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Hay guys, I'm eating bacon & noodles.
it's freaking awesome :eek |
I make that! I get bacon, tomatoes, and peppers together and throw them on noodles.
It's choice. |
let me know what you think about it ;)
Why did I say that twice?
I should try adding some other ingredients too. :/
That's the finale? Sheeit.
PRETTY SALAD :obey:obey:obey:obey:obey:obey:obey:obey:obey:obey :obey :x:x:\:\:\:\:\:x:x:\:\:\:x:\:\:\:x:x:\:\:\:\:\:x:x :\:\:\:x:\:\:\:x :x:\:\:lol:lol:lol:lol:\:x:\:lol:\:x:\:lol:\:x:\:\ :lol:lol:lol:\:\:x:\:lol:\:x:\:lol:\:x :x:\:lol:\:\:\:\:\:x:\:lol:\:x:\:lol:\:x:\:lol:\:\ :\:\:\:x:\:lol:\:x:\:lol:\:x :x:\:lol:\:x:x:x:x:x:\:lol:\:x:\:lol:\:x:\:lol:\:x :x:x:x:x:\:lol:\:\:lol:\:x:x :x:\:lol:\:\:\:x:x:x:\:lol:\:x:\:lol:\:x:\:lol:\:x :x:x:x:x:\:lol:\:lol:\:\:x:x :x:\:\:lol:lol:lol:\:\:x:\:lol:\:x:\:lol:\:x:\:lol :\:x:x:x:x:x:\:lol:lol:lol:\:x:x:x :x:x:\:\:\:\:lol:\:x:\:lol:\:x:\:lol:\:x:\:lol:\:x :x:x:x:x:\:lol:\:lol:\:\:x:x :x:x:x:x:x:\:lol:\:x:\:lol:\:x:\:lol:\:x:\:lol:\:x :x:x:x:x:\:lol:\:\:lol:\:\:x :x:\:\:\:\:\:lol:\:x:\:lol:\:\:\:lol:\:x:\:lol:\:\ :\:\:\:x:\:lol:\:x:\:lol:\:x :x:\:lol:lol:lol:lol:\:\:x:\:\:lol:lol:lol:\:\:x:\ :\:lol:lol:lol:\:\:x:\:lol:\:x:\:lol:\:x :x:x:\:\:\:\:\:x:x:x:\:\:\:\:\:x:x:x:\:\:\:\:\:x:x :\:\:\:x:\:\:\:x :obey:obey:obey:obey:obey:obey:obey:obey:obey:obey :obey PRETTY SALAD PRETTY SALAD |
Once, years ago, this place was of gigh quality. A close knit community comfortable with themselves and eachother enough so that they could mercilously mock one another and any passing poster with only the occasional amusing tantrum. The core of this group were Rog, his wife Doops & their friends from Virginia, this expanded out to a second tier of those they had met through the forum and had intermingled with the group resulting in real life meetups & other fun internet hijinks. The next wave of forum members, my wave, saw this group and really wanted to fit in, but the satuation of idiocy was already too high for many of the original members and over time they have left into that oddly scary void known as the real world. After that, most everyone that came saw the pale imitations of the originals that me & my kind portrayed and they attempted their own skewed forms, thus bastardizing this place further. Now, with the recent implementation of the forum/main site merge we see the next stage of development. A scary & unchecked influx of commenters with no interest beyond leaving their own shit smear at the bottom of a humour article whose meaning that they no doubt failed to grasp. Why is this place better than 4Chan & YTMND? Once, we were Mockers. |
You mean they were mockers? :rolleyes
We Were Soldiers.
I think Pub summed it up nicely.
I mean, We are Marshall! |
Sort of mix of the continuing British misconception they are still a world power despite the current lack of empire & the related issues of the movie Once Were Warriors.
God damn, how long did that take you?
hey pub if you don't read anything but this thread the forums ar estill good 8]
Every forum seems to run along the same lines of a marriage. After about 8 years it's in trouble and either you can accept change or divorce and start new.
I'm you home wrecker. |
vets :rolleyes
You're alright in my book, Rankeri. ;)
You too Danny! On a par as it were. ;)
$76 worth of txting, wtf >:
Not as long as I would have liked, posts only allow 400 images per post. Apparently.
That's one grizzly unicorn :x
Who came closet to your experience in this great land of inbreeding?
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I think that collection should be turned into it's own smiley.
You can always quote it
The orginal was better though, it was made up of 645 emoticons That's two hundred forty five extra bits of awesome that I was not allowed to include Fascists |
Impressive display nonetheless, Gus.
What happens when there are 42 posts in this thread with 42 people reading it? |
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Julie Corvo is pretty cute. Do you know her, Jake?
She's dead.
Woah, Dude! Another one? I hope you covered your tracks. Shit.
douglas adams appears behind you and kills you
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Chojin is locking all the active threads in General Blabber. :lol
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Dammit, the boards could explode if this thread remains locked!
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boogie you are such a stick in the mud, do you know that
also i kinda had ganonned those threads for a reason, now I just look SILLY.
It's just a good job you didn't delete the thread entirely. The instant it was erased from the database you would've single handedly stolen about 10,000 hours from Pub Lover's life.
I would never destroy something so important to Pub, unless he really deserved it.
Imagine if in a million years time archaeologists managed to pull this thread of a fossilised hard drive and it served as the only historical record of the twenty-first century.
What conclusions would they come to? Discuss. |
The conclusions will be accurate, I can tell you that right now.
Was the thread locked/moved? My internet cut out.
How'd you fix it?
I went and ate ice cream outside in the sunshine until I had the patience to restart every computer on the network to get working sub-domains again.
Also, I'm accepting submissions to take over the role of Pub Lover. I'm really sick of it. Delete this thread already. |
stop being so self-depreciating. people like you.
in other words - suck it up, faggot. |
Ice cream causes enlarged prostates and car accidents. It's science. :hat
:) :) :) for chojin
Jake, even vegan ice cream? :eek |
LIE-ce Cream.
Esuohlim, Miyazaki is a Japanese director and animator who's films are identified by their unique art style, fluid animation, and overall excellence. i.e., Princess Mononoke, Castle in the Sky, Spirited Away, etc.
Chop Socky Chooks is the worst thing Cartoon Network has ever done, a fact that can be determined by just seeing 4 seconds of footage, and concerns the adventures of three SASSY AND OUTRAGEOUS computer-animated chickens who do Karate in a mall. If you would like me to have an ESUOHLIM TRANSLATOR at the end of every post from now on, I'll gladly implement it! |
They're shitty and you're just filling your life with them because it is so empty.
ESUOHLIM FOOTNOTE: "MEN WITH BEARDS" is a reference to Zomboid's claim that the only way to be considered a badass and not get offered meth and other horrible things in Canada is to have a beard. This line is a mockery towards this poster.
man, see how well this works?
I think I've got something here. |
GW, I think we'd prefer you going back to barely posting at all. I was kidding. I've never liked you.
Seriously, you make me want to kill my dog.
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Cock sorcerer.
"or a thousand "Haves you know I can score big time buds you think Pubs I am an high as kites now :420""
Why the fuck was my post moved? Was chojin proving my point about biased modding? :\
it was moved because you're trying to instigate again. ":\"
Would you two just debate this over PM or get a thread
It's a valid concern. It's not instigating anything unless you happen to be the kind of person I'm talking about.
you've got me there. i have fallen into your trap! :o
omg get away fag.
careful where you say words like that. zomboid might get offended.
Elpila really wouldn't be duing that sort of thing if I hadn't encouraged it.
oh ok man, its cool 8]
guys i think this forum would do better as an irc room 8]
I was about to suggest an IRC chat in the other thread :<
i love the way he says 'chickens'
and 'imPLEment it' |
Ok seriously that was funny the first time, but after the first initial laugh at your inability to even remotely pretend to understand english we all immediately lost interest
Except this one had a new charm because he sounds just like a foreign David Cross |
I'm so sorry GW but this reminds me the days i was doing phone call pranks
Until some asshole report me to the police
man I was having fun in that gaming thread but then Chojin had to come in and delete posts :(
Can I make fun of you and your online boyfriend in here? Or has I-Mockery changed so much that this isn't allowed anymore :( |
double trouble in little china
The posts didn't get deleted they pubulated.
gays are a cliche, dude
gays are a cliche, dude
pubulated? No comprendo mi amigo :(
so are mustaches :(
They were eaten by my thread, like precious little aborted baby souls they sit in my hellish chatroom.
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