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Zomboid Feb 7th, 2007 06:14 PM

I'm not gonna bother going through the shit you post to prove what a pathetic loser you are. It's common knowledge at this point and the only one who's not in on the joke is you.

Earlier today you said lenore is more likely to be banned by chojin because you two are INTERNET BUDDIES. BRAVO! I'm sure Dan and Roseanne are really proud of their little tranny son.

edit: that was to gw, if it wasn't obvious enough.

Guitar Woman Feb 7th, 2007 06:16 PM

So you go around spouting how much of a fucking asskisser I'm being in EVERY SINGLE POST EVER, but can't even be bothered to copy and paste one instance of it? Come back when you've got a fucking case to present.

Pub Lover Feb 7th, 2007 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by GW & Lenor
Stop following me into every thread I post in & starting fights!

Maybe if you ladies didn't spread your homebrands of stupidmeat around so much then the tigers wouldn't chase you so hard. ;(

Chojin Feb 7th, 2007 06:17 PM

to be totally fair:

1. I stole the carat smilies from Mew
2. Lenor is also my #1 fan

Pub Lover Feb 7th, 2007 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by Zomboid (Post 468428)
I'm not gonna bother going through the shit you post to prove what a pathetic loser you are. It's common knowledge at this point and the only one who's not in on the joke is you.

Earlier today you said lenore is more likely to be banned by chojin because you two are INTERNET BUDDIES. BRAVO! I'm sure Dan and Roseanne are really proud of their little tranny son.

edit: that was to gw, if it wasn't obvious enough.

Haha, everyone imagine for a second that it was aimed at me. ;D


Guitar Woman Feb 7th, 2007 06:18 PM

Hey, most of the time I'm actually useful.

Zomboid Feb 7th, 2007 06:18 PM

Uh, I think the internet buddies one kinda made my "case" pretty open and shut, thanks.


Grislygus Feb 7th, 2007 06:18 PM

Pub, that was possibly the most interesting thing I've read all day.

About the homebrand stupidmeat, that is.

Chojin Feb 7th, 2007 06:19 PM

Also I wouldn't dare ban lenor because I would never hear the end of it :<

Guitar Woman Feb 7th, 2007 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Zomboid (Post 468436)
Uh, I think the internet buddies one kinda made my "case" pretty open and shut, thanks.


So I'm a brown-nosing jerk because we talk on IM a lot and have become friends? That makes sense!

Chojin Feb 7th, 2007 06:22 PM

I don't have your aim name?

Pub Lover Feb 7th, 2007 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by noob3 (Post 468318)
incase you want to research this information further, i've drawn an expert graph



Originally Posted by Grislygus (Post 468437)
Pub, that was possibly the most interesting thing I've read all day.

About the homebrand stupidmeat, that is.

I meant it in the nicest way possible. ;(

Guitar Woman Feb 7th, 2007 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by Chojin (Post 468440)
I don't have your aim name?

Microwaved Grape?

Used to talk a lot, whatever. :<

Pub Lover Feb 7th, 2007 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Chojin (Post 468440)
I don't have your aim name?

Chojin & me are pretty tight. We've transcended words & only speak in links to certain threads.

Who else got invited to the wedding? :picklehat

Zomboid Feb 7th, 2007 06:27 PM

i am so glad that chojin has decided to become friends with me. later on tonight i'm gonna ask mom to drive me to his house and we can talk about how stupid i was when i first joined the forums but how cool i am now. i think Ill see if I can get him to ban those fucking JERKS that are being mean to me. dont they know that im cool now? i like the same stuff as all of them...oh well...tonight my slobber cave meets its match chojin :< :<

Guitar Woman Feb 7th, 2007 06:29 PM

You're doing it wrong, the nose has to be gigantic.

Fathom Zero Feb 7th, 2007 06:29 PM

Screw all this, wake me up when Mock Wars really starts.

Chojin Feb 7th, 2007 06:32 PM

Slobber cave? That is horrifying.

Also, we only talked a few times on aim. You were always all I AM AT A LIBRARY WORKING I AM BUSY.

This is not to say that I dislike guitar woman, I am just setting facts straight.

Chojin Feb 7th, 2007 06:33 PM

Also, Fathom Zero, go jump in a lake.

Also, five pages until page 1000, guys. WHO WILL THE LUCKY POSTER BE?

Pub Lover Feb 7th, 2007 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 468380)
Uh, yeah, I'm one of Eric's INTERNET BUDDIES, I'm pretty sure he'd ban you quicker than he'd ban me.


Guitar Woman Feb 7th, 2007 06:35 PM

As I remember we talked an average of like three or four times a week, sometimes for like hours when I was at home and not doing anything.

But if you're not counting the times when I was RUDELY INTERRUPTED with work and stuff, then yeah, we only talked a couple times.

Chojin Feb 7th, 2007 06:36 PM

I don't remember that but it's possible. I do do other things while aim is open, though. ;< It's half the reason I have two monitors ;<

Guitar Woman Feb 7th, 2007 06:37 PM

I hope we get to page 1000 soon, I have a fantastic picture to post for the occasion

Lenor Feb 7th, 2007 06:41 PM

You know what ive been wondering? If you hate me so much, why not go push the ignore button yourself? Do you honestly need the drama and controversy that much, to feel the need to be complete hypocrites? Now this does not imply to everyone, Chojin knows I very much apreciate his friendship and have for the many years we have known each other including off the board.

zomboid: My senority has nothing to do with this, I get smacked down every fuckin day for 2 years by the majority of everyone that has been here for as long as me. But do not compare me to some 16 year old that is in great need of social exceptance. I dont give into your affairs, and seriously you should stay out of mine. I have made and stayed friends with many people on here, but unlike your buddy GW, im not asking them to come save me. Instead im takeing on everyone at once trying to gang bang me, and aparently havent relized that your extremly failed attempts at scareing me off, are very much not close to working, nor will they.

Call me what you want, but in the end its the last one standing. Your insecurities are being released rapantly already. While I havent even really bothered to care and pay attention.

To my friends I love you guys always .. thanx.. but you know i gotts my own thing. haha

Guitar Woman Feb 7th, 2007 06:42 PM

Give it up, this thread stopped being about you 30 posts ago.

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