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Pub Lover May 11th, 2008 06:42 PM

briny bill May 11th, 2008 06:42 PM

i-mockery is worth $7000

Pub Lover May 11th, 2008 06:43 PM


Pub Lover May 11th, 2008 06:48 PM

Damn you, Internet. >:

Sure I expected some toon porn when I searched for Cartoon Heroes, but why did you feel the need to jump right to the incestuous furry toon porn?

MetalMilitia May 11th, 2008 06:50 PM

In for a penny, in for a pound.

Pub Lover May 11th, 2008 06:53 PM


Pub Lover May 11th, 2008 07:02 PM

raye_gincho may be 19, is probably a guy, but is definitely a furry. I have low expectations regarding his behaviour.

Pub Lover May 11th, 2008 07:24 PM

This is usually where I make a quote of the new user's description/style of posting but everything I find about/from this guy is so far into gamernerdcore that I don't feel I'm understanding it well enough to mock it.

Oh yeah, he likes video games. It's why he's here.

liquidstatik May 11th, 2008 08:59 PM


Misdemonar May 11th, 2008 09:00 PM

pub should work for the csi

Misdemonar May 11th, 2008 09:02 PM

then take out his rage on prisoners

Asila May 11th, 2008 09:13 PM

Star Wars on tv just reminds me how much I hate commercials

Asila May 11th, 2008 09:25 PM


WhiteRat May 11th, 2008 09:32 PM

By saying "speaks" he means "plays" bocce ball, right?

Asila May 11th, 2008 09:35 PM

I would have thought it 'Batji' but my closed captioning insisted otherwise

Asila May 11th, 2008 09:52 PM

Haha, all the generals sitting around talking reminds me of Eddie Izzard now

"What is it Lieutenant Sebastian, I'm arranging matches?"

Pub Lover May 11th, 2008 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by Colonel Flagg (Post 555354)
By using the principles of improbability physics (after drinking an especially hot mug of Irish Coffee) Seth Pace passes through every point in the universe, thus being simultaneously everywhere and nowhere.

With apologies to Douglas Adams (RIP).

How can he rest peacefully when he's averaging 56 rpm?

Which gives me an idea for Seth being responsible for creating a renewable energy source that involves him deliberately misquoting dead & irritable authors. If only I was Seth, then I would know how to properly phrase it.

Fathom Zero May 12th, 2008 12:14 AM

I'm making smoothies.

And guess what?

My town's getting an Orange Julius. :O

Colonel Flagg May 12th, 2008 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover (Post 555355)
Which gives me an idea for Seth being responsible for creating a renewable energy source that involves him deliberately misquoting dead & irritable authors.

You'd probably want to insert a conductive coil around each grave first, but then you'd be good to go.

Pub Lover May 12th, 2008 12:34 AM

Duh. :rolleyes

Tadao May 12th, 2008 12:42 AM

Does your town have a "hot dog on a stick"? I love watching those girls make lemonade and twirl cheese on a weeny.

Tadao May 12th, 2008 12:52 AM

Fucking wow! Volcano lightning storm in dust cloud.


BIG picture


briny bill May 12th, 2008 01:34 AM

coretion i-mockery is worth $70474

WhiteRat May 12th, 2008 01:41 AM

Briny Bill please dont' leave us. Stay here. We need you.

Fathom Zero May 12th, 2008 01:56 AM

Briny Bill is reminiscent of someone I know.

Tadao May 12th, 2008 02:03 AM

His posts increase our value.

HickMan May 12th, 2008 05:19 AM

Oh ho-ho it's magic!

bigtimecow May 12th, 2008 09:53 AM


Pub Lover May 12th, 2008 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by briny bill (Post 555325)
i-mockery is worth $7000


Originally Posted by briny bill (Post 555372)
coretion i-mockery is worth $70474

I'm more inclined to believe the former. :domo

WhiteRat May 12th, 2008 03:00 PM

Briny Bill fails because he neglected to show his work.

Asila May 12th, 2008 05:32 PM

I graduate tomorrow, huh

Fathom Zero May 12th, 2008 06:21 PM

That's nice. I graduate a year from nine days away.

Pub Lover May 12th, 2008 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 555449)
It's this ass-annoying blonde chick...

Could she be ass-pleasuring blonde chick? Or is she an ass-annoying specialist? As I happen to like blonde chicks interfering with my ass.


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 555449)
She asks if you'd like a career in graphic design. And here's what gets me...she says, "Not an artist? It doesn't matter!"

...would someone who didn't consider themselves an artist, or at least creative, seriously want a career in graphic design?

I can imagine ways it would be useful to have people with graphic design ability but no creative instincts. Clients with exacting briefs, design teams with a head artist... and before I tax myself to think of a third I notice that the first two are both just people telling the graphic designer to make something without any input beyond their ability at graphic design. Which I'm sure artists love to do. So nevermind me.

Pub Lover May 12th, 2008 08:29 PM

A violent criminal has escaped from prison in New Zealand.

He did it by climbing down the outside of a tower using a rope made from tied together sheets.

I doubt he'll reach the princess in time. :lol

Pub Lover May 12th, 2008 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by Chojin (Post 555461)
You know it'll be canon. The MK team can't resist conjuring up a cockamamie story for each and every spinoff and compilation they do.


Pub Lover May 12th, 2008 08:52 PM

Guitar Woman May 12th, 2008 09:15 PM

Fathom Zero May 12th, 2008 09:22 PM

JediScum May 12th, 2008 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 555364)
And guess what?

My town's getting an Orange Julius. :O

How does THIS happen? Every Orange Julius I can remember from my childhood has been closed down for well over a decade. I remember the "Juliuses" being a bit pricey but damn good.

Combine that with their logo and it's perfect to encourage young'uns to become interested, and eventually serve, OUR TERRIBLE AND MIGHTY DARK LORD!!!!!

Fathom Zero May 12th, 2008 09:34 PM

It's a Dairy Queen slash Orange Julius.

WhiteRat May 12th, 2008 09:37 PM

Last time I had an orange julius was in 1993 and I puked it up in the car on the way home from the mall.

Fathom Zero May 12th, 2008 09:38 PM

Bad constitution.

JediScum May 12th, 2008 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by WhiteRat (Post 555470)
Last time I had an orange julius was in 1993 and I puked it up in the car on the way home from the mall.

Prolly because you weren't EVIL enough in 1993.

Tadao May 12th, 2008 09:53 PM

JFK's Air Guitar sold on EBay.


Dixie May 12th, 2008 10:24 PM

Flatulence is good for you.

Pub Lover May 12th, 2008 10:45 PM

Dr. Scholls had added Zomboid & Willie to the I-Mockery page on Encyclopaedia Dramatica.

Asila May 12th, 2008 10:57 PM


who is ironically the only likable user on the entire board.
...I'll agree with that.

Fathom Zero May 12th, 2008 11:05 PM

Lemmy Kilmister?

Esuohlim May 12th, 2008 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover (Post 555489)
Dr. Scholls had added Zomboid & Willie to the I-Mockery page on Encyclopaedia Dramatica.

Whoever it is that puts that shit up really does his homework

WhiteRat May 12th, 2008 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover (Post 555489)
Dr. Scholls had added Zomboid & Willie to the I-Mockery page on Encyclopaedia Dramatica.

The whole thing is hilarious.

Pub Lover May 12th, 2008 11:53 PM

Pub Lover May 12th, 2008 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim (Post 555514)
Whoever it is that puts that shit up really does his homework

I read both the new ones going "Is it me? Is it me? It might be me? No, it's not me. :( "

Also, is Seth on the list twice?

WhiteRat May 13th, 2008 12:02 AM

Who is supposed to be #4?

I'm not sure which one exactly is supposed to be Seth, either.

Asila May 13th, 2008 12:13 AM


Asila May 13th, 2008 12:15 AM


Pub Lover May 13th, 2008 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by WhiteRat (Post 555519)
Who is supposed to be #4?

Do you remember Kahljorn?

Fathom Zero May 13th, 2008 12:32 AM

I know it's GW writing it.

Tadao May 13th, 2008 12:43 AM

You can tell it's GW. He tried to add himself to hide the fact, but he ends up praising himself instead of insulting himself.

Pub Lover May 13th, 2008 12:44 AM

The GW one has been there for ages though.

Tadao May 13th, 2008 12:47 AM

As he has been writing them for ages.

Asila May 13th, 2008 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover (Post 555527)
The GW one has been there for ages though.

Don't go getting logic in our messageboard conspiracies, dude

Chojin May 13th, 2008 01:17 AM

I think I would be honestly offended if encyclopedia dramatica liked us.

Pub Lover May 13th, 2008 01:20 AM

They do like us. This is how the emotionally crippled display their affection.

Chojin May 13th, 2008 01:29 AM

Apparently we love them back, given the frequency of you fags going OH MY GOD LOOK AT WHAT THEY'RE SAYING ;_;

Zomboid May 13th, 2008 01:33 AM

I'm honored!

executioneer May 13th, 2008 01:34 AM

i've never lived in a basement! what shoddy journalism

executioneer May 13th, 2008 01:38 AM

plus, good christ that has to be the nicest thing those guys have said about anyone that wasn't intended to be ironic

Asila May 13th, 2008 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by executioneer (Post 555542)
plus, good christ that has to be the nicest thing those guys have said about anyone that wasn't intended to be ironic

It's because you're YOU just accept it

ElPila666 May 13th, 2008 05:09 AM

ElPila666 May 13th, 2008 05:39 AM

Does jail prisioners have internet? caused i wonder if Charles Manson is writing at some message board since i heard that he upload an album of him as a gift to his fans last month

JediScum May 13th, 2008 09:46 AM

It was alluded that Hannibal Lecter had computer privleges. But that's fiction.

Charles Manson releasing an album he phoned in? Are you sure? That could have been David Allen Coe or GG Allin.

JediScum May 13th, 2008 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by ElPila666 (Post 555553)

It's OK, Lassie... they won't hurt me.... I'm not Jewish.

Now run girl, RUN. Timmy's in trouble.

MetalMilitia May 13th, 2008 12:26 PM

Hey you can get a BAPE theme for your iGoogle: http://www.google.co.uk/help/ig/art/artists/nigo.html

Newbs need not apply. :ibapery

Fathom Zero May 13th, 2008 12:45 PM


Pub Lover May 13th, 2008 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by Chojin (Post 555537)
Apparently we love them back, given the frequency of you fags going OH MY GOD LOOK AT WHAT THEY'RE SAYING ;_;


Pub Lover May 13th, 2008 01:22 PM

No remote linking?

JediScum May 13th, 2008 01:38 PM


JediScum May 13th, 2008 01:51 PM

But seriously check this out...

first site i came across


Took it, honestly...

But they could not describe the levels i go to... which would be:

And WikiPedia had this to say too:


If grams are a measure of mass, why is alcohol, a fluid, measured as grams instead of millilitres?

Actually close examination of both of these sources will reveal that they don't know what the fuck they are talking about....

And neither do I.

Pub Lover May 13th, 2008 02:14 PM

I did a page brak, you cuntwipe.

HickMan May 13th, 2008 02:44 PM

Hey guys I leave August 12th for Fort LeonardWood Missouri! You won't hear from me for about five months. Not that I ever really contributed anything to this site anyway!

Pub Lover May 13th, 2008 02:46 PM

The computer I'm working on just crashed. It took me a moment to understand what happened, which is nice as it means computers have advanced enough to make it sufficiently uncommon. Now I'm just leaving it because I don't wanna redo my work.

Pub Lover May 13th, 2008 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by HickMan (Post 555594)
Hey guys I leave August 12th for Fort LeonardWood Missouri! You won't hear from me for about five months. Not that I ever really contributed anything to this site anyway!

See Ya, Clay. Good Luck! :)

Don't get dead! >:

HickMan May 13th, 2008 02:50 PM

Woah, Pub! I'm not leavin' just yet! We still have the summer to party!


Pub Lover May 13th, 2008 02:53 PM

You mean it's not August already where you are?

HickMan May 13th, 2008 02:54 PM

It's only May 13th in the USA

Pub Lover May 13th, 2008 03:00 PM

Of the year 5769, right?

Pub Lover May 13th, 2008 03:02 PM

Man, I had such a crush on Lark Voorhies back in the 40's, but according to google she looks like a monkey, so what the hell young Pub?

Pub Lover May 13th, 2008 03:16 PM

The problem with timezones and my living so far ahead of everyone here is that my stupid mind is so easily confused.

Like I thought Doops was born on the 12th not the 14th.

It being the 14th here. :x

Of August. :rolleyes

ElPila666 May 13th, 2008 06:42 PM

Tuesday 13th is a bad lucky day here, and for you guys is on Friday 13th, i don't why is that, the title of Jason movies is tuesday 13th (martes 13) as well, i guess it has something to do with aliens

ElPila666 May 13th, 2008 06:50 PM

or alcohol

Pub Lover May 13th, 2008 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by ElPila666 (Post 555633)
Tuesday 13th is a bad lucky day here, and for you guys is on Friday 13th, i don't why is that

It would suck to have the culturally acceptable day of fear midweek. I like having myself a long weeekend to recover.

Those brown stains don't clean themselves.

executioneer May 13th, 2008 07:12 PM

Pub Lover May 13th, 2008 07:15 PM

Thank you, Willie. :)

You probably managed that first time without even a preview.

I am so stupid it hurts my feelings something rotton. :(

executioneer May 13th, 2008 07:24 PM

could be worse, you could be from finland :eek

WhiteRat May 13th, 2008 07:24 PM

I'm pretty sure I bombed my test to get promoted to Staff Sergeant. On the bright side I get out in less than a year, so I say who gives a shit about more rank, respect, and money!

Pub Lover May 13th, 2008 07:26 PM

I dream of tridents floating freely in the water.

Pub Lover May 13th, 2008 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by WhiteRat (Post 555646)
I'm pretty sure I bombed my test to get promoted to Staff Sergeant. On the bright side I get out in less than a year, so I say who gives a shit about more rank, respect, and money!

What are you doing after, as long as you make it out not dead?

WhiteRat May 13th, 2008 07:30 PM

Finishing up school is the plan. I'm about 12 credits shy of my AA and from there i'd like to turn it into a Bachelor's of some sort. That's the plan at least, who knows if my lazy ass will actually see it through.

gingerninja May 13th, 2008 09:46 PM

I'm new to the party. I brought some doritos!

Pub Lover May 13th, 2008 09:58 PM

Coolchip or Cheez?

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