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Tadao Feb 2nd, 2010 01:38 AM


winamp takes me like .05 seconds to load, recent crashes sounds like a driver conflict since .mp3 format hasn't changed. IDK

edit : reinstall sounds like a good idea

Tadao Feb 2nd, 2010 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by Aaarg (Post 670585)
i can't believe how terrible the world was in the 1980s.

:lol this is an 80's nostalgia site

Fathom Zero Feb 2nd, 2010 01:45 AM

Or compatibility mode. You're probably using XP, though. You seem like that kind of guy, GW.

Fathom Zero Feb 2nd, 2010 01:46 AM

Wudoin Taddy-o?

Guitar Woman Feb 2nd, 2010 01:46 AM

Steve Jobs is a rambly fuck goddamn

Fathom Zero Feb 2nd, 2010 01:47 AM

I like the adjective video.

Guitar Woman Feb 2nd, 2010 01:47 AM

I use XP because it's a fine OS and what reason is there to switch?

Unless Microsoft broke it severely in Service Pack 3, which I don't think I've downloaded. Goddamn if they aren't trying to push me into it, though.

Fathom Zero Feb 2nd, 2010 01:49 AM

No reason, really, besides Direct-X 10 and up.

All of the frills don't really help or hinder; I've got most of them disabled so's I can play mah games. Although, the Search function is awesome to use when I've lost something.

Guitar Woman Feb 2nd, 2010 01:54 AM

Well, my graphics card doesn't support that anyway. It's such a rabid little shite it started chugging in a few parts of System Shock 2, and can't do dynamic lighting in the Source engine.

As long as TF2 still works that's all I really need. I've hated basically every video game released in the last 5 years anyway. :(

Fathom Zero Feb 2nd, 2010 02:01 AM


What about STALKER? And Bioshock? And Mirror's Edge?

Guitar Woman Feb 2nd, 2010 02:02 AM

STALKER's pretty great :<

Bioshock's got the brilliant dialogue, characters, and acting going for it, but I don't think it's that fun to play :<

Haven't tried Mirror's Edge. Yahtzee hated it, though.

Lost and Damned is probably my favorite game this gen, although a lot of people tell me Gay Tony's better. I'll play it eventually.

Tadao Feb 2nd, 2010 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 670603)
Wudoin Taddy-o?

Gettin' drunk and looking for online trouble. I'm without the girl till friday and I fell sexual frustration kicking in again.

Guitar Woman Feb 2nd, 2010 02:06 AM

I should get drunk tonight, it'd make this deadline breathing down my neck feel less intimidating

Tadao Feb 2nd, 2010 02:07 AM

the only reason I want to switch to a newer OS is because my vista is finally wierding out. I can't get into the lastest updates because my updater isn't updated and won't update itself. Sticky wicket.

Guitar Woman Feb 2nd, 2010 02:08 AM

I hear Windows 7 isn't even half the abomination Vista is, I wish you luck!

Fathom Zero Feb 2nd, 2010 02:12 AM

Windows 7 is pretty cool, otherwise. I don't have any problems with it and it's a pretty quick devil. Compared to Vista.

I've not had a multi-core computer with XP, so I wouldn't know how fast that is. I held out pretty long before upgrading. In fact, I don't believe I've ever paid for a computer.

kahljorn Feb 2nd, 2010 02:13 AM


the only reason I want to switch to a newer OS is because my vista is finally wierding out. I can't get into the lastest updates because my updater isn't updated and won't update itself. Sticky wicket.
Run a malware scanner :(

Fathom Zero Feb 2nd, 2010 02:16 AM

Run a magnet over it.

Tadao Feb 2nd, 2010 02:17 AM

I've done that, it's like a known error that MS hasn't really figured out yet. I think their latest answer was, we have a new os, maybe, sorry. Joke, they wouldn't straight out say that, but they still don't have an answer and I have had this problem for like a year, even though I made it sound like a month.

Fathom Zero Feb 2nd, 2010 02:19 AM

And yet here you are. Stop complaining, baby.

Tadao Feb 2nd, 2010 02:20 AM

I couldn't do the 1st service pack, I was really holding out for that to see if it would just solve it all, but I couldn't run it without updating certain files that won't update :lol :tear

Tadao Feb 2nd, 2010 02:21 AM

It runs porn and games. I'm doing fine. Not like I'm Hatian or anythijng.

Fathom Zero Feb 2nd, 2010 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 670615)
Gettin' drunk and looking for online trouble. I'm without the girl till friday and I fell sexual frustration kicking in again.

Sounds like you need to be out in the clubs, looking for some strange.

kahljorn Feb 2nd, 2010 02:26 AM

its probably malware or a conflict with other programs you have installed (THAT ARE PROLLY MALWARE) :( i also had a similar problem and after I went through the programs list and deleted a bunch of shit i didnt want (especially the old updates of adobe flash) and did some malware scans and shit it practically forced updates down my throat :(
but i dunno for sure just trying to help. i think you can also download the new service packs manually and install them without using their updater.

Tadao Feb 2nd, 2010 02:28 AM

I'm definatley infected from all the jerkin material I collect.

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