Rongi's famed 1000-page post, as chiseled into a ceremonial bar of gold
Source: I-Mockery Chat Room Thread [1]
Everybody give the King of the Chat Room Thread a hearty round of applsause!
The man of the hour had these words to say:
Chojin: How does it feel to beat Guitar Woman to page 1,000?
Rongi: It feels like
Chojin: Right now you have 9,697 posts. Do you have any plans for the big 10,000?
Rongi: I plan to post differently-photoshopped pictures of the same kitten over and over again till I reach that milestone post.
Chojin: That's 303 kittens! Are you sure you won't get banned before you can complete your goal?
Rongi: I'm hoping the adorableness will distract those moderators.
Chojin: How did you overcome such chat room thread regulars, such as Pub, in your quest for the 1,000th page?
Rongi: Completely on accident, honestly. I rarely post there anyway, it's full of nerds.
Chojin: We were done with the part of the interview you had to answer honestly.
Rongi: For weeks upon weeks, I studied the posting habits of the I-Mockery chat thread inhabitants. Through this vigorous study, I was able to pinpoint the exact microsecond before GW could [post], thus gaining the 1,000th page break. Also, I jerked off a lot.
Chojin: On GW's posts?
Rongi: ...And some pictures of mutilated bull dicks. I may just shock the foundations of the I-Mockery community by posting a picture of myself for the 10,000th post.
Chojin: Do you have anything you wish to say to the I-Mockery community at large?
Rongi: Yes. Folks, it's not about how many posts you have or how funny you think your Achewood references are, it's all about how long you've been here. Because let's face it, Vets 4 Life.
Rongi: Oh, and God bless America.
Chojin: Thank you for your time this evening.
Rongi: Anytime.