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Guitar Woman Dec 19th, 2007 09:58 PM

1. Well, your constant complaining isn't any better than what I seem to be doing!

2. You're just a hyppocrite on this one, you do the EXACT SAME THING. Everyone does. I could dig up examples past "You suck and so do your tastes, go die" and you raging about me anticipating No More Heroes, if you would like.

3. No problem!

Sam Dec 19th, 2007 10:00 PM




Zomboid Dec 19th, 2007 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 515240)
1. Well, your constant complaining isn't any better than what I seem to be doing!

2. You're just a hyppocrite on this one, you do the EXACT SAME THING. Everyone does. I could dig up examples past "You suck and so do your tastes, go die" and you raging about me anticipating No More Heroes, if you would like.

3. No problem!

1. The only time the mild bashing turns into complaining is when you drag it out, like we're doing now. Besides, when another member remarks on how much they dislike you and I decide to join in, it's the same as any group of like minded people discussing something in common. Be flattered!

2. I don't like shitty stuff. My taste is flawless.

3. Glad we're in agreement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Guitar Woman Dec 19th, 2007 10:22 PM

whatever man, I still think you could tone it down a bit

I mean, I will if you will

Zomboid Dec 19th, 2007 10:28 PM

Well obviously if you toned it right the fuck down and stopped doing all the stuff that pisses people off, they wouldn't be bitching, right?


Fathom Zero Dec 19th, 2007 10:35 PM


I don't like you because you're a panderer and you belong in the Malebolge.

Guitar Woman Dec 19th, 2007 10:45 PM

I could probably make fun of the way you look, too, your hairstyle in particular!

I won't, though, because I'm better than that.

Nice batman tie, by the way.

Pub Lover Dec 19th, 2007 11:28 PM

Hey Zomboid, stop making her talk so damn much. It's really irritating. :whoosh

Pub Lover Dec 19th, 2007 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim (Post 499747)

Awesome! Now I'm kinda glad I didn't kill myself afterall. :)

You should have posted that sooner, young man. >:

Emu Dec 19th, 2007 11:42 PM

Now we just need Rongi >:

Pub Lover Dec 19th, 2007 11:46 PM

Rongi gets a pass because

Originally Posted by Rongi (Post 515149)
when my sister showed me the thriller music video

when i was 3 i started crying because michael jackson's cat

eyes horrified me

Guitar Woman Dec 19th, 2007 11:55 PM

Rongi already posted a pic, I though?

He was like a better looking Dr. Pizza.

Pub Lover Dec 19th, 2007 11:58 PM

Is this the one?

Pub Lover Dec 19th, 2007 11:59 PM

Because I totally knew Rongi looked like that for some reason.

Pub Lover Dec 20th, 2007 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover (Post 514394)

Location: Sydney Airport, International Terminal, Gate 8
What I did today: I sat next to a really beautiful woman for two 10 hour long haul flights.
How I made it creepy: I watched her sleep for most of the first flight, & adored her face.

How I live with myself: When I finally spoke to her midway through the second flight, her effortless smile transformed the features I knew so well into a heartstoppingly perfect moment. I gave her my pillow, & said she could lean on my shoulder. She did, but I was too cowardly to speak to her again.

I still miss you, beautiful girl in Seat 48D, Flight QF002. :tear

I only unpacked my bags today & found these pictures I took in the airport toilet. [Not pictured - Gay secks with 30 men]

bigtimecow Dec 20th, 2007 12:41 AM

you definitely look like a creep

nevermind about your sob story, you'z a creep

Pub Lover Dec 20th, 2007 12:43 AM

For Sure. ;)

Chojin Dec 20th, 2007 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by Zomboid (Post 515226)
GW- I think I'll stick with what I'm doing, thanks.

No thanks. You really need to shut up about this.

Chojin Dec 20th, 2007 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by Zomboid
You are the last fucking person with the right to say that. I seriously fucking hate everything about you.


Originally Posted by Zomboid
You suck and so do your tastes. Go die.


Originally Posted by Zomboid
Well, seeing as how when you left, there were no other incredibly annoying, sexually confused/frustrated dj connor/spocks running around, I was actually pretty happy.


Originally Posted by Zomboid
Actually, you little gender confused retard,...


Originally Posted by Zomboid
Oddly enough, I think we'll still have one really annoying wannabe girl around here!


Originally Posted by Zomboid
Who the fuck are you to talk?


Originally Posted by Zomboid
I think you just suck >:


Originally Posted by Zomboid


Originally Posted by Zomboid
Guitar woman got served.


Originally Posted by Zomboid
Fuck you. It's always amazing.

And that's all I could find, since I can't run a search for posts that contain only "GW" by Zomboid.

Can you see how this might be annoying to other posters?

Zomboid Dec 20th, 2007 01:07 AM

Kinda don't care, since I'm not the only one who doesn't like him. The fact that you found a kindred spirit in him doesn't mean anything to me either :)

Guitar Woman Dec 20th, 2007 01:10 AM

It's not like Chojin's the only one who doesn't hate me, either.

Sam Dec 20th, 2007 01:12 AM


Emu Dec 20th, 2007 01:12 AM

It does get kind of gay to have every other post broken by "guitar woman sucks" with no other content to it. That would constitute thread derailment if it were about any other topic, such as, say, "earthbound sucks" because someone has a Mr. Saturn avatar.

and I don't even talk to GW outside of this forum, so I'm not defending him because we're butt buddies or anything.

Fathom Zero Dec 20th, 2007 01:13 AM

I can't decide whether Justice is good or not.

Zomboid Dec 20th, 2007 01:13 AM

Your point being...? That's fine by me and I'm kinda glad that there's two sides for this, but it's fucking ridiculous when daddy has to come and defend you from routine bashing.

Guitar Woman Dec 20th, 2007 01:15 AM

It's not like I ASKED him to step in or anything, as far as I was concerned we reached an acceptable-for-now point a page ago.

Zomboid Dec 20th, 2007 01:17 AM

That's kind of what I thought too, but I came on to discover some post searching fun!

Emu Dec 20th, 2007 01:18 AM

Why is there the routine bashing anyway? What's it gonna do besides make you two retards fill up every other thread with it?

Sam Dec 20th, 2007 01:19 AM

WAY TO GO CHOJIN. :rolleyes

Guitar Woman Dec 20th, 2007 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by Emu (Post 515294)
Why is there the routine bashing anyway? What's it gonna do besides make you two retards fill up every other thread with it?

That's my entire point, yes.

The fact that Chojin tells Zomboid a certain behavior he's flaunting constantly is annoying to other posters and Zomboid quipping back that he doesn't give a flying shit speaks loads about the root of the problem here.

Zomboid Dec 20th, 2007 01:21 AM

Because it's the fucking i-mockery forums, maybe? Most people here are pretty intolerant and I don't see how it's surprising when people really dislike each other and there's a whole lot of back and forth bitching going on. As for right now, it's in the fucking chat room thread. God fucking forbid we fill this winner up with posts that don't measure up to the usual inane shit that would otherwise be here.

Zomboid Dec 20th, 2007 01:22 AM

Call the bashing an attempt to get you to change for the better, which it seemed to have accomplished a page ago.

Fathom Zero Dec 20th, 2007 01:24 AM

Both of you want the last word. My mom'd slap you two in the back of the head.

Guitar Woman Dec 20th, 2007 01:26 AM

I'm pretty sure there's a substantial difference between "GUITAR WOMAN YOU ARE A FUCKING FAGGOT I HATE YOU GO DIE YOU BURNING SACK OF PENIS FUCK DICK DICK DICK DICK DICK" and "GW, I really dislike it when you VERB. It makes me feel EMOTION when you do, and I really wish you would stop."

Zomboid Dec 20th, 2007 01:27 AM

:lol yeah that's how things get done on the intarwebz. Seriously though, leave it the fuck alone and go ahead and start the toning it down so I don't have anything to bitch about anymore.

Guitar Woman Dec 20th, 2007 01:29 AM

Well, MISTER, I think you're just playing the victim here, but whatever gets you to shut up.

Zomboid Dec 20th, 2007 01:31 AM

I would indeed shut up if I could read a thread without your hilarious internet memes, etc making several appearances.

here's sam to wrap things up.

Sam Dec 20th, 2007 01:33 AM

"FAGGOTS, I really dislike it when you ACT LIKE FAGGOTS ON THE INTERNET. It makes me feel TAINTED BY YOUR INTERNET FAGGOTRY when you do, and I really wish you would stop."

Fathom Zero Dec 20th, 2007 01:34 AM


Sam Dec 20th, 2007 01:40 AM


Guitar Woman Dec 20th, 2007 01:42 AM

It's like mad libs all over again!

Sethomas Dec 20th, 2007 01:42 AM

Hey kids, my WTF moment of the day happened when I found a BAPE t-shirt at work. I had no idea that BAPE had such a marked presence on the world, but I really should have known.

Fathom Zero Dec 20th, 2007 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by Sam (Post 515306)


Guitar Woman Dec 20th, 2007 01:48 AM

Well, that died down pretty fast.
I did get a lot of stress out, though, thanks guys.

bigtimecow Dec 20th, 2007 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by Sethomas (Post 515308)
Hey kids, my WTF moment of the day happened when I found a BAPE t-shirt at work. I had no idea that BAPE had such a marked presence on the world, but I really should have known.

my bape hoodie.

anyone else on here have any bape stuff? there's a couple more hoodies i want.

HickMan Dec 20th, 2007 02:53 AM

Jesus fucking christ I go out and have a couple beers and get a blow-j from some 'college student' and I get back and there's a full-on war!

Seven Force Dec 20th, 2007 03:48 AM


Originally Posted by Zomboid (Post 515286)
Kinda don't care, since I'm not the only one who doesn't like him. The fact that you found a kindred spirit in him doesn't mean anything to me either :)

This is how I and probably a lot of people feel at this point

Triad-Brother Choi Dec 20th, 2007 04:11 AM

Every single one of you is so very lucky that the Triad have yet to adopt the use of Fatwas. :)

Vote 'Yes' on proposition 634a and all that will change so very sharpish. ...

Or perhaps you will continue to be my very good friends. :)

MetalMilitia Dec 20th, 2007 04:49 AM

Lets not forget this whole argument was caused by guitar womans disrespectful duke nukem forever comments. She really hates duke nukem and "quipping" and the wail of a heavy metal guitar.

Guitar Woman Dec 20th, 2007 05:01 AM

Blow it out your ass.

Triad-Brother Choi Dec 20th, 2007 05:09 AM

Guitar Woman you be my best friend here. :)

Let us hope you be happy and healthy for long times. :)

Maybe you not leave house tomorrow ok good friend? :)

Maybe not post online also just to be safe. :)

MetalMilitia Dec 20th, 2007 05:42 AM

she admitted it! everyone look! :eek

Rongi Dec 20th, 2007 11:59 AM

Bad news, guys!

I-mockery is running low on funds, so we need all the advertisement we can get.

From now on every post in this thread must contain at least ONE reference to the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grillin' Machine

Failure to do so will result in having your post edited FOR YOU >:

This message brought to you by the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grillin' Machine!

Tell 'em 'bout it George!

"It's great for college kids!"

Pub Lover Dec 20th, 2007 01:34 PM

I really don't thnk I want to play along with that scheme, Rongi.

It's a really great way to make me not want to post.

So if you edit this post for your wacky hilariousness... Well I'd just have to quit the internet all over again guys! :willie

This message brought to you by the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grillin' Machine!

Tell 'em 'bout it George!

"It's great for crazy shut-ins!"

RaNkeri Dec 20th, 2007 01:39 PM

What a stupid idea :/

This message brought to you by the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grillin' Machine!

Tell 'em 'bout it George!

"Number one choice of divorced men"

Seven Force Dec 20th, 2007 01:42 PM

I'm not participating in this shit.

This message brought to you by the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grillin' Machine!

Tell 'em 'bout it George!

"Used by sexual deviants"

executioneer Dec 20th, 2007 01:42 PM

i talked to george foreman once but the subject of the grills never came up :(

This message brought to you by the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grillin' Machine!

Tell 'em 'bout it George!

"Number one choice of internet j-wads"

RaNkeri Dec 20th, 2007 01:49 PM

I saw Michael Monroe today while doing some chrsitmas shopping. He was carrying a christmas tree. :o

This message brought to you by the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grillin' Machine!

Tell 'em 'bout it George!

"Because accidents happen"

Emu Dec 20th, 2007 02:01 PM

This is some kind of corporate horseshit.

This message brought to you by the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grillin' Machine!

Tell 'em 'bout it George!

"But you won't escape death"

Girl Drink Drunk Dec 20th, 2007 02:15 PM


This message brought to you by the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grillin' Machine!

Tell 'em 'bout it George!

"George Jr., George III, George IV, George V, George VI"

Pub Lover Dec 20th, 2007 02:42 PM

Hey Rongi, what the hell you doing with all this being a vegetarian shit? :meat

This message brought to you by the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grillin' Machine!

Tell 'em 'bout it George!

"It's great for MEAT!"

HickMan Dec 20th, 2007 03:50 PM

I'm not buying into this bullshit

This message brought to you by the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grillin' Machine!

Tell 'em 'bout it George!

"Black People love it!"

Emu Dec 20th, 2007 04:09 PM

Fuck this shit dude, this place is getting so greedy

This message brought to you by the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grillin' Machine!

Tell 'em 'bout it George!

"Grill it on the skillet"

Pub Lover Dec 20th, 2007 04:32 PM

Could be worse. They could be asking us to vote for them on some sort of lame comedy listing place that get their revenues from porn & wares ads.

This message brought to you by the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grillin' Machine!

Tell 'em 'bout it George!

"Check out the new range of MP3 playing grills!"[/url]

executioneer Dec 20th, 2007 05:50 PM

remember that one episode fo the office where the george forman grill burns the boss dude's foot i wonder if that ever happened to anyone in real life

This message brought to you by the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grillin' Machine!

Tell 'em 'bout it George!

"Come see our booth at the state fair this year!"

Rongi Dec 20th, 2007 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover (Post 515362)
Hey Rongi, what the hell you doing with all this being a vegetarian shit? :meat

This message brought to you by the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grillin' Machine!

Tell 'em 'bout it George!

"It's great for MEAT!"

Meat is bad for you, son.

This message brought to you by the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grillin' Machine!

Tell 'em 'bout it George!

"Ali ain't got nothin on this!"

Chojin Dec 20th, 2007 06:26 PM

Zomboid, the problem isn't that you're harassing Guitar Woman, it's that you're dogging a poster and harassing them in virtually every thread they visit.

The search I ran wasn't confined to this thread, so don't pretend that it was.

It is annoying when I have to read about how much you hate a 12-year-old boy every time I go to read the forums.
It's ridiculous that you can't just put him on ignore.
It is against the rules to do exactly what you're doing.

And I would be reprimanding both of you, but doing a similar search for guitar woman yields:


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman
Look. Zomboid. I really, really don't know what the hell your problem with me is


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman
Thanks for clarifying that Zomboid


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman
I encourage Zomboid to not get so offended that he won't read a thread when I casually answer questions posed by other forum members


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman
Man how come zomboid won't shut up about me


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman
If Zomboid can find nobody more annoying than me on these forums then I seriously doubt his observational skills


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman
Zomboid, if you really hate me as much as you're letting on, you can just put me on your ignore list.


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman
Way to ruin the fucking thread, Zomboid

So please stop, before I threaten to ban you and you respond by telling me all about how you don't really read the boards much anyway and boy how they've changed and go ahead if people like GW run rampant then you don't want any part and :goth.

This message brought to you by the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grillin' Machine!

Tell 'em 'bout it George!

"Come see our booth at the state fair this year!"

Zomboid Dec 20th, 2007 06:33 PM

haha I still don't care. I'm not completely sure, but I don't think my life will end if I'm banned. We'll soon find out!

This message brought to you by the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grillin' Machine!

Tell 'em 'bout it George!

"Fuck you, Guitar Woman!"

Pub Lover Dec 20th, 2007 06:38 PM

Z-Man, when did you regenerate into a teenager? Worst cast change ever!

This message brought to you by the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grillin' Machine!

Tell 'em 'bout it George!

"A perfect Christmas gift for the whole family to enjoy!"

Zomboid Dec 20th, 2007 06:42 PM

I guess since coming home for the holidays and being bored enough to perpetuate internet drama.

This message brought to you by the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grillin' Machine!

Tell 'em 'bout it George!

"Quality you can TASTE"

Chojin Dec 20th, 2007 06:50 PM

What a rebel! What a MAN.

Let me know when you receive your Secret Santa gifts via IM, I'm going to send you on vacation until next year so you can spend more time with family.

This message brought to you by the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grillin' Machine!

Tell 'em 'bout it George!

"Quality you can TASTE"

Sam Dec 20th, 2007 06:54 PM

Holy shit.

MLE Dec 20th, 2007 06:54 PM

Seriously, This didn't need to be drawn out this far. Guitar Woman is doing what he's always done, which is post things on the internets. The only REALLY annoying part to the posting was the 4chan stuff, and he's agreed to cut it out a bit.

When I go into a thread, and every thread that Guitar Woman decides to put his comments in (which is perfectly legitimate), it turns into a flame war against him. If someone wants to make funny (or unfunny as they were) jokes about Guitar Woman, please do so in a thread I can choose not to read.

When I wanted to try to get under SevenForce's skin, I made my own thread instead of derailing another. Most people do. Even sucky people do sometimes, and that's why they're not yelled at when they do it.

But seriously folks, Guitar Woman has gotten better wince he started posting here, just like Schimid has. Just like a lot of people have, actually. As long as he's not going 4CHAN THIS AND 4CHAN THAT, then just stop reading his posts. Or ignore him. Instead of sabotaging the entire forum.


This message brought to you by the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grillin' Machine!

Tell 'em 'bout it George!

"Quality you can TASTE"

Chojin Dec 20th, 2007 06:54 PM

And since Zomboid posting his gifts probably isn't going to happen, that makes this the third year in a row that my secret santa recipient hasn't posted the gifts I got them. How lovely.

This message brought to you by the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grillin' Machine!

Tell 'em 'bout it George!

"Quality you can TASTE"

Sam Dec 20th, 2007 06:55 PM

Holy shit.

This message brought to you by the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grillin' Machine!

Tell 'em 'bout it George!

"Sam owns one of these!"

Emu Dec 20th, 2007 07:04 PM

I still remember the balmy winter days I spent telling Father Spaz he was a queer. Those were different times.

This message brought to you by the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grillin' Machine!

Tell 'em 'bout it George!

"Cookware of the Übermensch"

Sam Dec 20th, 2007 07:13 PM

I feel like my world is crumbling into the ocean.

This message brought to you by the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grillin' Machine!

Tell 'em 'bout it George!

"Not meant for white people!"

Guitar Woman Dec 20th, 2007 07:17 PM


Dedicated to our dearly departed. Fuck the system, man.

This message brought to you by the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grillin' Machine!

Tell 'em 'bout it George!

"Guitar Woman totally doesn't get the joke!"

Emu Dec 20th, 2007 07:20 PM

This whole Zomboid/GW situation could be solved by reopening the Mock Wars forum.

This message brought to you by the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grillin' Machine!

Tell 'em 'bout it George!

"NOVELTY grill?!"

Fathom Zero Dec 20th, 2007 07:21 PM

I hope to dear Christ that you're being ironic. Hey Guitar Woman, will you be my myspace friend? myspace.com/thefathomzero

This message brought to you by the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grillin' Machine!

Tell 'em 'bout it George!

"Like a kidney punch with half the fat!"

MLE Dec 20th, 2007 07:27 PM

I'm not saying for mock wars to reopen. I'm only saying to make a separate topic and keep it to there. I don't care what goes on in there, because unless I hear it's funny, I won't bother with it, and you can keep your bickering.

This message brought to you by the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grillin' Machine!

Tell 'em 'bout it George!

"I hate it when people are dumb on message boards!"

Chojin Dec 20th, 2007 07:27 PM


okay gw phase 1 of the plan is done who else do you want me to ban

Esuohlim Dec 20th, 2007 07:33 PM


This message brought to you by the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grillin' Machine!

Tell 'em 'bout it George!


Girl Drink Drunk Dec 20th, 2007 08:19 PM


MarioRPG Dec 20th, 2007 09:04 PM


Seven Force Dec 21st, 2007 01:17 AM

Well that's fucking gay

This message brought to you by the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grillin' Machine!

Tell 'em 'bout it George!

"I'll be in your nightmares"

Pram Maven Dec 21st, 2007 08:30 AM

Can someone point me to where this Zomboid/GW fight began? It seems kind of useless on a comedy messageboard.

This message brought to you by the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grillin' Machine!

Tell 'em 'bout it George!

"Ask me about my cauliflower ears"

MLE Dec 21st, 2007 09:09 AM

it started all over the forum, but about 50% in this thread.

Guitar Woman Dec 21st, 2007 09:38 AM

Zomboid's hated me ever since I've been here.

I don't like him too much, either, but I certainly didn't want this to get to the point of banning people. That only means the forums will be even less active than usual.

Pram Maven Dec 21st, 2007 10:34 AM

I will try to do my part, but I'm a bit intimidated by this site's style of humor.

"Punch, punch, punch!"

Tadao Dec 21st, 2007 12:51 PM

Time lurked = 0
posts read = 0
first post = priceless

bigtimecow Dec 21st, 2007 02:00 PM

omg look it's a rabbit with a pancake on it's head

Tadao Dec 21st, 2007 02:05 PM

Yeah I know... But I've had Oolong as my avatar forever.

Mockery Dec 21st, 2007 02:51 PM

There's a lot o' new posts in the Secret Santa thread, so check it out if you haven't already :O

Tadao Dec 21st, 2007 03:03 PM

I was here a very long time ago under the same username with the same avatar participating in the great flame wars of 199? (probably more like 2003... So I think I know what to expect. I think it was Protoclown or something like that who handed my ass to me in such a way that I cried for many years. Now let the healing begin!

Seven Force Dec 21st, 2007 05:04 PM

well 199 is a very long time ago so I think your story checks out ok

Seven Force Dec 21st, 2007 05:06 PM

also please tell me you didnt name your pet rabbit after a dbz character

Pram Maven Dec 21st, 2007 05:26 PM

Great post, Tadao!

*pins a gold star to his face*

Tell 'em 'bout it George!

"Buy my thing or I'll whup your ass."

Pram Maven Dec 21st, 2007 05:39 PM


Guitar Woman Dec 21st, 2007 05:41 PM

I won 25 dollars in an after school drawing today! It didn't cost anything to enter, but my peers were generally pissed off that I got the money! They threw shit at me and were really mean!

Then I thought, "Hey, fuck you stupid faggots! I have 25 dollars, and that is worth more than your lives will ever be!"

I bought "Walk Among Us" by The Misfits and "Sabbath Bloody Sabbath" by Black Sabbath!

They are fantastic!


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