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James Mar 9th, 2003 10:55 PM

Needs to be released in DVD sets. >:

And I should make a new video game for Gargoyles. >:

Glorfindel Mar 10th, 2003 12:42 PM

What is Gargoyles? Never heard of it...

Ninjavenom Mar 10th, 2003 02:41 PM


Captain Robo Mar 10th, 2003 03:14 PM


Bennett Mar 10th, 2003 04:04 PM

Jamesman, if you think the female gargoyles are sexy,
how come you didn't like sketch/xandor's "demonette?"

Jeanette X Mar 10th, 2003 05:43 PM

Oh I LOVE Gargoyles! I have found so much great fan art out there...even a tasteful nude of Demona that I have saved on my computer. I also found one that looked like me as a gargoyle that I have saved on my comp somewhere. There is a lot of it on Elfwood. Here is one gallery http://elfwood.lysator.liu.se/fanq/w...2/walker2.html

For those of you who have not heard of Gargoyles, it is a cartoon about stone gargoyles who come to life during the night, but that description barely even scratches the surface. The program was intended for a child-teen audience, but it was so well written and had such deeper meanings that it has attracted a very large adult audience. This is a good place to start: http://www.gargoyles-fans.org/

I agree Jamesman, they should release Gargoyles on DVD. Maybe some Gargoyles fan has set up a petition to Disney for it.

JeefGyle Mar 10th, 2003 07:55 PM

I have a Goliath action figure, but it's probably worthless. You could probably find em in the bottom of a bargain bin at KB toys

Zomboid Mar 10th, 2003 08:09 PM

I used to always watch that on disney afternoon :(. Don't expect it to be released on dvds anytime soon though.

James Mar 10th, 2003 08:19 PM

I DEMAND it be put on DVD. >:

Best cartoon EVER. >:

And I also want to help make a new Gargoyles game that will be REALLY REALLY GOOD. >:

Matt Harty Mar 10th, 2003 08:39 PM

I used to watch that cartoon every morning while eating my Captain Crunch and getting ready for school. :)

Daphne Mar 11th, 2003 09:34 AM

it still plays in Canada!

I love that show.

James Mar 11th, 2003 09:48 AM

Yeah, it still shows here too. Which is why I brought it up.

I imagine that once rotation starts over, and I figure out ToonDisney's rotation, I'll right an in-depth guide on the episodes, history, characters, and items of importance. Because there is no better cartoon than Gargoyles.

Many come close, but Gargoyles beats them by a nose.

Jeanette X Mar 11th, 2003 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by Jamesman
Yeah, it still shows here too. Which is why I brought it up.

I imagine that once rotation starts over, and I figure out ToonDisney's rotation, I'll right an in-depth guide on the episodes, history, characters, and items of importance. Because there is no better cartoon than Gargoyles.

Many come close, but Gargoyles beats them by a nose.

Actually, there already is an in-depth guide in the episodes, history, charachters, etc. Its on the link I provided, http://www.gargoyles-fans.org/ .

Zomboid Mar 11th, 2003 07:43 PM

Fuck that, plenty of shows kick gargoyles ass.

TMNT, batman: the animated series, x-men (not evo), spiderman the animated series, and more >:

James Mar 11th, 2003 07:43 PM

Yeah, but that site is gay.

Ninjavenom Mar 11th, 2003 10:49 PM

Zomboid, that is the best list you have ever created. :love

James Mar 11th, 2003 10:51 PM

Except none of them are better than Gargoyles.

Zomboid Mar 11th, 2003 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by Ninjavenom
Zomboid, that is the best list you have ever created. :love

And the best part is, some of those are on dvd :)

Jamesman: You're fucking insane. All of those shows are better, but gargoyles did kick ass. I loved the episodes with goliath's brother :love

James Mar 12th, 2003 12:46 AM


And I'm sorry, but while some of those shows you mentioned were good, I'd rather watch Gargoyles than any of them.

Zomboid Mar 12th, 2003 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by Jamesman

And I'm sorry, but while some of those shows you mentioned were good, I'd rather watch Gargoyles than any of them.

Some of them were good? Batman kicked total ass, it was like watching an animated version of a burton batman movie. It was nice and dark and showed batman to a new generation. A generation that would see batman as the dark avenger type and not the pansy, camp tv series type.

X-men was a show aimed at older kids. It was a lot like batman because it brought some very well known characters to a new generation in a very cool way. Same goes for spiderman. I loved those shows but can only see xmen now :(

About goliath's brother: My memory's a little hazy, but I remember goliath having a brother at one point and I know there was a sorta cyborg gargoyle...But that's all from a long time ago, so I could be remembering something else.

Daphne Mar 12th, 2003 12:51 PM

yeah Goliath had a brother and his name was Coldstone.

I think Zomboid named all my favorite cartoons, but I don't know if I liked them more than Gargoyles.

Ninjavenom Mar 12th, 2003 02:34 PM

Nothing is ever going to top Spider-Man's animated series for me. Not GI Joe, not TMNT, not even Transformers. The show was just that damn good.

Zomboid Mar 12th, 2003 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by Ninjavenom
Nothing is ever going to top Spider-Man's animated series for me. Not GI Joe, not TMNT, not even Transformers. The show was just that damn good.

I'm like that with Batman. I fucking love that show. Second would be xmen and third would be spiderman. All 3 were really, really good adaptions.

James Mar 12th, 2003 10:38 PM

Coldstone wasn't Goliath's blood brother. It was his "brother," like black people say it. And it was made up of three different souls. Then two of them were extracted into other bodies, creating Coldsteel and Coldfire.

Daphne Mar 13th, 2003 09:31 AM

shit, I could have sworn he was.

I'm with you one Batman: The animated series, but the old fox X-Men was pretty crappy (I loved it at the time!) what with the bad animation and the fact that they showed the fucking Phoenix Saga EVERY WEEK!

I did love when they had the X-Men/Spider-Man crossover on fox. That was great.

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