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Babs Nov 17th, 2012 01:13 AM

No sense in getting gingivitis on your pee pee from these so called toothless country folk.

Aaarg Nov 19th, 2012 10:13 AM

well i wasn't that into interacting with others when i lived within the boundaries of civilization, either. i just don't like folk!!!!!!!!!!!

10,000 Volt Ghost Nov 20th, 2012 11:05 AM

lets lube up those lips.

Kitsa Nov 20th, 2012 11:07 AM

We're here, we're in steerage, get used to it

Aaarg Nov 20th, 2012 01:34 PM

i watched a keith haring documentary in public and felt awkward when it showed a lot of his dick-themed work. heh heh heh hope none of these ultra-conservative hicks aren't spying on my moniotor!!!!!!!!!!!!11 :dies

Kitsa Nov 20th, 2012 06:50 PM

Is it too late to say "lube up those ships" because I thought of that one also

Zomboid Nov 21st, 2012 12:02 AM

I am so fucking sick. Plus, my upstairs neighbors are having a dinner party, or something, and it's driving me into a raaaaage.

10,000 Volt Ghost Nov 21st, 2012 12:03 AM

^ :lol

edit: ^ :lol at lube up those ships. not lol at zomboids asshole neighbors. fuck those guys.

Kitsa Nov 21st, 2012 08:47 AM


Zomboid Nov 22nd, 2012 03:24 AM


Normally I don't have any problems, and really, I wouldn't have minded that time except it was annoying for those fifteen minutes that I could hear them because I was so sick. They're pretty great to have for neighbors, and I've been over for drinks a few times. I never hear anything from my neighbors to the side, except when I'm going out and at my door I can hear them playing video games. So, basically the exact same situation for them.

I'm pretty lucky, actually. The only really shitty neighbor I've had was the one that I bitched about on here a couple of years ago--the one that had the cops visit three times before she finally got evicted and I no longer had to hear the muffled sounds of her shitty fucking music.

Babs Nov 22nd, 2012 04:39 AM

I think I might know what's happening to you Zomboid, if you have 1-20 of these symptoms then you should be concerned.

Babs Nov 22nd, 2012 04:44 AM

The anunnkai are coming to "enlighten" us, it's the dawn of the age of aquarius. WERE ALL EXPERIENCING IT

Babs Nov 22nd, 2012 03:38 PM

Well I guess everyone is enjoying their genetically modified turkeys right now and washing it down with their fluoride filled water. HAPPY THANKSKILLING DAY EVERYBODY

kahljorn Nov 23rd, 2012 12:07 AM

hahahaah i just skipped through that video posted and i like how it was all serious then a picture of a cat stretching

Babs Nov 23rd, 2012 01:42 AM

I love how every illness and symptom ever is supposed to mean you're DNA is changing. If you have cancer, you're most likely going to be the next Tesla or Einstein.

Mike Tobacco Nov 23rd, 2012 11:19 PM

Worked for Hawking.

Kitsa Nov 23rd, 2012 11:29 PM

I'll let someone else say it

I went to the tree lighting ceremony in a nearby town. The deal was supposed to be that Santa rides into the square on the back of a firetruck and lights the tree. Half an hour after Santa rode the whopping 2 block parade route, we were still standing beside a dark tree as the mayor recited a long poem of his own invention and seemingly every Chamber of Commerce member gave a speech. Just when it looked like it was about to wrap up, they said, "Let's sing a few more songs!" About 20 mins later, they finally lit the fucking tree.

Cured me of wanting to go to public tree-lighting crap but the chinese food later was okay

Babs Nov 24th, 2012 08:36 PM

A tree lighting ceremony just sounds awful.

dextire Nov 25th, 2012 12:39 AM

Went from feeling totally fine to full blown sick in around 4 hours on Thanksgiving after going out for ice.
I wonder if being a zombie virus carrier will exempt me from jury duty on Monday.

Kitsa Nov 25th, 2012 12:58 AM

You know, it's weird, there must be something that's making the rounds because my dad got off the plane from LA throwing up, my kid threw up the next day, and after Thanksgiving dinner like 4-5 people at that gathering (I didn't go) were throwing up. Meanwhile, my mom and I, who were immunocompromised and at times covered in other people's puke, are fine. Came on fast with vomiting and high fever, then gone. Hopefully yours is gone fast too.

dextire Nov 25th, 2012 01:21 AM

Thanks, I was pretty surprised that I got hit with it as it's been a couple of years since I've been sick at all. No upchuck for me though, it's just been fever and standard cold symptoms.
Oh and I learned an awesome treatment for a sore throat; strong coffee, honey, cinnamon, lemon juice, and a teaspoon of cayenne pepper. Works great!

Kitsa Nov 25th, 2012 12:41 PM

Or throat coat tea, which doesn't taste quite that horrible.

Rookie mistake. Never allow yourself to think "Wow, it's been a long time since I got sick." In my experience, you'll be ill within the week, almost every time. Don't tempt fate.

dextire Nov 25th, 2012 01:57 PM

Well, the throat tea never worked much better for me than that throat numbing spray. Whereas my nasty psycho juice cured my throat in one day.

Heh, it wasn't so much "I'm INVINCIBLE! Come here sick person and cough in my face!" as being genuinely surprised at such a long health streak. I used to get at least a day-cold every month. Then around two years ago I got the sickest I've ever been (four days of throwing up everything I put down every hour, high fever, horrible dizziness) and after that I was sick for the longest I've ever been (over two months straight). After which I started taking 5k IU of Vitamin D everyday and hadn't been sick since.

It's fine though, I'm still way too sick for a third round of "randomly selected" jury duty. So it's not all bad. :)

MattJack Nov 26th, 2012 12:46 AM

Whats up yall

Dimnos Nov 26th, 2012 02:39 AM


Yo Mattjack.

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