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MockBot Nov 30th, 2009 02:40 AM

Weekly Movie Review: Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen
Automatically generated comment thread for Weekly Movie Review: Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen.

DoctorSchmuck Nov 30th, 2009 03:48 AM

Great review, Proto, but you forgot to mention Devastator's giant robo-testicles. Seriously, did you miss them? They were dangling down when he/it was climbing the pyramid. Michael Bay is apparently quite proud of himself for that joke...I honestly thought of killing myself.

Hangie Nov 30th, 2009 06:51 AM

I don't know why but my cousins love the Michael Bay transformers. Everytime I go down to their place they try to get me to watch the second one, and this is just another source I can cite to tell them to stop.

Taco Head Nov 30th, 2009 06:56 AM

It's things like this that made me glad that i stopped going to the movies after 28 days later came out. Hollywood has messed up so many movies and I am not throwing away any more of my money on the sad piles that they try to pass of as entertaining. (note: I did enjoy 28 days later, i just thought it was the last movie that I felt was worth paying for.)

DougClayton4231 Nov 30th, 2009 07:59 AM

I was also very offended by the racist caricatures in this film. I mean in the last movie, it was just a break dancing robot who spoke in slang and got killed first, in this one, shit goes way to far.

Fuck Michael Bay.

nilus Nov 30th, 2009 09:23 AM

Taco Head, there have been some good movies at the theaters since 28 days later. Star Trek, District 9, The Dark Knight, Iron Man, Zombieland. Plus I am sure many more. Of course Transformers 2 isn't on that list.

puppetgeneral39 Nov 30th, 2009 10:07 AM

Shia Labeouf's tears are magic and life saving. Like that sock he had the Matrix in.

Also my web browser is telling me Labeouf isn't a word. I love Mozilla.

Dimnos Nov 30th, 2009 11:27 AM

This entire movie offended me in ways I thought not possible. Every copy should be smashed, pissed on, loaded onto a rocket and shot into the sun.

Julio Nov 30th, 2009 12:05 PM

Good to know I don't quite go to the movies anymore and rather wait until the DVD of a good movie comes out.

caffman Nov 30th, 2009 12:39 PM

only one thing wrong with this review Proto (and I don't know how people get these accents mixed up), Jetfire was a cantankerous, bearded, elderly Australian. Not British.

Jaimas Nov 30th, 2009 12:54 PM

I never thought I would see a movie not by Uwe Boll that would give Alone in the Dark a run for its money.

...This does. Horrifyingly so.

FrankCastle Nov 30th, 2009 12:54 PM

Australia has the Queen on their money, they're British.

Mister Tea Nov 30th, 2009 01:01 PM

All the warning I needed came from my roommate's glowing review: "It's just like the first one, only MORE!"

So more giant robots fighting, that could be cool. Unfortunately, it's still sandwiched between the alternately dull and annoying human-centered plots and some of... no, make it the most painfully unfunny attempts at humor ever shat out by Hollywood, ranking only slightly above Seltzer and Friedberg in terms of sheer agony. This movie's "comedy" basically works out to the filmmakers grasping you by the nape and screaming, "Hey look, these robots are acting like those crazy darkies we've heard about, and Shia LaBeouf's mom is trippin' balls on hash brownies! Now laugh at it, bitch!!"

Relaxing Dragon Nov 30th, 2009 01:16 PM

I agree about the part where they let Optimus' corpse just flop to the ground. Had me laughing throughout most of the movie. Total agreement in general with this review, but I think it was a bit too nice. This is easily one of the worst movies I have ever seen, made all the more insulting in just how much money was wasted on it (both to make it and to watch it). It's a film that gave audiences the privilege of paying to be spat on in four different colors (that is, silver and three shades of shit brown).

Dimnos Nov 30th, 2009 02:44 PM


Australia has the Queen on their money, they're British.
This is truth!

{quote]This is easily one of the worst movies I have ever seen...[/quote]

All the more reason not to waste time on it. Im actually kind of surprised Proto took the time to grace it with a review at all. :\

robo_rob Nov 30th, 2009 03:22 PM

After this movie came out, I was interviewed by a local radio station for my thoughts on it. I felt as though I had to apologize for all its... stuff.

All Hail Duke Nov 30th, 2009 06:34 PM

the movie was garbage,but i do prefer the complex alien designs over the 'precious' g1 purple cereal boxes,except Starscream,his robot mode sucks

Taco Head Nov 30th, 2009 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by nilus (Post 661171)
Taco Head, there have been some good movies at the theaters since 28 days later. Star Trek, District 9, The Dark Knight, Iron Man, Zombieland. Plus I am sure many more. Of course Transformers 2 isn't on that list.

Now I never said i havent seen a new movie since 28 days later, there have been some great movies that have come out. (I'm not really a star trek fan, it was good but more of my husbands kind of thing). I will not pay to see it in a theater, but i will wait to rent, buy on DVD, or have a friend lone it to me. Tickets cost too much at my salary right now.

caffman Dec 1st, 2009 04:14 AM

No, they are british convicts. Get it right please ;-)

caffman Dec 1st, 2009 04:18 AM

Oh and also does that mean that canadians are as well?

saturnknight Dec 1st, 2009 09:08 AM

the movie was bad, i'm glad i saw it for free... although it'd be the same if Godzilla was thrown into the mix... I'd love to see that, since Godzilla ALWAYS fights big alien beings from space.

Rufus the Perturbed Dec 1st, 2009 10:25 AM

Well, Proto got it spot on. Michael Bay needs to die for this and for Armageddon. One other thing that always bugged me about this movie and the first one: why in the fuck is the hero (I mean the whiny little bitch) named Sam? His name is supposed to be Spike! Spike, damn it, SPIKE!

Oh, and caffman: Canadians are French convicts, not British.

Rufus the Perturbed Dec 1st, 2009 10:30 AM

Hang on, if we throw Godzilla in, maybe he could eat Michael Bay... and Sam/Spike...hmmm

10,000 Volt Ghost Dec 1st, 2009 11:25 AM



I blame the writers strike for this being bad as it was. I wasn't expecting it to be supreme but definitely not this bad. I hated how they introduced Jetfire and the Fallen, they would do something for 5 mins and then wouldn't be in the movie for an hour. Then later on they're all like "Oh yeah, I haven't been on camera but I'm still here.....doing stuff."

Also, most Transformers look like they were from Lego: Bionicle.

Joe Musashi Dec 1st, 2009 02:46 PM

What I can't believe is that my parents REALLY LIKED this movie. Both this one, and the first. They were like this with Van Helsing too, and that movie was incredibly boring. I can't see what they find so delightful about them.

neoboman Dec 1st, 2009 04:36 PM

One of the worst movies ever made, bar none.

Protoclown Dec 1st, 2009 06:44 PM

I am reassured that no one has stepped in to defend this movie.

As for Jetfire's accent, I totally didn't get that he's Australian. And hell, I've heard a lot of Australian accents too. Huh.

Captain Seamus Dec 1st, 2009 11:38 PM

Now, I didn't mind the first one. It was cheesy, stupid, and cliched, but it still didn't cause my physical pain.

This is one of a handful of movies that made me want to commit harakiri.

DavidFullam Dec 2nd, 2009 11:37 AM

Perfect review, but be prepared for the onslaught of nasty emails you get from the legions of Transformer fans who take great umbrage when someone disses these highly important works of cinematic art.

Mister Tea Dec 2nd, 2009 01:44 PM

Let 'em try it; we'll rip 'em a new ass.

Ant10708 Dec 2nd, 2009 03:06 PM

Racist robots. cry me a river. And for the record none of the robots could "read the ancient text or whatever" not just the ones you see as black stereotypes.

It was a bad movie but this omg the robots are racist is so retarded. I see more white teenagers acting like the twin robots then black people. And when did black people have stereotypical buck teeth? I thought that was asians. And again for the record one of the voice actors for the racict robots is a black man.

I feel it is more racist to see all these things on a robot(stupidity,monkey features,illiterate) and assume it represents a black person. Maybe we should all move past these outdated racial stereotypes and then you will be able to see two stupid ass robots and not black people.

Its like when my friend told me Resident Evil 5 was racist because you shot black zombies. Hes the fucking racist for finding it less offensive to kill white and spanish zombies then black ones.

Ant10708 Dec 2nd, 2009 03:12 PM

And the other voice actor for the racist robot was the voice of spongebob squarepants lol. Considering a black man and the voice of spongebob came up with the direction of the voice I have to assume there wasn't much racism being played out but who knows maybe Tom Kenny hates black people and the other black voice actor is just a hater. I used the word hater in the same sentence as 'black voice actor' omg racist!

Ant10708 Dec 2nd, 2009 03:16 PM

Fuck this inability to edit. sorry for the multiple posts.

From the black voice actor "It's an alien who uploaded information from the Internet and put together the conglomeration and formed this cadence, way of speaking and body language that was accumulated over X amount of years of information and that's what came out," he said. said. "If he had uploaded country music, he would have come out like that. It could easily be a Transformer that uploaded Kevin Federline data. They were just, like, posers to me." God Bless america where whiny white people get more offended over supposed black stereotypes then black people themselves. Its your own racist beliefs that make you see the twin robots as black people and not just idiots robotic versions of someone like kevin federline.

robo_rob Dec 2nd, 2009 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by DavidFullam (Post 661482)
Perfect review, but be prepared for the onslaught of nasty emails you get from the legions of Transformer fans who take great umbrage when someone disses these highly important works of cinematic art.

Don't worry, enough of us were upset at the movie to cut down on that kinda backlash. That and... well... that kinda behavior has simmered down a bit in the past few years.

robo_rob Dec 2nd, 2009 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Protoclown (Post 661424)
I am reassured that no one has stepped in to defend this movie.

As for Jetfire's accent, I totally didn't get that he's Australian. And hell, I've heard a lot of Australian accents too. Huh.

If anything, I'll defend your review on our show. I even liked the movie, but man... it was pretty bad.

DavidFullam Dec 2nd, 2009 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by robo_rob (Post 661529)
Don't worry, enough of us were upset at the movie to cut down on that kinda backlash. That and... well... that kinda behavior has simmered down a bit in the past few years.

That's good. I did hear that a few did go after Ebert pretty bad for his take on the film.

saturnknight Dec 2nd, 2009 09:48 PM

wow... I thought the twin bots were Redneck stereotypes. but why hasen't anyone ripped into.... i think it was "wheeljack" you know the toy monster truck that humped megan fox's leg?

robo_rob Dec 2nd, 2009 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by DavidFullam (Post 661533)
That's good. I did hear that a few did go after Ebert pretty bad for his take on the film.

yeah, but no death threats this time... that I know of

robo_rob Dec 2nd, 2009 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by saturnknight (Post 661545)
wow... I thought the twin bots were Redneck stereotypes. but why hasen't anyone ripped into.... i think it was "wheeljack" you know the toy monster truck that humped megan fox's leg?

Wheelie, because it'd be like making fun of a retarded kid for being retarded.

Protoclown Dec 2nd, 2009 10:48 PM

Ant10708, I'm glad we could find something you're so passionate about.

DarkfireTaimatsu Dec 3rd, 2009 03:18 AM

I almost wanted to see this film, but I was too lazy to make cutouts of Tom Servo and Crow to bring to the theater.

@Rufus the Perturbed
I'd argue that Spike is too cool a name for the alleged hero.

ZombieRaper Dec 3rd, 2009 12:48 PM

The Rifftrax of this movie is pretty funny

Y-Hat Dec 3rd, 2009 01:55 PM

How can you review this movie and leave out the giant robot balls and the blantant wankery towards the military? This movie was horrible on so many levels. It's hard to make a bad Transformers movie, but Michael Bay loves a challenge.

hobbsend Dec 3rd, 2009 04:06 PM

First, spot review, this piece of crap wasn't worth the time and/or money put into it. Secondly, golf clap for our heroic Proto for proper use of the term "MacGuffins". That just made happy in ways it shouldn't

Mister Tea Dec 4th, 2009 02:38 PM

Ant10708: Do not assume that I subscribe to politically correct thinking. I don't by that "wigger" shit for a second, but I couldn't care less if the dumbasses behind this movie wanted to make racial jokes or not. No, my problem with the shuckin' and jivin' robots in Transformers 2 is that they, like everything else in both movies, are simply not funny. No form of humor should ever be off limits, but it has to be done well.

Even with the Rifftrax for the first Transformers, I had trouble sitting through the movie's execrable "humor," and sat wondering what sort of imbecile could possibly find it funny. The only thing I could come up with is the loud, doughy, red-faced dork who nearly dies laughing as he watches Two and a Half Men. And I really hope that guy is happy, because non-idiots found the movie was so unfunny it hurt.

Kilgore Cod Dec 4th, 2009 09:05 PM

I liked both movies but at the same time, I simply can't defend them. They are junk cinema, and I sure love me some Doritos.

It helps that I view them as disaster movies, except with lots of bad attempts at humor.

HowardC Dec 5th, 2009 12:57 AM

Actually it's a disaster movie in every sense of the word. The casting, character design, voice acting (with a few obvious exceptions of course) and plot... all disasterous. :D

I agree though. They are a fun movie to watch... ONCE... and then block it out and blame it on the booze.

Nick Dec 5th, 2009 01:08 AM

Longest review ever!

Cheesoboy Dec 5th, 2009 01:37 PM

I went and saw this movie with some friends at a Drive-in theater (I had a DD) and we had a cooler of beverages to get us through this monstrosity (I wanted to see the new Terminator movie which was the second part of the double feature). I pledged to take a drink every time Shia or any other crappy actor/actress said something bumbling, inane, sophomoric, or unfunny and suffice it to say, I am quite sure I was quite tipsy 25 minutes into the movie. The only upside is I was able to time subsequent bathroom breaks for everytime people started talking the rest of the movie. Even devoid of a good portion of the dialogue the movie was still hard to watch and once Sam's parents were caught in Egypt, ducking and diving in slo-mo, and his dad had started shouting, "I'M GOING WITH YOU!" with cheesy instumentals in the background I nearly entered a coma.

I sadly remember very little about T4 thanks to this movie, although I suspect I was not overly impressed/borderline let down.

Days later my friends and I placed a bet on whether the next movie will have a Spanish talking, salsa dancing bot who transforms from a Taco Stand and hotwires cars or a slanty-eyed bot that can't pronounce its "Rs" that transforms into a rice cooker. BECAUSE IT'S OKAY IF THEY ARE ROBOTS (sarcasm). I'm quite sure "Revenge of the Fallen" is the closest I will come to seeing contemporary blackface in cinema.

This movie made me caress and cradle my VHS copy of the real Transformers movie for dear life:-( It's quite sad that even with Proto's lengthy and accurate analysis of the movie we could all easily find pages of additional faults...

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