sedaris

and Dream Boy - Jim Grimsley

Now reading: Going Down - Jennifer Belle

Next on the list: The Fuck Up - Arthur Nersesian

Big McLargehuge Feb 15th, 2004 11:33 PM

Dandelion Wine- Ray Bradbury :love

Mr. Vagiclean Feb 16th, 2004 06:26 PM

Catch-22, reminds me of Mr. Burbank's humor style :)

Drew Katsikas Feb 18th, 2004 11:02 PM

Waiting for Godot

As I lay Dying

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