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10,000 Volt Ghost Jun 14th, 2011 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover (Post 726203)
You did a picture of Saad riding his dead dad's coffin to Texas.

That's the one.


Originally Posted by Chojin (Post 726204)
oh right

and his father being carried off to sea by dolphins

I missed the dolphin one though

Fathom Zero Jun 14th, 2011 04:09 PM

It's officially :oneofthosedays

Kitsa Jun 14th, 2011 06:13 PM

I still don't know what the hell that image is supposed to mean.

I'm getting irritated because I can't let my damn dog out of the house without the ankle-biters on either side of us yapping their fool heads off. My dog never instigates it, but she's highstrung and when they start, she starts.

I actually had one neighbor tell me that I should keep my dog inside because his dogs bark when they see her. >:

Otto Jun 14th, 2011 06:21 PM

My dog was outside barking at baby rabbits this morning and all I could think of is Tadao calling my dog a faggot.

Dimnos Jun 14th, 2011 06:29 PM


Tadao Jun 15th, 2011 12:12 AM

Well he is.

Otto Jun 15th, 2011 12:22 AM

Well... but.... I uh... okay, yeah you're right.

Chojin Jun 15th, 2011 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 726275)
I still don't know what the hell that image is supposed to mean.


Pub Lover Jun 15th, 2011 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 726306)
I accepted ZBF and ELX but they have yet to start. :tear

Miss Elx is already playing me. :obviousfavourite

Wiffles Jun 15th, 2011 02:18 AM

Is there like an official champion among you guys?

LordSappington Jun 15th, 2011 02:19 AM

I got my second dose of dexamethasone in my ear today, and my third is this Friday. One of the side-effects is increased appetite, which became apparent when in a five-hour time span I had eaten two sandwiches, two servings of chips, a pickle, two bananas, lucky charms, and half a gallon of milk.
Mind, this is after spending two months eating MAYBE two meals a day. Hopefully I'll gain a little weight and stop looking so gaunt.

Pub Lover Jun 15th, 2011 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by Wiffles (Post 726322)
Is there like an official champion among you guys?

On rank it is currently GW followed by Esuohlim (who needs to play his move against me soon or lose) followed by Colonel Flagg.

Flagg is really the strongest player of all of us and will streak ahead as he plays more games.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jun 15th, 2011 02:59 AM

Pub. I am glad we're not playing strip chess.

Pub Lover Jun 15th, 2011 03:05 AM

Because we are sitting here fully dressed with our shitty chess totally cockblocking us?

10,000 Volt Ghost Jun 15th, 2011 03:10 AM

I don't know. I just took your pawn. OFF WITH YOUR SHOES.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jun 15th, 2011 03:22 AM

Drop dem pants.

Wiffles Jun 15th, 2011 04:53 AM

Pawn stars =o

kahljorn Jun 15th, 2011 05:01 AM



Pentegarn Jun 15th, 2011 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 726275)
I still don't know what the hell that image is supposed to mean.

I'm getting irritated because I can't let my damn dog out of the house without the ankle-biters on either side of us yapping their fool heads off. My dog never instigates it, but she's highstrung and when they start, she starts.

I actually had one neighbor tell me that I should keep my dog inside because his dogs bark when they see her. >:

I would tell him (doesn't matter if it is true or not) that he should never start his car because your dog barks whenever your neighbor starts it in reply

Esuohlim Jun 15th, 2011 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover (Post 726325)
followed by Esuohlim (who needs to play his move against me soon or lose)

whoops :lol

Real life got in the way >:

Fathom Zero Jun 15th, 2011 03:48 PM

Babs Jun 15th, 2011 03:50 PM

Never forget, Eagle cry.

Kitsa Jun 15th, 2011 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by LordSappington (Post 726323)
I got my second dose of dexamethasone in my ear today, and my third is this Friday. One of the side-effects is increased appetite, which became apparent when in a five-hour time span I had eaten two sandwiches, two servings of chips, a pickle, two bananas, lucky charms, and half a gallon of milk.
Mind, this is after spending two months eating MAYBE two meals a day. Hopefully I'll gain a little weight and stop looking so gaunt.

I've been on decadron on and off my entire life for various reasons. The last two times they put me on it, I got pregnant within a month.

Take care, Lord Sappington, take care. :posh

kahljorn Jun 15th, 2011 05:38 PM


Pub Lover Jun 15th, 2011 06:08 PM


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