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MockBot Jan 4th, 2008 01:59 AM

Weekly Comic Review: The Ultimates 3, #1
Automatically generated comment thread for Weekly Comic Review: The Ultimates 3, #1.

slangislayer Jan 4th, 2008 02:10 AM

I think the Ultimate´s last story arc was a huge disappointment after the great first 3 volumes.
I kinda liked the verisimiltude established in Superhuman and the possibility of Thor (albeit he´s my favorite) being a loony, but the moment the cast of Lord of the Rings invaded New York, I kinda saw the shark approach and the comic getting ready to jump.
Gotta check this on out, didn´t know it was out yet.

Tetsu Deinonychus Jan 4th, 2008 03:05 AM

I think making two characters an incest couple shows serious guts, but chickening out totally negates it.

I kinda stopped reading Marvel once they started this whole "Ultimate" crap (and was never a big superhero reader) so I don't have much to add to the discussion.

Mullon Jan 4th, 2008 03:28 PM

Boy does Captain America looks creepy and over-muscled on that cover. I sure hope he is toned down in the thing.

bertleman Jan 4th, 2008 05:12 PM

I thought those Marvel MAX titles were bad enough. It is a sad thing when the only way to appease the increasingly older jaded and creepier comics buying audience is to pump up the gross out factor. when this gneration of comics fans dies out, there will not another one.

Protoclown Jan 4th, 2008 06:56 PM

Is it just me, or does Jeph Loeb seem incapable of writing a quality story anymore if he's not paired up with Tim Sale?

I'm going to give it another couple issues before I decide for sure whether I'm going to stick with this one. So far it's a little jarringly different from the classic Millar/Hitch stuff, so I expect I'll have to get used to the feel before I can properly judge it.

I am so annoyed with Marvel numbering this book by "seasons". That's just retarded. It'd be nice if they could maintain SOME consistency down the line.

slangislayer Jan 4th, 2008 07:01 PM

In the times, when most of the comics people still buy today (some of those which serve as a pattern to those today = Ultimates p.e.)were concieved, a kiss between a white guy and a black woman was ´unpropriate´.
(Hint* Star Trek, Shatner trying to do under hypnosis, what other dudes try in their lives: kiss girls both Green and Black (shocking, brrrrh!)

slangislayer Jan 4th, 2008 07:11 PM

Ok, let me explain, I don´t wan´t to mess up someones perception on right and wrong, but in the time of our savior Christian Bale - 1000oddbevore our time, there was a highly culturvated peoples called Aegptys, which was into the same stuff, so I wanted to point out the gross factor of today is either badly old or badly contempuary news, so the shock factor´s your´s to decide but if the story´s any good, the shock serves the story and I will gladly tell you about it as soon as I read it!
Oh wait Protoclown wrote the first analysis, so don´t heed attention to my words brethren and sisters!

slangislayer Jan 4th, 2008 07:15 PM

Of course it´s different, compare The Authority to Long Halloween!
Loeb builds a retroworld around what they expect, Milar always destroyed the retroworlds people knew since the dawn of 4coloured lithograohie!

Entreri21 Jan 5th, 2008 11:05 AM

I agree that Madureira's art is just wrong for this particular comic.

I must point out that I've been a HUGE fan of Mad's art for a LONG time (since the whole Age of Apocalypse arc), but it just doesn't feel right....

On a side note, I haven't enjoyed a thing that Loeb's written in years and years. His stuff just doesn't groove with me.

Tetsu Deinonychus Jan 5th, 2008 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by bertleman
I thought those Marvel MAX titles were bad enough. It is a sad thing when the only way to appease the increasingly older jaded and creepier comics buying audience is to pump up the gross out factor. when this generation of comics fans dies out, there will not another one.

I disagree. I think the Marvel/DC superhero comics might not last past this generation, but indie-comics and Manga will live on. That won't make much of a difference to me because that's mainly what I read, anyway.

Still, it's sad to see any genre die out, especially since there are a few very good Superhero stories hidden under all the creepy gross out crap. I do enjoy DC's Superman/Batman title which thankfully doesn't have any sick nonsense, for example.

I do agree it's gross-out stuff that's killing it. It's like they learned nothing from image's incredible failure.

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