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glowbelly Oct 5th, 2003 05:19 PM

adopting a greyhound
i'm gonna adopt a greyhound from the local greyhound adoption/rescue place. they were at petsmart yesterday and i talked to the lady and she said that as long as i have a fenced in backyard it doesn't matter if my apartment isn't huge. apparently they really don't like to run anymore, and prefer small places.

these dogs are so gentle and so sweet. i'm excited!!

Spooky Oct 5th, 2003 05:29 PM

until they eat your foot off.

Lotida Oct 5th, 2003 05:31 PM

I've never heard of a dog that didn't like to run anymore??

Good luck! :)

glowbelly Oct 5th, 2003 05:46 PM


HickMan Oct 5th, 2003 05:49 PM

Keep the blue, girlfriend. :picklehat

Good luck to you and your new friend, Glowbelly.

Jeanette X Oct 5th, 2003 05:52 PM

Is it a retired/abandoned racing greyhound?

roonTing Oct 5th, 2003 06:33 PM

I remember that greyhound guy with the greyhounds... yeah. Sorry.

glowbelly Oct 5th, 2003 07:03 PM

yes, jeanette, it is.

O71394658 Oct 5th, 2003 08:39 PM

Congrats: :picklehat

Snatchtastic Oct 5th, 2003 09:19 PM

Good for you for adopting a retired greyhound. But dont let him/her get to close too anything small and furry. My friends Greyhound ripped apart thier neighbors rat dog cause it was running around everywhere. Instict took over and the next thing we saw was blood and a squeeling blob being flung into the air.

That was fucked up!

Geggy Oct 5th, 2003 09:40 PM

I like the bumper sticker that says 'make a fast friend, adopt a greyhound!'

Rev. Danno Oct 5th, 2003 10:07 PM

Yeah GB! greyhounds are the coolest dogs to adopt...
My Ex- has one, it's the onlt thing I like about her...

Drev Oct 5th, 2003 10:12 PM

I do have a basset/lab mix that I want to give away.

I have to keep him in a pin because he could run away easily, and I want him to live in a better place where he can run. :(

glowbelly Oct 5th, 2003 10:57 PM

i have a kitten. we're going to wait until he's a bit older before we adopt a greyhound. i talked to the ladies that run the greyhound adoption organization of ohio and they said that most of the greyhounds get used to other pets in the household. the good thing about this organization is that they pick the dogs out for you, according to an application that you fill out and if for some horrible reason the adoption doesn't work out, they will take them back. as a matter of fact, they make you sign a contract promising not to give them to any other organization except theirs, if you have to get rid of them.

they also help financially if you need to board the dog in a kennel when you go on vacation, or if something catastrophic happens to the dog (gets hit by a car :(). i'm really looking forward to this. i've wanted a dog for a long time, but didn't really have time to train a puppy. i think this is a good compromise.

i get to save an animal!! :)

kahljorn Oct 5th, 2003 11:20 PM

on a drunken rage on night I freed some dogs from their fenced in prisons. only like two didnt leave, and only one dog bit me, it was one of those stupid fucking shitzus or some either tiny ass dog. What the fuck is up with those dogs, they should be called Napoleons.

glowbelly Oct 5th, 2003 11:23 PM

letting them go is worse then keeping them pent up. :(

kahljorn Oct 5th, 2003 11:29 PM

that's not true, I lived in a place they could run to a forest type area. Plus they could eat cats. I saw a coyote hijack a cat off a fence once, it was hilarious, and slightly scary.

glowbelly Oct 5th, 2003 11:35 PM

domesticated dogs are not meant to survive in a forest. cats or no, they can starve, hurt people or get hit by cars. so nyah.

kahljorn Oct 5th, 2003 11:38 PM

So basically I unleashed a bunch of hell canines bent on killing people and eatting their flesh? I feel so horrible.

I have a wildcat as a friend.

glowbelly Oct 5th, 2003 11:41 PM

yeah. or you caused a bunch of dogs to get diseased and hit by cars.

what's the bobcat's name?

Jeanette X Oct 5th, 2003 11:41 PM

Way to go, fucktard. >:

glowbelly Oct 5th, 2003 11:44 PM

watch your mouth, missy. mommies don't talk like that.

kahljorn Oct 5th, 2003 11:45 PM

Wow, you guys have no empathy for the survival ability of animals. Goto the pound, there are plenty of wild animals there. They somehow managed to sustain life in the wild.
I provided freedom, it is not my responsibility to lead their live's for them. If I did, it wouldnt be freedom.

I suspect God had a hand in this, that bastard, a switchblade in the moon.

soundtest Oct 5th, 2003 11:50 PM

I was like this close to eating dog last year but we decided to order eel instead. I kick myself for it everytime someone mentions dogs.

kahljorn Oct 5th, 2003 11:51 PM

it's not actually abobcat, it's just a normal cat i think that lives in the wild. It's black with stripes, it doesnt have a name, I just call it kitty.
there used to be a cool bobcat that came around, he ate alot of hummingbirds but wouldnt let me pet him :(

*edit* he's cool cause he comes and meows at my window when my music's on and jams out on my front lawn like he just smoked a fat ass bowl of catnip. I love that cat. He likes music. I bring him food. I wish he could talk, I want to write poetry with a cat.

Protoclown Oct 6th, 2003 12:00 AM


Rev. Danno Oct 6th, 2003 01:51 AM

kahljorn, I hope you get hit by a car when someone decides to liberate you...

kahljorn Oct 6th, 2003 02:16 AM

Really? I was always hoping to OD when I was liberated.

I hope you get locked in prison for no reason at all, born into a life of prison. With no chance for freedom, though you know you would want to. Explain how you would feel if you were locked in jail your entire life, and had never commited a crime. Lilke shawshank redemption, don't deny that was a good movie, yet he escaped. It was still good. In the real world there are chances of dying and failing, stop being such pussies and living false lives of orderly immortality.

Seriously, sit and think about what It would be like to be born into prison.

*edit* oh wait, a question first. have you ever even been in prison?

FS Oct 6th, 2003 03:24 AM

Are you going to name the dog Santa's Little Helper? Satan's Little Helper? Or Santos L. Helper?

glowbelly Oct 6th, 2003 07:39 AM

fs: no unfortunately. the dogs are already named, but you better believe that i thought about it. :)

kahl: the dogs you freed were most likely not born in the kennel you let them out of. they were domesticated animals that didn't have homes. you let them go because you were drunk, causing you to have some startling revelation about how it would be like to be born in prison. it was childish, not very well thought out and rather silly. if you thought the animals were being abused or neglected, you should have called your local animal control or protective league. otherwise, what you basically did, was free a bunch of dogs from a place where they were being fed, had a place to sleep AND had a chance to be adopted into a loving home.


kellychaos Oct 6th, 2003 03:50 PM

Humane Societies only keep pets for a limited time and then it's euthenasia time. So it's more a question of a quick death with feeding benefits while living in doggy poo vs a slow, agonizing, starving death with a chance of disease and vehicular dogslaughter. Neither alternative sounds that great too me. Of course, I can't speak for the greyhound organization of which you've spoken.

glowbelly Oct 6th, 2003 04:26 PM

the organization that i'm adopting from has saved 30,000 animals, and is a no-kill animal placement service.

kellychaos Oct 6th, 2003 04:34 PM

Cool. I wish they had a similiar style place for rottweilers, pit bulls, ect. A lot of dogs like that have a reputation for being vicious but it's really in how you train them. That being the case, if they do end up in the pound, there are seldom people who are willing to take a dog with that kind of rep. In my experience, the "toy dogs" such as terriers, pomeranians, shitzus (sp?), poodles, ect are the ones with the bad temperment.

kahljorn Oct 6th, 2003 04:36 PM

"otherwise, what you basically did, was free a bunch of dogs from a place where they were being fed, had a place to sleep AND had a chance to be adopted into a loving home. "

And they obviously enjoyed it there, so much, because they left(all except 2).
And I've been in "Prison" before; labor camps. So thanks.

Animals are born in a prison, it's called a backyard, they live there their entire life. Except the 15 minutes a day when they get to walk around outside(more like once a week for animals :/), OMG SOUNDS LIKE PRISON. Sure, they are loved and fed, but you know; I've heard stories of Children who were tied to beds and fed snicker bars and never let outside, or even just left in a cage, and their parents "Loved" them, in some sick way. How sick is it to cage a child inside and never let them do anything? How is it any better to do the same to an animal?
Go on, tell me it's Okay because they are animals.

glowbelly Oct 6th, 2003 05:02 PM

Animals are born in a prison, it's called a backyard, they live there their entire life. Except the 15 minutes a day when they get to walk around outside(more like once a week for animals ), OMG SOUNDS LIKE PRISON.

humans are born in prison, it's called the world, they live there their entire life. except the 15 minutes a day when they get to walk around outside (more like once a week for people who work full time jobs), OMG SOUNDS LIKE PRISON.

your analogy is silly.

comparing an obviously abused child to an animal that is being cared for is like comparing watermelons to paperclips. one is being hurt, the other is being protected. just because the means of protection may be close to what you deem as the same as abuse, doesn't mean that they are both being abused. what you did WAS childish and silly. you put a bunch of animals in danger because you thought you empathized with their plight. they ran because you let them out, not necessarily because they were unhappy.

like i said before, if you were a responsible person and cared about the treatment of these dogs, you would have called your local animal control and reported any abuse. instead you "liberated" a bunch of animals that were not meant to be put out into the wild, and let the people who were supposedly "hurting" these animals get away with their behavior.

kellychaos Oct 6th, 2003 05:16 PM


Everything is indeed permitted if God does not exist, and man is in consequence forlorn, for he cannot find anything to depend upon either within or outside himself. He discovers forthwith, that he is without excuse. For if indeed existence precedes essence, one will never be able to explain one’s action by reference to a given and specific human nature; in other words, there is no determinism — man is free, man is freedom. Nor, on the other hand, if God does not exist, are we provided with any values or commands that could legitimise our behaviour. Thus we have neither behind us, nor before us in a luminous realm of values, any means of justification or excuse. — We are left alone, without excuse. That is what I mean when I say that man is condemned to be free. Condemned, because he did not create himself, yet is nevertheless at liberty, and from the moment that he is thrown into this world he is responsible for everything he does.

- Sarte

Daphne Oct 6th, 2003 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by kahljorn
And they obviously enjoyed it there, so much, because they left(all except 2).
And I've been in "Prison" before; labor camps. So thanks.

Animals are born in a prison, it's called a backyard, they live there their entire life. Except the 15 minutes a day when they get to walk around outside(more like once a week for animals :/), OMG SOUNDS LIKE PRISON. Sure, they are loved and fed, but you know; I've heard stories of Children who were tied to beds and fed snicker bars and never let outside, or even just left in a cage, and their parents "Loved" them, in some sick way. How sick is it to cage a child inside and never let them do anything? How is it any better to do the same to an animal?
Go on, tell me it's Okay because they are animals.

You are so stupid, that reading your posts has given me a headache. I hope that you never breed, and I hope the animals you 'freed' (which I don't believe you actually did, by the way) bite off your cock so you can't have children. I also don't believe you were in prison. I think you're just a big dumb liar.

Freeing a domestic animal to survive in the wild, is like letting a retard out of it's retard house to go get hit by cars. I hate when groups set minks free only to have the poor things get run over by cars. That's not freedom, that's sloppy logic.

If you wanted to make a difference, open a foster home and take the animals in.

No dog lives in a backyard it's whole life (unless you live in a weird state), that's against the law. Most dogs live in nice houses with people who feed and walk them and let them play with other dogs at the park. If a dog isn't happy, you'll know. It will be anti-social and bite. Same with children who are kept 'tied to beds' (worst example I've ever heard, by the way) they would be weird, and withdrawn.

Stop talking, seriously. Kellychaos is coming off 100 times smarter than you and that should never happen.

kellychaos Oct 6th, 2003 05:21 PM

My dog loves you, Daphne. :love

kahljorn Oct 6th, 2003 05:27 PM

Oh no, some retard with an "I love you" photo strip is insulting me, my intelligence is so hurt.

glowbelly Oct 6th, 2003 05:30 PM

daphne is perfectly normal :lol

Daphne Oct 6th, 2003 05:35 PM

If you weren't a total retard yourself, you'd notice that Jixby and I have the same sig, and that we have it to make fun of the loser who posted that as her pic.....but way to not read my post and focus on my sig, proving just how stupid you actually are!

You know you aren't smart enough to win in an actual debate so you insult my sig. CLEVER :lol

kahljorn Oct 6th, 2003 05:36 PM

Who cares. THe animals would have been picked up by animal control, any abuse they recieved would've been noted. Then they would've had the chance to be adopted by another loving family. If they get hit by a car, it's the price they pay for a night's freedom.

The people "Abusing" the child don't always think they are "Abusing" it. They think they are protecting it or something. This is called "insanity". Now my analogy seems even better applied.

Animals have a "will" of their own, just like humans. That's why some animals will rip open your couch, while others would just prefer to pee on it. Another might not hurt it, merely lay on it. Ironic, then, that an animal would make the choice to leave when it so loves where it is.
Part of freedom is being able to make the wrong choices, and just because an animal is domesticated doesnt mean it won't survive in the wild, there are instincts. It's like saying a person won't be able to survive without their parents because their parents took care of them their whole life, and that's obviously true because we all still live with our parents.

I expect a lowblow or two in response.

kahljorn Oct 6th, 2003 05:37 PM

Yea, an online debate in which you already declared I'm faking/lying about everything I said-- you are so smart daphne

*EDIT* Also, there was nothing worth responding to in your "Debate" that hasn't already been responded too.
Unless you want me to respond to the cock thing((in which you signify your true feelings of hatred towards animals), in which I don't care about my cock. Thank you, have a wonderful day.

klownboy Oct 6th, 2003 05:38 PM

why am i responding to this post... damn i must be under some phycotic shit or something. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.. stop the poons!! >:

O71394658 Oct 6th, 2003 06:09 PM


Animals have a "will" of their own, just like humans. That's why some animals will rip open your couch, while others would just prefer to pee on it. Another might not hurt it, merely lay on it.
But this is where you make the biggest mistake. You're assuming dogs are capable of rational thought. They are not. Dogs don't merely do what they do because they have long thought processes. The dog will piss on the couch because it has to go to the bathroom. It will tear up the couch because it is bored. It may lay on the couch because it find the couch comfortable. They don't think in terms of, I'm going to "x" to this couch because I want to.

Dogs can learn, but they cannot think or comprehend subjects on the level that humans do. Take classical conditioning for example. Say whenever the dog hears the rustling of a potato chip bag, and it is present in the room, it will get a potato chip. Now, say you come home from the store, and open your bag of potato chips. Your dog hears the rustling and comes bounding into the room, salivating heavily. It has merely learned to associate one thing with another. The rustling of the bag means he gets food. The same could go with a fenced animal. The animal can learn that whenever the "master" opens the gate or fence, that they're supposed to leave the enclosure. Just because animals may run away doesn't warrant that they're unhappy in the least.

kahljorn Oct 6th, 2003 06:45 PM

Yea, because when humans smell food they dont get hungry, or when they are bored they don't come post on message boards. I'm so glad us humans are superior to everything on earth! I bet we even walk around better than other animals!
How do you explain animals getting depressed? Animals do get depressed. Go on. How do you explain sad dogs, or mad dogs. Dogs have a will. You want to say it's conditioning, what the fuck do you call the human being's "Learning". You were spanked when you stole candy from the store, now you don't.

This reminds me of the dominos commercial. You would respond to any situation just the same.
And some dogs dont like potato chips.
Some dogs like to eat feces.
But i guess that's just conditioning, not like there is psychology for human beings that says a child who is beat is likely to grow up and beat their child.

Evil Robot Oct 6th, 2003 06:47 PM

I might suggest "santa's little helper" for a name, or "Santos L. Halper"

klownboy Oct 6th, 2003 06:55 PM

fuck, 071394658, i clicked on that "do not click here" shit.
i had to restart my computer.

O71394658 Oct 6th, 2003 07:03 PM


How do you explain animals getting depressed? Animals do get depressed. Go on. How do you explain sad dogs, or mad dogs. Dogs have a will. You want to say it's conditioning, what the fuck do you call the human being's "Learning". You were spanked when you stole candy from the store, now you don't.
Dogs have brains. A chemical defect or imbalance in the brain has the ability to cause damage, which can result in mental illness. Humans have brains. Same situations apply. Thought processes in the brain are in no way related to two different species exhibiting similar mental disorders. Just because there are crazy dogs and crazy people, we're the same?

Dogs cannot think or comprehend on the levels humans can. They lack reasoning skills, and the ability to logically compare one situation with another. They can associate actions, but they cannot comprehend complex mental tasks (ever see a dog play the violin?)

For all intents and purposes, a dog will love its owners. It will liken itself as part of the family, and would do anything to protect them and to show them love. "Freeing" a dog would be analogous to me throwing you out of the house and saying you could never see your family again. Hardly a constitutent of "freedom".

Jeanette X Oct 6th, 2003 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by kahljorn
Part of freedom is being able to make the wrong choices, and just because an animal is domesticated doesnt mean it won't survive in the wild, there are instincts. It's like saying a person won't be able to survive without their parents because their parents took care of them their whole life, and that's obviously true because we all still live with our parents.

Good lord are you a moron. Instincts are one thing, but wild canines LEARN a great deal of their survival skills from their pack. A domestic dog doesn't. Do you have any idea how many strays starve to death?
Furthermore, were those dogs even neutered? Or did you just let them out to make more litters of unwanted puppies? Not to mention the risk of rabies from strays...


Animals have a "will" of their own, just like humans. That's why some animals will rip open your couch, while others would just prefer to pee on it. Another might not hurt it, merely lay on it. Ironic, then, that an animal would make the choice to leave when it so loves where it is.
A child, who has a will, and emotions of his own, can be raised in a loving, caring home, but that doesn't mean thatone who is too young to know any better won't wander off or go running into traffic.

BAPE Oct 6th, 2003 07:50 PM

i think in a perfect world all dogs would run free kinda like in that movie all dogs go to heaven but on the earth but therefore since this is not a perfect world we must conclude today that some dogs are better off in the forest like wild dogs and wolves for example and other dogs are good to cuddle with on the couch and they are good for other things too for example feeding them your vegetables under the table i do that sometimes also if i have to let one go and there are others around i blame it on the dog what about cats i prefer dogs but that is my personal opinion

kahljorn Oct 6th, 2003 07:59 PM

Well, if they make puppies they will have a pack, so that problem will be solved!
And anyways, at the worst the dogs will be eaten by coyotes, thus continuing the canine circle.

"Dogs cannot think or comprehend on the levels humans can. They lack reasoning skills, and the ability to logically compare one situation with another. They can associate actions, but they cannot comprehend complex mental tasks (ever see a dog play the violin?) "

No, but ive seen dogs play basketball and football, I've even seen them know the differences between a 3/8ths socket and a 1/4 inch socket. I've seen them herd sheep, and know not to let certain one's go stray, and that if another dog comes along to fuck it up. They know not to eat the sheep, and even how to manage all of the sheep into a pen. Sounds kind of complicated, there are human beings who make a living doing that.
You don't know what a dog thinks or feels, it's only your ego telling you you are superior to animals. You're just a moron who thinks animals are lesser than you, the same kind of person who thinks a rock is irrelevant to their life, which is fine, because simple people are relevant to my life.

Even disregarding all concepts of freedom and choice, captive and domesticated animals are a fluke in any case. If you have breeded something to the point that it can't wipe it's own ass or feed it's own mouth, then you have done nothing but create the suffering in the first place, creating a prison not of steel but of genomes and such. Regardless of if they all die, it will need to be done. All we do now to control the animal population is kill them all off anyway(population control is neat like that).
It's sad you say strays die off of starvation, when their other choice is to die by needle. There are children in ethopia starving! But they are starving better than a dog, because they can think complicatedly and play the violon.

Also dogs can count. Want to know how? Dog has six puppies, one gets missing(then there are five), so dog goes looking for other puppy. OMG THE DOG CAN COUNT!?!?

*edit* Also, I'm confused. Dogs are basically incapable of thought and "True happiness like us superior brand of human cause we can play the violon and use an abbicus". So they can't appreciate the responsibility of running outside free-- when they run through those pearly gates. They just do it because they are dumb animals; but if they are that dumb, then how can they appreciate the "Loving Home" where they are fed and cleaned up after? Annd if this is the case, why are you making such a big fucking deal about the whole thing? They should be just as happy rotting in a cage as in your backyard.
Oh of course, animals are capable of thought an dhappiness when they are happy in your backyard, but once they leave they are dumb animals! OKAY PRESIDENT BUSH THANK YOU SIR FOR YOUR OPINION.

soundtest Oct 6th, 2003 08:11 PM


If you have breeded something to the point that it can't wipe it's own ass or feed it's own mouth, then you have done nothing but create the suffering in the first place, creating a prison not of steel but of genomes and such.
I actually agree with your point on domestication. If people want to cry that domesticated animals can't survive in the wild, well boo hoo - people keeping them as pets is perpetuating these flawed breeds that serve no purpose but to serve humans. These animals are not only prisoners, they're bred prisoners... AND fucking slaves to boot! That's pretty selfish if you ask me.

O71394658 Oct 6th, 2003 08:31 PM

Sorry, mfer. But nature isn't politically correct. We most definitely are in fact superior. If we weren't, then we wouldn't be on the top of the food chain.


No, but ive seen dogs play basketball and football, I've even seen them know the differences between a 3/8ths socket and a 1/4 inch socket. I've seen them herd sheep, and know not to let certain one's go stray, and that if another dog comes along to fuck it up. They know not to eat the sheep, and even how to manage all of the sheep into a pen. Sounds kind of complicated, there are human beings who make a living doing that.
So what.


If you have breeded something to the point that it can't wipe it's own ass or feed it's own mouth, then you have done nothing but create the suffering in the first place, creating a prison not of steel but of genomes and such.
I would tend to agree. But just because dogs are capable of living amongst humans doesn't mean they're incapable of any actions that they're ancestors were. They just regard humans as family members, and have adapted to the situation.


Also dogs can count. Want to know how? Dog has six puppies, one gets missing(then there are five), so dog goes looking for other puppy. OMG THE DOG CAN COUNT!?!?
Wow. Stop the presses. They can count to six. Look out, Einstein.


*edit* Also, I'm confused. Dogs are basically incapable of thought and "True happiness like us superior brand of human cause we can play the violon and use an abbicus". So they can't appreciate the responsibility of running outside free-- when they run through those pearly gates. They just do it because they are dumb animals; but if they are that dumb, then how can they appreciate the "Loving Home" where they are fed and cleaned up after? Annd if this is the case, why are you making such a big fucking deal about the whole thing? They should be just as happy rotting in a cage as in your backyard.
Did you even read my post? I don't think you did. Sure dogs like to "run outside free". But they also like to be with their families, which happen to be human. They aren't dumb. They just cannot think on the same levels humans can, but in your case...

soundtest Oct 6th, 2003 08:41 PM



If you have breeded something to the point that it can't wipe it's own ass or feed it's own mouth, then you have done nothing but create the suffering in the first place, creating a prison not of steel but of genomes and such.
I would tend to agree. But just because dogs are capable of living amongst humans doesn't mean they're incapable of any actions that they're ancestors were. They just regard humans as family members, and have adapted to the situation.
Right, but I think this is in response to the statements made that 'domesticated animals can't survive on their own so it is our duty to keep them as pets'. If this is really the case - which I'm not sure it is... can anyone verify? - then by adapting to our situation they've lost the means to survive on their own. So it's our fault they're helpless and by perpetuating the species we're perpetuating these beings that depend completely on us for survival. Again, I don't really agree with this, I'm just saying that it's no reason to justify domestication.

kahljorn Oct 6th, 2003 08:46 PM

there's a funny thing about food chains.
Want to know what it is?
It's a chain.
A food chain is a chain.
When one element is taken out, another falls.
When there is no Elk, the tiger dies from lack of food.
When there is no tiger, the elk over breeds and eventually runs out of food(when the elk overbreeds the tigers will increase in numbers as well, thus balancing the equation).
When the elk overbreeds it eats up all the grass and other animals die off as well.

It eventually all comes down to plants growing out of dirt.
The dirt is what allows the plant to survive.
The plant is what allows the elk to survive.
The Elk is what allows the tiger to survive.
Without eachother they would die off.

Dirt is probably the bottom of the food chain, though it is not "Biological" as per claims of scientific fun (and I will not argue the "Life" of a rock now)
Our survival, is then, based on dirt.
Like a domesticated animals is based upon us.
We are better than the animal because it needs us to survive
We can't survive without dirt.
Ergo, is dirt better than us?

Thank you for playing 3rd grade ecology. I would tend to mention, there are technicalities of that, many many, but I would prefer to keep it to a simple chain. I'm sure you have the wonderful squishy superior human brain to analyze it!

On with the show..
"So what"

You said animals can't do complicated things, those are certainly "Complicated".

" But just because dogs are capable of living amongst humans doesn't mean they're incapable of any actions that they're ancestors were."
So are you agreeing that animals are capable of living in the wild like there ancestors? Wow, what a stern genius we have here...

"Did you even read my post? I don't think you did. Sure dogs like to "run outside free". But they also like to be with their families, which happen to be human. They aren't dumb."
So, when I let the dog go free I was giving it an aspect of it's life it loves, if it loves it's family it would come back, wouldnt it?
So again, what is the relevance of the argument against me releasing an animal, if they know what they like they will come back... Sure, they can't think complicated; but in the wild packs may seperate to hunt, but they always come back together, kind of how pigeons know to fly "Home". The same would go in the instance, were it the instance.

glowbelly Oct 6th, 2003 09:04 PM

you let them free, kahl, because you ASSUMED that they wanted to be free. just because they ran away, doesn't mean that they were unhappy. they are dogs, and as you point out, it is in their nature to run.

what you did was unleash a couple of domesticated animals into the wild thereby endangering them. you say if they get hit by a car that it's the price they paid for freedom? i say that if they get hit by a car, it's your fault for letting them out in the first place.

kahljorn Oct 6th, 2003 09:08 PM

OH God, what have I done. :suicide

Also, i don't recall saying they like to run, I said they liked to be free. Running can be an aspect of freedom, but so can drinking from gutters and shitting on your doorstep.

glowbelly Oct 6th, 2003 09:12 PM

you killed puppies >:

speaking of which (not that i am going to kill puppies, but puppies in general)...i want the greyhound named faith on this website:



klownboy Oct 6th, 2003 09:15 PM

grey hounds are cool and all but i think they kina look like horses. :/

Jixby Phillips Oct 6th, 2003 09:20 PM

grey hounds are cool and all but i think they kina look like horses.

Jixby Phillips Oct 6th, 2003 09:21 PM


klownboy Oct 6th, 2003 09:21 PM

dont copy me young man!! :blah

kahljorn Oct 6th, 2003 09:22 PM

Jixby's the biggest dick in the world, and I'm the only cunt that could take him and i still wont do him.

klownboy Oct 6th, 2003 09:27 PM


glowbelly Oct 6th, 2003 09:31 PM


let's try to stay focused on my pretty greyhound, kids.

kahljorn Oct 6th, 2003 09:33 PM

Is it a girl or a boy? Are you having a puppy shower?

Protoclown Oct 6th, 2003 09:36 PM

This debate sucks.

glowbelly Oct 6th, 2003 09:37 PM

it's a girl. we probably won't be able to adopt her until after thanksgiving, but my boyfriend and i are going to visit her either wednesday or thursday. we'll fill out the adoption papers and all that then too.

i'm going purely on looks with her. she just looks super gentle and sweet. for all i know she could be a terror.

i most definitely will have a puppy shower.

Protoclown Oct 6th, 2003 09:40 PM


kahljorn Oct 6th, 2003 09:42 PM

Can I come? I'll bring cake made of doggy bones, or a cake that looks like a doggy bone.

glowbelly Oct 6th, 2003 09:43 PM

you won't try to "liberate" my greyhound, will you?


kahljorn Oct 6th, 2003 09:45 PM

Not unless she starts crying, I just couldn't handle that. :wah

glowbelly Oct 6th, 2003 09:47 PM

it's her party, she can cry if she wants to

kahljorn Oct 6th, 2003 09:47 PM

I'll throw her reflections to the moon.

Jeanette X Oct 6th, 2003 10:47 PM


Well, if they make puppies they will have a pack, so that problem will be solved!
Your idiocy never ceases to amaze. If an adult dog has never learned to hunt, how the hell is it going to teach a puppy to hunt?

And anyways, at the worst the dogs will be eaten by coyotes, thus continuing the canine circle.
What a humane alternative.

You don't know what a dog thinks or feels, it's only your ego telling you you are superior to animals. You're just a moron who thinks animals are lesser than you, the same kind of person who thinks a rock is irrelevant to their life, which is fine, because simple people are relevant to my life.
Who said that humans were "superior"?

Even disregarding all concepts of freedom and choice, captive and domesticated animals are a fluke in any case. If you have breeded something to the point that it can't wipe it's own ass or feed it's own mouth, then you have done nothing but create the suffering in the first place, creating a prison not of steel but of genomes and such. Regardless of if they all die, it will need to be done. All we do now to control the animal population is kill them all off anyway(population control is neat like that).
So by that logic, killing would be better than letting them out into the wild.

They just do it because they are dumb animals; but if they are that dumb, then how can they appreciate the "Loving Home" where they are fed and cleaned up after? Annd if this is the case, why are you making such a big fucking deal about the whole thing? They should be just as happy rotting in a cage as in your backyard.
Oh of course, animals are capable of thought an dhappiness when they are happy in your backyard, but once they leave they are dumb animals! OKAY PRESIDENT BUSH THANK YOU SIR FOR YOUR OPINION.
Comprehension of abstract concepts such as "freedom" are not the same as comprehension of simple things such as comfort.

So, when I let the dog go free I was giving it an aspect of it's life it loves, if it loves it's family it would come back, wouldnt it?
Not neccessarily. Not all dogs have a good sense of direction, although some do.

kahljorn Oct 6th, 2003 11:32 PM

Dogs have this really strange and odd body part. It protrudes from their face like a bullet, often black tipped. It's called a nose. With this nose they can sniff for food. ITS FUCKING AMAZING, IVE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE IT.

"Your idiocy never ceases to amaze. If an adult dog has never learned to hunt, how the hell is it going to teach a puppy to hunt? "

I know this will be simply amazing to you, but long long ago, there were wolves. They were the first wolves, they had evolved from whatever they evolved from, and somehow they learned to hunt. They were likely inferior in not only brain but bodily functions, and yet, they found food and survived. How was this possible, I wonder? Did they "Learn" it when being hungry made them "Go find food". Or was it instinctual to hide in bushes and sneak up on shit? My cat can kill birds, and it was never part of a fucking pack. The kitties I had that were domesticated at my parents house could catch birds.
Also they can eat out of trashcans and spaghetti in the back off italian restaurants.

"Who said that humans were "superior"?"

If it wasn't you, there's a large chance(so large I obviously made a comment about it) it was someone else. Try reading through the thread.

"What a humane alternative"
Fuck humane, what comes about from being humane? Go on. Tell me, with all your fucking, "SAVE THE PLANET" bullshit(oh, i forgot all negative emmisions have stopped occuring all across the world and my computer is powered by a man on a bicycle at the powerplant), what has come of it but some fucking superiority trip over everything relating to being such an empathic lady. People like you are retards, save this, save that, I will tell you to over my electrically connected computer :/. Being humane is just a trip to make you interesting or special, and it fails. Shut the fuck up, hypocrite.

"So by that logic, killing would be better than letting them out into the wild"

Maybe, would you prefer I had taken a shotgun to the dogs instead?
Also, that was in reply to the proclaimations that a domesticated animal has no fucking ability to survive in the wild, and would plop over and die the second it get outside the gate. Maybe you should read context, ho. This is what we call "Juxtaposing".

"Comprehension of abstract concepts such as "freedom" are not the same as comprehension of simple things such as comfort"

Well, obviously the simplicity of "Being outside of a fence" is more comfortable than the simplicity of "a place to sleep and eat".

" Not neccessarily. Not all dogs have a good sense of direction, although some do."

Again, dogs have a sense of smell, and even without it, it just goes to tell the way life really is.

The only reason people want pets is because they are selfish, "I want something to protect my gold", "I want a cuddly puppy to cuddle with so I can feel cute".

*edit* I make myself laugh so hard, but sometimes the seriously serious replies I get are even funnier :(

Anonymous Oct 6th, 2003 11:32 PM


kahljorn Oct 6th, 2003 11:34 PM


Jeanette X Oct 7th, 2003 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by kahljorn

I know this will be simply amazing to you, but long long ago, there were wolves. They were the first wolves, they had evolved from whatever they evolved from, and somehow they learned to hunt. They were likely inferior in not only brain but bodily functions, and yet, they found food and survived. How was this possible, I wonder? Did they "Learn" it when being hungry made them "Go find food".

Cats are not the same as dogs. Furthermore, even though I grant you that some hunting behavior is instinctual, dogs are very far removed from wolves.

Also they can eat out of trashcans and spaghetti in the back off italian restaurants.
Then why are so many strays emaciated?

i forgot all negative emmisions have stopped occuring all across the world
Now what are you babbling about?

Fuck humane, what comes about from being humane?
I thought you freed the dogs because you felt that it was inhumane to keep them in the pens. Wasn't your arguement up till now that the dogs would be better off in the wild?

what has come of it but some fucking superiority trip over everything relating to being such an empathic lady
I don't even remember the last time I showed empathy to anyone on this board.


kahljorn Oct 7th, 2003 01:45 AM

"Then why are so many strays emaciated?"

Why do more than a million people die every year?

"I thought you freed the dogs because you felt that it was inhumane to keep them in the pens. Wasn't your arguement up till now that the dogs would be better off in the wild? "

My argument was they wanted freedom. The grass is always greener on the other side. I dont really care if they are better off in the wild, I'm not a Humanitarian, I don't believe I can help anyone and make some kind of a difference, that's just foolishness.

Jeanette X Oct 7th, 2003 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by kahljorn
"Then why are so many strays emaciated?"

Why do more than a million people die every year?

What the fuck does that have to do with anything?

kahljorn Oct 7th, 2003 02:16 AM

it has to do with the world being a difficult place to live in :/

Jixby Phillips Oct 7th, 2003 03:24 AM


glowbelly Oct 7th, 2003 07:05 AM

i just wanted to adopt a greyhound :(

executioneer Oct 7th, 2003 07:17 AM

thanks a lot for ruining this thread you jerks >: and I MEAN IT this time >:


AChimp Oct 7th, 2003 09:33 AM

For a while there, I thought Numbers Guy had saved this thread, but then kahl gayed it up again. >:

Krythor Oct 7th, 2003 12:30 PM

"so anyway about this greyhound :)"

"yeah sorry your greyhound is gonna be neat!"

"it sure is :)"


Fucking jeanette.

Anyway. I have a four year old Weimeraner or however it's spelled called Boris, which looks almost exactly like a greyhound. Almost as fast too. My dog's fat and lazy though. :(

glowbelly Oct 7th, 2003 01:17 PM

pictures of boris are now in order.

i used to have a weimeraner too. i also had a chocolate lab. hip hip hooray.

Bennett Oct 7th, 2003 02:34 PM

I have the coolest mutt ever. She is a dalmation-jack russell mix.

kellychaos Oct 7th, 2003 04:19 PM

Bacteria is the most sucessful living organism of all but they aren't free 'cause they're stuck inside a cell. It wouldn't matter if they were free, though, 'cause they have no brains with which to think. They do seem to have a will, though. Hmmmm ... perplexing. Oh ... we're done with that debate? Sorry. Yay! Puppy shower!!

Bennett Oct 7th, 2003 04:28 PM

fuck you for trying to ruin this thread again.
I'm posting a tiny picture of my dog from an article in one of the local papers, bust out the magnifying glasses:

kellychaos Oct 7th, 2003 04:37 PM

I have a rotweiler. He's big, stupid and eats so much tree bark that you can make an adobe hut from his poop ... but he's mine and I love 'em. >:

mburbank Oct 7th, 2003 04:38 PM

This is why Roy got carried off stage by his throat.

kellychaos Oct 7th, 2003 04:41 PM

Wouldn't have anything to do with that meat necklace ... nuh-uh ... no, sir!! >:

Bennett Oct 7th, 2003 04:44 PM

my pastor told me that roy got attacked because god doesn't like the gays and he told the tiger to attack him.

mburbank Oct 7th, 2003 04:47 PM



Krythor Oct 7th, 2003 05:42 PM


The only picture that I bothered scanning. :(

I have a ton of others lying around, but I'll have to connect the scanner up.

mburbank Oct 7th, 2003 05:57 PM

Well, my God, Man, shave! No wonder that girl said you were a three.

O71394658 Oct 7th, 2003 06:25 PM

What kind of dog is that, Krythor? A mastiff?

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