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Chojin Jul 12th, 2011 07:11 AM

Your top 10 (or 5) games
What are your personal top 10 (or 5) games of all time? This would be how you feel about them now, nostalgia and everything included.

For bonus points, include the system you played it on and the year of release.

My top 10:
1. Max Payne 2 (PC, 2003)
2. Marathon 2 (Mac, 1995)
3. Mario 64 (N64, 1996)
4. The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past (SNES, 1991)
5. Burnout 3: Takedown (Xbox, 2004)
6. Mario Strikers Charged (Wii, 2007)
7. Goldeneye 007 (N64, 1997)
8. Um Jammer Lammy (PS1, 1999)
9. Quake (PC, 1996)
10. Fallout 2 (PC, 1999)

Fathom Zero Jul 12th, 2011 07:29 AM

Gauntlet Legends for the N64.

Shadow Hearts: Covenant for the PS2.

Persona 4 for the PS2.

Earthbound or Digital Devil Story on the SNES. They both tickle the same spot in my brain.

Deadly Premonition for the Xbox 360. 2010.

STALKER: Call of Pripyat - PC. 2009? Yeah.

Hitman: Blood Money - PC. 2004, I believe. Maybe '05.

Max Payne 2 - Xbox. 2003, then.

Team Fortress 2, for PC of course. Released in 2007 and looks to last a lot longer.

and Mushihimesama Futari for the Xbox 360.

EDIT - Special Mention. One of the most memorable, but most fucked to play was Robot Alchemic Drive. It felt exactly like controlling a giant robot. I loved it so, even though I was never able to beat it.

Chojin Jul 12th, 2011 07:31 AM

oh wow, i didn't know anyone else even liked max payne 2

i want to put Sonic 2 on my list, but i wouldn't bump anything for it

Fathom Zero Jul 12th, 2011 07:35 AM

Max Payne tapped into the noir center of my mind. It's one of the first few on the list any time someone asks me.

EDIT: Max Payne 2 specifically because it was just as good from a story standpoint as the first, at least for me, but, being that it came out later, it's inner workings are a lot better.

Dimnos Jul 12th, 2011 10:16 AM

In no real order and Im sure 10 min from now I will think of others I will have to bump some of these for...

1) Chrono Trigger
2) FF3 (or 6 really I guess)
3) Shadowrun (SNES version)
4) Mortal Kombat Trilogy
5) Jedi Outcast (PC)
6) Smash TV
7) Secret of Mana
8) Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen
9) Link to the Past
10) Turok 2? (The one with the cerebral bore)

Fathom Zero Jul 12th, 2011 10:32 AM

Oh man, Jedi Outcast was so good.

And I loved the Legacy of Kain games to death. I want to pick up another copy of Soul Reaver again, coz Raziel is so badass.

creeposaurus Jul 12th, 2011 10:53 AM

1) Tekken 3 for PS2
2) Mario Kart DS for DS
3) Killer Instinct for Super Nintendo
4) Metroid Prime for GC
5) The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker for GC

darkvare Jul 12th, 2011 11:30 AM

1.-zelda a link to the past(snes, 1991) and ocarina of time(n64, 1998) the only zelda games i have completed up to 20 times each
2.-resident evil 2 (n64, 1994)
3.-red dead redemption(ps3, 2010)
4.-super street fighter 4(ps3, 2010)
5.-max payne 2 (xbox, 2003)
6.-warcraft 3 (pc, 2002)
7.-time splitters 2 (gc, 2002)
8.-resident evil 4 (gc, 2005)
9.-gta san andreas (xbox, 2004)
10.-contra 3: the alien wars (snes, 1992)

King Hadas Jul 12th, 2011 12:19 PM

Jade Empire (xbox)
Resident Evil 4 (gc and then the ps2)
Silent Hill 2 (ps2)
Zelda: Windwaker (gc)
Super Smash Bros: Melee (gc)
Merry Gear Solid 2 (pc, freeware)
Viriax (pc, freeware)
Final Fantasy 5 (psx and then gba)
Chrono Cross (psx)
Kingdom Hearts (ps2)

mew barios Jul 12th, 2011 01:03 PM

i guess this will be a list of games i keep coming back to replay the most since favorite is hard for me :<

final fantasy (1987 NES)
shadowgate (1989 NES)
soul reaver (2000 Dreamcast), soul reaver 2 (2001 PC), lok: defiance (2003 PC)
castlevania 2 (1987 NES), chi no rondo (1993 TurboDuo), symphony of the night (1997 PS1)
snatcher (1994 SegaCD)
kirby's adventure (1993 NES)
chakan: the forever man (1992 Genesis)
zelda 2 (1987 NES), link's awakening (1993 Gameboy), LttP (1991 SNES), OoT (1998 N64)
nightmare creatures (1997 PC)
devil's crush (1990 TurboDuo)

thats just the first 10 series' i thought of, if possible i woulda crammed wc3 and mars matrix and demon attack and silent hill and system shock 2 in there. i could probably write a list beyond the sun

ItalianStereotype Jul 12th, 2011 01:16 PM

Aw lawdy, what a question.

In no particular order:

Castlevania 2
Symphony of the Night
Eternal Darkness
Dynasty Warriors, generally would say 3, but 7 is quickly taking its place.
Warcraft 2
Guilty Gear XX
Mirror's Edge
Mega Man 3
Super Mario RPG
Mechwarrior 2

Grislygus Jul 12th, 2011 02:57 PM

Top 10, Uuuuh, Jesus. In no order:

1. Trog!- 1991, NES
I think out of every single NES game to have multiplayer, my friends and I spent the longest on that one by far, not even Bubble Bobble came close

2. Fire n' Ice- 1993 NES
I couldn't actually let this one go, even though I sold my NES lol. I remember we'd all sit around in a group and try to figure it out together for fucking hours. Only puzzle game I really liked.

3. Some sword-fighting game where you play a guy progressing through a stage and fight various enemies one-on-one- NES

I wish I could remember the name of it so I could play it on emulator, I was a god at that shit

4. Afterburner II- Arcade
fuck the descriptions, man w/e

5. Ocean Hunter- Arcade

6. X Wing versus Tie Fighter- PC 1997

7. Maken X- Dreamcast, 1999
Because it was fucking awesome, Jesus Christ I loved this game so much it temporarily made me jealous that my friend owned a Dreamcast

8. Vampire Night- PS2 version, 2001

9. Thief: Deadly Shadows- Xbox, 2004

10. Gladius, PS2 2003

Special mention goes to every Ace Combat ever made, Hexen, Shadow Warrior, Blood, Duke Nukem 3d, Timesplitters games, that first Pokemon, Brothers In Arms, Left 4 Dead, Burnout 3 and Paradise, Dynasty Warriors, Onimusha Warlords, Gauntlet: Dark Legacy/Legends, Rampart, and Sinistar

Mad Melvin Jul 12th, 2011 04:14 PM

Deus Ex (PC)

This game really creates the illusion that every choice has a consequence. And I liked hacking every computer I could find, so I could read personal emails. Love it and can't wait for the high definition texture project to complete. ( http://www.offtopicproductions.com/hdtp/ )

Red Dead Redemption (XBOX360)

It's a game I always dreamed about. I love everything about it, excluding a few missions (namely in Mexico) that are pretty damn stupid.

Fallout 2 (PC)

It dominated my world for a long time and i've spent hundreds of hours playing this. Buggy as shit, but even that didn't bother me.

UFO: Enemy Unknown (or X-COM 1, whatever) (PC)

This game has everything. EVERYTHING. Propably my all time favorite game if I was forced to choose just one.

Silent Hill 2 (PS2)

Yeah, yeah. i'm a fanboy, shut the hell up. The plot is very moving and complex (for a videogame), the soundtrack kicks ass and I love all the characters to death. Also, it's the second creepiest game in the series. The first one was creepier, but the plot was too silly.

Fallout: New Vegas (PC)

With a few mods, it's pretty much a perfect game. Still waiting for the DLC's so I can start it all over again. Also, there are a few mods that are pretty much essential for an awesome game experience. Why anyone would play this on a console is beyond me.

Mega Man 2 (NES)

The only Mega Man besides MM3 I managed to beat. :( This one takes the cake because of the most awesome NES music ever made and the pacing was just right. Not too long and not too short. The easiest MM game by far, but i'm one those losers who doesn't like to be too frustrated with the game difficulty.

Zombies Ate My Neighbours (SNES)

The second most fun co-op experience i've had. Everything about this game was too awesome for words. Full of thrills and chills.

Saints Row 2 (PC)

The most fun co-op experience i've ever had. The game engine bends to all kinds of crazy experiments. Tons of stuff to do and laugh out loud stupid characters / plot. Waiting eagerly for SR3.

Resident Evil 4 (GameCube)

The game looked so cool I bought GC, even though there was no other game that interested me in that system (well, maybe Eternal Darkness and Twin Snakes). Awesome and original level design, creepy enemies and most of all, extremely satisfying shooting with cool customizable weapons. Easily the best Resident Evil. Those who say otherwise are wrong.

Mockery Jul 12th, 2011 04:35 PM

Not sure if these are my true top 10 games, but they're among the first that come to mind:

1. The Secret of Monkey Island - PC, 1990
2. Ms. Pac-Man - Arcade version w/ speedhack, 1981
3. Super Mario Bros. 2 - NES, 1988
4. Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts & Ghouls 'n Ghosts - SNES & Sega Genesis, 1992 & 1989 (I love 'em both)
5. Mike Tyson's Punch-Out - NES, 1987
6. Stinger - NES, 1987
7. Space Quest IV - PC, 1991
8. Loaded - Sony Playstation, 1996
9. The Simpsons Arcade Game - Arcade version (4-player), 1991
10. Warlords - Arcade version (4-player), 1980
11. Revenge of Shinobi - Sega Genesis, 1989

Other notable games that quickly come to mind are: King's Quest V (PC), Astrosmash, Snafu, Night Stalker (Intellivision), Bushido Blade (Sony Playstation), Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest (NES), Golden Axe (Sega Genesis), Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 (PS3), Diablo 2 & Starcraft (PC), Viewpoint (Neo Geo), Todd's Adventures in Slime World (Atari Lynx).

Dimnos Jul 12th, 2011 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by Grislygus (Post 731411)
3. Some sword-fighting game where you play a guy progressing through a stage and fight various enemies one-on-one- NES

Was it called Excalibur something or other? I would have included it on my list but I too couldnt remember. :squigly

Dimnos Jul 12th, 2011 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Grislygus (Post 731411)
6. X Wing versus Tie Fighter- PC 1997


Originally Posted by Mockery (Post 731427)
1. The Secret of Monkey Island - PC, 1990
3. Super Mario Bros. 2 - NES, 1988
4. Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts & Ghouls 'n Ghosts - SNES & Sega Genesis, 1992 & 1989 (I love 'em both)
5. Mike Tyson's Punch-Out - NES, 1987
8. Loaded - Sony Playstation, 1996
11. Revenge of Shinobi - Sega Genesis, 1989

Damn good picks. Cant believe I forgot about these.

mew barios Jul 12th, 2011 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by ItalianStereotype (Post 731406)
Mechwarrior 2

i forgot about this :o i replayed it a year or so ago when i picked up ghost bear's legacy from a thrift store by chance. i have a lot of good memories of that game.

ThrashO Jul 12th, 2011 05:18 PM

1: Metal Warriors - SNES (Same team that made Zombies Ate My Neighbors)
2: Megaman X - SNES
3: Shatterhand - NES
4: Sonic 2 - Genesis
5: Twisted Metal 2 - PSX
6: Contra 3 - SNES
7: Tribes: Aerial Assault - PS2 (I played this more than any other game in my life)
8: Gears of War 2 - 360
9: Wipeout Pure/Wipeout HD - PSP/PS3
10: Metal Gear Solid 2 - PS2 (I loved the second one and it got so much hate, The harrier fight scene is one of my favorite boss battles.)

As you can tell I'm a big console gamer, aside from RTS's like Red Alert and Starcraft i've never been much for a keyboard and mouse :/

Honorable mentions: Castlevania, Megaman 3 on GAMEBOY, Starfox, Shinobi 3 and Gradius 2 (Japanese only).

ThrashO Jul 12th, 2011 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 731382)
EDIT - Special Mention. One of the most memorable, but most fucked to play was Robot Alchemic Drive. It felt exactly like controlling a giant robot. I loved it so, even though I was never able to beat it.

HOLY FUCK I HAVE THAT GAME!!!! If it wasn't for all the japanese dialogue and the stupid ass "News Bulletins" it would have been too fucking awesome.

Chojin Jul 12th, 2011 05:29 PM



Zomboid Jul 12th, 2011 06:13 PM

No real order.

Zombies Ate my Neighbors (Genesis, 1993)
Earthbound (SNES, 1995)
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (n64, 1998)
Fallout (PC, 1997)
Jade Empire (XBOX, 2005)
Red Dead Revolver (XBOX, 2004)
Knights of the Old Republic (XBOX, 2003)
Legend of Zelda: a Link to the Past (SNES, 1992)
the Haunting: Starring Polterguy (Genesis, 1993)
Street Fighter II (preferably SNES, 91-93?)
Super Mario 64 (N64, 1996)

There are others that are part of series, like Mortal Kombat, Mass Effect, and Dragon Age, but I can't really pick one single game from those.

darkvare Jul 12th, 2011 06:40 PM

i forgot super casltevania 4

Pentegarn Jul 12th, 2011 07:28 PM

I am too lazy to look up release dates

1) Valkyrie Profile (PSX)
2) Dragon Quest 4 (NES)
3) Final Fantasy Tactics (PSX)
4) Shining Force 2 (Genesis)
5) Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind (XBox/PC)
6) Warsong (Genesis)
7) Chrono Trigger (SNES)
8) Secret of Mana (SNES)
9) Uncharted Waters: New Horizons (SNES/Genesis)
10) Castlevania SOTN (PSX)

Grislygus Jul 12th, 2011 07:50 PM

Oh my god Warsong pissed me off so bad

Pentegarn Jul 12th, 2011 08:01 PM

Try getting all 3 female characters to become rangers :lol

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